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Everything posted by DaphneCat

  1. Except they flip flopped between several people saying Jennifer doesn't drink (i thought the person said that to defend her against something) and scenes where she's casually downing alcohol. I just want them to show SOME consistency.
  2. So now we're ALL supposed to just forget (or possibly hand wave away) that Eric is also an alcoholic? Sort of like how Jennifer's alcoholism came and went based on the whims of the writers. I was really liking Melinda - of COURSE the writers have to go and ruin her now too. I'm really over Shawn and his pity party - I agree with @DisneyBoy he doesn't have the chops to pull it off and is just getting boring.
  3. I think (hope) they were trying to show that just because Abe is a nice, well-liked guy he isn't necessarily qualified to be Mayor. He can't remember any of the REAL issues facing Salem and pretty much announced that he really just wanted to be mayor so he could pull strings for Chanel - not exactly winning qualifications. No one was saying he'll never be qualified to be mayor again, just that he isn't now. Memory loss or not, he really should have had enough savvy to realize his friends were right and Paulina was just using him for his "power".
  4. You're thinking of Cousin Itt. Thing was the disembodied hand that ran around. One thing you can say for some of the vets, is they really know how to bring it when necessary. I have absolutely no doubt that Suzanne will do Victor's passing justice. I'm also REALLY glad they said that his body had been discovered. Since John is actually gone in real life, it would have been a complete sacrilege for the show to do some missing or back from the dead storyline (see Joe Mascolo.) I'm guessing (or should I say hoping) that today was just some of the characters initially finding out about Victor's death and that they'll do a real farewell to him in another show.
  5. I'm getting caught up again so I'm commenting on both Tues and Wed. I have absolutely no desire to see round 684 of Kristen/Brady custody crap. At this point they should just give the kid to some random stranger and end it once and for all. Did enjoy the Belle comment though. I was struck when Theo was saying goodbye to Abe, that so far, he's been the ONLY person who actually asked Abe if it was OK to hug him. Everybody else is just subjecting this man to what must feel like physical contact from complete strangers. Who in their right mind thinks someone would enjoy that? And, of course, we all knew that Paulina would throw herself at Abe, after doing her very best Foghorn Leghorn imitation. I really want a friendship between Sloan and Melinda - they seem like two people who have enough in common that there would be a connection and they seem to genuinely like each other. Unfortunately, they're now going to ruin Sloan by having her be all guilt ridden and sad. Her and Eric can mope around together with Eric also alternating between scowling and making sure Sloan knows she will NEVER measure up to his standards - what a great life for a kid. I does seem like enough clues are dropping that Nicole may figure it out sooner rather than later. I really just don't want another round of Ericole. The writers just don't know what to do with them except come up with reasons they need to break up.
  6. I think they have someone on staff who's only job is to replenish the ice bucket, clean up all the broken glass, crockery, food, etc. that someone threw and clean up after the "romantic" gestures - i.e. rose petals, and any mess made from "playful" food fights or when breakfast in bed gets messy.
  7. Finally got caught up on this week's shows. Gosh show, it was so VERY subtle the way the camera kept coming back to EJ's DNA test. I don't think it was more than approximately 27 times. We've ALL known the kid is actually Eric's so it was a really big waste of anvils. Isn't Alex showing up all the time a more extreme version of what Chad was doing when he kept showing up every time Alex and Stephanie were on a date?
  8. And, of course, it never occurred to Marlena, psychiatrist extrodinaire to make sure she didn't harm anyone by, I don't know, CONDUCTING THERAPY WHILE POSSESSED? She just thinks about that now? Kate confiding in the biggest blabbermouth in Salem? WTF? No point in her doing this whatsoever. John was REALLY obnoxious today. That geriatric tough guy crap does not go over as well as the writers seem to think. Especially since his approach seemed guaranteed to make Jerry clam up and not tell them a thing - that is, if he didn't simply run away (try as they might, show can NEVER convince me that two old guys could outrun a young fit guy.) So nurse King apparently just wheeled Lani to the docks and not one person saw them? I'm just glad this Abe thing is getting wrapped up.
  9. Good speculation, except Nicole is much further along in her pregnancy - she's already at the point where they can determine sex. Sloan would have to flat out kidnap Nicole's baby - not that I think it would be below Ron's standards to write that. I'm foreseeing ANOTHER custody battle for a kid who will then end up in the DiMeara tunnels.
  10. She SAID it was an accident - we don't actually know if it was. It seemed like she was really leading him which is what aroused his suspicions in the first place.
