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Posts posted by rtms77

  1. Great season! We finally got an original, smart and unrepentant villain. 

    How does Gwen stick around since no civil war ruins her home world and her father has no reason to create her? 

    Finally Gwen is made Captain, hurray! 
    Dal behaviour always seems to calm down near the end of the seasons, but he’s still the most irritating character. 
    I love that this show truly shows a united team, always relying on each other and encouraging one another. Now they even have a Vulcan with them.

    Nice touch with bringing in the Picard backstory. I’m totally waiting for 7 of 9 to show up next season.

    Chacotay got more character development than he ever did in Voyager, lol . 
    Hologram Janeway lives. Did Admiral Janway send them on a secret mission or approved ? 

    So did they not create a time paradox loop? 

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  2. Idk about anyone else but it seems very plausible that Voit still has his network up and somehow is communicating the side deaths to his cult followers who are killing victims in almost the same manner thus making the BAU into pretzels and distracting them from the real killer. 

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  3. The problem lately is that the writers keep taking away from the main lead and give the growth or main story over to a secondary character. With Ahsoka I didn’t mind too much because , having watched Rebels I liked Sabines character enough to be interested in the show, even when Ahsoka was acting all depressed. Still it was a struggle, with bad direction and dialogue. Someone having never watched anything about CW or Rebels or the books though would have struggled to stay interested especially after the third or fourth episode. Not to mention that Baylans story was sooo mysterious it just looked wasted in the end. 

    If they had just stuck to Ahsoka backstory involving Mortis and had flashbacks, then both Ahsoka and Baylan would have come off way better. It would have made more sense than randomly going after Thrawn just to find Ezra.

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  4. On 10/4/2023 at 6:29 AM, Uncle JUICE said:

    THis show doesn't do lightsaber fights well, either. Rosario Dawson, whose performance really grew on me, might be getting done dirty here by production, but the saber fighting looks slow and stodgy with her. THe woman who played Morgan is a martial artist and her action showed it. Rosario Dawson is tentative and stiff looking by comparison. Her fight with Baylan was far better because he too was slow and brutish. 

    It’s the one big  complaint I’ve had all season. Dawson especially, Stevenson (rip)slightly better, with Morgan, Sabine and the best Shin. Ahsoka should be jumping and leaping around, quick actions, but Dawson looked like a stiff board, like someone trying to remember dance step, or rub her tummy and tap her head at the same time. The fight choreography was terrible. And age has nothing to do with it. Dooku, Yoda etc were old in the prequels yet were very agile. Ahsoka should be on the same level. 

    Shin , why would she stay other than to get back with her master? I mean why not go back with Thrawn? At least she would know that galaxy. Who is she going to raid, especially with both Ahsoka and Sabine there? I still think she will be a neutral or good guy eventually. 

  5. Disney and Star Wars have to bit the bullet, and recast Leia, Luke and Han for the TV versions at least. Luke and Leia would be the same age as Ezra, around 30 yrs old. Doing expensive cgi deep fakes is wasting money, as is paying Hamilton for a one time appearance. 

    As for the Episode, we are back to atrocious lightsaber fights and awkward dialogue. Ahsoka of old would have been all over Baylan, she went up against Grevious. As for Ezra, I really hope he learned more than force push and pull, or else those troopers really are incompetent. No wonder Thrawn doesn’t want to waste them.

    I was so hoping Shin would join Ahsoka after Baylan cut her loose, just for revenge. I mean he taught her, what was she suppose to think like, peace love and force hugs? Just a few episodes ago he’s yapping that Shin is trained for a higher purpose, and properly.

    I really want to explore Ashoka’s ship, that weapons storage looked cool.

  6. Loved the Mariner stabbing joke, at least she took it well, 🤣

    Boilmer and Rutherford really wasn’t interesting. 

    So Orion is a matriarchal society , but the men still seem to have rights and have command . It’s interesting how that society balances things out.

    T’lynn is just getting better every time she shows up. I hope she stays.

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  7. Ok so put me on the cringe side with this ep. I’m not a fan of this type of musical, more Sound of Music , Sister Act kinda thing. I will say this is a talented cast, with Celia blowing it out of the ship!

    The whole thing with Chapel and Spock is a mess, and does not put a very good light on Chapel. She pretty much wanted the forbidden fruit, pursued it then dump it once she got a bite. It looks even worse when you realize 7 yrs from now she’s going to keep trying to get that back. No wonder Spock is cold to her.

    Spock  I guess is going to toughen up, and go into extreme mode for yrs to come.  It’s interesting because I think he uses that Vulcan excuse to run away from these  emotional attachments and even personal attachments. He gets dumped by TPring for being a workaholic. 

