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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. Season three has Purseona which is my favorite episode.
  2. Doh! You are right. I confused my blondes on Sorkin shows. I loved Studio 60 but could not stand Harriet Hayes. West Wing has a few plot points that would be considered spoiler worthy but overall I think knowing some things in advance helps you understand what you watch up to the spoiled plot point. I watched it when it was on originally and have re watched it twice since. Now that I am older and have more of an understanding about politics and government rewatching it I see it through different eyes.
  3. Kim Klacik is not a rising star. She is not well liked in her own hometown. And I doubt she will have any appeal anywhere else. She is not charismatic and on the flip side not vicious enough to make a name for herself on a national level.
  4. So what exactly is Kim Klasic running on? Don't wear blackface?
  5. This is par for the course with Klacik's (and Meghan's team) be outraged over something that to most people is harmless and not be outraged over the truly offensive things. Remember not so long ago Meghan said something like if you come for one of us you come for all of us (meaning her co hosts)? Guess she changed her mind.
  6. I did a quick research on her. She doesn't even live in the district she is running in. I hadn't heard of her before today. This show will get her some press and then after the election she will most likely be forgotten. Meanwhile Joy will continue on to fight the good fight.
  7. I don't have a network TV show but I am savvy enough to know to not engage in a political discussion with someone who is going to go to try to "own" me. I haven't seen the interview yet but did Klacik seem like she wanted a calm rational interview or was she setting them up to get played?
  8. Watch the movie Bombshell. Meghan needs to find a hairstyle that is flattering for her face. And clearly she needs a lesson on how to apply make up. The objective is to make yourself look nice without drawing attention to the fact you are wearing make up.
  9. Because she can't be bothered to do research. She probably heard about it on one of her favorite political shows or maybe it was pillow talk. My coworker also mentioned reviews that were men talking about the appearance of the girls. He said he saw a video of a man reviewing the movie and at first he thought it was a parody like from the Onion or something but nope it was real.
  10. All Meghan ever talks about watching is political shows or Real Housewives. She has a very limited field of interest. If she hadn't been "born into politics" I doubt she would be interested in that. She doesn't seem very smart or have any desire to increase her knowledge concerning anything except what the Real Housewives are going to do next. Sara spoke very eloquently about the movie and the reaction to it. There are two issues to deal with here. One is the movie itself and the other is people's reaction to it. I agree with her and Sunny that while the filmmaker's intent might have been to denounce the sexualization of young girls her attempt to do that missed the mark. As Meghan mentioned the reviews by what she called dirty old men were disgusting. Calling the young actresses in the movies hot is just beyond gross. And now with all the publicity more people are going to be watching it and not for the right reasons. Elisabeth Hasselbeck was the same way. Before her marriage Meghan did not have the gun toting whiskey drinking persona she has now. She went to a private school in Arizona, then Columbia University in NYC and then lived in LA. She wrote a book called Dirty Sexy Politics. This pearl clutching Meghan is not that Meghan. Meghan calls the doctors liars but someone who has been proven to be a liar with evidence to show he lied she lets slide. We are still FB friends but we don't ever comment or like each other's posts. She is a relative which adds to the fun. But since I avoid functions that include extended family (even before the pandemic) I never see her. I can empathize with Meghan's family having to deal with her.
  11. Because Meghan generalizes things and people. And I'm not following her train of thought. If people who thought Baby it's Cold Outside was offensive to women then why the fuck would they think a movie about what is purported to be about young girls being sexualized wasn't offensive?
  12. What she means is she won't criticize her team when they deserve it. But she will criticize anyone who does. I was vaguely aware there was a movie that was causing a lot of discussion but didn't know anything about it till a co worker announced he had just cancelled his Netflix subscription because of it. He said he heard about it and since he is conservative he immediately was against it but then thought well maybe I'm just guilty of group think so he had his girlfriend watch it and she told him yep we need to be against this. So I did some research and found out what the movie was about it and read why were people were against it and read why people are not against it. I personally don't want to see it but I'm not going to tell someone else they shouldn't see it. I don't know if I would agree with people who say it's satire though. I'm not sure that particular subject matter is appropriate to be satirized.
  13. I had a FB friend who would post the same pose every.single.day. Literally same pose just different outfit. And every day it was the same comments from the same people telling her how good she looked. I finally made a post saying to whom it may concern we all know what you look like. Stop posting so many selfies. And I added if you think this post is about you it is.
  14. Let me ask my fellow posters. Does Meghan really believe what she says about wearing masks (they are useless, we were lied to) or is she being a puppet and repeating what she was told to say? I personally think she is supporting her team. And if someone came near her not wearing a mask she would scream bloody murder.
  15. Americans are also afraid of Meghan and people like her's ignorance. Meghan is like a dog with a bone. She will never let this go. Being unsure of something or learning as we go along is not lying. But Meghan is smug enough to think she knows everything already and if she doesn't know it it's not worth knowing. Ok Meghan if there is nothing to fear I'm sure you and your family will be voting in person. Having a party to introduce your child to all your friends and family. Using mass transit. Oh wait a minute. You only want all of us peasants to get back to work so your life can continue to be privileged.
  16. I will give Meghan $1.00 if she can point out Bahrain on a map.
  17. Meghan just said yesterday that climate change is way down on her list of concerns when talking about this year's election. Well Meghan I would bet you Middle East peace is even farther down voter's list of concerns. She was just reaching for something that makes Trump look good.
  18. I would like for Meghan to list one good thing about Rand Paul. The problem is his apathy seems to be as contagious as covid.
  19. Those are actually two of my favorite episodes. Silly plot but there are quite a few lines that make me chuckle each time I watch them.
  20. I knew Dinner Jacket was part of it. LOL. She is an actress. Why is it so hard for her to learn to pronounce names? She memorizes lines from scripts.
  21. She is trying way too hard. Most people have a look they become comfortable with and it becomes their look. But Meghan is all over the place. Not saying she had to look the same every day but she looks better when her makeup and hair is understated. My favorite outfit of hers is the black blouse and leopard skirt she wears in the opening. The jackets/blazers she has been wearing aren't doing her any favors.
  22. Yep that is where I know him from. I liked the show but he was also my least favorite character. And that includes Andy Dick's. Remember when Whoopi pronounced Iran's president at the time Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's name as Old Dinner Jacket? Yes it's a hard name to pronounce but why butcher it like that? Just say their title. If people can't pronounce Kamala's name correctly just say Senator Harris. Meghan said yesterday Joy was the only person who hadn't watched Tiger King. Not true. I didn't watch it and I will never watch it. Meghan was acting like Joy wasn't part of some cool club because she didn't watch it. Sorry Meghan but you don't get to decide what is cool and what is not.
  23. Well he might be like most men Meghan knows. Judging by the company she keeps I'm going to say she is very familiar with men like this.
  24. WTF is wrong with her? This tells me she isn't looking forward to this baby. For other people hearing about a woman's pregnancy is not interesting but for the pregnant woman herself it should be.
  25. Meghan despite her Ivy League education is not a smart person. For her to understand and enjoy something it has to be on the level of a 14 yr. old (no offense to any 14 yr olds). I remember a couple years ago they were talking about Academy Award nominated movies and the only one she had seen was I Tonya. I watched that movie and I enjoyed it but Meghan definitely gave the impression she would only watch movies that were movies that didn't require a lot brain power to understand the plot. She doesn't have a lot of critical thinking skills. She is loyal to her tribe because she only knows what they tell her to know. That's why she will tell us what polls say. She isn't smart enough to look at the polls and interpret them. She is not an intellectually curious person at all.
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