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Everything posted by Eme

  1. Patrick - So DUN with him. All I can see is his BabyMama, stuck permanently in the Friend Zone, looking hurt that he's heading for Paris to a New Gal. Really? Karma is rough and we are all watching with the popcorn. Marium is enjoying the attention, and had no interest in him. IF she has a BF, she told him about Patrick only to try to get him jealous, and he's either not jealous at all, or else he's bugged and giving her the silent treatment. Their story is annoying and the only ending I would like to see is Patrick going back to the BabyMama and putting some Serious Effort into making that family work. Sheesh. Larry - the look on his face as he gingerly took a bite of the pork then immediately ripped it out of his mouth, all the while sweating up a storm.....seriously? I saw that delish looking pork and thought "Man! That skin looks nice and crunchy....YUMM!" He has zero social graces, and while Jenny looks to be in it for the green card, it seems like she thought he had a tiny bit of manners and was shocked and dismayed to realize that she's stuck with an social idiot. I am guessing her Mom is in the Middle East as a domestic. My heart breaks for her in not seeing her Mom for 3 years. Larry should have taken one look at that home and insisted on using his 401K to get them BEDS and some some minor comforts instead of judging them and leaving. He is useless. On the other hand, if she gets a grip on his financial situation, she may just dodge a bullet when she realizes that his income will not allow them to help her family financially....so there is that. Antonio -- his friend is a complete wingman who hooked him up. Corny got all goo-goo eyed when she heard the Back Up Singer tell her how Antonio's rudeness is simply cultural. Nice! Antonio can't wait for her to leave. I can't wait for her to leave. Move on girlfriend, this exotic guy is too much for you....none of the passive aggressive cold shoulder will work on him in the long term. Move on..... Karine needs to get a person to translate what is going on...she will never understand with his "pat" answers "someone accused me of burning my personal belongings for insurance fraud." WHAT? There is a LOT to unpack there and without a translator, she is hopeless of getting close to the real story. It sounded like she wanted to move forward and forget about the machete mugging, his abandoning her in a dangerous area, and avoiding talking about this past...this could work out for him....but she is making a serious mistake in not getting a translator to help her make that decision.
  2. Antonio is photogenic. Not so much IRL. Plus, he looked a bit more curvy IRL than in his pictures. The rash and the herb bath.....wow. How soon will Sean need one? Darcy is too thirsty...very uncomfy to watch. Larry is going all out and is immune to rationality. I hope he finds what he's looking for.....or at least learns some lessons.
  3. I stand corrected, Scott is 34 not 38....although he looks like he could be nearing 50.....Must be all that beard shadow...and the pudgy face. Hoping Tracy figured things out and is not with him now. Looking forward to the Tell All...
  4. Michelle is so cute and seemed to be fun, I am shocked that Tom did not jump to marry her. But, he is commitment-phobe, so there is that... Darren was so smart to not propose -- Isabella was not really into him being Black. It would not have worked in The Real World, so good for him for seeing through her thirst. I could not see the attraction between Tracy and Scott. Scott is just not attractive and Tracy is very bland. THEN, we see Scott's Mom -- Tracy Sr.,-- and it All Makes Sense. Tracy is anxious to get remarried and Scott see's his Mom, literally, in Tracy. I was SHOCKED that Scott's Mom put the kibosh on it all. After all, they KNEW he was going on this show to Get Married...right? He brings some a Perfectly Reasonable Looking and Acting Gal and they put a STOP to it. I was 80% sure that he would Man Up and Pick Tracy because he is an Adult and Made The Decision to Go On This Show to Find a Wife....but he buckled to his parents. Wow. I was as shocked as Tracy. I found it sad in reading the dubbing at the "End of Show Hugging" that she was in denial saying that they were going to See How Things Worked after the show and he was telling someone that he was Done With Her and would not marry her. He's about as nice as I always thought he was. He latched on to Tracy when he first got there and sped into the Trial Marriage and led her on big time....there are some very good reasons he is not married at 38 (although he looked much older). Can't wait to see what Missy is up to next week. Did anyone else think that Ashley K. looks like a blonde Isla Fisher? Maybe just me....
