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Posts posted by Tierney

  1. It was a great finale.  Definitely a different vibe than last year’s, and I’ll take it.

    So many funny moments - Wrong church scene (Catherine stole the show during their quick exit!), wedding planner allergic reaction, Jackson/Matthew encounter.

    Some sweet moments - Meredith/Alex, Jo/Alex, Maggie/Jackson, Arizona/April convos, April/Jackson.


    A few things though:

    Matthew / April - I was happy they reunited but, I would have been content with a declaration of love or engagement.  No need for the marriage.

    Callie / Arizona - Too bad there was no Callie on our screen.  Not sure whether that was Sara’s choice or Grey’s.

    Dead guy in shed - I’m with other posts, was that really needed?

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  2. Thought it was a good episode.

    Agree with other posts, Jesse gave the best performance of the night.  Also agree with other posts though that some of the episode pacing / emotional scenes were a little off (Meredith, April surrounded by her Apostles after she woke up).

    I really liked Maggie’s scenes.  Once the preview showed April was the injured one, I was sure Maggie’s role would be to stare at Jackson by April’s bedside during the ep, with worried “he’s still in love with her” looks.  Wasn’t the case at all.  She was the one pushing most to tell Jackson and was a pro during the ER, surgery and post op scenes.  I also loved her last scene with April.

    Efzee, good point about Maggie/Harriet.  I guess since they haven’t officially gone public yet, it would look like they are rushing Maggie’s interaction with her?  I agree, there could be more.

    April and Matthew, I’m not against it, but I’m surprised.  Matthew still sounded so bitter in January.  He went from being pissed with her, to forgiving, to friendship to love in a matter of months.  I was also kind of pulling for Tom to be the guy.  I liked his witty banter with April.  But, I’m happy to see Matthew get some happiness after being made the fool at the wedding.

    Other plots - Amelia/Betty, Arizona/Herman - were good.

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  3. 12 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

    I think for sure april won't die. there are too many spoilers to support that narrative. I just think that maybe something do happens to her that forces her to quit/not get back to surgery - and that'll probably be her exit sl.

    I’m starting to agree with this. It looks like there are two separate “injured” scenes - one in ER, one in OR. Maybe the blonde intern is gravely injured? Maybe April’s “death” scene is some type of dream sequence? Or, maybe I’ve unknowingly eaten one of Grey’s special cookies?

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

    I don’t think she’s dead either. The promo people do this every time. I do think there will be a time jump though.

    Well, this show has me guessing. I was convinced she wasn’t going to die but now...maybe the pics of her on set for the last episode were to throw the fans off? I agree about the time jump though, there has to be, whether April lives or dies.

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  5. On 3/24/2018 at 3:16 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I would say that Sarah and Jessica were more like laid off, rather than their contracts expiring. Of course, they did have their contracts expire, but I would personally say that Jessica and Sarah were laid off as they didn't have the option to renegotiate their contracts. But they definitely didn't get fired, as they didn't do anything wrong. 

     I think Jessica was laid off / non-renewed.  But, I wonder about Sarah.  She was hired on Cagney and Lacey like 3 days after the GA exit announcement.  For a new show, aren’t there usually 1st auditions, then maybe 2nd auditions?  Gotta wonder how long Sarah was trying for that role.

  6. On 3/16/2018 at 3:35 PM, izabella said:

    Maggie is supposed to be the genius cardiologist daughter of Ellis and Richard.  She should be chock full of confidence and arrogance.  The clumsy, awkward 12 year old doesn't fit who she's supposed to be.  Lots of people are clumsy and awkward and tongue-tied around their crushes when they are 12.  They outgrow that by the time they are 40 year old genius cardiologists.

    I always liked Maggie, except for her relationships.  Despite being beautiful, she comes off as a child rather than sexy, so, to me, that is why she has no chemistry with Jackson.  I can't see her bumbling character having chemistry with anyone.  I didn't see it with De Luca or Nathan.

    Having said that, I don't really care if she's with Jackson or anyone or no one.  It won't last, because relationships on this show rarely do, even if they get married.  I just wish, after bringing her on as daughter of Richard and Ellis, that her character's story actually used that in some way!  I have enjoyed the very few talks she's had with Richard.

    Maggie’s social awkwardness is why I love this character.  She’s fierce in the surgery room, but she’s grown up with little confidence in herself when it comes to dating.  I think the flashbacks really showed her history of grand gestures that fell flat and made her a subject of ridicule.

    I just love her scenes with Jackson.  To me, she’s denied her feelings for him because of the complicated link of their parents but also because he just flusters her.  When she’s been vulnerable in the past, she’s gotten burned.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

    Eh, April is not Jackson's responsibility. They're no longer together, so they owe each other nothing. They'll always be in each other's lives because of Harriet, but that's it. He tried to talk to her in the previous episode, and she blew him off. That seems to be the pattern with them. When he wanted to work on their marriage, she left him twice to go to Afghanistan. When he was rightfully pissed off and wanted a divorce, I didn't blame him one bit. She took him for granted and she lost out. 

    I'm not mad at the Jackson/Maggie pairing, either. I could understand feeling some kind of way if they grew up in a Brady Bunch situation and their parents married when J/M were children, but their parents married when they were both grown-ass adults, so it's whatever. 

    I agree with this, all of this.

  8. Since Sarah’s and Jessica’s contracts are up at the end of this season, how do we know they didn’t try to negotiate higher contracts (especially after Ellen’s deal) for themselves and refused to come back under existing contract conditions? They all could be putting their own PR-friendly spin on this. I find it hard to believe Shonda would simply write off these characters. I’m not a fan of either but see how strong their fan bases are.

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

    I think my main problem with Jackson is that he's treated April like absolute crap since last season and when you compare it to how he sleazes all over Maggie he just comes off like an insincere sleazy dick. 

    I don’t know, I think Jackson’s been the more likable lately.  He showed concern for April and backed off when she told him to  * off. He’s taken things slow with Maggie and has been there for her. I think Jackson’s looking the more mature compared with April’s headcase actions lately.

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  10. 16 hours ago, After7Only said:

    I have enjoyed the slow pace of a Jackson/Maggie pairing.   I for one do see the chemistry between the 2.   Maggie’s awkwardness and Jackson’s confident coolness go well together.  I would love to see Maggie finally get a guy who was available and seriously into her.  

    This! I get Japril have a lot of fans. I was one of them for a bit, but they wore me out.  

    Jackson/Maggie are a refreshing change. They are sweet, I think they have tons of chemistry too.  It’s cute how they’ve been trying to deny/avoid their feelings. I love their kiss - and the way they were just going in for another one when jock blocker Merideth entered.

    But, I don’t know where this April/Jackson dynamic is going so we’ll see...

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