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Everything posted by sharkerbaby

  1. no - https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/cancer/cancer.html
  2. I think this is a product of having "real" people as contestants. Many of these competitive reality shows start this way but quickly devolve into contestants whose primary objective is to become social media influencers, break into show business, or some similar "15 minutes of fame" motivation. These types tend to perform rather than compete and showboat rather than display good sportsmanship. My personal sense is this is Celly's actual reason for being there; one just has to refer to her show profile where she self-describes as a "diva" or watch her over the top celebrating and constant effort to make herself front and center during and after competitions. My fervent hope is that given the pool of people this show pulls from, the "wrong reasons" contestants will be kept at bay and show up only occasionally rather than being the norm.
  3. I think people just enjoy trying to get others riled up, it's just like the people who are shouting that Disney is shelving one of the most popular characters just because he went off for some additional training. I mean that is one of the oldest season ending tropes ever... favorite character taken off screen never to be seen again... yeah, right!
  4. If that's the case then perhaps she should actually watch it before making her pronouncements... per @IndyMischa...
  5. A nurse???? WTF? Take a look at the cast photo... which one of these is not like the others? Nurse isn't even in the neighborhood of blue collar. I know, I know they never specifically said it was a competition for blue collar workers but it certainly is geared that way with the rough and tumble look and feel. I think this is a novelty casting to somehow honor the newest professions to be added to the "hero" bucket. And PLEASE just stop with this.... "What makes you tough as nails? Why aren't I? I'm a woman, a nurse, and a diva that's not afraid to get my hands dirty!" umm, no, being a woman does not make you tough as nails, being a nurse does not make you tough as nails, won't even address "diva", and sorry sweetheart, even getting your hands dirty does not make you tough as nails. Unless there is a lot more to her, like I don't know she used to be an oil rigger, or in her spare time, other squeezing in that 2nd work out, she builds houses by hand, I hope her competition goes down in flames. Sorry I'm salty when people try to make themselves out to be something their not, especially if it's to get "instafamous".
  6. interesting, I had no idea! I'm going to have to look into this.
  7. My only explanation is apparently some people's foresight doesn't go beyond the length of their arm. 😉
  8. I'm more than fine with this. COVID is a constant presence with the related safety measures practically blasting on loop over loudspeaker, I'm perfectly fine having an opportunity to get away from it via my escapist TV.
  9. A little late to the party here... Please I hope they stay away from Covid. I left one board already because of Covid talk and the moralizing that was happening, I'd hate for it to bleed over here too. So happy to see more Cooper, he's definitely one of my favorites and makes every episode he's in a little brighter!
  10. She also said she didn't want to room with Hanna during dinner the night before, but you know there were a number of hours in between so they all forgot she said it.
  11. Thank you @Kohola3 for responding. Interesting. I'm going to back out of this conversation and I think this entire board. I wish everyone all the best.
  12. Curious, how was this number derived? Do you have a link to the source?
  13. Technically she's right. As most people know, all grains are seeds but not all seeds are grains. In this case buckwheat is sometimes called a "pseudo grain", it's also sometimes referred to as a "super seed". There are only a few seeds that are also so considered "pseudo grains"; I can't remember them all but I'm pretty sure quinoa and wild rice are two of them. Digging back here but I think to truly be a grain the plant has to be part of the grass family, so wheat and barley are grains. Buckwheat is in the same family as rhubarb (although I can't remember what plant family that is), so seed.
  14. free upgrades probably. Anecdotally, it seems to be a more frequent occurrence than it used to be.
  15. We are in the same stage of life and in shockingly similar circumstances (only real difference I see is my close relative death was someone other than my father). We just have different perspectives and view points. Oh, and I in no way consider myself a martyr!
