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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I do think Ryan is a nice guy. I also think on a superficial level, they were very compatible. But I also think Ryan is a deeply religious guy, and having committed to getting married, wanted to take it seriously, but there were so many red flags about important issues that he was cautious. I also think he didn't want to air dirty laundry on camera. The most telling statement on his instagram post was the fact that he put religion as a non-negotiable on his application and then these idiots matched him with someone who clearly does not feel the same. As far as their sex life, I don't think we'll ever know the real truth, and frankly I don't care. They were so different on a fundamental level that sex or not, they were never going to work out.
  2. Pepper’s been doing that since this show began. It serves zero purpose other than a titillating look at people’s chonies? I couldn’t care less. They need to spend more time on background searches and figuring out legit matches and less time looking in underwear drawers and patting themselves on the back….
  3. Doesn’t matter- there isn’t a shot in hell these two stay together. Truer words….. I found myself hate watching. I loathe the experts at this point and guffawed when the said “five for five!” They can get out of here with that nonsense. The only ones I have any hope for are Jasmina and Michael. Both seem nice and normal and I can see them finding each other attractive. The rest, meh. Either I don’t think they will find their spouse attractive (Moi and Steve and Alyssa and Chris), they are crazy (Lyndsey) or they are here for the drama and social media exposure (Katina and Olajuwon). Mark the Shark is sincere and fodder for the show. He’s about to get his heart broken because this is going to be a disaster after he waited for them all these years to come back to Boston. There’s my hot take…..I hope I’m wrong, but this show has taught me to keep expectations low…..
  4. Favorite D+ MCU show so far! Things I loved: Kate and Yelena's fight through the office complex. Awesome and humorous. Clint getting stuck in the tree and the owl. Then the shrinking arrow with the van and the owl carrying the small van off. Perfection. The Larpers. I love them and their costumes! I also loved when Clint admitted that they made him a pretty dope one too. Jack. He was a delight fighting with the his sword. And his pissy exchange with the kid was hilarious: "Remember when you peed your pants in the Hamptons?" The millions of track suits pouring into Rockefeller Plaza and every trick arrow taking them down. So much fun! So glad Kate (and the dog) went home with him. I don't know why but I think setting this at Christmas made it better somehow..... The end credit scene to end all credits! Pretty sure people would go see Rogers the Musical if they ever decide to do it - "I can do this all daaaaayyyy!!!" I am just going to ignore the fact that there was zero cops on the scene in FREAKING ROCKEFELLER PLAZA ON CHRISTMAS EVE for a giant mob brawl! Also, pretty sure you would have to answer some questions about destroying the tree, and I also don't think that they would have been able to evacuate that skating rink of all civilians on Christmas Eve, but whatever, it was still awesome.
  5. As other have said, I feel the stupidity of the kids was ratcheted up significantly to the point I was actually rooting for Dodge and Eden. I thought things were taking a turn for the better when Kinsey stole the crown, but then she got cocky and came back and got captured. Sigh....... Also, blowing off Eden as no threat was completely boneheaded as well. She isn't Eden you dumbasses, she is a freaking demon! And yes, that ending looks like Tyler is not coming back, but he has to finish high school doesn't he? His mom said he's just doing a road trip during winter break. Where I live, winter break lasts 2 or 3 weeks at most, but they were crying and hugging him like they will never see him again. It just made no sense. I will keep watching because, well, I have no idea why. I don't particularly like any of the Lockes. This show has made them just too idiotic. But I guess I like the idea of the show more than the execution, and I want to see what happens with the new bad guy.
  6. So true! It's gone from guilty pleasure to dreaded chore when I see it in my DVR. I didn't miss the show at all after I stopped past the weddings, but I did miss interacting with everyone here. Maybe I'll stick it out this next season if there is even one decent couple. It shouldn't be that hard for them to get at least two normal people who are willing to compromise and work towards a loving relationship, right? Oh who am i kidding - the same three experts producer mouthpieces are still the pickers......
  7. I love them, but depending on how they behave, I might end up hating them........we shall see..... If this season produces more self driving legs, I am all for it. I miss the glory days of racers booking their own flights and navigating themselves in their own vehicles. Lots of fun drama and surprise reversals of fortune from those things has been lost in current seasons. One thing I hope happens no matter what is some rules implemented that eliminate alliances. I feel the alliances destroyed last season and ruined the spirit of the game.
  8. It does look terrible when it's 0-5. It's sad that a show that promotes marriage has actually done more for the divorce rate in this country......
