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Posts posted by wlk68

  1. Based on events in this episode it looks like Iris and Mike are getting closer. Iris may have a case of white knight syndrome while Mike seems to be more ... pragmatic.

    I REALLY don't want to see them hook up. I hope their relationship stays platonic.  

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  2. Hot Young (and stupid) Prison Guard totally got what was coming to him. I'm assuming he's dead and I'm actually glad. Was so done with his storyline. I'm assuming his actions and the outcome were necessary for what comes in the next episode. Plot device. 

    I'm relieved that Iris is finally in safe(er) hands. Hats off to Bunny. Can't imagine having to cut a tracking device out like that. 

    Wow, the scene where Mike just waded into the "Love Shack" and very matter of factly just wasted everyone. Dude is a bad-ass. Can't help but think this will eventually catch up to him, tho. May find himself back behind bars unless the cops cover for him or are too busy with what's going on at the prisons to worry about the death of a few white supremacist drug dealers. Oh, and there's still Milo and the bus. Oy! 

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  3. I was hoping that Clint would bring Yelena home along with Kate. I can't help but think that the Barton clan would've loved to meet Natasha's sister and Yelena would love to meet Natasha's namesake: Nathaniel. 

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  4. 22 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

    When the Union General sat down next to Dutton at the beginning of the episode I wondered where they found an actor that looked that much like Tom Hanks. Then I went over to the IMDB...

    I had read about Billy Bob Thornton doing a guest appearance but I missed any Hanks announcements.

    ETA: what relation was Claire to the Duttons? When James went back with the shovel he obviously knew what she was going to do, and he had no intention of stopping her.

    I think Claire was a sister-in-law. Maybe the widow of Jim Dutton's brother or of Margaret's brother? I didn't get the sense that she was the actual blood sister of Jim or Margaret. I don't think they would've left her behind if she were.

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  5. 42 minutes ago, mledawn said:

    The man in the gallery is some kind of assistant district attorney or perhaps even a judge? I can't recall specifically, but his daughter was killed by the man being executed. The gallery man asked Mike to come up with a reason to stay the execution *I think* so that the guy would suffer on death row longer? I can't remember enough to be reliable. But that's why the gallery man said "I'll take that as a confession" - it's what he wanted.

    Right! *whaps forehead* Thank you for refreshing my memory. 

  6. Liked Miriam's speech to the women inmates about empathy and morals, etc. Feels very timely which I'm sure is the intent. 

    Rebecca is a saint. 

    I really like the scenes between Mike and Bunny. They have good chemistry.

    Surprised at where Iris ended up. And with who.

    Not surprised where the FBI guy ended up.  

    Liked the conversation between Mike and his brother as well. 

    Who were the inmate and the man in the gallery during the execution scene? Have we seen them before and I'm just blanking on where/when?

    Hot Young Prison Guard needs to just go away.  He seriously irritates me. He was told what the scoop was by the other guards, and he did it anyway. Dude deserves whatever he gets. I hope he gets fired and we never see him again.  

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  7. I was somewhat surprised to hear that Yelena had actually been hired to kill Clint. I got the impression that all Val was there to do was tell her who killed her sister and turn her loose. That it was all about revenge for Yelena. 

  8. 3 hours ago, zapper said:

    Finally, finally (really this time), the last joke about needing the receipt fell flat. I did not get it and I thought that Henry was being an ass in insisting that the material needed to go back when in fact he was saying that Jamie had bought way too much material for a 10x12 deck so some would need to go back unless the entire house was being slated for a reno.


    I thought that it fell flat as well. Jamie gives his grandfather this impassioned speech about wanting him to stick around for many years to come and instead of clapping him on the shoulder or giving him a (manly) hug this is what Henry does? Way to ruin the moment, Pops.   

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  9. I can empathize with getting older and losing some of your independence, etc. I can also empathize with memory loss and being terrified of losing yourself in the process. And I can understand lashing out at those you love as a result of that fear. 

    All that being said, Henry is still an ass.

    He put Jamie in a terrible position and then crapped all over him for just trying to help someone he cared about.  

    I'm glad Jamie got in Henry's face and pushed back.  

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  10. Fabulous episode. Really solid. I love how Mike went into the bar and absolutely wailed on Russian Bro. No chitchat, no posturing, just ... WHAM!

    I also love how he knew exactly what Milo was doing with Iris and was simply not having it. The fact that he had Rebecca stay at the office with the both of them showed that. I really hope he doesn't sleep with her. That he keeps the relationship platonic. It would be refreshing. 

    The ending was ... wow. Milo has some serious balls if he thinks killing those agents won't blow up in his face.  

    • Love 2
  11. Liam, Liam, Liam .... dude, you are in SO much trouble. He's always struck me as being very upright so for him to do what he did was pretty OOC. I like that he confessed to Cordell his difficulties with having been shot once and then almost shot again. Can we chalk up his behavior to PTSD? 

