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Everything posted by BeautifulFlower

  1. Well,when they announced the renewal, they said they have been negotiating for months. I interpreted as they were told they have a chance to be renewed once they figure out who to cut.
  2. So episode 2 just went right out the door for Jordan this episode didn't it? I get Sarah is his first love and breakups are hard, but he has to start moving on. Sarah already decided that the relationship wasn't working, and they're better off as friends. He's making being friends with her difficult. Didn't they literally talk about this in episode 2? I thought they were fine being friends again and not being awkward with each other. Now, it's back to square one with Jordan. His behavior was annoying in this episode. How was Junior the jerk? You came in the middle of a conversation and butted in. No "hey guys, how you're doing?" Nothing. He just butted in. Did he expect Junior to just start over the story for him? Sarah is not mean for telling him to go get a beer. Jordan was making the situation awkward and she did the best she could. If he wants to be friends with Sarah, he needs to chill about seeing her with other guys.
  3. I hope Nat doesn't stay mad at John for keeping her from seeing Matteo. It sucks, but things have changed. Despite being innocent, both of his parents tried to kill your father. That fact will always exist in the relationship. Things would be very awkward. Also, the long distance couldn't last forever. With that said, I do think Matteo deserves to see his mother before she dies. I get John's feelings, but that's his mother.
  4. I have to disagree. I think Lana does have room to be pissed with the romance. First off, Kyle was supposed to be watching their children. His secret romance resulted in him lying about where he was and resulted in Sophie going missing. Second, we have to remember the reason for their divorce. Kyle cheated on Lana for months to the point he was planning to leave her and the kids for the other woman. The only reason he didn't was because of Sarah's suicide attempt. And now he's dating somene new not that long after finalizing the divorce. Especially as Kyle expressed he didn't want the divorce and still loves Lana. This is probably a little slap in the face to her.
  5. Let me get the negative out the way: Sarah was a brat this episode. I was tired of her complaining about being grounded while the others weren't. 1. Lana is not their parent. 2. You weren't grounded for going to the party. You got grounded for LYING about where you were. I had to roll my eyes when she brought up John not punishing Nat. Sweetie, Nat actually told her dad where she was going. With that said, I did not enjoy seeing Lana slapping Sarah. I would've been fine with them just having a big argument and Sarah storming off. Slap was unnecessary drama. I still don't care for Kyle and Chrissy. Moving on: I like everything else about the episode. Bitsie is knocking it out the park. I really get how scared Lois feels with her new diagnosis. I was on John's side about Nat giving the watch to Lois. It's great that you know she isn't your mom, but you still shouldn't give away your deceased mother's watch to her doppelganger. Selling XK that you took the fall for and caused the football to get suspended, plus her dad stealing your truck, I don't know Jonathan. That sounds like ground for a breakup to me. It was nice to see the trio getting an action scene. Umm....how did they get Clark's blood?
  6. Lana did file for the divorce. The divorce process starts once one of them files a petition for divorce, which is what Lana did. Since they have children and possibly other assets together, they would have to come up with a settlement on those things. For example, what type of custody did they agree to in the proceedings. That's why Kyle asked did she not agree with the terms. He can put his own terms as well as Lana.
  7. Yes, Henry Miller is a character from a flashback in season 1. Last season, one of the football players was discovered to be doing x-kryptonite. This launched the school to do a locker search. Jonathan decided to take the fall for his girlfriend who was dealing x-kryptonite. Because he refused to name names and also took x-kryptonite, the football program was suspended. Tal bought the twins trucks last season in the finale.
  8. I'm not an expert. However, the only other conditions that I know that produce the same symptoms as early pregnancy is PMS or menopause. I hope Lois is not sick with a serious illness. Based on this episode, I have a feeling they're going to go with Lois having menopause. It'll sadden her just after her and Clark realized they wanted more.
  9. I'm so confused. I thought last season with Jordan and Sarah being together. Whatever I get this is a family drama show. We're going to get things outside of superhero action. I like that. However, you need to give me storylines that I should care about. Kyle and Christy? No, I don't care. Give them something to do. The show is really making me wonder why Kyle is still as a main character past season 1. Sophie still exists. That's good. The former mayor is clearly involved in something shady. I hope Lana will be okay this season. I like the new Jonathan. Jordan you are not ready to be handling stuff like that crane. I'm glad Clark got there in time. Hopefully, he trains him in how to handle stuff like that. Figured Lois wasn't pregnant. I wonder what's wrong with her. Really Sam? When you ask Nat what her and her Earth's grandfather did and proceed to ask to do the same thing, what do you expect to happen? I'm glad he apologized though and they're getting to actually bond. Who are these new villains? I'm really intrigued about that person in the mask. Did they do something to Clark?
