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Everything posted by AudienceofOne

  1. That was terrible. The fingerprinting, the virus, the TEA (TEA people, tea cured what they kept telling me was a variation of smallpox). They didn't even drink the tea, They inhaled it when it turned to dust for no reason and then they were INSTAhealed. The plot was ridiculous but it was also rushed and choppy and badly paced. I think this was the worst episode of the show I've seen. And, as much as I usually enjoy it, there have been some bad episode of this show.
  2. The Doctor did murder somebody in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. That episode is unwatchable.
  3. I thought "if he can't leave it to Jess because she's a vampire then leave it to Sookie and ask her to give it to Jess". He knows she will. He doesn't have to marry her. He can just name her. It's his will! And if the issue is that he can't will it away because he's dead then he should put his assets in a human's name (i.e. Sookie's) like Eric did with Sookie's house just before he left.
  4. But apparently not about the fact they don't have electricity...
  5. I thought that they called themselves 'The Orphans'. That Papa McCall recognised that as the name of a known duo of hitmen. That's way he asked if they were orphans because he thought they were 'The Orphans'. Maybe I overthought that one.
  6. I actually thought this episode showed what this season's Hep V plotline could have been if they'd done it correctly instead of going for the stupid Zombie/Katrina mashup and put some proper Season 1/2/3 thought into the consequences of a disease like this in a True Blood universe. There's a lot to be said about 'The Other' here and some of the dialogue between Holly, Andy and Arlene was old-school True Blood about double standards and sexuality and the kind of things this show used to have to say before they decided people were watching for the nakedness and sex and they didn't have to worry about plot anymore. But I am damn tired of them throwing basic mythology out the window all the time. Almost none of these vampires had the bleeds (I think I saw a little of it coming out of Bill's ears but that's it), they were all up all day in a kind of Buffy-esque "not direct sunlight" kind of way. It's one thing for them to make the decision not to sleep but it takes serious effort and causes significant bleeding - it's another thing for e.g. Violet to have gone to sleep and then be woken up just because Jason got a phone call. That's just bullshit. I'm done being angry at the Bill/Sookie shit (I loved Eric in a way I guess but not like Bill - fuck you, writers). At least we didn't have any dumbass Civil War flashbacks.
  7. I was kind of bored. I don't know how we're supposed to care about the death of shallow one-dimensional characters we never got to know - especially ones that are kind of ridiculous. And I'm kind of tired of Scott being so ineffectual. But I say that every week.
  8. Don't. The last season was really bad and the final episode sucked. Considering the previous quality, that's saying something. Oh wait. I forgot. I didn't watch Forever Knight. That would be embarrassing.
  9. It's certainly what Nelsan Ellis believed happened. Still, I think the character we've seen this season is NOT the character the original actor was cast to play. Not because he's bi and in a love triangle with a guy but because he's a totally different character. Now, if you're an actor and you have a part in a high-rating show and they do stuff that's out of character, it's my opinion that you have a job and you do your job and you suck it up. The entertainment world is full of actors - good, bad and mediocre - who loathed what writers did to their characters but did their jobs anyway (Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy, Kristin Kreuk as Lana Lang and no doubt many more). Having said that, if I was an actor and I took a specific role that I loved and the writers said "now, next season we're going to throw all that out the window", I might be annoyed too. But if it was solely because he had to do a gay sex scene then he's an ass (ass, not arse, there is no pun intended).
  10. Between that and Scott never using his Alpha roar, I yelled at this episode a lot more than I should have since it was not that bad. The other thing I yelled at was the implication that they got rid of Danny because they can only have one gay character. I hope it was the other way around.
