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Everything posted by blackwing

  1. I was indifferent to her before, but now I'm going to dislike her for the idiotic comment of wanting to compete more than once. Presumably this is taken from her application, I can't believe she says this even before even starting. How exactly can you say you want to compete more than once when you haven't even experienced it? Perhaps you will hate it. So yeah, she's just looking to further her "career". I'm surprised she doesn't walk around topless, or "accidentally" lose her top during challenges by tying it too loosely.
  2. Interesting, I'll have to keep my eye out for more. I see ones which is like a season preview and includes brief talking heads of several teams, but I haven't seen any others that focus solely on one team. The only one I keep seeing is "Bethany Hamilton, she can do it all!" and has her jumping off a cliff, etc. Incidentally, it's great that it's no longer on Sundays so I don't have to stress about football delays and having to record "The Good Wife" and my stoopid DVR not being able to handle three programmes: Good Wife, "The Walking Dead" and whatever else I was recording, happened many times last season. But I worry about being moved to Fridays, the death knell. Then again, Hawaii Five O has had reasonable success, so I'm glad I get two of my favourite shows back to back.
  3. Out of curiosity, has anyone seen any couple-specific promos besides the Bethany Hamilton one? I have seen some general promos, but I haven't seen any that focus on any couples besides Adam/Bethany. The Adam/Bethany one plays incessantly. Bias much?
  4. Thanks, clearly I wasn't paying attention if I couldn't figure out who Mac is. Is he part of the team now too? And I'm presuming Idaho is dead. Am I the only one laughing at the name "Lance Hunter"? Seems a bit over the top to me, and very comic bookish. The only thing funnier would be something like Dirk "I have a big penis" Blade.
  5. She's his girlfriend, not wife. They introduced her as his "longtime girlfriend". I believe she did get a TH, or at least a voiceover. It was after the one longhaired douche bro volunteers, "ya know, I'm kind of a famous model, you might have seen me around in stuff". And then she basically TH's "pfffffftttt. My boyfriend is John Rocker, his fame/infamy can squash your 'fame' like the bug you are." Agreed. She was probably the physically strongest of the women. Not sure why everyone held her appearance on TAR against her. Was it a "you've already had your chance" decision? If anything, being on TAR is an asset. It taught her how to think on her feet and react well in time-pressured competitions. If they wanted to boot a woman, it should have been one of the invisible useless ones. I do think Dale should have been the choice. He said he was a farmer and used to working hard. I didn't see it. While others physically toiled at scratching the poles to make fire, he claims he sat there for 3 hours with his glasses, and that was his contribution. He made it sound like such a sacrifice. "I sat there for an hour and a half with one lens, and then an hour and fifteen with the two combined!!" He could have had one of the women work the lens while he, the experienced farmer used to physical labour, went about proving his self-professed physical strength and worth. But noooooo, he wanted all the "credit" for being the firestarter. He's an ass, I hope he goes next.
  6. That was John, the University of Michigan football player who wore a blue dress shirt, right? He's paired with his girlfriend, Miss Michigan. As far as what her name is or which one she is, I have no clue. There's several women I can't distinguish at all. That one, the one who I think is old guy Dale's daughter, and the three times divorced mom. It's really unfortunate that I don't even know the name of John Rocker's girlfriend and that the only way I can recognise her is by her enormous fake breastesses.
  7. Viola Davis could read a phone book and she'd be compelling. I love the way she intones "How to get away with murder". The brief pauses between words, the way the "murder" comes out, everything about it is perfect. I'm calling it now, she will win the Emmy next year. Anyone but Julianne Margulies again, please.
  8. I agree. It was an assumption she made that was wrong and perhaps said out of ignorance, but I never heard him saying anything to her about it. He had a Talking Head where he talked about how Reed knows the thing he hates most is to be likened to a girl just because he is gay. But he never said anything to Nadiya about it. He kind of just nodded and then had a TH where he admitted that he liked being able to play both sides. He easily could have just said, "I am with you girls and I will vote with you, but just because I'm gay doesn't mean I consider myself a girl." He didn't. If she said it a couple times and he didn't say he found it offencive, then I don't blame her for not being able to read his mind.