  5. Paul and Karina need a Translator STAT! And that Translator needs to be with them all the time -- so that he can have a 'conversation' with her parents. I couldn't help thinking that her riding in the back of the truck - much less going with him to his hotel -- were going to RUIN her reputation forever in that small town. Who Does That? He is oblivious of her culture. His asking for her to go with him to his hotel was just so jarring. I felt like her parents were giving him permission to Marry Her or at least Take Responsibility for her at some level. Maybe that is why she expected intimacy with him that night -- a Honeymoon of sorts? Confusing but nothing that a TRANSLATOR couldn't have cleared up. Sheesh! Once I saw Mother Jesse, everything clicked into place. Why Jesse would even give Darcy the time of day.....why he may be moving the relationship forward even though her extreme thirst is a big turnoff to him. I said it before but it bears repeating.....Darcy should have checked into a hotel first thing....gotten some beauty sleep....walked around a bit on her own (at least down the block from the hotel) to check out the effect of the cobblestone on her high heels....and then met up with Jesse after being refreshed. Him taking her on a bike ride and then riding ahead was jerky behavior. He does not appear to be into her and his constant complaints about her thirst are sad because he needs to have these conversations with HER, not the camera. Step-Dad Jesse was rude, but he made cogent points....Clearly Jesse thinks he's All That...so. other than her looking like his Mom's Sister...why does he want to have a relationship with Darcy? BTW, thanks Step-Dad Jesse for not having this conversation in private but sharing it with all of us out here in teeveeland....
  6. That was a 5 hour trip to see Grandma. Lots went on during that journey to make FamilyChantel not want to get out of the van. Simple manners would dictate you not only get out of the van, but also you actually take small presents - including food -- to Grandma in the country. Hard to tell what exactly Grandma's place looks like since the videography wasn't so great in the dark, but I can easily imagine that as an Elder that she probably likes her digs in the country and has no interest in moving to the city. Many older US Americans feel that way, why not her also? I can only imagine how FamilyChantel would have taken it if Pedro had treated FatherChantel's Mother like they treated GrandmaPedro. We can only see what is on the screen in a vacuum....we don't have all the details, but given what we've seen, FamilyChantel's pearl clutching was over the top and unforgivable. Let's tune in and see if Pedro forgives?
  7. Chantel's Spanish is horrible. She knows just enough to be a menace -- she enunciates incorrectly and misunderstands others when they speak to her en Espanol. Pedro's sister said "Punto!" at the end of her comment - signaling "I am having the last word!" That is very typical and while it may sound like another derogatory word, given the context, Chantel interpreted it quickly, and wrongly. Chantel just does not have a sufficient command of the Spanish language to go flinging around comments. She interprets everything in the worst possible way. Most telling in that exchange coming up next week is the speed in which Chanel "goes there" with the inlaws - spewing vitriol and burning bridges as fast as her legs can carry her. If she has any intention of staying with Pedro, she MUST take Spanish classes asap! Pedro must also take English classes asap. There is no shortcut for them to communicate effectively. She chose him, she has to understand him. Chantel and Pedro are both immature and, clearly, did not have any financial discussions - but there is no time like the present! Why wouldn't FamilyPedro ask for things and expect them? He's been sending money and promised them a nice tv. They were excited about it at the airport --surely he told them he was taking it with him on the airplane....."Where is it?" Seemed a bit greedy at the airport, but we are not privy to all of the conversations/expectations that went on between FamilyPedro and Pedro. As a Latina, married to a Latino....my advice to Chantel is to Woman Up. Pedro is a Latino and she needs to figure out all the cultural expectations Pedro didn't bother to explain before they got married. Agree with the poster who said that their main problem is allowing their families to butt in. Chantel complaining to FamilyChantel about Pedro's perceived shortcomings is bad form. Surely she wants FamilyChantel to LIKE him? After all she did drag them all to DR....Any rude awakening on Chantel's part should be shared with her BFF, not FamilyChantel who hate him already. If Chantel plans to stay married, she needs to learn Spanish and learn about DR culture NOW.
