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Posts posted by elsie

  1. On 10/28/2020 at 10:20 AM, Milan said:

    hahaha....you are the first one here that noticed.

    Off course Malia was not saying anything because she is a slut.

    In the 2 seasons with her in the cast she slept with 3 guys. it seem she can not go dry for a month believe me.....

    Gasp! (Cue pearl clutching)

    If she were more transparent about it she could sleep with cast, crew, production...who cares? To me it is not the fucking that is the objectionable component of her behavior.

    • Love 8
  2. While watching Pete get so emotional over "Lana" leaving, I wondered if part/all  of his response might be misdirected grief about his dad's terminal illness. 

    I found Hannah surprisingly enjoyable twice this episode... ( As a rule I think she's truly vile.)

    The first time was her stunned expression when finding out Pete was a father. Gobsmacked.

    The second was when she realized she had left the poor musicians below deck for much longer than she had intended.. Her line was something like "Everything is going great except that I totally forgot about two humans waiting in the galley." 

    (Perhaps it says a lot about the way that I view Hannah. When she shows any sense of self awareness or sense of humor about herself I find it noteworthy.)

    Ending on a shallow note; Roy Orbison Jr would do me as a viewer a great service if he wore a shirt to meals. That was much more up close and personal boobage than I was prepared for.


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  3. On 5/24/2020 at 3:58 PM, ginger90 said:

    Catelynn’s most recent promotion of the baby food. It’s a video, why, I don’t know. 


    I know when I think of Catelynn I think of someone who puts great effort in eating an all organic, non GMO diet. 

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  4. Poor Chris...it looked like he was in a great deal of pain. It's sobering to be in such a physical profession (which he seems to love and be quite good at) and then be faced with the possibility that that might be cut short.

    It just figures that the annoying thinks-he-knows it all dude (Parker) is frolicking underwater with his girlfriend after making a total ass of himself, and his sweet natured, experienced replacement goes down for the count after only being there for a hot minute.

    • Love 16
  5. 2 hours ago, film noire said:

    She needed that Madame Paulette stain kit to clean her sour puss. 

    Yes - the dress was probably 1990s Vivienne Tam ("Dear Diary; I wore my old gangsta Vivenne Tam to the One Percenter Oligarchs Labor Day Barbecue Richard's peeps hosted,  and I was the belle of the ball  -  licking sticky chicken skin off my fingers & asking  Bishop Desmond Tutu to hang up my Stalin coat - a truly magical night...")

    Ramona's inner monologue: If anybody reaches for my food I will shank a bitch.

    Sonja: I just Jitney-peed in the front row of a Pamella Roland show.

    Leah: She dares give me that pink hat? Like I'm Queen Elizabeth working a motherfucking rope line when I INVENTED streetware? It's fucking on, LADY.


    Luann: I'd fuck myself, marry myself, and kill these rhony heffas.

    Vivienne Tam was my first thought also. I remember when her collection came out ( I'm old) when I was in college, and there was this very uncomfortable showdown between the people that were enraged at Mao's image (with pigtails, cross eyed, etc...) being used so flippantly, and those who wore the prints as a way of taking back power (?) Since both sides were of Chinese heritage, it was interesting to see such a strong divergence in opinion.


    Really wish Leah would stop drinking. Why after so many years of sobriety would she set herself up like that again? My dad was a very hard core alcoholic for 20 years and now has been sober for 20. I'm incredibly proud and grateful (although it would have been nice if he had gotten there a little sooner. My childhood comes with great stories, but I don't know, I'm thinking a sane or sober parent would have probably been good too) but if you ask him, he knows he's still just as much of an addict-just a non practicing one. I  keep thinking about Leah's daughter. Argh.

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  6. 2 hours ago, F8. said:

    Reza had a very successful real estate career - he is quite well off and might be using Adam it hide some assets for tax purposes. These people had lives before they started this show and he sold big time in L.A. real estate,

    I only watch this show sporadically the last couple of years, so I might have missed it -Why do Reza and Adam live in such humble abode? I am in San Francisco, so I get  regional high cost of housing, but with Reza's love of brand names and flashy, gaudy, more is more style I was expecting something, you know...more?

    • Love 7
  7. Kind of unfathomable that a woman who has seemingly never made a responsible decision in her entire adult life has been given such a huge platform to encourage others to make equally bad (medical) choices.


    • Love 17
  8. 8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Vegans like all human beings behave in many different ways. Some vegans are fine with pots and pans that have been used as long as they have been cleaned, same with the a grill/cooktop as long as there isn’t cross contamination and others are more stringent.

    This is true, There are also vegans like me that choose to eat a plant based diet to lessen the carbon footprint they leave behind. In my case it doesn't much matter to me what was in the pot or pan previously, just what is in it presently.

    (A side note,-even with all his complaining, I thought the food Adam made looked pretty good.)

    • Love 8
  9. Unpopular opinion I know, but I'm glad that Kate is not going to be returning. I think she seemed totally over it even when the season was just beginning, and  mid season when they were docked and she walked over  (with camera person in tow) to see the boat she had started her career on it all seemed like a story arc that was creating a narrative...and for me it makes sense.

    Then there was the small matter of her being assaulted and treated like shit, so you know, that too.