    For once Kirk reminded me of TOS Kirk, though he seems a bit more subdued this series. I’ll have to go back to the movie but I can’t remember if Kirk did know Carol was pregnant and she asked him to leave or if he didn’t know .  I actually hope we see her next season if she’s on Starbase 1. I liked Kirk teasing Spock about the mumbo jumbo tech talk. Ironic that is the one relationship Spock can count on.

    This has been Urhura season as she works out her place on the ship and her life in general. I have to ask though, given we have tiny ear buds for phones and zoom etc, why use that big honking ear piece? I get it’s from TOS but come on, we have better ear pieces in this age, 200 yrs from now we shouldn’t even need that.

    La’an was way more loose than I expected her to be. I figured she’d storm in when the singing started with either an angry song and throw things around in frustration lol. Glad she worked out her feelings about Kirk.

    The ending song was good, and goofy especially with the Klingon boy band lol.

    Oh Batel, why are they fridging her just to make Pike hurt? The guys going to get wrecked enough in a few yrs, we don’t need his man pain to push him forward. Sheesh let the guy be happy, his future sucks.

    • Like 5
  8. 1 hour ago, tv-talk said:


    I would disagree that Pike believes M'Benga killed Rah. What is getting forgotten is everyone thinks the knife was in Rah's possession. It's the knife he used to kill the 3 Klingons, no one but M'Benga knows that in fact HE had killed them and it was HIS knife. So why did Rah bring that knife to sick bay if he didnt have ill intentions? When you add the knife into equation, M'Benga's lie protects him here as EVERYONE believes Rah was the one carrying the knife.

    If M'Benga admitted to murdering Rah, Pike would have had him arrested. 

    Indeed, MBenga had the knife in the box and turned away from Rah to start arguing with him. We then see Chapels POV. At some point MBenga had to lean over/down to quickly grab the knife. Which means it could indeed be Interrupted as self defence. If Rah touched him or pushed MBenga, that could have set MBenga off and justified what happened. La’an and Pike just assume that Rah had the knife and MBenga just used it against him. And it’s clear neither is going to investigate further. Which is sloppy on La’an part. Wouldn’t fingerprints of MBenga show up on the handle? 

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Dani said:

    I can’t blame Pike for what happened. He wasn’t insensitive to how big of an ask it was. He was given orders from the highest levels of Starfleet that the war vets had to interact with Rah. Pike went to them directly to check in with them. They could have said no. It was a shitty situation but that is at the feet of Starfleet much more than Pike, in my opinion. 

    Pike pretty much guilt tripped the Vets into joining the dinner. Still I blame Starfleet, they are just tone deaf to their vets it seems. I can’t believe Starfleet waited over 100yrs to start putting actual counsellors on ships , and that was only because missions were longer and families were aboard. Counsellors should be on all explorer class ships, given the amount of vets they have scattered around.

    I have to say they really played with the angles and edits in shooting the fight and death. M’Benga turns away without the knife in his hand. The cut to the screen with Chapel did not show how the knife or when the knife got into M’Benga hands. There was no movement it seems to grab it from what was shown. Hard to say if he snapped due to PTSD, or hatred.

    Somehow I have a feeling the truth is going to come out, and while it still may be ambiguous, it’s going to sully M’Benga and Chapels reputations, to the point he’s demoted in favour of McCoy , and Spock decides Chapel went to far in lying and ends it. I envision her going off and rebounding with Korby.

    As for the rest, Ortegas gets a bit more attention, but only as a bigot which wasn’t very fair to her. I’m thinking the final episode is where she gets a bigger spotlight. 

    This whole season has been up and down especially in tone. A war episode here, next a musical? 

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  10. I forget as to why Spock and Sarek are estranged, is it because of what happened in Discovery? It’s a shame because his perspective in this dinner ritual would have been nice. We still don’t know why Amanda would go through all this to marry him. It’s 200 yrs since Vulcans first met humans and they still treat humans this way? Yet they are more prevalent in Starfleet than ever. TPring father seemed fine, but the mom…wow. 

    Sigh sorry but the whole Chapel/Spock stuff has gone off the rails. How do you break off a relationship like that and still work with each other. Spock treated her on TOS like he barely knew her.  Heck the crew ,save La’an ,know there is something between them.

    They must be saving Peilia and Amanda meeting for something big , though she could have helped given her own hiding on earth so long.

    This does give reference to the fact Spock is popular with the female side of the crew, a trait which transfers to Kirks crew later. 

