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gotta watch

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Posts posted by gotta watch

  1. The girls who live in KY: "Every since I FOUNT out I was pregnant..."

    "My ARN is low so I might bleed out."

    Mr. Palm Tree Head scares the beejesus out of me. I shudder to think how the hell he treats his family/girlfriend when the cameras aren't there.

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  2. On 9/11/2021 at 12:02 PM, magemaud said:

    It reminded me of when Kramer was going to convert to Latvian Orthodox and when the priest asked him what "drew him to the religion" his answer was, "Ummm...I like...the hats." 

    Far be it from me to correct a fellow Seinfeld fan, but it was George that wanted to convert to Latvian Orthodox 😅

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  3. One aspect of the Sutton walking in on Crystal story that I haven't seen mentioned (forgive me if I overlooked it) was the time of day. I think Crystal said she went to her room around 11:30 pm. So it would be safe to assume she is showering or whatever, getting ready for bed. Extra reason for Sutton to have waited for Crystal to say "come in" or better yet, wait til the next day to return the coat. I think the entire encounter would've landed differently if it were 2:00 in the afternoon.

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  4. Thank you all for saying what I was thinking. When they were shopping for toys after the MRI's, I couldn't believe Erica put her oldest son on the spot- "Are you worried? ARE YOU SURE? Are you just saying that or do you really believe it? Cause I just act tough sometimes." Good lord woman, I thought your intention was to not scare the kids.

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  5. On 1/23/2021 at 9:41 PM, Ucross said:

    What am I doing wrong? I only get the first segment of the preview, and then the rest is a preview for the grown-up Toddlers and Tiaras show.

    I think Stephanie has had a psych eval...could she be on some sort of strong meds? I'm in no way dissing anti-depression meds, but she reminds me of a very severe case of a friend who was overprescribed Prozac (it got straightened out). Could she actually think her cat is a bird? She also called it "Turkey..." Why on earth would someone call a cat a bird?

    Aside from that and a somewhat dull Sequim scene, fill me in on what I missed!

    You should see my daughter and me. We call our cats turkeys, birds and old dogs. It's a term of affection with us 🙂 "My cat was laying on my feet like a good puppy!" I don't think I would do that if I lived alone though.

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  6. For someone who hates cats & presumably doesn't have one back home, Natalie sure changed that cat litter with a swiftness. I've had cats most of my adult life and can't do it that easily (I have 3 cats so that's my excuse).

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  7. I think we all agree that David is not "talking" to the lady in the picture. But the lady in the picture must be real, right? Hasn't someone called her by now to say "watch 90 Day Fiance!! They keep showing your photo!" I know David won't put any stock in what she has to say, but I would LOVE to hear what the lady in the pic has to say.

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  8. Yall I just noticed something. That scene where Big Ed gets pickpocketed by the monkeys? There are 2 bright greenish baggies hanging from his backpack. Aren't those the same ones as what he used to cover his shoes at the pig farm?? Did he rinse them off and reuse them? Did he grab a bunch of them? So many questions.

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  9. I'd love to know how much it cost David just to send that brief message to "Lana" about meeting for lunch. $50-100?

    If I give Steph the benefit of the doubt about having actual questions for Erica's friends, WHY IN THE WORLD was she shouting?! Way to make yourself look like an asshole to Erica, all her friends, and anyone who watches this show, including your followers on SM.

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  10. When Darcy was lying in bed crying about Tom, did anyone else hear hiccups? She was like the stereotypical older character in the movies crying, drunk ranting and hiccuping.

    I had a different take on her bringing such a large overnight bag. I think she realized she would either be delirious after her meeting with Tom because they had made up, or upset & crying from sadness. Either way, she figured she'd be wasted and would need to spend the night.

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  11. Ugh I am beginning to hate Steph. Who complains about her and Erica's first date to ERICA'S FRIEND?! Oh that's right, Stephanie. I wonder about the theory that she went on this show to boost her youtube channel,..who would want to follow her after this miserable showing? She's spoiled, self-centered, has bad manners and isn't ever in a good mood. I wouldn't even want that girl as a friend, much less watch her videos every day. Or, God forbid, date her.

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  12. Did Ed take mayo with him? Is he showering daily and we just don't see it? (Not that any of us want to actually SEE him shower, we just haven't seen any evidence of it.) Or is that old mayo he put on his hair from before the trip? How does Rose share any intimate contact with him without his hair touching her??

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