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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. Yep. I don’t know how they don’t feel entitled and awkward broadcasting all the perks their kids get all the time whether it be backstage meet and greets for broadway shows or sports or their own little today show segments.
  2. I think the others get plenty of attention for their kids! Every Monday we have to get a status report on their weekends with their kids. Often with pics. I won’t even post pics of my kids in fb much less on national tv every week.
  3. Not to mention, didn’t she have fertility treatments? She’s so smug with her “God will provide” rhetoric you’d think she would’ve just let nature take its course without medical interventions.
  4. Cooking with cal, Craig’s son has his interview segment, Carson’s son has a show, now traveling with kiers kids. The Nepotism is strong!
  5. Today Savannah asked how to make wine ice cubes.
  6. I know how you feel. I have to mute the plaza crowd screaming who they are and where they are from in unison every time “WE’RE FROM TUSCAN ARIZONA, CELEBRATING MY 55TH BIRTHDAY!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Way too early for that kind of enthusiasm.
  7. They can’t afford to lose the grip they have on their viewers! Fox News is almost like a religion to people at this point.
  8. As others have said, too much Deja and not enough of Tess and Annie. It seem like the writers decided a while ago that that other girls weren’t interesting enough so they had to add another kid, complete with the gifted/troubled boyfriend. I don’t know why after all there seasons the last episode focused so much on what I considered a secondary character other than to highlight Randall beyond his stellar career and doting son role. Disappointing.
  9. It equally blows my mind that Whoopi says her mom was a teacher and now we have Whoopi
  10. Hoda is in her mid-50s but acts like a sorority girl with little self awareness. I get the feeling she is trying to relive her youth because it seems that she probably was so driven in her youth that she feels she missed out. Now we get stuck with a woman older than me who talks like my college daughter.
  11. Imagine if a girl did that to her son!
  12. My recent favorite is on This is Us where a teen goes to Harvard for a culinary degree. The show couldn’t even get themselves to go with an actual culinary school like CIA because it isn’t Ivy League so then we can’t realize how special/gifted/unique said character is.
  13. This show makes over the top drama over everything! No problem is ever manageable. It’s all DEFCON 1.
  14. Perhaps it’s time to have a cohost who is part of the AAPI community again. They want diversity, but seem to gloss over that demographic.
  15. Ugh what’s it gonna take for producers to realize we get nothing out of watching other people eating?! What’s the point? It’s always awkward for everyone and even if they do ask for a demo, it’s rushed. Gotta admit it’s refreshing seeing a humble Sunny when she said her views on abortion have changed since being on the show.
  16. Undoubtedly Rome will “rescue” this student too since it seems to be his thing.
  17. Sunny was breaking my brain with her inability to understand the break up sex topic. It wasn’t that hard to understand! I don’t know if it’s because she’s moderating, but joy seems to get confused often lately.
  18. In the preview for next week: would the detective really ask Eddie if the gf was with him that night? Wouldn’t he ask a more vague question such as “where were you that night. Was anyone else with you?” “Do you know where your gf was that night?” Rome get a job offer based on zero credentials and without getting vetted by a ruling board. Still don’t know how Gary makes any money. Is Sophie done with the tour? What’s Delilah doing whole Sophie is stuck having to pack up and sell a large house all by herself? i was hoping the cops would tell the food truck that they couldn’t just park wherever and set up shop the way they did.
  19. Every time someone knocked on the door at game night I was thinking Regina should have broken the fourth wall and said “I wonder who could that be boys and girls?!” No one knows how to use a phone so just show up in person at all hours and knock on someone’s front door. I know she silenced her mom’s call, but no one seems to have any boundaries on this show!
  20. I think Kate is more than just “fat”. She’s morbidly obese and the odds of making it to that age and still (appearing) to be as healthy as that snippet portrayed doesn’t seem all that plausible.
  21. Don’t they say they have Emmy winning makeup artists in this show? Someone has to show them how to blend Sara’s cheek highlighter in. Ever time she turned her head all I saw were shiny stripes. it appears Sunny has finally toned down the fake lashes at least. every man she dates is always “the one”. It’s so tiring and at the point she’s totally cheapened the idea of her “one”
  22. They’ve been portraying Theo as a widdle bitty baby since day one, back when they thought Katherine was going to be a hard unfeeling lawyer from episode 1 at the funeral.
  23. I have a feeling that Gary’s ex’s baby is really his. There was no reason to have had to mention the baby being born.
  24. I don’t mind Nicole, but her nasally voice gets on my nerves.
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