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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. But didn't you hear Clara say she wants a new $3,500 dress? And this is the wedding they both actually want (not so subtle shade at the MAFS sponsored one). It also sounds like they have a lot more people that they want to invite as opposed to the fifty they were allowed to invite to their MAFS wedding. I follow them on Instagram and I don't see him that way at all. I'm pretty sure the withholding was show-related. And I have been married for twenty plus years, but if I told Mr. Ilovepie I wanted to have a re-commitment ceremony and it was going to cost eight grand just for the venue and he was paying for it with no contribution from me, I would also be "tap dancing" around the issue. It's a big ask for something not necessary, and they have only been together for a few months after having a "free" wedding! I would put (some) money on Ryan and Clara making it. I would not do the same for Erik and Virginia.
  2. Once again, I found myself wanting to FF through the couples with kids. I didn't need to see more of Ashley's birth, and I find Danielle and Bobby and their kids boring. My husband who is 20 years older than Bobby was horrified by his old man outfit when he left for his work trip. Why is Bobby wearing that polo and why is it tucked in to his shorts? Oof...... I liked Jamie & Elizabeth's gift to each other. I laughed when they were joking about the fact that they were already married being their secret when everyone in the park cheered at the proposal. Those two continue to astound me, but good for them defying the odds.
  3. Holy Hell, this was boring. They have milked this cast dry. I got confused as to which show I was watching because two of these couples are also on Couples Cam right now. My fast forward button got a work out. The only interesting tidbits to me are that 1. Ryan still talks to Chris (what! why????) and 2. makes more than Clara (what exactly does he do?) and 3. it's enough money that he didn't bat an eye at the $8,000 price tag for a NYE/wedding party venue. It's really too bad they aren't on Couples Cam because I find them the "best" couple this season. I saw on Instagram Stories a funny post from Ryan showing his pensive face labeled "Me realizing we still had one more episode to film". Ha! He is definitely not a fan of the cameras and I am sure he was happy to see the end of the Lifetime camera crew. If they try this post-reunion nonsense next season I will not be watching.
  4. I like it too. I am hopeful that this season is a "good" one. They seem to be in a pattern of every other one being drama filled garbage. DC bad, NO good, ATL bad. Hopefully this is one of the ones where they did their best to cast legitimate couples. I think casting older couples might help weed out some of the idiots, although Olivia and Brett were an over-30 couple and look how that turned out.........
  5. It's also interesting that all of the participants except one are over 30 years old, and most are between 33-35. I wonder why they are skewing older this season?
  6. This. I couldn't believe what a cocky know-it-all that guy was. What an idiot. And the mother/daughter team will be next to go. After they came back from investigating, it was like they hadn't even spent a minute in there. What were they doing while they were supposed to be looking for clues? I am not a baker so hats off to these people. I think this is harder than it looks. I was stumped by the buttermilk. I thought red velvet too, but then the whipped cream frosting made no sense. I still can't figure out why people try to make their own twist on the dessert when there are clues that say otherwise. The team that got the mushroom clue but then didn't color them red? I hope these people realize sooner rather than later that the point is to recreate the dessert the judges made as close as possible to the original, not one-up it. And I can't believe an incorrect hummingbird cake two weeks in a row! That is the cake of doom!
  7. This right here has kind of dimmed my excitement for this show. I am glad they were able to do some abbreviated season last season, but now I am totally bummed that they filmed the qualifiers all in one city with the same obstacles. I was already losing interest last night and there are four more episodes with everyone running the exact same course???? I am also missing the energy of the live audience and I don't love all the youngsters. I just am not drawn to them. It reminds me of when American Idol lowered the age limit. All of this bums me out, but sadly I am just not excited for this show now like I usually am when it starts. Barclay broke my heart. I lost my own mom too young to cancer. It made my heart hurt for her. I don't love Maggie, but God bless her for the sideline encouragement in that moment.
