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Everything posted by oldCJ

  1. Can someone explain to me what Buddha did for 2 1/2 hours with store-bought pasta and canned tomatoes? While his sauce was simmering on the stove for much of that time, all he had to do was boil pasta. Also, can someone tell Buddha’s wife to buy clothes that fit and are appropriate for the occasion? And that black undergarments under sheer, light-colored clothes is not a great look. Maybe how to brush hair while we are at it? That woman, who otherwise appears attractive in photographs, looked a mess. Needless to say, I thought it was bs that the judges gave Buddha to win this week. He made a six hundred year old classic recipe as the recipe exists and didn’t even make it from scratch. It felt like all Sara did was make excuses from the moment she appeared on screen. Her passive-aggressive relationship with her sister was entertaining, especially the “put the whole thing in your mouth, no one’s looking”. I think not knowing how to slice fish or sear ahi properly is a bigger fail for a chef at their level than undercooking squid on a grill. But when a judge spits out your food, a pykag is coming. I loved seeing the chefs interactions with their parents. It was so sweet. I hope Evelyn or Nick wins this season. It was interesting to hear Gail explain how much she enjoyed Nick’s macaroni and then Tom complain about it.
  2. When someone says they are using fabric they’ve never used before and a pattern they did not practice, they deserve to go home. Add to that, Richy has no idea how to fit a human body. This was not the show for him. Esme’s enthusiasm when Leo’s shirts were brought up: “I made those!” Love her.
  3. Looked like she did it herself. They showed her using the table as leverage and pushing down on the punch tool with her hand.
  4. Please no. Remember when Bob admitted he used to pee in the kettles in his hotel room? 🤢
  5. Agreed. Her actions made no sense to me to me. I wonder what other clothes the suit can look like. Gym suit? Swimsuit? Suit of armor?
  6. That was the first episode that I found disappointing. I don’t like when a show introduces a new character out of nowhere and then kills him off and suddenly all the other characters are talking about how sad they are he’s dead and about what a great guy he was. Making sure we knew how much diarrhea the dead guy always had was an interesting choice. When they said he was making jokes about the tower, I thought they meant the tower that Tabitha dreamed of. Did Julie close the door behind her when she dumped out that last bucket of dirt?
  7. That’s funny. In last week’s thread it was mentioned how unrecognizable she is with her hair down.
  8. I’ve only seen texas toast as french toast so the quickfire was very interesting.
  9. Why do I have to wait another week?! That was one heck of a cliffhanger. Poor Ms Casey. I wonder how many times she’s been reprogrammed in the years since her “death.” What if the bride dancer at the waffle party was Ms Casey? Did anyone recognize the voice on the phone call with the board?
  10. I figure if someone tried that it would become a scene straight out of Hitchcock’s movie The Birds. 🦅☠️
  11. I took that to mean that full-time innies are people who are permanently severed from their outie personality. Like Cobel maybe. She certainly has drunk the Lumon kool-aid. It would he interesting if that’s because she is always her innie.
  12. Wait. They are wiley and miley? 😂😂😂
  13. Stopped watching because I could not stand the bias of the judging. Eliminating someone because the door is the wrong size but a staircase above a bathtub and a table practically IN a fireplace are absolutely fine design choices because you obviously like that contestant more? And then not sending someone home the week that their other favorite was in the bottom? Tina should have lasted much longer. Her story and design choices were actually original. The haunted house was so much fun, too.
  14. Oh good, more puke green. Has Molly had a design where she did not use green? Along with mustardy gold nearly every challenge, she definitely has a distinct signature style. The right person went home, although I also would have been fine with Fran, whose design this week looked like the cover of a Martha Stewart magazine in the 90s. But she has shown that she can do so much better. She should have listened to Dean, not a shop owner who wants an update as long as the update isn’t a change from the current look. I didn’t like the metal of the scaffolding in the bridal shop. It looked old and worn despite being brand new, which I felt took away from the upscale elegance of the rest of the place. The lazy susan was ridiculous. Overall, though, the shop was great. Paul’s attitude during the elimination surprised me. Hope we see more humble Paul in the future.