  9. I enjoyed the episode, but I was a bit confused about Agent Hartley's team. Who were they exactly? They were tasked with acquiring the doohickey but failed and then SHIELD came in to take it and then they ended up working with SHIELD? I clearly wasn't paying much attention. One of the people on her team was a black guy named "Idaho". Is that the same guy as "Mac"? And if not, who is Mac? It looks to me like the lone survivor English guy is going to join the team. Glad that the team will now have him and Tripp, because I always thought it weird last season that Coulson's lead SHIELD team consisted of only two real agents (May and Ward), two technogeeks, and a computer hacker girl. Regarding Absorbing Man and his magic pants, in the comics, he was wearing his pants and carrying his ball and chain when he acquired his powers, so the pants and ball and chain can also change into whatever substance he wants. However, on the show, I'm presuming that after he was taken into custody and put into that glass cell, that he was stripped and given that set of prison scrubs. Presumably the prison scrubs are ordinary clothes. So maybe in this show he can change whatever he is wearing into the substance if he wants. I never thought of Creel as particularly bright. Very astute of him to absorb rubber to provide a barrier against the doohickey.
  10. Are we sure it's an idol? He seemed certain it wasn't. I doubt the idol would just be sitting out there on the lid. Val's clue specifically said there is a idol HIDDEN at your camp. That wasn't exactly hidden. There was a clue to the well. It told her to dig and had a picture of the water. And if it works like other seasons, there would be a pouch and a note that they have found the idol. I think the Idol could be actually IN the well. Why didn't the other tribe find the thing Dale found on their own well? I can't really blame Dale for playing the game, but I was disappointed how easily the other guys jumped on "yeah, she's distrustful, she used the U Turn!" It's Survivor, ALL of them are probably distrustful. Meanwhile, you have John Rocker, who 1) is probably richer than all of them combined, and 2) has in the past made some questionable comments and shown that he is not a friendly guy. If they were going to judge Nadiya based on her TAR performance, why not judge Rocker for his past? Wes could have easily said something about him to the other guys. Wes' dad (Russell?) looks perfectly normal and yet Wes looks like his head got squashed by a rock. His features just look squashed.
  11. He was pretty impressive in the physical challenge. But was he always this fat when he played? And I do wish he had worn some shorts, I don't particularly need to see him in his tight boxer briefs for the entire season.
  12. I didn't mind the twins on TAR and I didn't mind them here. I think they were the ones that said something about TAR during the introductions. But people already knew who they were it seems. Then Nadiya got a raw deal when Jeff specifically asked her about it again. Disappointed to see her go first, rather than some of the ones with no personality. I don't get what the big deal about Dale breaking his reading glasses is. In the first place, they are reading glasses. What do they have to read out there? It's not like there's going to be a challenge and then all of a sudden he's going to run to his bag to get his reading glasses to read a clue. Secondly, I thought "using glasses to start a fire" was outlawed ever since BB on Classic Season 1 did it. Thirdly, I wanted him to go home for "they can't vote me out, I'm the only one that can start a fire". Um yeah. Until after the vote, when they get a flint. My favorites are Jeremy and Val. Hate the long haired douche "models". Is the one who bragged about being a model the same one that complained about doing all the work on the shelter? What about John, the guy sitting next to him who was also working on the shelter?
  13. They'd be crazy to kill off Jada Pinkett Smith. She's the best thing about this show, and it's nice to see a minority woman in charge. I love the fact that she's also so physically small and yet unafraid to take on men so much bigger than she is. I really hope she wasn't just a hook to get people to start watching and then she's gone fairly soon. If they are smart, they will find a way to keep her around. Fal-cone-ee would be the more authentic Italian way to pronounce this presumably Italian name. I'm assuming he's Italian given his first name is Carmine.
