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Everything posted by fastiller

  1. So, discorules's (is that the right placement for the apostrophe?) post has me wondering: how much of the original music makes it onto the DVDs?
  2. Slate's Gabfest on the Fosters. Adding: How Peter Paige Has Pushed The Boundaries Of LGBT Representation For Two Decades.
  3. Also - he was really joining in on the creation of the jokes, like #ruinaholocaustmovie ==> Shindler's Fist. I could almost see the thought bubble forming over his head.
  4. Well, not really that moment, but when we learned that we were going to meet Jimmy Ford, I wished James Hutton were still alive. Skerritt did a great job, but how cool would it've been to see father and son Hutton act together?
  5. And forking them. Don't forget about forking people.
  6. John Oliver Is No One's Friend On His New HBO Show. It was a great interview. Enlightening as to his upbringing (parents were teachers in Thatcher's England, which inevitably - in his view, anyway - leads to having political leanings. Rather, more to the point: it wasn't conducive to apathy. Also: he worked for a guy who sold stolen industrial kitchen equipment. Like how he considered all his answers as they relate to his wife. (Paraphrasing: "Not sure how much I'm at liberty to speak for her here.")
  7. Kat from Jersey - a much more recent video, rehearsals from a new show called Atomic & a short interview. Atomic Musical BroadwayWorld - Randy Harrison - YouTube
  8. I was tooling around the web and came across some of Randy Harrison's performances on the (sadly no longer running) Our Hit Parade at Joe's Pub. I don't know if these will link or embed. The second link is slightly NSFW Our Hit Parade - Randy Harrison - Shake Me Down - Cover - Cage The Elephant March 2011 - YouTube OUR HIT PARADE - OMG - Randy Harrison covers Usher 12-15-10 Best Of The Year - YouTube
  9. I've got very circular thinking, so I got a kick out of this: Canalis >> dated (was dating at the time?) Clooney >> ER >> 'replaced' as dark/handsome man by Višnjić.
  10. I recall reading that during the filming of TAPS, all the cast (the kids anyway) stayed on base and TC insisted on being put up in a hotel. Can't find it online, but sounds very similar to your story.
  11. I give you the always awesome Douglas Adams on this very same topic, from So Long and Thanks for All the Fish:
  12. Perhaps the tornado started in a very localized spot, say, right over the recently drilled ice-hole?
  13. Shallow note: I love the tie CH was wearing on the 22 Jump Street episode.
  14. Did you ever notice that princess-fixated little girls never want to become queen? I can't fathom that: this is when they'd finally be in charge!
  15. Captanne & toddthomas: I also enjoyed that episode, for the reasons you both cite, particularly the wonderful pacing/sequencing you both bring up but it also had NLH & CarrieAna being badass whilst fighting off Rabbit's woman. It showed that - as Captanne mentions - the creative team are willing to take that risk, and well capable of delivering on it.
  16. I chalk this up to a tight continuity team. It reminds me of Leverage where Eliot wasn't healed immediately after his fights. Also how NLH and Eliot sometimes respond with the "Oh, come on, are you kidding me?!" when they have more people to fight through.
  17. Ryan White, too, even though it was a few years later. Hudson was Hollywood. White brought the disease to "the heartland". No need to apologize. I found that much of the meanness was tied up with the ignorance. People who were inclined to be closed-minded were inclined to ignorance (obviously) and to meanness.
  18. Christian Kane took this already really well written character and made him even more well-rounded. He (Kane) was good as Lindsey in Angel, but - and no offence to the Whedon intended here - I think Eliot was more nuanced. I particularly liked how much of his emotion was 'show, not tell'. Three examples: when Hardison is rescued from the grave, Eliot's hug was all at once relief, joy and a little anger at the bad, bad family that buried Alec; when he heard that Sophie'd been taking his lessons in combat to heart, his pride was so apparent; when he was being interrogated in the Experiment Job you could see all his gears turning.
  19. Thanks Captanne. I did catch some of the origins/prequels. They do round out some of the characters. Having just watched the last two eps of S2, I must say that I like Job even more.
  20. ‘Fargo,’ ‘Masters of Sex,’ ‘Broad City,’ ‘Silicon Valley’ Score as Critics’ Choice TV Noms Embrace Newcomers. From the article:
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