    I'm still not convinced of Dan's innocence but in this case, it looks like it really wasn't him. 



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  12. 22 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I hope they don't break up.  But if she is starting her own business, I feel like she could have compromised and taken a two week vacation with him.  What's the rush?  She could have delayed the start of her business for two weeks.   It's not like they need the money, and I don't buy that there's some urgency with the start date.  She's been perfectly content to work for AFC Richmond, I'm sure her backer would understand if she wants a two week break before starting.



  13. 5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    You can also really see why he and Natasha bonded so much, as that's how she looked at herself as well. 

    Yes, absolutely. She said a number of times that she had red in her ledger. 

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  14. On 12/8/2021 at 7:19 AM, tv echo said:

    Clint's story about when he was sent to kill Natasha and couldn't do it was really touching. Also his conversation with Kate about Ronin. I like that he has no illusions about who he was and what he did.

    I was coming here to say pretty much this exact thing. The whole "I was a weapon" speech is spot on. As much as I'm enjoying the action and the humor I'm also really enjoying the quiet introspective moments. 

    I thought it was sweet that Kate tried to give Clint some of what he is missing by being away from home. The ugly sweaters and the movies, etc.

    • Love 11
  15. 19 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    I'm new to the MCU - I've seen all the movies that are in theaters and rewatch them on Disney+.  I don't know backstories, blah blah blah, but I do have a question.  Where, when and how does Hawkeye get these arrows at?  Like, who's making them? and when does he swing by for a new batch?

    My guess would be R&D at SHIELD and/or Tony Stark (and Stark Enterprises). I would assume that Clint helped design them or is at least involved in testing them. 

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  16. 8 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

     If he was just a killer Fury would have probably sent someone else.

    Agreed. I've always thought that Fury respected Hawkeye for his brains as well as his sharpshooting ability. I got that immediately from their conversation about the tesseract in the 1st Avengers movie. It was Clint, not the scientists, who figured out that "doors open both ways". He's also the guy who came up with (and executed) the plan to take down the heli-carrier. And he came very close to succeeding, too. 

    • Love 3
  17. I feel like Clint should've been way better at hand to hand in his fight w/ Maya. He was getting his ass kicked until he got a hold of his bow. He fought the Black Widow in Civil War and she accused him of pulling his punches. But then, he's not getting any younger. Lotta mileage there. :)  

    Loved the car chase and all the trick arrows. The "walk the dog" conversation between Kate and Clint in subway car was funny.

    Great conversation between Clint and Kate in the diner. Clint is self aware enough to know that what he does/did is not admirable. That he is not a role model.  

    Sweet scene where Kate acted as interpreter for Clint's phone call w/ Nate. 

    Looking forward to Clint and Jack meeting each other. In the comics they have history. I wonder if it will be the same here. 

    • Love 3
  18. On 11/28/2021 at 12:21 PM, mledawn said:

    Ok so after all the hype for Iris over two episode teasers and she just offers herself up and then leaves? And she cries when Mike isn't really that snarky to her? I know this character is around more in the season but that intro didn't do a lot. It also doesn't seem like a lot of thought went into Milo's "plan" to work on Mike but I am sure there is a long con at work.

    I was expecting her to do the weepy "I'm just a frail delicate flower trapped in a life of prostitution by really bad men, please help me" thing. But she didn't. She was actually very open about why she was there and who sent her. 

    Agree that this must be a really long con at play here because as of right now, Mike isn't falling for her song and dance.   

  19. On 11/28/2021 at 9:41 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

    Well based on the story of the Budapest mission we got in Black Widow Clint was up to some pretty bad shit even in his SHIELD days. 

    From his introduction scene in Thor, we know that Hawkeye is, among other things, a sniper. I'm betting that over the course of his career he killed a lot of people for SHIELD. All of them really bad, I'm sure. 😉

    Both he and Natasha were spies and assassins. Kinda like the Bruce Willis and Karl Urban characters in the movie Red. These are people who, unlike Captain America, worked in the shadows for their country. A very, very gray area. Practically black. 

    • Love 6
  20. 1 hour ago, Dandesun said:

    So that dude who asked for a selfie at the urinals was a tourist, right? New Yorkers are famous for not giving a shit about celebrities but... Broadway right before Christmas? That's totally an out of towner who does not follow proper protocol.


    I have vague recollections of Jeremy Renner talking about a real life incident on one of the late night talk shows a number of years ago. He was approached in a similar situation by someone wanting a pic or an autograph while he was at a urinal. Can't help but wonder if they added it for that reason.

    So far I am absolutely loving this. 

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  21. This episode was definitely hard to watch but I am absolutely loving how gritty this show is. The superhero movies are all well and good but this is the kind of stuff I prefer to see Renner in. I loved Wind River and The Town.

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