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Everything posted by Souris

  1. Apart from a few performances, I wasn't overly thrilled with the gala. It suffered from a general lack of FUN. (Javier excluded, of course.)
  2. Well, mass start was ... interesting. I kind of loved the Estonian skater who was all, "Screw y'all and your ordered pack. I'm going for it!" (Even if it didn't really work out for her since she finished fourth.)
  3. I saw that tweet and was like "WHOA!" People at work have been talking more about curling than any other sport these Olympics. The Carolina Panthers' head coach even went to learn how to curl (video-documented).
  4. NBC's website gave it the headline "Miracurl on Ice." I could not possibly love that more. Wow. Way to go! I think curling fever is gonna be sweeping the U.S. Hee.
  5. Exactly my faves too! I enjoyed Osmond's skate the most, though I knew she didn't have a shot for anything but bronze. Good for her! I didn't really have a preference between the two Russians*, so I didn't particularly care which won. I did feel quite sad that Zagitova had to celebrate by herself for such an extended period of time. I realize Coachie Dearest would concentrate on Medvedeva (the one who didn't win), but surely there was SOMEBODY else in the Russian* entourage who could have gone to Zagitova right then. So sad none of the U.S. women could put down a strong program. Sigh. If Bradie is our Next Great Hope, we're in trouble. Hopefully somebody awesome will pop out of the juniors before the next Olympics.
  6. THE WAR OF THE WITCHES???? Oh, Lord. I just ... seriously?
  7. Why weren't the Russians allowed to compete in team pursuit? Were skaters some of their banned athletes? Russia* was sure able to compete in the team event in figure skating (which I'm still salty about).
  8. Ah! I was there for that! The audience was so charmed.
  9. Those crashes in the freestyle hafpipe looked BRUTAL. Thank heavens the guys seemed to be OK eventually. I spent every subsequent run cringing in fear for the skier.
  10. Actor Michael Coleman exits arts school role amid sexual harassment claims
  11. U.S. had a good day! Four medals! Finally one in speed skating, and the first gold ever in cross-country.
  12. Honestly, that women's cross-country women’s team sprint freestyle finish was the most exciting thing I've seen in the Olympics so far. How did Jessie Diggins do that at the end???? It didn't seem like enough time/distance left for her to overcome the leader but she did it!! I even knew when I was watching that the U.S. won gold, but it didn't look like it was going to be possible! (At least to my untrained eye.) Way to go!
  13. Oh, there's another one. (Russian*) Shes very pink. And goes boom. At least it's not shaping up for a sweep now.
  14. Aww, dang, I was really hoping Mirai would nail that triple axel again. But you could see she was nervous before the start.
  15. Vonn really was breaking down in the interview after the downhill. Wonder how much was the disappointment of not getting gold and how much was the fact it was her last downhill. They said she was the oldest downhill medalist, which is nothing to sneeze.
  16. I spent the whole segment cringing because of the dog-eating thing and wondering if they ate these type of dogs or not.
  17. If you're gonna skate to that, you need to at least wear a creepy mask.
  18. Hi! :) Her music and outfit are pretty darn cool!
  19. I don't like when skaters splice two wildly different songs together. It makes the program feel choppy IMO.
  20. To me it looks like the bottom is the same but the top is different (similar, but definitely different). GP goes yellow down to green on the fringe, Olympic top is reversed, green down to yellow. Also, the Olympic top has all-over sequins/beading on the neck area, which on the GP top it's in discrete rows.
  21. From rumors, Colin was apparently considering giving up on acting before he got the Once role, because he wasn't having much success, so I don't think he was in a position to turn it down for something that was more up his alley -- it was more like a huge opportunity for him. As for the former paragraph, how do we know that those shows are being floated to Once cast members? The story doesn't mention that -- is that just something you've heard?
  22. Some of our big names have faltered (Vonn, Shiffrin, Nathan Chen), and there've been quite a few Americans who have finished just off the podium in fourth. I think overall it's been a disappointing games for the U.S.
  23. I had to take to my bed with a migraine so wasn't able to watch the ice dancing live, which I'm cranky about. But I'm THRILLED that the ShibSibs got a bronze! Though I wish they'd have done it over a clean H/D, as they should've. I haven't watched any program but the Shibs yet. Is it right that H/D messed up on a twizzle? If so, I'm going to pretend it was the Spirit of the Twizzle that manifested and was like "Huh-huh, nope, not gonna allow any judging fuckery to stick my Twizzle Children in fourth." So sad Chock/Bates fell. Ah, I finally realized who Papadakis looks like! Stana Katic! It's been bugging the crap out of me.
  24. This this this. So much this. I am so ticked about the obvious lowballing of the Shibs in favor of H/D. The Free Dance has been the ShibSibs' weaker program all season. If they're not getting the levels they should've gotten for their Short, they're not going to get them for their Free.
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