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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I agree Jose and Rachel are equally attractive, but I think he thinks he deserves someone super hot. She is pretty, but I don't think he will find her so judging by his laundry list of requirements. And don't forget the old chestnut "Compromise"! But agreed, they add absolutely zero. I don't mind a little catch up with the divorced people from prior seasons (I liked hearing from Derek and Mindy), but maybe make that another show altogether. And those two women from the season that won't die do not need to be there. There is no need to catch up with them since they have been on my tv for seven months straight now........
  2. I love this idea and would 100% watch this! I love Neil!
  3. @Spectator and @Retired at last please come sit next to me where we can share our loathing of Hayley en masse! I probably wouldn't care that much about her, but this show will not let it die, and there she is yet again smugly smiling and dragging Jake for the hundredth time. At this point I am more annoyed by her than Chris because he is nowhere to be seen.
  4. I admit I like the predictions, but I cannot stand the insertion of the prior couples and participants. That is what made this stupid show 3 fucking hours long. My God, why do they need to be there? Other than the divorcees, the others are already on couples cam! And I do not need to see Hayley and Paige ever again. Again alluding to Jacob being bad in the sack. How many times does this woman need to go on national tv and coyly hint at this? And fuck Kevin for continuing to ask about it. I am sure he would love if some woman kept going on tv multiple times and insinuating he was a terrible lover. Sorry for the potty mouth but after enduring this for three hours I'm salty. ;-0 Ok, rant over (sort of). I think this season is going to be just as big of a disaster as Atlanta. My predictions: Zach & Michaela - Divorce. She is going to find him boring. Not Henry and Christina levels, but they are a mismatch to me. Johnny & Bao - Stay married. I think the "I know her!" and "Oh my God, it's Johnny" face is a misdirect. Ryan & Brett - Divorce. Another shit Ryan. MAFS, if anyone in the future named Ryan applies, put that application straight in the circular file. Jose & Rachel - Divorce. I don't think he is going to find her attractive. Gil & Myrla - Divorce. Total mismatch for drama. Anybody else think otherwise????
  5. You just summed up this season for me. If I wanted to watch Ninja Jr. I would have watched Ninja Jr! It pissed me off on American Idol when they lowered the age, and it pisses me off here too. It just feels like they are tired of the same people and want new blood, but I come here to watch the ones I care about and get sick of seeing them getting the WWWA treatment so I can watch some kid. I miss the kinetic energy of the live audience. Between the kids and the indoor weirdness of the empty set/family on screens, my love of this show has waned. It sits in my dvr until there's nothing left whereas before I watched it same night it was on. Maybe moving on to the finals will improve my feelings......
  6. Boy isn't this the truth! Definitely more entertaining than the show this season for sure. Now Jake has posted a video addressing all of her inflammatory comments on his live stream. He basically says he has every right to say what he wants, especially after Hayley dragged him on national tv and he didn't say anything. Also, funny enough, he admits that this season is the worst one! Ha! He also says his whole MAFS experience sucked, he can't stand Hayley and knows she can't stand him, and he just wants to leave it at that. The crazy thing is Virginia is STILL commenting and threatening to reveal "something", although it's not clear what and she also reiterates that she is just defending her friend. Oh brother. What a load of nonsense. In other Season 12 Insta news, Clara posted a cryptic story about how Taylor Swift's Red album was her now. No idea what that means, and I have zero interest in looking at the set list for Red to figure out what she's alluding to. And this after just YESTERDAY saying she was taking a break from social media. Guess not. These people are so messy!
  7. The same way they acted when ZERO couples stayed together after seasons two, three and four. Ignore, ignore, ignore.......
  8. Oof, Virginia going after Jacob on Instagram when he answered somebody's question about Hayley on his live stream. MAFSfan had screen shots of all of her comments, and wow. Very immature and kind of high school-ish, which is not surprising to me at all. She refers to Hayley as "her best friend". What? This girl you just met less than a year ago? Okay. These two deserve each other.
  9. I'm not willing to speculate on whether Ryan is gay or not, but these two were always worlds apart on religion and raising kids. It makes me sad because I like both of them, but I'm not completely surprised either. Statistically, this season was looking better than it actually was based on the successes, but now it actually looks like the dumpster fire it really was. Stay out of Atlanta moving forward MAFS!
  10. I wish I could like this one thousand times! I am still traumatized by Jamie's home water birth!
  11. Olivia 2.0 matched with a budget conscious guy, aka Brett 2.0? Or at least that's what they are hoping, right???? Hilarious! Yes, someone explain the obsession with snooping fridges, closets and underwear drawers? Titillating nosiness is all it is. It does not help them know these people any better!