    • Like 7
  11. 15 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    If Spock could not read the tablet with his info because he was dyslexic/it was not in his native language, what was everybody else's excuse? Was literacy on the list of things you lose in the forgetting? 

    This doesn’t even make sense because , hello Amanda!? Surely  his mother knows Federation basic and would have taught him that. Most kids of two or more cultures learn , and have an easier time learning another language. Granted Amanda had to give up a lot but her own language, just to please Sarek? I just can’t see that. Did she read Alice in Wonderland in Vulcan to him?  The more I see of that marriage the more I feel Amanda was in love with an ideal or culture not the man. 

  12. I didn’t mind it too much since I too like La’an, though I wish they involve more cast in these. I don’t like the time wars stuff which ruined Enterprise. I’m hoping they stay away from that.

    The chemistry between Kirk and La’an was wonky. I think the writers just said “oh hey let’s use Kirk and since he kisses and beds every woman he meets let’s do that too!” Still I can see why La’an was so upset. That she developed intense feelings for a Kirk that would cease to exist so fast tracks with her personality. She was in a desperate situation and had to resolve it, getting Kirk on her side. Glad she told him there was another version of him with a brother who was alive. Her break down at the end was sad since she has to continue keeping her feelings in check. 
    This whole crew save Urhura, has massive PTSD it seems. La’an is the kind to bottle things up , go by the book and everything she reckons will work out. As we see not so. No wonder they got counselors in the future on starships. 

    Adelane Kane! Loved seeing her again. So this Romulan has been there since ‘92? Like she said the whole Khan thing got delayed thanks to time travellers. Didn’t Voyager mention this when Janway and crew went back to ‘96?  La’an realizing she has to save Khan and let the evilness exist so humanity and herself continue  into the Federation was a great way to bring it all home for La’an. She realized , good or bad her line had a purpose.

    😂 Kirk mistaking Toronto for New York, I see what you did there  production crew 😉


    Heres hoping we more full cast episodes especially with Captain Pike.

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  13. 4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I know that the Federation has a huge thing about genetic augmentation because of the eugenics wars, but it seems so weird that they insist that any new species that joins them has to follow that very specific rule based around human history. Sure, other races might agree with them having heard about the eugenics wars and might have their own issues with genetic augmentation, but forcing a culture to give up what they need to do to survive on their own planet seems like its a totally different issue than what happened in the eugenics wars. That's the point of the argument I suppose, that this whole rule is based on fear and not logic, so the opposite of the smug Vulcans excuse for booting Una.

    This is my argument, and one that has already come up on the Enterprise series. Dr Plhox mentioned more than once that his species used and continued to use genetic augmentation to great success and that they over came the problems that overwhelmed humans . He also mentioned other aliens successfully using genetic engineering. So are his planet not allowed in the Federation? Again it’s absolutely silly that human standards are being applied to all other Fed members just because humans are failures. I can understand humans having the rule over other earth humans but to terrorize a colony such as Una’s is way overboard. It become draconian as Neera  pointed out. 

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  14. I dont understand why this is such an issue, especially with the Illiyians. Enterprise showed that the Denulbians used genetic manipulation to good use. So have many others. Why is it that what happened on earth the rule of law in the Federation  and how did other aliens get in when they clearly used such things to much better outcomes? Why is this an issue with Vulcans etc? Only humans and earth born should be bothered with this. This whole thing is not a Federation issue. Khan did not terrorize the galaxy. It also begs the question how the heck did La’an get into Starfleet? Isn’t she a result of genetic manipulation or at least born to Khan line? 

    Glad Una is back, along with the rest of the crew. I did notice Pellia was missing. Given how long she’s lived ,presumably on earth her perspective would have been nice to hear.

    Glad Urhura talked La’an down from breaking rules. I love that Noyta considers La’aan a mentor.

    So now it’s confirmed April was the previous captain of the Enterprise. Nice to know.

    More speeches than actual law but a good episode overall. Now let’s get exploring! 

    Just an aside, but does every officer or senior crew have such HUGE quarters? Una, Spock and the Captain I swear take up one whole side of the ship deck it seems. I take it they severely downsized when Kirk took over? 


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  15. 10 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

    So Pelia is a different species than Guinan? How many long-lived alien species have been hiding on Earth and all they all coming out now?

    There was no suspense regarding Chapel and M'Benga's survival since we know that they live through the Kirk era. That's the problem with using TOS characters in this show. I really wish they had a different nurse character that Spock falls in love with rather than Chapel. There is no way I can believe this badass Chapel turns into wimpy Chapel as portrayed in TOS or that Spock would treat her the way he did. If Spock had loved and lost a different woman, it would go a long way in explaining why he cut himself off emotionally from Chapel.