  8. FamilyPedro was on a mission to make FamilyChantel PAY for their rudeness to Junior. FamilyChantel should have gotten off the flight, gone to their hotel, rested, ate at a restaurant, then agreed to meet up later to visit FamilyPedro. All of this should have been arranged before they got on the plane so FamilyPedro would not have put out any effort in making the gourmet DR dishes. The snickering when FamilyPedro admitted they don't like the chicken feet was too much. Insulting. I really gave MotherChantel the benefit of the doubt when she kept saying that she was cultured and would be polite, but she really had an agenda to insult MotherPedro as soon as she could. She had no problem making it tense and uncomfortable for everyone. Nice. Very Classy MotherChantel. Now we know from where River gets his attitude. I'd like to know What Went Down In The Van on those FIVE HOURS getting to Grandmas??? What was going on that they were so hostile to getting out? One would think that they would be happy to get out and stretch their legs at least. Those dogs were harmless. I didn't hear one bark. Seriously? The Insult to GrandmaPedro is unforgivable. Chantel needed to WomanUp and tell them to GET OUT. Nope, she spent most of her miserable time there lamenting to her parents about how RICH the FamilyPedro is now and not the Poor Folk she left them a year ago. Bitter. I did appreciate How Fast Pedro threw in her face that she has a New Car! "Which is NORMAL in America." RIGHT! Their communication skills are horrid and one would THINK that FamilyChantel, who created that monster, would have figured out that she is deceptive and take her crap with a grain of salt? There is NO GUIDANCE from her parents to help her deal with her situation. They want Pedro GONE and went to DR to prove they are right. Pao needs a Real Agent. When we first met the Agent, she was leery about a girl "who is married" because she didn't want to put up with an angry husband. Really? WHY would a husband be angry if you are legit? Alex's Mother had every right to be blindsided by the information that the illness will likely be passed on to her grandchildren. It would have been upsetting for anyone. But instead of letting her absorb the information, it IMMEDIATELY BECAME ALL ABOUT LOREN and "how she just can't with this!" Really? Everyone had to COMFORT LOREN? That girl is so high maintenance, she is exhausting. I think everyone watching pretty thought 2 things about Alex's brother - Bring him to the US on a visit and match him up and WHY is the Mom freaking out? She and Father in Law won't be eligible for another 3 years themselves....when 2nd son will be 29 -- he may be married then and parents can go back to visit. Mom overreacted because she can't picture herself away from Israel. Fair enough. Give her time, she seems like nice person. Mo is all about making his case against Dani. Diamond is a vehicle for him to get more ammo against Dani in court. To really stop being fearful of Dani, he needs to GO BACK HOME AND NEVER RETURN.
  9. Two reasons why Chris seems a bit creeptastic to me....Amy is so tiny and he looks like a huge guy hovering over her....ACK! Second, notwithstanding his size difference, if he was into her, I mean, REALLY Into Her, he would come across as Nicer. We'd all be happy for her that she's found someone nice, but we don't get that vibe. He's there, he's guarded, and she appears to want more from him, that he's not giving...so there is That.....
  10. So this week I was looking at them and trying to find any similarities with each other and with the parents. I can find very little. If the girls were next to each other, you would say "Yeah, they are sisters" but they don't look like any of their brothers and their brothers do not look alike. Put them in a line and try to guess if they are related...can't find the similarities. Can anyone point out their similarities (other than the bad teeth) to show they are brothers/sisters?