  12. There should have been a list for "Worst Ryan".....
  13. Was that Zach? I thought it was Derek? I'm too lazy to stop my screen and check.....
  14. I guess Lifetime's game is to keep MAFS on all 52 weeks of the year. Just cobble together the same tired footage and repurpose it indefinitely until the new season is ready to go. I have no doubt this one will limp to an exhausted conclusion sometime mid-January just in time for the next season to start. Let's be honest, the matchmaking episode is rendered useless since we already know who they picked now that the photos are released online weeks before this shit show even starts. The weddings and honeymoon are interesting, but once that's over, it's a long slog to Decision Day. And now there are four or five episodes AFTER decision day? Aw hell no! I think I'm just going to use this forum to keep track and only watch the episodes that interest me. Odds are I'll still see all of the juicy footage anyway since they tend to show that stuff approximately 20 million times every season.
  15. He does have a Masters Degree, so even though it's not medical school, he's not exactly some uneducated hick. Both of them seem to work overtime at being super quirky. His desire to live in an unorthodox manner might not match up with what Amelia wants long term though. I think I did read that Bennett struggled to find employment during the pandemic after the move, so I am sure that did not help the situation. Zero demand for pedicabs and theater shows last year........
  16. Actually, this doesn't surprise me that much. Both of them said they applied for a lark and something dumb to do. I think they were surprised they liked each other so much. Amelia's medical career notwithstanding, both seem to fly by the seat of their pants the rest of the time. Getting divorced on a whim doesn't seem out of character for someone who got married on a whim......
  17. If anyone follows Jake on IG, he posted a pretty funny video yesterday talking about Chris in which he calls him LilChrissy. I guess Chris has also been going at him on social media still and Jake is sick of it. He said that Chris texted him repeatedly (and he shows screen shots of the texts) before the reunion because Chris was worried Jake was going to say something negative about him because production told Chris what Jake had said about him on Unfiltered. Jake also said Chris has nothing on him because he told him nothing and he told Hayley very little either (interesting!). Jake finished his video by suggesting they just get together and punch each other in the face and be done about it. He then offered to only do body shots if Chris was worried about Jake messing up his face :-0 Sorry for the long post, but I know some here don't do Instagram, and I have no idea how to do a link anyway ;-p Personally, I would love to see Jake's fist connect with Chris' face..........
  18. Totally agree with you about Chris. Shouldn't there be a public record of some kind if the DUI is true? I don't believe that one at all. That is some bullshit about Jamie though. Exactly what employees was she getting that payroll money for? Doug??? Shame on her if it's true....
  19. I've never seen any Avengers movies and I am watching it. Pay attention to the Miss Minutes scene. If you want to analyze with the posters here, you probably need the movies because I have no idea what anybody posting here is talking about! ;-p This is exactly what I am doing! Time travel stuff hurts my head. I prefer a Jeremy Bearimy approach to my timeline explanations........
  20. Totally agree with all of this. And this relationship is reaching it's natural conclusion in my opinion. I said at the start they would implode and this is less of a surprise than when they initially connected and agreed to stay together. I think Clara pegged it - she said they were in lust and that's just it. Now that has died down there is nothing left.
  21. I completely agree with this thoughtful analysis of them. It seems like they are both committed to staying together, so I think they would benefit from some counseling to work on their communication issues. I hope the best for them, but I will say I am sick of watching them argue and Shawniece cry over it on this show.
  22. I'm not sure why that is surprising - they were on SM before MAFS like most millennials, they just have a boatload of new followers now. The difference is that they are not shilling any products there (yet). Their SM appears to be just that - social. My favorite part of snooping on Clara's instagram is seeing her as a brunette until recently. I think she looked way better that way.
  23. I like them too but to your first point, I think the las vegas pastry chefs are going to be hard to beat as long as they guess the correct dessert, especially now that they realize they need to try to make the exact dessert that the clues are pointing to instead of an over the top version of it. I keep thinking this is going to get less interesting as they learn what to look for, and what is a misdirect. If everyone starts guessing correctly, it's just a straight baking competition. It was already less interesting this last round when four out of five guessed correctly. It was obvious who was going home because they were the only ones wrong! I wonder if the wrong guessers dessert was excellent if they would save them over a disastrous correct bake? That seems against their own rules but kind of messed up.....
  24. I guess I must be blind, but I just don't see what everyone else sees with Shawniece and Jephte. I know he cheated on her, but that was years ago and they both seem to have made peace with that. They aren't the first couple to weather that situation and stay together, so taking that out of the equation, I don't see the "Jephte doesn't love her" story everyone else sees. What I see is are two people who want different things and don't communicate well with each other. He tip toes around things with her because she becomes unhinged the minute they disagree. At this point she is just as much to blame for the problems in their relationship. I find her exhausting.
  25. I had to do a double take - for one hot second I thought the guy Paige was with was one of the Unmatchables rejects!
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