  10. That's how jordan survived? Considering he got ran over into pieces, he should've died. I'm not talkng from just being in multiple pieces. I'm talking about him melting should've killed him. There was sunlight out. He should've dried up under the sun and in nightfall. I feel so bad for Artemis. I don't believe Jordan has forgiven them. Considering how he just killed the Crocks, this is obviously an act. There's a signal in Sportmaster's mask? Okay. "Syvlester has the staff." He's had the staff more than you all season. That's ridiculous for a show called Stargirl. Seriously, did something happen behind the scenes for their to be less Stargirl action this season? Sylvester really needs to calm down. I get that is his father, but does Cameron really believe Jordan? He killed the Crocks in self defense. Cameron you have the same powers as your father and grandparents. You fought Rick with your powers in self defense. So you definitely know there is a way to use ice powers without killing people. Okay, taking away Jordan's powers will kill him. I get that's why the wish couldn't be done. However, you still could've done a wish for Jordan to not use his powers on anyone on the JSA. Thank you Cindy for pointing out what not locking a door causes. Courtney you are literally skeptical of Jordan. Why did you meet him alone without backup? Poor Artemis. She doesn't deserve to lose her parents. Is she going to live with the Whitmores now? I figured seeing Artemis cry over her parents would cause Yolanda to call her mom. She and her mom need to have a long sit down with a family therapist. Jordan is working with Ultra Humanite. Duhh...the show has literally shown in previous episodes that Jordan is still evil.
  11. Yolanda's mother is the worst and I'm glad she left. No matter what Yolanda does, there's no trust. I can clearly see why there's a limiter. Having super strength 24/7 is dangerous and is going to Rick's head. I definitely see him accidentally hurting someone. That scene with Zeke and Jakeem was nice. I feel bad for Todd. Great to see the Shade again. Loved his banter with Jenny. Looks like we're back to the shadowlands next ep
  12. Hey courtney, if someone shows you there is a camera in your house watching you, don't move your head in the direction of it.
  13. Yolanda and Rick are honestly annoying this season. I get not trusting Cindy, but I'm tired of their judging. Especially when it comes to Cameron. "His father was a villain, so he is one too." Henry Jr. father literally was a villain, but he wasn't evil like him. It's like they forgot. And even if Cindy told them about the laptop in the beginning, Courtney and Beth probably would be the only ones who be on her side. Yolanda and Rick would just push for her to be kicked off the team.
  14. If Sylvester isn't dead, he has got to chill. Pat is much better than me. There's no way you will be yelling at me in my own HOUSE!!! Anyway, there is something off about him. Anyone else feel the same? Now the reason I think he is possibly dead is....that looked like a huge drop. There's no way whomever dropped him didn't fly really high. I like Barbara and Huntress (I forgot her real name) scenes. That fight scene was fantastic. I feel bad for the owner of the store. For someone who says he is not idiot to fall for Cindy's trick, he sure acted like an idiot. Why would you confront the Crocks in public? Sportsmaster himself pointed this out. Sylvester could've easily killed someone blasting the staff all around. I actually felt bad for Cindy when she got called a demon spawn. Ouch. That was harsh. It's not like she asked to be born the daughter of the dragon king. It's not like she asked to be experimented on either. Why does Rick hate Cameron again? Speaking of Cameron, I wonder what his grandparents told him. I thought his coldness to courtney this episode might've been the result of them telling him what happened to his father.
  15. I dropped this show last season. I've been observing to see what everyone's opinions are. How many powers does Cecile have now? I'm hearing she's the most powerful meta now. What?