  11. THIS!! I kept thinking this while she was talking. Seriously?? I wanted the "Interviewer" to ask Nicole's Mom what she thought about the "fights" she saw unfold on the series versus what Nicole told her when she got back? The Mom AGREED with Azan's wish to get Nicole to eat more healthy food and to work out. What about all the crapola Nicole complained about when she got home? Nicole is so self-centered and has zero grasp of consequences. She came home, all het up about how he would not make out with her at the airport...how he refused to cry when she was leaving...and how put out she was over the entire visit, and vomited all of her Bad Feelings about Azan...totally not thinking that she needs her family's support to continue this relationship (monetarily; taking care of May; and emotional support since he's so far away). Anfisa needs to come over with her key and write on Nicole's car.... I have liked Azan throughout. He probably thought she was cute and certainly a ticket out of his country's unemployment. I think he was shocked at her low level of maturity. He probably figured that once she got to his home that they would 'connect' but all of her complaining was a serious bummer. I am positive he hung up once the Mom came into the Reunion room. He knows she hates him, and he was DUN. Jorge needs to Run Fast....but he will not. He paid for her to be there and he will continue to pay. He has zero self-esteem and I almost felt sorry for him when he said that he blew $10,000 on one night at a strip joint. Really? That actually explained a lot about him. I thought is was funny that Chantel dropped knowledge on him - "If you adverted yourself that way, then you have to come through on your end." HEEEE! Thank you Chantel! Also, at some point, another Eagle Eyed Poster said something to the effect that Chantel and Peds were trying out for a Telenovela! I can't get that imagery out of my head! "Pero Baby! Don't cry! I no like you cry!" "But Baby!!" I think that if there are ever any such reunions again - where the Immigrant cannot speak English - Peds, Anfisa, and Alla - then they should have translators which subtitles for us! Seriously!! I think that Chantel's Spanish is limited so she could not keep up with the narration, and he was curious to know what was going on......Also, Anfisa didn't get it either. It's only fair that they at least understand what is being said at these things. TRANSLATORS!! I like Peds and I am unsure why Family Chantel doesn't like him after seeing the series? I guess they can never not stop babying her? Hopefully they will think about it and realize that he loves her. Mr. Eme thought that Peds telling her that his friends wanting to find an American to escape DR is reasonable -- stuff that Peds friends would have said and she took offense. Not a big deal. Love Alla. It seems like she and Matt are getting along and they might last. Yay. Narkiya....well at least she has an adorable son. I loved how he rocked his haircut. And he has a ton of sense. Narkiya just wanted to "be married" and she knew that he was sketchy with the lying about the Baby Mama, so I think she just used that info about him trying to get back with the Baby Mama as an excuse to salvage a bit of pride and Get Out. So be it. Hoping she finds someone close to home who loves her just as she is.
  12. So Pedro's Mom saying we are "Puro Dominicanos!" did not ring racist in any way to me. She was REMINDING HIM that he is a Great Catch and to not sell himself short to Chantel. I got it that she was Going Dominican on Them and telling them where to go if they were going to try to run rampant over her boy Peds. {Same as Going PR on them, or Going Mexican on them or any other ethnic group which is flexing its muscle to a foreigner.} I laughed and thought "Good for her! She's not letting ANYONE push her boy around!" Next scene we see him cave to Whatever Chantel wants. UGH. So much for the Mom Reinforcements.....If he sticks with ding dong Chantel, then he deserves what he gets since he's already seen what she's like....
  13. Nicole is just horrid all the way around. She could not look her Mother and Sister in the face when she talked about Azan's criticisms.....maybe because she left out THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS -- HER actions in those scenes? She is a piece of work! There is no way those two should 'stay' together, but it is mostly because of HER and her cringeworthy attitude. I can only hope that her family is as horrified as we all are when they watch her hijinks in Morocco. There are plenty of pretty and big girls who have ENERGY and enthusiasm....Nicole is not one of them.
  14. I thought her parents, who know her Very Well, should have stepped in and told her to Knock It Off! Girl is ALREADY MARRIED. Her friend came in and told her This Is Just Another Party....get over yourself. FINALLY!! Sheesh!! He was stressed, so he was useless. She was stressed but would not stop herself from Ordering Him Around...not a good look when she is trying to make a good impression on people giving her the side-eye already.
  15. Yep, he pinged a lot on the previous season....but, lots of people also took him for being somewhat sheltered and mild mannered. YMMV. I think she looks much different from the previous season -- did she get some facial work done? Not as cute as she was a few years ago. She is fine looking, but nothing special - and I think that the pictures in her original portfolio were also nothing special. If someone is really photogenic, that comes through even if the photos are not great quality. She is much too old, and too short for the kind of Victoria Secret's lingerie modeling that she's envisioning. I wish Russ would tell her to Go Get The Job and he is prepared for HER TO SUPPORT HIM as she wants to with her fab career (which is going nowhere).