    Something must have happened, you don’t go over 7 yrs of being an emotional mess as Spock is now to being almost completely detached as he is during Kirks time. Yet he still has loyalty to Pike to try and help him out. That act is loyalty and respect for Pike with controlled emotions. But yeah his treatment of Chapel in the Kirk era is weird. How do these two stay working colleagues ? 

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  16. A  positive , like last season I am loving the ship battles. This Enterprise is so maneuverable. Unlike so many other shows these ships actually move out of the way of fire. Kudos to whoever is doing the choreography for this. 

    im hoping we get More Amanda this season. I would love to see the backstory of how she fell for a Vulcan etc. Sarek had his time on Disco. 


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  17. Badly directed,and edited along with bizzarre writing. 

    Im already tired of the “Klingon War”, which apparently happened during DISCO 1st season. I don’t even remember that storyline since it was a blip among the Micheal Burnham must be Redeemed! Plots. But now we are hit over the head with it constantly . Ortega seems to have built her current career on it,  same with Mitchell. Now MBenga and Chapel. 100 million died yet DISCO  rarely mentioned it.

    MBenga and Chapel and the green liquid of courage was just plain bad writing. I was like WTF?  I’m assuming MBenga created it, because it goes against everything Starfleet opposes, including the current storyline with Number 1. If this is found out, it may explain why he was demoted and under Dr McCoy later on. MBenga could be headed for prison. The slow mo hallway fight was just atrociously shot. 

    The new engineer is batty and uninteresting. So she’s long lived or immortal? Either way not the best first impression.

    Spock! What a mess now. How does this guy go from crying over Chapel , to the almost pulse is dead eyebrow raising Spock of TOS? For me it’s just bad writing. I find the writers have no idea how to write this character. And what is with this idea of sticking Spock with any and all human females? First Uhura in the movies and now Chapel. The Chapel thing has got to be jettisoned, I can’t see these two working together for 20 yrs as just “friends” after all this.

    The Kingons are over done, the Borg as well, but now we have the Gorn to mess with. The Romulans really got screwed over in the villan dept. The one alien race earth and the Feds were legitimately challenged and scared of, never developed beyond the boogie man.


    An Aside, I really don’t care about the Klingon appearance. To me advances in makeup and costuming etc from the 60’s  was just natural. I really don’t understand why Star Trek etc made it such an issue. 

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  18. 15 hours ago, Starchild said:

    I suspect it's just analogous. I think she mentioned 25 as the age that a human's brain reaches some level of maturity, after which the Borg DNA would no longer influence/change the brain. That level of maturity would be different in other species, 50 in Vulcans, 3 months old in Ocampans, whatever. So I think she was referring less to age and more to that stage of brain development.

    Except again alien brains can be wildly different than humans. As Kirk found out in ST6 Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place(paraphrase). I don’t think the code was that adaptable even for Borg or intended. She was mad at humans, Picard and ( should have been)Janeway front and center.

    10 hours ago, dovegrey said:

    It sounds like Jack's connection couldn't penetrate all the way to Earth's surface, but then it doesn't make sense that he was saying, "To the worlds of the Federation, hear us. Assimilation blah blah blah it's great you'll love it really blah blah" (paraphrasing that last part). If he could only speak to assimilated Starfleet people on ships orbiting Earth, why would he say that?

    The federation president says their young people are attacking them, and says for everyone to stay away. He was on earth and they were trying to get him to a safe bunker before being cut off. So either everyone got lazy and transports around on earth or it was in the system a lot longer than just a few months. The writing is full of plot holes when you look too closely, 😂  It means the Borg are either the best long term planners and strategists and planned for Picard to procreate at some point or the writers just pulled it out of their a** for a big event and didn’t think any of it through. 


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  19. There is one thing I don’t understand. While the bio weapon was developed, it was done with humans in mind, as Data stated every species has their pattern /dna stored to make it easier for the transporters. Now humans develop way differently than bajorans, or Vulcans etc. So why were the aliens on board affected? They don’t come close to the same physiology as humans or even mature rate. Vulcans are considered young at 50 etc. Beverly’s reasoning was for humans only. None of that made sense.

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  20. On 4/21/2023 at 10:05 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Seven presumably did not have to go back to the Academy to go from commander to captain.

    Was there any indication last yr or this yr if Seven even went to the academy or was she just leap frogged into command because Picard and presumably Janeway said so?  I know she mentioned she tried one time but was rejected because she was Borg. 

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