  15. I agree the sauces looked very different. Looking at the plates as the judges tasted each, it didn’t look like there was much sauce on their plates at all. Definitely not drowning in sauce like the example dishes that get filmed separately. I am still amazed Jackson is doing so well for someone with no sense of taste/smell. Hated how many finger bandaids there were during the quickfire. Who knew biscuits were so dangerous?
  16. Anyone else surprise themselves with how loud they yelled at the screen at the big reveal with the photo? To quote me earlier: “WHAT?!!?!?!!” Cannot wait for next week.
  17. Last week, my roommate and I were saying Sam is not long for this competition. We expected others to go before him, like Luke, though. Sam’s “positive” act felt very fake, especially when he made his snide Is this time for a group hug “joke” after Damarr’s heartfelt comment about making friends. Agree about Monique being unrecognizable with her hair down. I am enjoying this group of cheftestants overall more than the past few seasons.
  18. Looks like everyone should have nailed their windows shut. Thanks, florist guy. Had to be a white dude with a stache. Where’s Donna? Or Victor? Or any of the characters I like on this show? Also not enough monsters. Hoping next week is a GOT-style red wedding at the Colony House. The show needs to put named characters in actual danger. The plot armor thus far takes away a lot of tension. Everyone who has died has been set up to die in a predictable way or was barely on the screen before dying (rip Tobey and Nate). Update after new episode: I GOT what I hoped for. Lots of great tension this episode. I wonder how far down you have to dig before you aren’t technically in your house anymore and the talismans stop working. Relieved to see Donna nailed the windows shut at Colony House. And that they had a plan for escape that worked.
  19. I loved this. And with the critiques she gave, it was actually true. Her comments were very specific and actionable, which was great.
  20. Spot on. I am glad someone else is getting an Ender’s Game vibe from it. But now I am thinking how Office Space should have had waffle parties…
  21. There’s a famous artwork that is a urinal that’s a pair of giant red lips. 😬
  22. It really bothered me that everyone sat there at the diner watching a total stranger physically attack a man they all know to be harmless. No one stepped in or said anything. No one got the sheriff to help or warn him that the dad is unhinged and dangerous. Despite the sheriff saying the town is a community, it doesn’t have a community feeling at all. No one seems to help one another out. It has a very “that’s someone else’s problem, not mine” vibe. I get it would be hard to connect with other people knowing they are as likely to die as not. But if everyone looked out for one another, people would actually be much safer. Like was it really only Frank’s responsibility to nail the windows shut? Was Lauren incapable of wielding a hammer? She was incapable of closing a window latch, that’s for sure. And why couldn’t Boyd or Kenny ask “hey, did you do the windows yet? No? Ok, I’ll pop in real quick and do it.” Better to spend the time helping a neighbor for the few minutes it would take than spend all day at funerals and rebuilding The Box. Not even minimum effort goes into making the town look a little bit less depressing and run down. It’s all rusty and broken metal debris lying around and peeling paint. The third-year medical student never learned about the dangers of tetanus? It’s bad enough to be trapped in some weird town, but leaving it looking like that makes being stuck there even worse. The choosing ceremony should be “Do you like doing chores? Pick the flower. Do you like big breakfasts and never cleaning? Pick the rock.”
  23. This week was definitely the time for a non-elimination week if ever there should have been one. When it comes down to it though, Jenny made a small award sculpture without much feeling behind it and, unfortunately, even that she made poorly. Seeing Siobhan with Ellie was jarring, but this week it felt like she was never missing. Her rapport with the potters is great.
  24. I am really enjoying it. Doesn’t hurt that I love seeing Harold Perrineau on my screen. The characters feel authentic, with the exception of the main family who right now feel as though a caravan of tropes drove into town. Hoping they develop more depth as the series goes on. Donna’s description of her sister’s death got me far more than the visual gore. Although, poor Tobey… That bit was rough to watch. I am hopeful that at some point I will stop thinking Eion Bailey is Paul Rudd.
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