  8. I thought she came off shrill and unreasonable here, but these two are too much. I guess it's not an episode of couples cam unless S&J fight and she cries. It's obvious from that conversation that they want totally different things. It's not pleasant to watch. I did not need to hear Ashley moaning in labor. I guess I should be happy I didn't have to watch her writhing on a table mostly naked giving birth. I am sick of this show exploiting the birth stories of these people, and maybe sick of them letting the show do it. I am grateful I didn't have to see Danielle birthing B4, and I pray Deonna has enough self respect to deny lifetime access to this when her time comes. I laughed at the Juice diet timeline, but liposuction? Really Jamie? Perhaps just picking a less shiny clingy shirt would help. God bless Jessica for her work during this pandemic. She has been in it for sure.
  9. That sounds delicious - I want to make one now! :-0 I like Joel McHale. His brand of snark suits me, and this show is kind of ridiculous so it fits here. I did laugh when he straight-faced told those ladies they made his favorite stew in regards to that runny pie they made.
  10. What!?!!!! Wow. The ratings for this show must be through the roof for them to keep stringing this mess out until the new season starts. None of this is necessary, and nobody likes these people enough to keep watching them indefinitely. Please Jesus make it stop or give me the strength to look away!!!
  11. This is a fair assessment of both of these couples. I do like Jamie and Elizabeth in small doses. It's hard to argue that some aren't in it for the fame in some way because so many do monetize their limited fame on Instagram. More power to them I guess, and it's pretty easy to avoid if you don't follow them on social media. I'm just a sucker for it though because I like to see what's going on with them. Jamie Otis is probably the worst offender because she has absolutely parlayed her fame here into a full time business. I had to unfollow her because it was too much. I also follow Danielle, Deonna, Elizabeth and Ashley and they all sell stuff too but in a much less aggressive way. I guess we'll see what happens with this group. I could see VA trying to launch an Insta career because she is much less into her career than the others. I don't see Briana or Clara leaving their full time jobs for that.
  12. Call me crazy, but I really don't think any of those couples on that show are just in it for couples cam. With the exception of this crew, all have been married for over a year, most for years, and many now have children together. I don't think that's just for the sake of this dumb tv show! Well, maybe Jamie and Elizabeth ;-p
  13. Huh? My point was not about Jamie and Doug, who I have had my fill of at this point, but more that Jake and Haley are nothing like Jamie and Doug, both with their backgrounds and personalities. I come to this forum to pass judgement on these people and the things I see them do, so I have no problem calling Doug a doofus, which is pretty mild compared to some of the things people say about the people on this show. And Jamie herself has talked extensively about what she was looking for by coming on this show, which was love and stability. Not even remotely the same situation as Sam and Neil.
  14. Same! Completely inane, but easy to watch. I have never heard of a Hummingbird Cake. I feel like the bottom two teams were completely overthinking. Those Las Vegas chefs are so over the top. That cake was gorgeous, but they better learn the goal is to recreate the dessert from the clues, not one-up it.
  15. Actually, they are both very active on social media, and quite frankly, it has made me like them more. Ryan is pretty funny and their posts together are sweet. I know it looked like he still wasn't sure about her on this reunion episode (no idea when this was filmed) but it's obvious they are together and love each other on IG. I can only like them more for choosing their relationship and normal life over some easy money on Couples Cam. Virginia and Erik should have done likewise. They are doomed. Oh, and one more thing about her couch surfing ways - why is that necessary in the age of Uber? Is she too drunk to even manage her phone and the app to stumble her way home instead of crashing at her friend's house?