  11. A few things about today's episode that seemed really stupid - First, just because Alex asked if he could join them for dinner, Chad or Stephanie could have simply said "No." Are they really such wimps that they couldn't say "Sorry, we were planning a private evening, just the two of us?" Oh wait, I just answered my own question. And why did Bonnie and Justin feel compelled to answer Maggie just because she asked "what secret"? Why on earth did Maggie immediately assume they were talking about someone she knew? And couldn't they have just said it was about a confidence they promised to keep for someone and it had nothing to do with her? And, this is really petty, but when Chloe and Xander were having sex on the couch did they really plan for one of them to open the door naked when the pizza actually came? Pizza delivery person should get a REALLY big tip for having to deliver to that.
  12. Melinda gave Brady the PERFECT out and neither he NOR Belle were smart enough to take it. There is absolutely no proof that the gun was loaded. All Brady (or Belle) had to say is that it wasn't loaded - voila, no felony. Because Kristen is a psychopath and Brady is an idiot.
  13. OK, I'm excited about Sloan and Melinda bonding. I liked Melinda a lot when she was helping Stefan. She has potential to be a great thorn in the side. She needs to do more than go around threatening to prosecute people who will never get prosecuted or will escape jail on some bogus immunity agreement.
  14. So how did Abe's eulogy by Theo turn into the "Ode to Paulina"? There wasn't anything about Abe in that speech. REALLY bad writing.
  15. Mine is that every woman in Salem, past OR present, suddenly wakes up and decides that she no longer give a rat's ass about the guy who had three dates with her and dumped her for the main character 10, 20, even 40 plus years ago. I'd also like Rolf to admit that any character WE SAW DIE (not talking about anyone who went missing and was presumed dead) is really just a clone/person with really good plastic surgery. Since they really only bring most characters back to ruin them anyway, this has the added benefit of explaining why most of them act in ways they never would have before.
  16. Well apparently, pretty much everyone in Salem has now been kept in the "secret" room in the DiMeara basement, so I guess the next logical step is to put day care down there. Lani is probably planning ahead to when she comes back permanently and thinking that it will be a great place to dump her twins. I'm guessing Holly's already there so it isn't like Rachel will be alone.
  17. Given who Gwen is, and pretty much everyone knows who Gwen is, I guess it would make far too much sense for Dmitri (or Leo) to simply tell Gwen about the money, offer her a sufficient cut, and get her to pretend she is in a rapturously happy marriage for the required amount of time. They then find acceptable "grounds for divorce" and go on their merry way, both considerably richer. Instead, they are going to try to get us to all feel sorry for poor, heartbroken Gwen, who, this time, actually believes she really has a shot at love. Sorry, I'm just too caught up in how someone can be so incredibly stupid to feel any sympathy for her. On another note, we're supposed to think that ring is something a rich person would wear or give. Yup, bad cubic zirconia (not even a good manufactured diamond) that is the size of a ring pop REALLY screams rich to me.
  18. OK, now I'll confess I loved Megan's over-the-top acting when Harris came in. The fact that not one person noticed made me actually laugh.
  19. You've said EVERYTHING I wanted to say. The ONLY thing you missed is Eric sitting on his bed pensively thinking about kissing Nicole and..... cut to Nicole thinking about Eric. I really don't think they could have found bigger anvils to drop. Yes, every time someone on this show blathers on about what a GREAT father Eric would be I want to throw something at my TV. Fortunately, the fact that I would have to clean it up always stops me.
  20. No worries, something like that would NEVER happen.
  21. I'm kinda liking the idea of Sloan and EJ together. Both would 100% accept each other and hopefully, both would be occupied when Ericole inevitably implode... AGAIN.
  22. For now, I'll go as far as saying that he's a lot more tolerable since he's dialed his schtick WAY back and is really just acting like a decent friend to Gwen.
  23. Don't know about anyone else, but I was somewhat put off by Wendy literally leaving a date with one man and going on a date with another - especially since she was going from a pretty heavy make-out session. It would be one thing if Tripp, Johnny and Wendy were all dating around and just waiting to see who they hit it off with the most - you know if you like someone enough to be exclusive - but they just had both guys standing there while Wendy played most in demand princess ever and Tripp and Johnny did everything except pee on her to mark their territory. This whole triangle just seems skeevy to me. This times a billion. I don't believe Sloan actually wants a child. And, as an aside, I REALLY don't need to see that flashback of Sloan submitting her own DNA for the 537th time. I actually caught it the first time.
  24. So AGAIN, we get the tired trope of someone standing around and talking, talking and talking giving whoever is going to ambush them enough time to do it. WOW, great writing, just riveting. Man, Jerry is stupid. He actually believes the police would listen to the person who kidnapped the mayor instead of the person who found him? Damn I'm sick of the terminally stupid people on this show.
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