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Everything posted by 5678Pixie

  1. If you think Cassie was whining I bet that was nothing compared to what Victoria would be like. At least Cassie only whined to her mom. Victoria will whine to Kelli, Judy, Kitty and to her mom. A few of the DCC's have already said things about her that tell me they don't like how she acts. I also remember someone on here saying how she is really aggressive in classes. I am sure she can be real sweet when she needs to be. I hope they don't take her to TC just for MTT to get ratings. MTT knows people would watch in hopes to see her get cut.
  2. Not sure why the above says that pix was deleted from IG. It is still on her IG. Taylor Longenecker
  3. DCC Madline just said "Last appearance before earning those boots back" So she will be returning
  4. Bess's quote on this pix "bessann?? you’re my favorite. I feel this, I felt this my entire dcc career. Get after ittttttt sister". Makes me wonder how much stress they all had this year on the team. I was surprised to hear Bess admit it.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to make the list DCCFAN37
  6. You can swipe all the pix she has posted and see a lot of the girls names here. Taylor L and Macie need to be added to the list You can take Madelyn F off the list. She is going to training camp in June. This seems like a better team for her to try out for.
  7. She has tried out for HTC twice.
  8. Both of these girls will be trying out for DCC
  9. After all that K & J put up with last year I really don't think they want someone like her. She partied really hard last year. Some still say Greg is guilty and was lucky to get off. DCC doesn't need this no matter how tall, fit and blonde she is. They need girls with morals and values.
  10. I don't know if she is on the list of trying out but this says she is She is engaged and I think she moved to Texas because he lives there.
  11. Sarah's sister Tessa posted pix on her story turning in her uniforms and said "Hope to earn this uniform back again soon". Looks like she wont be trying out for DCC this year. She has really grown as a dancer this year by being on a team. She seems like a really great person and she really loves being a DSIG, seems like a great fit for her. I always love to see when someone finds where they love to be.
  12. I didn't hear Yuko announce but she was working on her solo with Sarah this week so looks like she will be back.
  13. A couple of people have told me she is not coming back this year.
  14. She deleted her post...I really think it was her mom that posted this. Long time lurker first time poster here. Yes that’s Grace in the white shirt. @NITTANYVOLLEYBALL yeah I’m not going to lie Erin doesn’t look good in that video... which surprised me because I was in class last night and when I watched her she looked great. She must have blanked and had a bad run or something. Jennifer has us do it a million times. Ive been in a lot of classes with her, and she’s really good and her body looks amazing. But she either kills it, or let’s the pressure get to her and blanks on the choreo. I think she just needs to get more confidence and mentally there because she has everything going for her. Teachers seem to like her a lot and be really rooting for her. I’m interested to see what happens with her this year. I think if she has a good audition she will make it to camp. From there she’ll just have to not let the pressure get to her because she looks really good when she gets it. She’s a really sweet girl and hard worker though so I’m rooting for her. Also have to remember the video clips we see aren’t actually the best depiction of how good someone is/how well they will do at auditions.
  15. Plus the 3 that quit makes total of 10 spots so far.
  16. Shannon in green top Grace in white top Blue sports bra I think is Erin
  17. Kind of sounds like she will be going to college. If so good for her.
  18. They are not really solo costumes they are more audition type costumes. Plus the things Dallaswear would bring to Stephanie's class would be sample outfits and most girls would want to pick out their own design and colors. I think Dallaswear is just there really to advertise.
  19. Dallaswear was giving away free outfits last night at Stephanie's class at Power House Of Dance. Kelsey might have been taking Stephanie's class. She would never wear Dallaswear for her solo and she is a vet so she wouldn't need anything from Dallaswear. She was just teasing all of us.
  20. Someone said Mandy and Slade are still communicating with each other so I was hoping they might get back together.
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