  16. This whole show pissed me off. What a bunch of malarkey! Kevin totally sucked. I have zero respect for how he GRILLED Jake about the sex as proof that Haley “tried”, except that was the beginning and the end of her efforts over the course of the eight weeks, and that was day four. And she will never be right about the bracelet. Never. Rude and ungrateful beyond comprehension. It’s also bullshit to compare them to Jamie and Doug. Jake is not Doug - he’s not an easy going doofus married to a girl so desperate for love and stability she was willing to look past the initial unattraction and accept his romantic overatures. And Pastor Cal saying he should have brought more swag? Has he met him? That is not his personality at all! I am glad Dr. P called her cold because she is. Enjoy being single Haley, I think you’re in for another 7 years or so with your stank attitude. Or maybe she’ll find a good looking basic bland guy who lets her dress him and lets her win at everything. She’ll book all their vacations and concerts and he’ll just say yes dear because she does what she wants when she wants. He will definitely be a “happy wife, happy life” kind of guy. Also, Kevin totally let Virginia off the hook. She lies - she absolutely thought she could still pass out drunk on her boy friends couches - it’s on film and we saw it. These two definitely have an expiration date. Do we think they will continue the party line of wedded bliss on couples cam, or is it going to get messy a la Shawniece and Jephte? Either way, I’ll be shocked if they are still together by their first anniversary. I am into Clara and Ryan. They are cute. But Clara can stop whining about people being nice online. Good luck with that sweetie. If that worried you so much you should not have gone on national tv to find a spouse. Lastly, the fawning over Paige was ridiculous. She did not carry herself with strength and class Kevin! First we saw her, she was talking about someone eating her butthole. Not classy. Then she had sex on her wedding night repeatedly! with a guy she already had red flags about. Then whining about it to her new in laws. Embarrassing. Then more red flags and more sex. Constantly giving in to manipulation. Giving chance after chance to that asshole who showed you repeatedly that he was not a good guy. Unfortunately, the best words to describe her behavior this season are sad and pathetic. It was painful to watch. I am glad she is getting help.
  17. I think it's probably gotten more phony because they are now being employed by lifetime for Couples Cam, or even if they are not, they don't want to piss off their new IG followers.....
  18. Cannot wait for this over-bloated crapfest to end, but I have to tune in just to see the messy conclusion of Jake and Haley. Curse you show for making me wait an extra week!
  19. Ironically, the women from that horrible DC season all got matching tattoos!
  20. I understand and agree with this, but I guess I don't see Ryan as repressed so much as protecting his privacy. I also understand not wanting to embarrass his parents on national t.v. I am a Christian, and although I am not as conservative as my parents, I would not want to do something that would embarrass them if I was doing something like this because I still love and respect them. I think that's where he was coming from when he jokingly apologized to his mom. I think Ryan and Clara will be fine in the short term, but I do think they have both swept the big issues under the rug. Kids are going to be a sticking point because they are nowhere near agreeing on how to raise them.
  21. Ok, so Chris and Dwight are hypocritical Christians because they don’t display evidence of being Christian by their behavior, but Ryan is sad because he actually does?
  22. Except here is my problem with what she actually said: She said a physical connection was HER LAST STRAW. On day 4! Then this gal ditches him directly after the bad sex, doesn't apologize; tries to change how he dresses after knowing him a couple weeks as a thinly veiled "gift"; ships his wedding gift off to another state having never worn it, doesn't apologize and is actually very rude about it; leaves every night after filming; is a poor sport when both winning AND losing the various games they played, and then says "I tried". I say bullshit. I get that Jake would not be every woman's cup of tea, and she is not obligated to love or even like him, but I do not believe that she actually gave her best effort here at all. Her own friends questioned if she was giving up too soon! I think that having sex with him was the worst choice she could have made knowing she really didn't actually like him very much. I don't think she handled this well at all, but she acts like she deserves a pat on the back for her efforts. Just no.
  23. I have to say that Clara never said it was not reciprocated. If you watch that video, She says "I'm getting him off every night....." and someone else in the room says "and getting nothing". She then says "Exactly". It is not clear if that means he isn't reciprocating, or if she just isn't getting what she wants, i.e. sex. With these two, we will never know. I would also say that you are right that it seemed like Clara was muting her feelings for him, but I also saw him doing the same when she would answer one of his questions and her answer was not matching his own feelings. He just looked pensive and said "for sure". I think all of that was for the tv cameras and not real. As Ryan stated last night, there is a lot that people don't see when the filming stops. I started following them both on SM, and he's pretty funny and they seem really sweet together.
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