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Everything posted by Opine

  1. And sometimes I feel that even watching the show is a classless act. But here I am.......
  2. Where are you seeing this? The only one I saw of Kash was from well above the waist up?
  3. Good to see you back, Hypeman! However, I have to beg to differ on the bolded point. I was talking about her pop and sass! While I absolutely agree with her "unifying effect", I still think she made it because she is a great dancer. TBS, I see the show and the vids posted here. I have never seen them in person (bucket list).
  4. Erin!!! Wow! She left TC last year as a not-so-attractive, hot mess who couldn't stay on her feet. Not only did she come back KILLING it dance-wise, she learned how to get the look! She looks amazing here. Erin, are you listening? Girl, you worked hard for this PUHLEEZE plan on staying a long time! Daphne is jacked up too, but she just doesn't have the bone structure and face shape to compare with Erin (but I still think Daphne is DCC pretty). Hannah still needs some help - she's not hopeless, but I think she needs some height and volume in that hair and some help with makeup. I'd love to see her really get the look because she is a good dancer (with a little too much robotic thing going on) who seems charming.
  5. I understand what everyone is saying about Bridget being too new to get point, but man, the pickins are slim if Lexie and Lauren retire!
  6. Do ya'll ever play the game "Identify the Poster"? I like to read posts and try to identify the poster. It's not always easy! BTW, anyone know where Big Sky Girl, Hypeman and even LaurenBrook have gone? Seems like some folks that used to post a lot have disappeared :(.
  7. I was another one that yelled at you. GO SEE MEAN GIRLS!!!! It's so fetch!
  8. It seems like every day someone posts that Gina will be point. Then a large number chime in agreeing that she probably will be but also saying that they don't want her. That's something we should do a poll about! (And if I wasn't at work, I would try to figure out how to do it). Maybe if someone like Lauren, Lexie or Kelli won the poll and they heard about it, we could stop them from retiring!
  9. What an awesome set of rookies. This group is so amazing!
  10. Yeah, those are awful. They make even slim girls look fat!
  11. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so much. I was afraid of that.
  12. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Same for me. It wasn't an insult to Kash AT ALL. I'm a fan. What I said was that since she didn't seem on board with her own retirement that was ONE of the possible explanations. I also said that VK was ANOTHER possible explanation. I have real life experiences that involve people leaving an elite team because of another toxic team member, so I think that is definitely ONE possibility. Yes, she may have gotten along with VK face to face because as one poster said, Kash can get along with anyone. But observing the VK effect on the rest of the team and Kelly's complete change and lack of leadership could have been enough to say "four's enough".
  13. Is Savannah wearing Kelli's actual dress? She wore that dress recently!
  14. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Are you me? Really??? Because my kid is also doing the music gigs thing!
  15. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Oh @NOWHAMMIES, I agree totally. I mentioned earlier that I thought her parents might be telling her it's time to get a big girl job and that's why! I am in the same situation. When he FINALLY gets that college degree, this mom's buying a new car!!!!!!!!!
  16. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    I don't recall you stating it as a fact. However, I think you just theorized the same thing many were theorizing. I've seen this type of thing happen in real life many times, so my mind went there too.
  17. I should have ducked at the end of this comment! Yes, I know it is just a small part of her look, that's why I never brought it up until someone else did. For those of us in this world with belly button issues, it's just kind of a big deal. FWIW, I have very deep seated belly button issues :). I also think hers is so eye-catching because she has an awesome, flat, beautiful belly that I would KILL for!!!
  18. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    I was one who never thought the team was pushing her out - no way would they push out a seasoned, respected vet when the ranks of multi-year girls is going to be slim at best. The girl is charismatic and a true leader, and from what we've seen not involved in troublesome behavior. I wondered if her parents might be giving her some financial support, and they think four years is enough and it is's time to get a big girl job. I love what you said about everyone being able to get along with Kash. That's the read I've always gotten on her, too. I could see that VK might be the one that couldn't. That girl just had NO respect of vets or management. When someone tries to shake up the historical order like that, it shakes the whole organization. Sometimes that's a good thing! This time, not so much. My son played on a team or two with one of those cancer in the dugout people. It ruined it for the whole team. I feel like that is what VK did. So, I don't find it unbelievable that she might have had enough with the VK show.
  19. Awww. That was nice. Did Rookie Rachel get her hair cut? Or was it all just out of the picture? Rookie Madeline practiced her sexy "look down, look up" camera face. My favorite in the montage was Erin, she definitely looked like all that.
  20. Why are we talking about belly buttons? What did I miss? And while we are having the belly button confessionals, I have to say (and I have been reluctant to say), I hope Gina doesn't make point because I don't like her belly button.
  21. It's against the law to use y'all and hence in the same sentence. :)
  22. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Did any one but me think that Lacey's speech was a subtle message to VK? I don't remember the exact wording, but something like my advise to TCCs is to listen to all of the DCCs.
  23. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Not a huge Charlotte fan, but loved the hair and outfit! (but, guhurl, eat a burger) No one has commented about Kash's weirdness in her clip. She almost acted like she didn't want to retire, but was being forced to? Was I imaging that? While I don't hate VK, I certainly hate how she usurped the season. But I think it's going to be like childbirth, we'll forget how horrible it was now that it is done, and we will look forward to our new baby (next season). I think Ashlee is a future point. She was an amazing performer by the end. Malena, I think, is just unbalanced. She went from 0 to batshit crazy in the early episode when she admitted that she never performed as a NYJ. Then that cut. I think she is well-spoken, well-dressed, football knowledgeable and a head job. Many of you have suggested professional help, and I agree. She is a great dancer, but she will never be able to deliver what the DCC needs unless she fixes that problem.
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