  14. Monday's show ended up with Beady ominously intoning to Hopeless that "there is another way". We all immediately interpreted that to mean he was suggesting abortion. But part of me hoped that Tuesday's show would start with him discussing giving the baby away for adoption. Because surely Bradley, as shitty of a writer as he is, wouldn't dare to have his two lead characters discussing abortion, which is one of the most polarising and divisive hot-button topics out there? Alas, he went there. It was beyond despicable. Beady is a hypocrite of the highest order. When Steffy came back to town and announced she was pregnant, Hopeless was despondent and said she still wanted to be with him despite the baby. He said no, he had to be with his family, and his family was Steffy and the baby. A few years later, the same thing happens to Hopeless, and he says he wants to be with her despite the baby being someone else's. She says no, she needs to give her baby a family. He says if she won't let him raise her baby with her, then she should just get rid of it and make their problems go away. Because she hasn't told anyone about it except for him, and nobody ever needs to know. Just AWFUL. She's going to know, forever. He is a selfish awful whiny beady beady beady little man. Good for her for rebuffing him. The cryfest was laughably bad. I know it was supposed to be their "do it for the Emmys!!!!" moment and that it was supposed to be intense, but I was cackling. And where did all that crap about how she "needed her DAD" come from? Granted, we never saw her past age 6, but the Pace Hope seemed perfectly happy with Ridge as her dad and she had an especially fantastic relationship with her "Uncle Nick". Deacon never called or came to visit. I can't stand that this show has suddenly made Deacon out to be World's Greatest Dad. He's a loser who abandoned his child until it became convenient and to his own selfish advantage to resume a relationship with her. And I believe she knows the baby is Wyatt's because I presume she wasn't having sex with Liam while she was sorting things out? She would know.
  15. I suppose. But in the same way they have producers standing 10 feet off camera with guns to protect Michael from lions and whatever they do to ensure that snakes and caimans don't take a bite out of people walking through water, couldn't they have people standing off camera with fire extinguishers at the ready? We all know the naked people aren't really alone.
  16. I don't think so. Hopeless and Beady Eyes are the world's most tragic starcrossed pair evah, even more tragic than Romeo and Juliet. They are the most unlucky, the planets take notice of them and refuse to align, the angels weep, and even the stone gargoyles of Notre Dame shed tears at the utter UNFAIRNESS that has been dealt to these two losers. A Hope/Wyatt baby just adds to the "tragedy". No way it's Beady's. I am a Brooke apologist. But I curse her for giving birth to this twit and having her find her beady twit and the sooner Bradley decides that the show needn't be all Twits all the time we will be much better off.
  17. If the guy with the roll of duct tape was allowed to make clothes and everything else with it, I didn't understand why they would restrict someone from using the magnifying glass to make a fire. Wouldn't that be about the only use for a magnifying glass in these situations? Did she think she was going to fry ants with it? I get that it was sentimental, but come on. On "Survivor" I recall in the early seasons that they would use someone's eyeglasses to make fire, and then TPTB said it was an unfair advantage and wouldn't let them do it anymore. But on this show, I would imagine that should have been allowed. It's no different than bringing a firestarter. If there was no restriction on it, and these two just weren't bright enough to make fire with it, then I have no words for the stupidity.
  18. I can't stand the kid either. I think that's because I recognised him as Kiefer Sutherland's mute autistic son Jake from "Touch". I was always so annoyed with that character, I get that he was supposed to be mute but all he did was rock back and forth and heave and shake and stare. On Gotham, the actor gets to speak, but I know I can't have been the only one who was cackling with laughter when the kid shrieked or screamed. Yes, of course it was traumatic, his parents had just been killed in front of him. But the shriek/scream was just so very badly acted.
  19. I enjoyed it. The best part for me was Jada Pinkett Smith. She clearly was relishing the role and it was nice to see her having so much fun. I particularly dislike Donal Logue, not sure why, but I've never cared for him at all. Hated him in Copper and hated him in Vikings. Hope he is more likeable here and grows on me. I liked the atmosphere of the whole thing, it had the dark and edgy look. And it was the little touches, like when Harvey and Jim were in the diner and the lights from cars on the street kept flicking over them. One thing I did think is that it seemed to try too hard to capture that "Arrow" feel with the darkness and music. Even the title screen, with the increasingly loud music over the "GOTHAM" title which zooms in on you and gets larger seemed the same. I do wish they hadn't introduced so many characters all at once. It wouldn't have killed them to have saved the introductions of the would-be Catwoman and Poison Ivy for a few episodes later.