  16. How in the world does the merging cause people to keep switching between Earths? Awww Nat, Jordan, and Jonathan consider themselves family "Tal she took my powers. She almost killed me. I don't think you alone could stop her." "Well, what choice do we have?" Her name is Kara? His name is Martian Manhunter? Seriously, are they dead? "I was foolish to go up against her." Yeah...Clark literally told you what she did to him. Ummm.....last episode they established that Ally was merging the Earths through the space in the portal that exists BETWEEN the two Earths. How in the hell did Ally end up in space? Jordan can breath in space? "There's one more person who can stop her.....ME" What did we just ESTABLISH? Anyway, I kinda figured flying Clark directly into the sun would be something they would come up with. Why do people keep asking Lana what are they supposed to do? You all see your world constantly flickering. People are disappearing too. What the hell do you want Lana to say? "Grab a gun?" I don't understand how Lois wasn't going back to her own world while Kyle and Sam did/ "We only have your dad (superman) on this world..." Okay, is this a confirmation that this show doesn't exist in the Arrowverse? If not, these type of lines are getting ridiculous. The emerging from the sun and whatever the hell Clark did to the other Earth was cool. I kinda figured Chrissy would be told the secret too, but not in the season. I guess it was leading up to it? Chrissy was frustrated over Lois not telling the whole truth when it came to stories tied to Superman. Oh my god, Sarah apologized for the thing with Audrey. I'm glad the writers wrote her realizing that trust goes both ways and she never apologized for it. Oh thank god the whole looking for Kyle thing didn't end up with Kyle and Lana getting back together. So I guess they're all cool with Tal now? He's on Bizarre Earth now.I guess he'll have a good time. Would he even have a way back to Earth Prime? Clark don't build a new fortress in the middle of the ocean. Government agencies would literally get access to it. Also, awww he finally let jonathan meet his grandmother (offscreen)
  17. That is what makes me think Ally never knew what the merging would be like. I feel like it's not merging. This looks like Bizarro Earth is just absorbing our Earth. Maybe Bizarro Ally tricked Earth Prime Ally. I don't see what the endgame is here. Like you said, everything on Earth Prime is turning into Bizarro Earth. Literally what will change for them? Also, did Kyle disappear at the end? Another thing about this "merge", what happens to the people who wouldn't have a Bizarro half?
  18. Seriously, is Kara dead? Thedialogue they write on this show make it seems like she doesn't exist at all. Especially in this episode with Clark. This man said the world needs him. Lana said they have no one to help. All these types of dialogue makes it seem like there is no Supergirl in this world at all.
  19. I get Melissa probably doesn't want to make an appearance. That is completely fine. However, for a show they claim is set in the Arrowverse, they sure go out of their way to make it seem like Kara doesn't exist. Or any other hero for that matter. The Smallville citizens get on my nerve. You all live in world where Superman (and supposedly other Superheroes) exist. That man is from another world. You guys literally dealt with half of you getting possessed by Kryptonians. Yet, somehow they all refused to believe that your world is merging with another?
  20. Clark was flying behind her. Ally heard him coming and immediately turned around to start absorbing his power.
  21. I get that, but it is Jonathan who is damaging the relationship. He is continuing to actively lie to his parents which is making it hard for Clark to believe anything he says.
  22. The only way to resolve it is for Jonathan to give up Candice. Jonathan continuing to cover for her is making it hard for Clark to trust him fully.
  23. I figured the scene with Lucy was too good to be true. Why is Lucy so supportive of Ali? She doesn't know if those people are alive or not, yet she is still gonna help Ali get to the other side? Does this show expect me to believe Lucy would be able to just walk into a highly secure government facility with a stolen badge and just take Ali? Speaking of Ali, why does she still want to get to the other world? She looked surprised to see how those people were "ascending". She said "this isn't supposed to happen" right? I didn't really care for Lana and Kyle scenes. Sorry show I'm glad Natalie voiced her feelings. She should feel weird seeing Clark all the time. However, I felt like it came out of left field this episode. I feel it should've been addressed in episode 2. It sucks seeing Clark behave this way with Jonathan, but what does Jonathan expect? He got kicked out of school for drugs. Because he is not giving Candice up, football is cancelled and parents don't want their kids around him. Of course, Clark is going to be disappointed in Jonathan. Of course, he can't outright trust Jonathan. Things can't go back to normal the way Jonathan wants. Until he gives up Candice, he needs to be prepared for Clark to not trust him anymore. I can smell the breakup a mile away with Sarah and Jordan. Plus, I can just see them painting Jordan as the villain. Calling Sarah being mad at him for not coming next episode. Although, that can easily be solved by him saying he was helping Jonathan which is true. Anyway, what is this show doing with this storyline? It is not making Sarah look good to me. Does she not get why Jordan didn't want to hang with Aubrey? You kissed that girl. Hanging out will not let that weirdness go away.
  24. I like Mary. You all already know how felt about the Alice/Mary relationship this season. With that said, I was annoyed at them having Mary advocate for Alice to receive that buzzer. She's a doctor and should've known it wouldn't have worked on Alice. Especially since the buzzer didn't create Alice. I was so happy when Luke brought up "she killed your mom" I was like " FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SENSE BROUGHT THIS UP!!!" But noooo These writers basically had Mary go "yeah, so?" I did not like Mary getting mad at the team because they didn't wanna give Alice the buzzer. "You're not listening to me" Okay, but you're not listening them either Mary. They made good points. They have tried to help Alice. Hell, Mary tried to help Alice by offering a better facility for her to go to. Honestly, that is what Alice needed. Yet, she just decides to advocate for the buzzer??
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