  16. I've held some HOPE for those crazy kidz! That was a "preview" for next week and I am shocked SHOCKED I tell you!!
  17. She hears only what she wants to hear, so while disappointing, it was not surprising that she caved on the annulment. Riveting to see how much he could not control himself around her even though he knew she held all the "divorce v. annulment" cards. He was as rude to her as he could be...his saying "YOU do not hold the keys to America!" Ummm, yes, she does, for YOU. Her inability to let go of the image she had of them as a couple is her downfall where he is concerned....although I never saw any tears through all the crying. Also, that Tom guy trying to intervene on Mo's behalf was disgusting. "You don't want to HURT Mohammod? Right?" Danielle needed her friend there to speak up for HER.
  18. Melanie is paying for Devar, and she seems happy doing it. I wonder about some relationships on TV -- would they continue to work if the cameras were not there to put a spotlight on everything - -and they would just deal with crap in real life, and just keep going? For example, the Jon in the "Plus 8" family -- he was humiliated on tv so much, he was pushed into a corner where he practically HAD to leave to keep face. Melanie is probably Just Fine with paying for Devar. She's getting what she wants in return and doesn't seem to have a problem with it. She may not even have a problem with paying for Devar's family, but having it on TV and Bev (the voice of reason) telling her and telling her that she shouldn't do what she really WANTS to do (to keep Devar happy), may be pushing her to take a stand that she wouldn't do otherwise. I think that Devar is keeping up his side of the bargain, that is why Mel is so happy.
  19. So all of Alexi's "friends" dropped him after he moved to the US? Great friends! BTW, his FAMILY had to have know the "custom" in Israel about how invites go. They did NOTHING for him? They sat around crying in the dark while the Wedding Planner made plans and the people in charge of the details kept everything to themselves? Really? Those are horrid "friends" who cannot be bothered to attend your wedding and you are better off not having them come and having to pay for a meal for them. Also, why all the blame on Loren when ALEXI doesn't call his friends...he certainly has a phone? Can email them? Can FaceTime them? WHY is it Loren's fault? Seems too Producer Driven for my liking. These kids need to get married in Israel because, obviously, his parents cannot Move On without having a ceremony there. Get Married and Move On for god sakes.
  20. I imagine he Led her On Pretty Good. She went to Tunisia and there are pictures of them together and he is smiling up a storm. Then, when he got to the US and she clung to him like the barnacle that she is, he was smiling and HAPPY! I think the second he got to her apartment and saw how 'small' it was, the house fell on his head. He realized that she did not have the kind of $$$ he assumed she had. His bad. Things went downhill from there. Again, she's like Almost ALL of the American's in this series -- they "get" someone who is from another country who is Out Of Their League and expect that person to Accept Them With All Of Their Foibles.
  21. Chantel - Her family is the best thing about her....well, her Parents....her brother, not so much. He doesn't get to decide who Chantel marries or lies to the family about. Get over yourself dude. She is an entitled, babied, Daddy's Girl who has never had to deal with the consequences of her actions. That cray cray dancing after over drinking? The 2.5 month long lie to her parents? She is in denial that SHE has some responsibilities. Hope her parents do not bail her out in terms of her wedding. Let her have a craptastic wedding at the last minute, she deserves nothing more. Pedro is just riding this out to get that green card. He's already said that he doesn't like her drinking and provocative dancing and lying to her parents. Lots of things he HATES, but he's Hanging In There. Good luck with that Peds! Alla is also just Riding This Out. Very revealing that this is an opportunity for her and Max. Indeed it is. She knows the score and her English isn't good enough to challenge Matt right now, but the wheels are working. I believe she is incredibly homesick and misses her sister and may even regret coming to Matt, but it shows how much MORE miserable she was in Europe. I see her in for the long haul. Too bad Matt can't be deported and Alla and Max can stay. Anfisa is no where near as beautiful as she thinks she is. She needs to go around a place with some Real Models and get a bit of perspective. The Big Eyes to George when he says something she doesn't like -- yeah, good luck with that. I hope he wakes up and smells the Sanka and realizes that she is not interested in him one iota - she doesn't even bother to play up to him. She does not care and watching her use him is cringeworthy. He's dumb, but I am hoping his jealousy will win the day and get her booted. Narkiya - she just wants to Be Married. She doesn't realize that it is better to be Alone