  9. This was me this season. It's why I look at spoilers early now - after the last Atlanta season I was so tired of this show and there was zero break between seasons. It's on year round now! And when I saw the spoilers that zero couples stayed together, I decided not to waste any more time on this dud. I watched through the weddings and then bailed. I really didn't miss it. I missed this forum more than the actual show! I'm not feeling too great about the next one either - promos already hyping the drama. Blech.
  10. We just watched this last night, and I thought the whole thing was hilarious, mostly because of the ridiculous casting of older actors. I could not stop laughing at Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and Jon Stewart. So ridiculous! And Kevin Hart was fantastic as Arnold. I died when John Lithgow put him on his lap. And Snoop.....ha ha ha! The last thing I saw Ann Dowd in was Handmaid's Tale, so this was quite a departure. It was fun seeing her play the exact opposite of Aunt Lydia. She completely nailed it - both the voice and in looks! I also though Gabrielle Union nailed Tootie - her snarkiness and some of her facial expressions were spot on. I also enjoyed the final lines of each episode: Jen Anniston helping Carl eat the "boomerang bun": "I'll be there for you" Kevin Hart: "Why does Vernon always smell like weed?" The whole thing is ridiculous so taken that way it's funny. I wasn't watching for a faithful recreation of the original. And add me to the group who was stunned at how amazing Lisa Welchel looks - she doesn't look like she has aged at all!
  11. THIS. There are quite a few of the people on this season that need to learn this lesson......
  12. We'll never know, but I suspect he would if it was a designer he didn't respect and thought didn't have his level of "expertise" with the fur. When he was going off, he specifically took Bones to task for sending out unfinished hems and unlined garments, which I kind of agree with, although that was neither the time nor the place nor any of his business. I hope there was a real apology issued that we didn't see. It seemed like they had made up after the judging was finished, or maybe that was just all's well that ends well....good on Bones for being the bigger person though. Man, what is up with the men this season? With the exception of Zayden, they are all a bunch of asses......... Regarding Chris March and Christian's winning avant garde look, it's kind of ironic that it too featured a giant stand up collar.......... And add me to the people who thinks Octavio should have gone this week, but I think they didn't want to punish the team that had someone who was injured. They should have just said they weren't eliminating anyone this week because of the accident and loss of a day's work. It was crappy to eliminate someone who's partner had immunity. I'm glad Christian saved her. As a whole, I think this is one of the worst seasons/groups of designers this show has ever had.
  13. Thanks! I don't really do Tik Tok, but I can have my son show me as he spends a great portion of his free time looking at Tik Tok.......
  14. While I love Steph and AJ, I'm not sure that's a good fit for them. I like Jamie & Beth in small doses, so I think I would tire of her being so extra very quickly. Also, both of these couples seem to be love em or hate em levels of polarizing. I like Deonna and Greg, Briana and Vincent and Jessica and Austin, but all three I think would be boring. I second Queen Kristine and Keith - sweet, funny and willing to be honest. Well, Kristine at least. Keith will just say "whatever Kristine thinks" ;-p Personally, I don't think anyone who got divorced should be chosen. And no Paige and Haley ever again in any capacity, please.
  15. What a fantastic finale! I l loved the idea for the showstopper - maybe my favorite ever. But Chigs, Chigs, Chigs, how do you do a Cheshire Cat with no smile??!? He would have been better off doing ONLY the smile and no face if a choice had to be made! I admit I was rooting hard for Chigs by the final and thought he might have had it, but I can't be mad at Giuseppe winning as he has been so great all season. Perhaps I wouldn't have been so disappointed if they had given him a better edit that showed why he won over Chigs rather than some fake drama. I always look forward to the follow up at the end of the last episode where we see what they are up to after the show. I love seeing them all together doing different things. I wish Lizzy and Freya had recorded a little YouTube video of their road trip - I would totally watch it! This season was such a great one. Nice people and good challenges. Felt like an old school season.
  16. Ha Ha Ha - thanks @cardigirl! Just curious - who is your preferred MAFS Alumni? I completely agree about filming it in real time though! You know, I think there are A LOT of participants who in some ways got lucky they were paired with a bigger dud than they were. I would put Tristan (married to Mia), Olivia (married to Brett) and Henry (married to Christina) in this category. I'm sure there's more. Just because their spouses were bigger assholes than they were, didn't make them good candidates for this show. They just got more sympathy and escaped some (not all obviously) wrath that would have come their way had they been married to a better spouse.