  11. Lafayette said it was her fault that he cheated.
  12. He spent almost four episodes of this season sitting in his front room getting high. Well, ok, maybe three. But still. Three. Episodes. Three episodes devoted solely to get us to him fucking Jessica's boyfriend outside a party that she was at. Ignoring for a minute that I do not believe for a moment the character would do that, to top it off with a self-righteous "I deserve happiness too and your boyfriend cheating on you was your own fault btw" speech to the one person in the world who'll actually take that self-serving shit on board? It was terrible. Women are to blame for men cheating, didn't you know? Between killing Tara off-screen, getting Sookie together with Alcide off-screen and then killing him off, siloing Eric in his own storyline, trying to retcon Bill into not being a manipulative asshole, inflicting the horror show that is Violet upon us, wasting so much valuable time in pointless flashbacks, dropping Bill and Sookie anvils on us all over the place and, now, doing this to Lafayette's character aka the only remaining black person on the show? This really will be the world's worst final season - even including Dexter.
  13. I was enjoying this episode until the Bill flashbacks. Rather, I should say, I enjoyed this episode except for the Bill flashbacks. I simply don't see how any of this adds to his character at this stage. We know who he is. We're not going to suddenly be team Bookie or Sill or whatever the fuck the ship name is because of his past. And frankly if the writers have to work this hard to redeem him to make him and Sookie end game then maybe, just maybe , they should have considered it wasn't a good idea. Then again, considering the very last scene, maybe they're just trying to make us care that he dies. I hope so. That'd be better.
  14. Remember when Scott was a Beta and he could take on, like, three other betas and only an Alpha could stop him? Remember when he took on Deucalion himself and Deucalion was impressed? No? The writers sure haven't. Because just liking your post once wasn't enough. I was basically appalled at that scene from beginning to end. It wasn't funny, it wasn't in character. It was cruelty toward a newly-bitten 15 year old beta - one who didn't even know werewolves existed before - for absolutely no reason. It made me hope the Calaveros did come and neuter those assholes.
  15. Is it overly-dramatic to say this show died with Allison? Ok, yes, that's overly-dramatic. But most of this episode was absolutely terrible. Was kidnapping Liam and tying him up supposed to be funny? Scott is officially the worst Alpha on the planet, with the possible exception of Peter and he had the excuse of being burned, crazy and Peter. He kidnaps Liam, doesn't tell him what's happening to him, gets frustrated because he runs, and then tries to physically subdue him without turning and without using the Alpha roar on him? He didn't need to fight him. He's his ALPHA. He just had to roar and he would have calmed down and changed back. The 15 year old kids murdering that werewolf was disturbing. But then this episode had a kidnapping as humour so why should I be surprised.
  16. I can't believe this is the same season, let alone the same show. So much better. Even the flashbacks didn't annoy me, although the Bill/Sookie anvils did. The Eric/Sookie scene made me wonder why the writers insist on splitting them up. The thing about Sookie is, she was always kind of awesome and I could never understand why they kept her in dumb romantic subplots (*cough* Warlow *cough*) when she had the great potential to be the ultimate unifying character who could bring vampires, werewolves, witches and shifters etc together. I think that after S3 the didn't know what story they were telling anymore and it showed. *sigh* me too. So the writers can put Sookie with Bill because he's literally the last man left standing.
  17. She's had no education since she was nine. She wouldn't even been in the same school, let alone the same grade.
  18. This episode really brought home to me that they made a mistake making him an Alpha. If they didn't want him to have a pack and a position of authority, they should have kept him a beta (or preferably an omega). He should be struggling with how to be a good person when he's been handed so much power (and I like the kid getting injured in this because that's what being an alpha should be a struggle with) not with being against things he's somehow even less capable of fighting. Buffy did this extremely well: yes, she was fighting forces bigger and more powerful than her while trying to balance a normal life but she was also trying to find and define the lines of her own power in non-supernatural situations. Since they've framed Scott as being caring, kind, gentle and non-violent - an inherently good person who wants to do the right thing - it makes sense that should be his struggle. Also, they've shown that he draws people to him,essentially forming a pack even before he was an alpha. So he should also be struggling with having responsiblity over these other people's lives. And Alison's death should have enhanced that. Instead they've made him impotent and essentially packless. It's frustrating and it contradicts not only the show's own mythology but also what we've seen of the character.