    More UO-I don't enjoy Lee at all. I don't like his style of leading, I don't think he has the ability to separate his friendship with Kate with his job of seeing a situation impartially, and most of all I can't fucking stand when he calls the men working for him "Ladies."  (This had occurred at least twice, but not this season)

    I really would watch another season of Below Deck if it started over with a whole new crew. I like the premise very much.


    Was it new information, or just new to me, that there was also a producer in the van when Ashton punched the window?

    • Love 7
  10. Some disjointed thoughts...(although on that note, if you reside in a state where it's cool I highly recommend Kiva chocolate. Something tells me that I wont find theses puns as funny in a few hours...Moving on)


    I thought it was nice that Abbi was there and could give an update on her situation even though her season was a short one. Her hair looked really pretty and she seemed quite happy.


    When this crew started I was so pleased to see a POC included....particularly on the interior. (I have a terrible memory for television, but I'm pretty sure that hasn't been a thing on this series, or the Med version either. Please correct me if I'm mistaken) And Simone seemed quite smart and funny and affable and then cut to a few months later and all I can think of while watching the reunion is FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SIMONE, SHUT UP!! It's frustrating how she doesn't seem to be able to understand that it is not Kate's job to be her mentor and that there are things she needed to learn that Kate just wouldn't have time to teach her (And I say that as someone who is really not a Kate fan.)


    And speaking of Kate (the dress that she wore seemed to be trying to asphyxiate her) Though I find most of what she says not entirely genuine, her conversation with Kevin was not as much as a train wreck as I feared it might be. Considering what an ass he was to her for most of the time, it was generous of her to sincerely compliment him on his work ethic.


    Oh Shirted Brian, the more you talk the easier it is to dismiss you.



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  11. On 1/30/2020 at 2:47 PM, druzy said:

    This is a little better than yesterday


    I have been blessed with a scary fivehead, and bangs are my everything. These aren't totally doing it for Catelynn, but at least there on the right track.  (Really bad pun there, no? )

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  12. The tender ride the guests took to their picnic was so strikingly beautiful. I think it was my favorite part of this whole season!!

    You know how you can be walking down the street, minding your own business, and someone will say "Smile!" and it is just the most obnoxious thing?  ( I remember being young..20...and getting a phone call my mom was in the ER after experiencing a heart attack... I had to get to her but  I had no car...no $ for a cab...ran to the bus to make it across SF at rush hour, trying not to lose it. The man waiting at the stop with me says, "You're so pretty, you just need to smile more" That falls under justifiable homicide, right? )

    I say all this because I found myself watching Kate serving lunch (who I think must be very good at her job) and wishing she would just smile more.

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  13. Quite the juxtaposition to watch the scene with veteran Kate (when seeing the first yacht she worked on) reflecting on her 10 years in the industry, and then seeing her physically blocking the doorway of the interior from Kevin like a child would later in the same episode.

    Luckily for her, there were so many dick moves tonight by so many crew members that it doesn't stand by itself in cringe worthy moments,


    When is this season over again? Is it longer than usual, or does it just seem that way because the only person I can stand is Courtney?

    • Love 11
  14. Although I did love seeing Tamra look utterly moronic doing her best Sean Spicer impersonation in the bushes, the season as a whole fell very flat for me.

    I would love if they changed it up next season formula wise. Maybe by breaking the fourth wall a bit more (kind of like they do on Teen Mom, but even more so) by having the cast members acknowledge that they have to show up places because of the constraints of doing the show, like Kelly had to tonight. Or that this new person is showing up because so and so got canned, or that they don't really want to take a trip with this person they don't like, but it is part of the show. Any little bit of actual reality on this candid reality program might be a welcome change.

    Maybe in addition to the Vaseline lens talking heads they add in editing now (which always seem disjointed and scripted, obviously shot well after the filming of whatever scene they are commenting on) they could include the producers on set asking questions or clarifying things and show the crew, cameras, etc...

    I know it would give the program a decidedly different vibe, but it seems the bloom is definitely off the orange now, Formula is tired.

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  15. I was happy to see the return of the guests this week. (With the exception of the guy who complained about his meal not being Michelin quality, and then was kind of an asshole in a  way I can't really describe, but sensed  when Courtney gave him a glass of wine) The dad of the family of four (Albert, I think?) is so laid back and seems to have such a  pleasant vibe. When his parents came on board I could see where he got it from.

    The children are beautiful, and I love how they try all the food that is presented to them...Even if it is the tiniest bite of the somewhat scary looking black rice pudding. My kid is also really adventurous when it comes to trying new foods, and it does make things easier, although I don't think we'll be jetting off to visit Thailand on a mega yacht anytime soon! What an unusual reality their children have.

    • Love 19
  16. 12 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    I thought this was below the belt too.  I liked that when Jennifer tried to stir that pot with Margaret earlier in the episode, Margaret was like yeah no shit she has food issues - we know she had an eating disorder and it can rear back up at any time, especially if she's stressed.  

    I agree.  As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder for the better (or worse) part of my life, I thought Margaret's comment was spot on and compassionate,  

    Also I don't know if Jennifer is the first person I would think of as having a healthy relationship with food and her body considering her comments about liposuction as an alternative to exercise.

    I had to fast forward past the dolphin crap (such a beautiful, incredibly intelligent animal. It's heartbreaking to think of them being used in this way) and it looks like I might have to do the same if Jackie's storyline hits a little too close to home. 

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