  17. The stupidity of all of the characters this episode raised my blood pressure. Their "plan" was so stupid it just infuriated me! The plan to trap them in the house was a good idea, the way they went about it was stupid. And exactly how was it an equal fight between Kinsey and Dodge if she was wearing that belt that gives super strength? We saw Tyler pick up a bench stuck to a concrete pad with one hand. Kinsey should have been able to pick up Gabe with one arm and throw him in that room! And why wasn't someone wearing the anywhere key so it couldn't be lost? What was the plan for what to do with Eden trapped under the glass? Why didn't Bode have his friend rotate the glass when she started smashing it, or for that matter, pick up the glass and squish her with it! So dumb! And Duncan making Dodge exactly what she wanted was beyond idiotic, as was Bode yelling at Dodge that she was going to lose as he was on the verge of being crushed by that chain. It was laughable. I loved Dodge pointing out how many times she's defeated the Lockes. At this point, these people deserve to lose. I think I'm rooting for Dodge now.
  18. Yeah, his slogan is total bullshit when you look at his day job here and the amount of punks he's had a hand in "casting" for "real marriages".........
  19. I thought Rachel and Jose were separated? I wasn't including them, but I guess since they are technically still married they count, but even including them, five out of 20 is pretty bad. If you look at just the last two seasons, 2/10 is awful. Since DC, the only season that has produced more than 1 successful couple is New Orleans. That one was looking fantastic, but the demise of Bennett an Amelia has sunk it's success ratio some. I really don't think Jose and Rachel will go the distance though and this season will end up an abysmal 0/5. We are nearing seasons 2-4 levels of garbage matches......
  20. I feel the same. I mostly skipped this last season after seeing the spoilers that none of the couples stayed together. I made it to through the weddings. I didn't want to slog through another shit show like the one prior to this one - it went on for almost six months! The minute I hear the show bragging about "drama drama drama" I am immediately on alert that it's another garbage season. I really don't expect all of the couples to stay married, but 1/10 in the last two seasons is pathetic. And if you look back the last four seasons, there are only four couples out of 20! It's even more frustrating when we can tell in two episodes that the people are mismatched or worse, that the people they have chosen are terrible people who should never had made it past the first round. I am not here for "drama drama drama."
  21. I for one will not miss Jamie O on Unfiltered. I also unfollowed her on IG. I just couldn't stand the constant TMI and half naked pictures of herself. Good Riddance. I almost wish they would hire someone that was not a former participant, like a Kevin Frazier. Although, he bugs me too sometimes - I hate that he takes sides and badgers people. It's too much and sometimes looks like bullying to me. If I had to pick a replacement from the participant pool, I would say Woody and Amani, or Ashley and Anthony. Or shoot, even rotating people would be interesting.....
  22. He absolutely stank as a partner, but I disagree that this was her challenge. Her arts and crafts style does not go with the glam looks favored by Tara and Johnny. I think she would have been seen as a liability to all the other designers, not just Octavio. But that being said, he completely steam rolled her in the work room and then threw her under the bus on the runway. And this coming from someone who made the purple monstrosity that was the ugliest thing on that runway. He's a dick.
  23. I really hope not, although they are halfway there now with all of these obviously horrible choices. I would prefer a return to a much more earnest and real show. If they continue to cast these unstable assholes, then making it like the Australia version where they don't actually get married would be much kinder to the people that go into this looking for a real relationship. Although at this stage, if that's really what you want, you should not be going on this show........
  24. 100%!!!!! Boy, this season sure has some real jerks! For all the talk of bullies with Kenneth and Meg I think Katie deserved a few tears for the way Octavio treated and spoke to her. I think she was in trouble whether she stuck to her design or not, but she absolutely did not deserve to be spoken to like that. His trash bag aesthetic sucks, and the one time he has to do something different, he designed that monstrosity of a jacket. Blech..... And Praije, wow. I thought maybe he was ok when he acknowledged he went too far with Meg, but no, I think that is actually how he is. It was obvious Sabrina was in pain and he couldn't care less. Also an asshole. I know they were safe because there was so much fug this episode, but what the hell was that dress Kristina sent down the runway? It reminds me of the sheet and rope outfit Ariel is wearing in The Little Mermaid when she first gets her legs. She is my least favorite designer style-wise this season. I just don't get it. I think that mirrored fabric Bones had looked expensive and cool before he turned it into that horrible vest. It was no contest for the winner that was sure! Aaron and Shantall were sunk by the dreary color palette, plus her dress was way too bare on top, but I do think there will still be tweaks to the winning outfit. Johnny might be fine with "full nip" but it's possible NBC will not for prime time Olympics coverage. I also think the dress will have a more modest neckline and a shortened hem for Tara's petite frame. I don't understand why they all thought the outfits had to be completely matching rather than just complimentary? Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing the changes that are made in a few months!
  25. Anyone see MAFSfan's post on IG today that Brett started dating someone else after the one month anniversary? I quit watching but I still read all the spoilers and commentary on this site. Not one thing posted has made me regret it. After last season with Chris and this season with almost everybody, is there any hope for this stupid show?
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