  19. That's where they were going at the end of Season 4 and I was happy with that (even though I thought that episode wasn't that great. And then we got the Warlow mess instead. Oh wait, that didn't happen. I forgot I decreed that never happened.
  20. I hated the first 15 minutes or so - I thought the mouthless guy was dumb and why, if he was sent to kill them him did he "give him a chance" like a psycho - but after the interminable lacrosse section, the show hit its pace again. Unfortunately, this episode made me realise just how much it's lost with the characters leaving. Danny, Isaac, Argent. Big gaping holes that frankly aren't filled. Malia was a lot better this episode so that's a plus.
  21. That was absolutely fucking terrible. And I mean that having already endured the first two episodes of this season. And season 6. And season 5. I cannot believe that I used to love this show so much and now it's not just stupid and incoherent - it's fucking boring. I fast forwarded Bill's pointless flashback, everything with Sarah Newlin, Eric's stupid flashback to him fucking yet another new character introduced just so we can watch Eric fucking somebody every goddamn episode, and I suddenly realised I was 40 minutes in and had done nothing but yell at the television. Especially the heinous Bill and Sookie anvils that make me want to hurt somebody. Probably the show runner. Don't you remember in the first season how Eric was established as being sick of life because of his love for a human? No? Because it's a fucking godawful motherfucking retcon. It shits on his character, it shits on Godric, it shits on Pam, and it shits on Sookie. It is a thing that shits. And it was pointless and boring too. No, because that would mean they'd watched an episode of it before and I very much doubt that. Classic final season written by people who only have a show checklist and broad character outlines because the real writers have all moved on to other projects. I know we've been saying the writers are massive Bill/Sookie shippers and have been complaining about it for a while but I really think they're going to do it. They're really going to have her get back with the bastard. Motherfucker. I'd start on some of the ridiculous vampire mythology in this episode - they can smoke but can't take pills, Bill is a 'new man' etc - but I've sworn enough for one post. Motherfucker.
  22. Sheriff Stilinski for the win. As for the rest... meh. I get that fight at the end had to be Derek's but did they really need Malia, Scott and Kira just lying there watching him fight in slow mo for so long? I really dislike when a show insists on demeaning a character so they can prop another. It just made Scott look like a terrible apha. Worse than that, I didn't buy it. Scott has repeatedly demonstrate that he'll throw himself into danger for his pack. Once Derek stepped in, he would have stepped up. If they wanted to do it that way, they should have had him knocked out. I hold out hope that Kate's plan will make some sense at some stage but how did reverting to an adult restore Derek's eyes to a normal Beta's?
  23. Either they have completely run out of inspiration, or they actually decided that having an entire episode dedicated to filler and a pointless blood dream hook up between the only two characters who haven't hooked up yet... just, you know, because... was a good idea. Halfway through I didn't know whether to hope there was a lot more in anticipation of something actually happening or a lot less so the boring suck fest would be over. And if I have to hear one more time about Sookie's "great love" for Bill, I'll hurl. Do none of the writers remember what he did to her?
  24. I don't think we'll ever know anything in this show for sure, but it seems to me that Kellogg didn't send Brad back in time to STOP the future they were living in but actually sent him back to create it. Brad doesn't know this, of course, but Kellogg would have chosen him specifically because he knew it was his knowledge of a chaotic future that caused Keira to react in the way that he wanted. My problem with Kellogg though is that I've never quite worked out what the writers are doing with his character. He's always been self-interested but I feel like in Season 1 there was more to him than that. He cared about his sister. He cared about his grandmother. He cared about Keira. He cared about Alec. Now he's just a rogue element they use to fuck things up when necessary. I wish they'd articulate who he's supposed to be.
  25. For the record, that wasn't my problem with that scene. My problem was that somebody who was out in a forest as a coyote for 7 years and then in a mental institution would not be anywhere near comfortable enough in an environment that involves being surrounded by dozens of people and loud music that she would be offering advice on sexy dancing to another person. Let alone know how to sexy dance herself. If anyone should have been overwhelmed by the enclosed space, lots of people and noise, it was the one who'd lived as a wild animal since they were a child.
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