  16. I look at this from the another perspective. For context, I fall towards the older range of the 2nd highest risk category plus I have multiple co-morbidities so I am of even higher risk of dying should I contract COVID plus I have lost a very close family member. The chances that we are going to eradicate this virus are minuscule, we MAY get a vaccine but even that will NOT be 100% effective, and like all viruses, this one will mutate perhaps for the better perhaps for the worse. Let me repeat that; the virus is NOT going away, at least not for a very long time no matter what we do. Whether we like it or not, we are eventually going to have to learn to live with this virus. I feel or those who have experienced loss and devastation as a direct result of the disease (and I count myself among them). That being said, I also look at those around me specifically, those in my family, my friends, and my neighbor circles, in other words anyone who I could normally "reach out and touch" on a regular basis and ALL of them have lost out on many many things because society has elected to exist as protectionists. So many educational opportunities, bonding experiences, growth opportunities, self affirming and confidence building experiences, opportunities for exceptional achievement, life improvement opportunities, celebrations of life and happiness, and once in a lifetime events all ruined with little or no options to recreate, experience, or achieve them. To be more specific and referring back to those I "could reach out and touch" I personally know of births of 1st babies/grandchildren hidden away with no fanfare, elderly relatives left alone and in solitude, 1st days of school kindergarten and/or 1st grade ruined, multiple senior years of high school ruined, no prom, no graduation, no homecoming, weddings ruined, athletic scholarships to schools otherwise out of reach not achieved, Freshman year of college ruined, vital internships non existent, people dying alone and afraid, funerals and final goodbyes silent, to say nothing of jobs and financial stability, and there is even more but I'll leave these as a sampling of the types of things that people consider inconsequential and trivial losses all so that I can stay safe. We can't even sing at church! For me personally, I look at all that and think it is utterly selfish of me to want more of that while we continue on this safe and sheltered path so that I can be assured that I will not get sick. Perhaps I should remain sheltered but to expect everyone around me to do so as well seem utterly unfair, inconsiderate, and self-centered. I can remain cloistered in my home but let those that are less likely to get gravely ill get back to living their lives so that the side effects of this sheltered living can be minimized and they can get back to rebuilding their lives and get back on track to a full, rewarding, successful, and happy life. I'm a solitary loner and even I don't consider this living, there is far more to life than this and I want to get out and experience it again in my own solitary way. I look at my children and mourn that they are left in this static unmoving place unable to flourish and soar because every minuscule step they consider taking forward gets swatted down with admonishments and looks of disgust and disapproval. And no, I am not a conspiracy theorist, I do believe the virus exists and can be deadly, I do believe there is benefit to some of the prophylactic steps we have been taking but I do worry we may be hastening its mutation and perhaps shuffling it along to being resistant to our efforts, and I also fully acknowledge that there are certain groups of people who should be extra vigilant. I also believe that an individual's risk of dying from the novel corona virus is less than what most of the population perceives it to be. I do also thankfully acknowledge most people seem to have backed away from the edge that so many were initially on believing that if they were to be within sight of another person they were going to catch it and then without a doubt would die. Thank goodness that is no longer the prevalent thought. I'll slink away to my corner now and submit myself for the flogging I am due as my opinion differs from those of the majority here.
  17. Love the Chris' roundup - very on point and I couldn't agree more with all of them!
  18. Captain Lee is a class act and spot on on all accounts. He is the only reason I will continue to watch "original recipe" but not the others Rob's a pig. Make that Rob is a disgusting low life pig.
  19. Our CSA pick up (I've done 3 different ones) has always been at the Farmer's Market. This was fabulous because I could pick up my "take what we give you and be gone!" (TM@Lovecat) boxes and shop for anything additional I wanted. Personally I MUCH prefer the TWWGYABG (awkward abbreviation) arrangement precisely because I get things I am unfamiliar with using and likely would not buy of my own accord. These unknowns have been mostly hits with only a few exceptions.
  20. As was earlier pointed out Malia only has 2 stripes so even though she is head of her department, Bugsy still outranks her. And though is not clearly defined here, on most luxury yachts the Chief Stew oversees the galley and thereby the chef as well.
  21. Holy Hell! I need to get my butt in gear and get to freezing my fat!
  22. Up until now I have not read any of Mariah's social media ramblings and have ever so gratefully followed along with @ginger90 's reposts. (THANK YOU GINGER90!!! you do the work and spare the rest of us!!) But, I did take a look at her twitter to see what her latest rants were about and was quite happily surprised to see that most of the replies were actually contradicting and trying to get her to be at least a little more open to other thoughts and opinions. I fully expected to see nothing but praise and adulation so color me surprised. Now granted I didn't spend a heck of a lot of time there so I may have stumbled onto the exceptions to the rule but there was some push back.
  23. That symbol is actually quite common and has seen a huge resurgence recently. There is quite a bit of history behind her Twitter avatar and in fact actually accurately represents her activism and what she rallies behind. It is known as the Black Power fist, has been adopted by the organization Black Lives Matter, and is generally used as a symbol of black nationalism, power, solidarity, socialism, and radicalism. Here are three links for additional info. The first only allows you to read a brief bit before throwing up a subscription request but is generally viewed as reliable the other two are wikipedia https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/07/history-of-raised-fist-global-symbol-fighting-oppression/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raised_fist & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Power The LGBTQ+ activist community and radical feminists also uses the Power Fist symbol and sometimes adds a gender"ish" designater with it
  24. Not any more so than The Villa. Both are equally plastered with plastic dollar store party wares. I like the pool at Casa Amor better though so in that sense that location is preferable.
  25. At least Nicole living in Michigan has a high probability of being a Spartan fan and/or has close family who either attends or graduated from MSU. (btw, I bleed green!)
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