  20. Oh fer cryin out loud, STFU Beady Eyes!!! Whining that "it's not fair, it's never fair for us!". What's not fair is that Wyatt got to Liam's house two minutes too early. Can't believe that they suggested abortion. Why need abortion on this show? Just have her stand on a rickety chair or trip on a rock. I hope she has the baby.
  21. I have both of these in the DVR. Any opinions on if either or both are worth watching, or do they just cause more frustration? Is Julia McKenzie more OK in the role than she was in the previous rounds?
  22. Her nickname would make more sense if her name was Louise. I can't remember what her real name is, but I remember it was nothing that seemed like it would lend itself easily to "wee wee". It's even funnier that she's on a naked show and her name is Wee Wee. At one point during their date I remember Joe saying he hurt his wee wee. I think it was when he jumped onto the banana boat? It seemed like these people were at some kind of rented compound in L.A.? At the end of the show, Marcus told Moenay that he was going to stick around in L.A. for a few more days and wanted a date. Other people also said something like "this is just like being back on the island". Overall, the production of this just looked really cheap. There was like one little tree encircled field that they were at? Not that Dan would ever have a chance with anyone, but I find it odd that they invited three singles, and two of them were guys. Why not at least invite another single female? And what was the point of having AJ & Liddy "crash" the wedding. People seemed to treat them as complete strangers, as if they were this huge group that knew each other prior to the "wedding". I think someone even commented that they were strangers. No stranger to each other than any of the rest. Maybe at the time the wedding episode filmed, AJ & Liddy's episode hadn't aired yet, and thus nobody had seen them on TV yet? Whereas they probably saw everyone else's episodes?
  23. Yes, I think he's just supposed to be comic relief. And to give Pam something to do. So sad, at one point, Donna was arguably one of the show's leads, there were a lot of stories revolving around her and Eric's marriage and her battles with Stephanie and Pam. And then with finding out she was Mushmouth's mom. Pam was great with the gold paint at the fashion show, and the honey and the bear in the cabin. She was always a bit of a comical character (the inside joke with the lemon bars) with some drama built in (locking Donna in the steam room) but now she seems to be exclusively comical. Frankly, I think the only reason why they are hanging on to Pam is to keep some connection to Stephanie around.
  24. This show is so educational. I knew the "Star Spangled Banner" used the same tune as a popular British song, but had never heard it before. Just like how "My Country Tis of Thee" also stole a British tune. Those early Americans, determined to break away from England and yet can't even come up with their own music for their patriotic songs haha. My question... when Anna walked in to the party, why did all of the other girls snicker and shun her? I think one might have even made a comment about how the highborn have fallen or something like that. How did they know she was rich? Was it her dress? Her dress didn't look any less fancy or expensive to me than the dresses all of the other girls were wearing.
  25. That was.... entirely too much. And a little boring. I was as befuddled as some of the guests at the chanting and yoga-ing and the "music" and dancing. Just so weird. I didn't need to see some of these people again. Stephen the jokester? Ugh. Dan the nonstop talker? No. Stephanie of the big titties and Mike of the stupid hair? No and no. Not surprised at all that Marcus/Candace didn't work. He said he was more of a partyer, and that was the impression he gave on the show and said so, and she still picked him because they had a spontaneous dance on the beach. Bet Mike looked like a better choice to her now. And it's no surprised that Diane (?) dropped Dan. Dan to Marissa: "I'm reasonably more attractive than Stephen, so how about it?" Dude got game! Hahaha. Laughed so hard at Marissa's reaction. It's only been two months or so, and it was obvious that some of these "couples" weren't really together. Chuck and Kristin hadn't seen each other in person, although they seemed to chat daily. We didn't hear much from Stephanie and Mike. Marissa and Stephen clearly weren't together, and AJ & Liddy were just friends.
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