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Everything posted by trudi-tru

  1. How are you guys doing today? Try to stay positive, ok? I worry about you, you know?
  2. I hear you, Annie. I feel like I am living in a world where I don't belong, that it is so different from the way I think it should be. I am experiencing such a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness. I do not see a better future ahead. Silver lining: the dollar is plummeting. I'll be able to stay at The Four Seasons next time I visit the US.
  3. I'm in! Even as Helpful Elf if needed.
  4. Season one is my favourite Angel's season. Everything is just so simple and innocent and I loved watching Angel slowly build his own family and becoming his own person after being "Buffy's Boyfriend" for three years.
  5. Wow. Scary. We had another earthquake. I think TPTB are trying to take us out. Silly folks, we've been around for millennia!
  6. I'm glad that show was a such a good experience for you, peaceout. I guess maybe watching all the seasons so close together made the decline in quality less striking. I'm pretty sure you are going to enjoy Angel as well. I look forward to reading your comments on it.
  7. Oh no. Can you do something about it? The job, I mean. Things are fairly good here. Last Friday I went to see Giselle (the ballet that made Angelus cry. Heh.) at La Scala. It was my first time there. It was gorgeous. The scenography, the coreagraphy, the costumes.
  8. Furthermore, it's a superhero show. If you make the superhero so depressed she can't get out of bed, the show doesn't really work anymore. That said, I'm glad you're still enjoying the show peaceout.
  9. Well of course. What kind of person are you?
  10. There's one more. The writers said so. Magic addiction makes no sense at all. We have been seeing people use magic since the first season and Giles actively encouraged Willow to pursue it when she was a teenager yet, all of a sudden, magic is equated to drugs, complete with trips to the local dealer to get a fix and withdrawal symptoms. In case it wasn't obvious, I violently dislike pretty much everything about season 6.
  11. The meeting wasn't shown on Angel either and no more details are given. I strongly disagree with this. Buffy never even tries to confide in her friends. They aren't given a chance to listen to her. Part of my intense dislike of Season 6 is the writers isolating Buffy on purpose so the Spike is the only person she can turn to. Case in point: Giles leaving. I know tha actor wanted to spend more time in UK but the writers could have another way to work around instead of making him abandon Buffy when she's at her weakest.
  12. Are you saying you want to be abandoned in a cold, dark and silent place? Piss off some mob or drug dealer and you got your wish.
  13. If you're talking about the Tom Hiddleston link, they're referencing his brief romance with Taylor Swift.
  14. I don't know who they are, somone posted the link in other forum. I had to share the brilliance of it. Though I do feel a tad bad for poor Tom, who is not having the best year.
  15. If you can spare a couple of minutes go read this. Trust me, it's worth it.
  16. As soon as I read the news, I yelled out to my boss (she's in the room in front of mine): Angelina filed for divorce!
  17. Season 5 is when everything starts to fall apart for me. Too much real life crap, an unsufferable big bad and the main character is dragged so far down, she never really recovers. Season 4 is the last time when it feels like there's joy in the show.
  18. What heavenly place is that? I'm glad you are giving yourself a break, buffyjunkie. Today is my parents 42nd wedding anniversary.
  19. It was a joke. You know, to stress the absurdity of the scrutiny of Hillary's health.
  20. Thought I shared this with you as it made me laugh so much. Mom: If Hillary were a man people wouldn't be so concerned with her health. Dad: If Hillary were a man she never would have caught pneumonia.
  21. This will be very funny soon. It's been a while since I've done a proper rewatch, but I remember the plan was to wake Acathla and have it send the world to hell, where it would be more fun for vamps and demons. At least that is where Angel ends up. The Big Bads plans never made much sense to me in general.
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