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Posts posted by QuakerMaid

  1. On 5/1/2017 at 6:51 AM, arejay said:

    One mistake that stands out is her absolute insistence that NO ONE EVAH situates their books/packages/purse on the passenger seat and THEN reaches back to close the driver's door.  Hell, I did that twice just yesterday.

    I NEVER close the door before setting all my crap in the passenger seat.  Sometimes I throw the crap in the back first, then get into the car. But I always empty my hands first before closing the door. I drive small cars. I want as much room possible when I need to move around. That door stays open until I'm ready to drive off.

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  2. I'm not done yet!!!!!!!

    [I thought I was, but just remembered another thing that solidifies Judy's ignorance]

    One time a man was talking about his former girlfriend's slip into mental illness. She was later diagnosed with schizophrenia.

    The man said he went to visit her at the hospital during her stay~~ while she was still having an episode but prior to the diagnosis~~ and she acted all afraid of him, telling the staff that he had beat her. Judy refused to believe him when he said he never laid a hand on the woman. "If she was afraid of you, there MUST be a reason," and she refused to believe the man no matter what he said.

    The woman was in the middle of a psychotic episode, for crying out loud! She was seeing, hearing, and thinking things that were not factual!  That's what schizophrenia entails. Everyone that knows the least thing about the illness knows this.

    Judy is just plain ignorant.

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  3. I want to slam Judy for a few things she's said on her show [I don't watch it anymore as I KNOW she doesn't know the law and she lets her priviledge show in all her episodes]

    1} One time a person said they had a 'dental emergency' and had to go to the dentist. Judy yelled 'THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A DENTAL EMERGENCY". 

    My thought→Like Hades there isn't! When one has a simple cavity, it becomes a dental emergency. The pain of a simple cavity makes doing one's job almost impossible. And having to pop all the OTC pain pills can reek havoc on the bodu. And when it comes to dentistry, there's a lot worse/imminent things than a cavity. Just ask any dentist.

    2} One time Judy got onto someone for not using their bank account while in jail.  This was about a late payment to someone on the outside. Well, even the dumbest judge knows that inmates have no access to outside financial accounts.

    3} She ridiculed a man for having to look at his paperwork to refer to certain dates. He said "I have brain damage. I have to write things down to remember them. I have to refer to the paper of the dates I wrote down as I won't be able to remember what happened when." But Judy still reprimanded him every time he would look at his paper to see the dates when Judy was asking him about what happened on what date. She told him straight out that she didnt believe his story because he had to keep looking at the paper to see the dates. SIDENOTE: As a person who suffers from brain damage, just having to admit to brain damage on national TV is embarrassing enough, but to be ridiculed after that BY A JUDGE is against ADA laws.

    4} One person who came in had an obvious nervous system disorder. The person kept swaying. Judy yelled at the person to quit swaying. The person tried to stop, but eventually started swaying again. She kept yelling at the person to quit swaying. 

    Judy is a total jerkaholic.

    I know this is a late entry. I have been holding this in for years. I needed to vent somewhere.

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