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Everything posted by erikaelvis

  1. According to VK's IG post it follows them through the whole season. I have watched every season of this show and have always wanted more in season content. Super excited!
  2. Wow, 11 retiring. That seems like a lot. Does anyone know what year has had the most retirees?
  3. If you can, I highly recommend listening to the podcast with Emanuel. He talked about the intense training he did to prepare. He came in with a plan and was physically ready and it worked. He certainly deserved the win. Some people come into this challenge woefully unprepared for the physicality of it all and he was ready. He also talked about how this win allowed him to put in heaters for his granddad and how much this truly changed his family's life. The difference between him and others is he wanted this win, and needed this win. He wanted it, he trained hard and he won. Deservedly so.
  4. I didnt know if anyone had posted this but Marissa is living in florida Working at wdw as Elsa! https://www.instagram.com/p/CxlyNxlLOVn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  5. Tori: its not a dating show it the challenge. Tyler: im gonna sacrifice my game for alyssa. hahahaha Why come on the show?!
  6. Agreed. They couldn't even edit that one to have any suspense. Tiffany is like Aneesa, a big talker but will never win. I know a lot of people say a big part of the challenge is social (which it is) but when it boils down to it, you have to have physical capabilities as well. Or you can't win.
  7. I hate to mom shame, but it's a fake show and I'm gonna. Megan's mom is a terrible mother. Let a MINOR live in a camper in the backyard alone, where she can do whatever she wants SURE. Let my daughter throw a bday party and all the kids are 16/17 and I know they are drinking NO PROBLEM. My 16-year-old daughter is upstairs with her BF probably having sex no biggie. Find out she had a miscarriage/abortion and she tells me to mind my own business, ok fine. Like what the actual heck? Maybe I'm too strict with my own teenage girls but sorry not sorry kids need rules.
  8. Being a first responder doesn't disqualify you from motherhood. All working mothers are away from their kids a third of their lives, the hour arrangement is just different. Yes, she works 24s but then she also has 48 off. Will she need help, yes. All working mothers need help. All of that being said, this storyline is recycled. Please move on show.
  9. Well Horatio and Olivia were my picks to win. Best rookies in a long time. Now hoping for a Tori Devin win. This episode really solidified what a terrible partner Nany can be. Bananas isnt great either but it did seem like he was trying to make the best of the situation and Nany had to come in and Dolores Umbridge it up. I thought if Fessy had Olivia as a partner how he would react and the contrast really shows what a genuine and good hearted dude Horatio is.
  10. So thrilled to see Faysel not make the final. Too bad he couldn’t take Nany with him. Prediction on final 1. Olivia and horatio 2. Tori and Devin 3. Nana and bananas 4. Aneesa and Jordan (aneesa will not be able to complete will get a dnf) we shall see next week!
  11. If anyone has been through the wringer this season its Horatio and Olivia! They are dumb for not putting in Bananas. The jealousy from Aneesa in regards to Amber is oozing out of her and it is laughable to think she could complete a final.
  12. I get what your saying and I agree BUT if her mental health was still in that place then she should have prioritized that and neither her nor Kaycee participated this season.
  13. I agree I am rooting for Olivia and Horacio. IMO they have earned their spots in the finals and have proven they are competitors. If they dont I am pulling for Amber. She seems to be very strong and have exceptional endurance. Also I dislike how the others treat her. She seems sweet to me. Aneesa has no business being here any more. She offers nothing and is dragged to the final by others. She can NOT complete a final. No body shaming here I am a curvy gal, but she is in no shape for this.
  14. I want kaycee to be gone only because I dislike Nany so much and her entitlement for them both to be in the game drives me nuts. Her comment that she doesnt think she can continue on without Kaycee is stupid. Just stupid. I mean in real time they have maybe a few weeks left? She came into the game without Kaycee also. So stupid. If i were playing I would have put them in together everyweek just to break up that alliance. Also I used to hate Devin I now find him funny. Still hate Fessy. That elimination was taylor made for him.
  15. Not sure why she left but it seems to have been on good terms. She is still posting about the Cowboys on insta and the link in her bio links to DCC prep classes.
  16. I guess I have missed this as i havent followed as closely since the show was cancelled. How come she left? I really thought she would take over one day.
  17. A few thoughts I had: 1. I think Turbo is a jackass. 2. Was not sad at all that Kaycee was gone, sad to know she might be back. 3. Was a little sus Kaycee saying she wished Nani was there. There's no way she didn't know that Nani would be coming. 4. Rayven is trying too hard with her partner. He don't want you friend. Move on. I thought the vets were a little harsh for judging them for celebrating their win. Its their first challenge, let them enjoy! 5. lol at Laurel and Kailah for getting mad about being thrown in and it being a dumb move. Yall just mad. I though it was a great move. We see season after season the vets steam roll and the rookies let them. 6. Did Fessy change his name? 7. Not sad to see Kailah go not a huge fan. Her and her husband were kind of weird to me. They don't seem like they know each other very well. Seemed more like new friends than a married couple. 8. Controversial opinion BUT I love Tori. Idk why she is funny to me! Long post. Sorry. I really do love this show and I don't have anyone in my life who does!
  18. I always have the same thought when I see these kids. There is NO acceptable reason to leave your kids behind to go after a man. If a mother did that now CPS would be called and her kids taken from her for abandonment, MUCH LESS during a freakin zombie apocalypse! MIchonne is supposed to be, as their mother, their protector. There is nothing the writers can do to redeem her in my eyes. She is literal trash for leaving these babies behind to go look for a man that may or may not be alive. They should have killed her character off or had her kidnapped or something. Sorry rant over.
  19. She has cancer. The actress not the character.
  20. In my opinion this is the saddest thing in the whole show. It makes me dislike Jack immensely.
  21. Yes. I am a very small female, I am five foot nothing and am little. I am not a fireman but do have a physically demanding job as well as lifting at my gym. I can out pace the men at my job and outlift some of the men at my gym. I honestly couldnt roll my eyes enough at this comment as I get beat down with this kind of thinking DAILY. Saying things like I have no doubt or I fully support women in this role doesnt make your ignorant comment ok.
  22. Just curious because I saw Gina in some classes. Is it typical for girls to still take classes even though they are retiring. Has Gina said for sure that she is?
  23. I think its her and the choreography. Just boring and not well done.
  24. I think they will try and keep it around long enough for Lennon (Cassie's daughter) to be on the team. Have a triple legacy.
  25. I captured this photo of victoria on ig. She was doing an ad for some make up. I CAN NOT believe how different she looks without makeup. Its astounding. Also Not a fan of hers at all but her arms look fantastic.
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