than in Bad Company. She is drawn to the Drama and likes to be able to 'share' Lowo's "issues" to have something to talk about. Sad, but if she allows herself to be taken advantage of, she's old enough to know better. Azan - He has zero respect for Nicole. She lost any goodwill he may have had for her once she began to diss his culture. He may have been carried away with the idea of coming to the US and even the Idea of Nicole...despite the unwed mother thing and all -- but her attitude and disrespect for everything Moroccan quickly turned him off to her. I didn't catch the scene of his Mother intervening during their argument when she sat down to cry. I just bet that his family is Very Very Invested in this marriage. They probably look to him as a possible breadwinner who can send them $$$ and maybe get them out of there? I find that her offense at him mentioning that she needs to workout and to eat better is interesting because she has NO PROBLEM offending him on the regular. The food, the heat, the camels, the dunes, the inability to make out in the street, not being able to validate her at every turn with physical attention, and everything else over there.....Well Nicole, since YOU can offend, maybe the one time you are criticized, you should be able to "take it" like Azan has been having to take it from you. She expects him to break the laws of his country to indulge her, but she has NO Interest in making herself more attractive to him. Why does she think she's such "great package?" She's admitted that she can't "get" someone "as hot' as Azan in the US, so it appears to me that she's riding the "blonde American" thing to the hilt, and is delusional if she thinks that SHE is the best that HE can get. He may have been nicer about it, but the look of HATE in her eyes when he told her that she needs to work out, showed her Mean Baby Hughey side and revealed how stubborn she is. She is NOT going to lose weight and whoever is with her has to like her as she is....Well, there's not much in her personality to like, so there is that. Also, her clothes there are ill advised, and if she could not afford a caftan then it should have been shown. Instead it looks like she doesn't care one whit about the culture, you know, other than her criticizing it at every turn.
  22. Given the footage of her, Chantel is an alcoholic. Pedro needs to RUN! The red flags are there. If he stays, and he will, at least she never hid her drunk and lazy side from him. She acts like a Princess, and doesn't see the need to explain herself to anyone....not even herself. Bringing Pedro here was half-baked, at best, and now she has no idea how to Man Up and deal with the situation. Her friend was so kind! She had great advice, but Princess Chantel was having none of it. Vaya con Dios Chantel....Vaya con Dios..... Anfisa deserves Jorge. She's a hot mess and ITA with the person how said she managed to look cheap and dowdy in that $45,000 dress. Yeah, Jorge, you Tell Them your Price Point first. BTW, my favorite line from this show ever is Anfisa telling Jorge "You're Dumb." yes, he is. Alla is taking one for the team on this one. Matt is a man child. Comeon REALITYMAVEN and let us know the INSIDE on his previous 3 marriages!! What was up with those? Matt's friends are so protective of HIM...what about HER? They are rude to her and ask pointed questions and she's got more class than all of them together. Matt's messed up 3 times, put HIM on the spot and ask HIM "Why is this marriage going to be different?" "What does she bring to the table for you?" "What are you going to do if things start to go south?" All sorts of questions a FRIEND might ask another FRIEND when they are embarking on their fourth marriage. But DON'T ASK HER...she wasn't there for the first three marriages. Really LIKE Azan. My guess is that she presented herself Very Innocent and Sweet over the computer. She's a big girl, but may have camouflaged her size online. Maybe not. Maybe the reality of her size "hit him" only when she got off the plane and was clumsy with her bag? Men are visual, and he was bumming. Then the immaturity came through. I bet his family is Very Invested in him marrying her and getting to the US. Who can blame them? She is ridiculous and now I beg Mr. Eme if I 'can kiss his shoulder'.....he usually says "NO!" and then I proceed to do it anyway and to say "I just wish we were in Moracco now so you could Show Me Off!" heh....so fun!
  23. The Happy Couple should both be deported to Tunisia...after all, they are married.
  24. Realitymaven - so did they ever mention WHO the fathers of Dani's kids are? Don't ANY of them pay child support? I can't imagine Dani allowing Anyone to Get Off The Hook once she had their baby..... Also, while the son is admirable in his direct questioning of Mo's intentions, why doesn't ANYONE in her family look to Dani's "Intentions"? They are all so worried about him "using her for a green card," but What is SHE USING Mo FOR? Are they all blind to the fact that she is horrid and useless and has no redeeming qualities? Baffling.
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