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Posts posted by Payal90

  1. So I'm on my first RHONY watch. I'm on episode 4 of s8. I was so happy when bethanny left earlier. I was happy to see Carole as I adore jfk jr and had read her book, so was happy to see she was smart and good. I found Luaun and Sonja hilarious. Ramona just seems evil at most times. I enjoyed Heather's toughness and smarts. Over s6, I began to like Kristen more and more. I was surprised to see a lot of dislike for her here but I get from a reality TV perspective she wouldn't be a main talking point. Ironically that's what I loved about her. She was normal, she reacted to these outrageous women as most normal folk would. She came across as a good mother and sadly a pushover wife who had been beaten down by josh, who basically saw her as a beautiful possession. I think she believes she's not worth anything. 

    Despite her looks, I feel she's insecure and anxious with little self esteem. I get it because I've always felt like I've wanted to speak my mind, take a stand but I shirk with bigger personalities and confrontation frightens me. Watch these girls trips on the show gets me anxious watching them so I can't imagine actually being with them. Especially vicious people like ramona and sonja. Heather was her safety pad and she took it out on her like a child I.e "be my friend more! Be on my side etc" I like how heather got that in the end.

    She was unintentionally hilarious sometimes. But the most important, she's a good, nice person who is smart and led with her heart. Her vulnerability was touching and she didn't do anything to hurt anyone although she was a easy target for the nasty bullies. I found myself agreeing more with her observations. I just find it unfair how Kristen got piled on for the smallest things by the housewives but others comments/behaviours were accepted. Sadly that's the way it is. The meeker ones will get bulldozed over and ignored. 

    The marriage scenes were ridiculous. Josh is such a dickhead. I think she got married young to a successful man who wooed her and gave her everything she wanted. She was trying to navigate that perfect housewife role of dutiful wife and mother but was left treated badly by an emotionally available douche.  Love and be loved seemed to be her way. I hated how he whines she doesn't cook ( we're not in the olden days anymore josh ffs!) And then when she tries, he shows up late and complains and demeans her. Her begging for his affection was rough to watch.

    Maybe I'm the wrong viewer for these type of shows because sometimes I want a respite from the big villian characters and just want to see someone nice lol. I get overly sensitive and invested. I loved her friendship with Heather and carole. They were like the nice normal ones and then lu and her became friends too. And then enter bethanny.

    I hate bethanny and I'm not ashamed to use the word contempt. Shes the exact kind of person I hate and I knew exactly how she was going to intimidate kristen. There's not 5 minutes that goes by where I don't want bethanny to shut the fuck and want to counter argue. Shes a law unto herself and its one rule for her and another for everyone else. The world and everyone in it must work according to how b wants it. I want a epic smackdown and cancellation of bethanny. 

    The subtle school girl exclusion and putting down of kristen due to her made me feel really sad. For people here and viewers, its cringe tv but like I said before, kristen is insecure and I feel was overwhelmed by bethanny and bethanny and carole played with it. Carole unintentionally. For me I wanted Kristen to stand up to her and not give a shit. I loved it when she told her what makes you think I want to be your friend. You might roll your eyes but I really think a lot of it was jealousy for kristen. I mean I'm a straight female but my head would stop and turn to stare at kristen if I ever saw her.

    I was rooting for her to find her passion and what she wants to to do. Josh clearly believes she's good for nothing expect mothering and blow jobs. All the other women have their "thing" and she wanted more from her life. I applaud that hustle. I relate to it. Trying to do something in life and not having enough faith in yourself or how to start when other do it and then rub it in your face. My heart broke and I wish she got more support. I got it when she cried at the charity event because it was something she did for a good cause. Its sad that bethanny and her husband and I'm sure others made her feel like she's useless. Her charity work and the way she speaks to people speaks volumes about her character more than bethanny, ramona and sonja.

    I know carole and bethanny fall out in later seasons but I'm really disliking how up bethannys arse carole got. I can feel bethanny bad vibes emanating from carole. Its awful. I wish Heather, carole, kristen and lu could've remained friends.

    The s6 cast was perfect. Aviva was nice and had good moments but even her crazy could be funny and not overlty cruel. 

    What I do side eye is her friendship with brandi  although I don't believe brandi is her friend. She'd throw her under the bus if she had a chance. I wish she wasn't friends with her lol. 

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  2. I'm on rhony s8, first ever watch through the whole series. I disliked her earlier but when bethanny came back in s7, she was just spectacularly unbearable. Shes a vile bully. Shes not a straight talker. Shes hypocrital, mean spirited, shit stirrer, condescending, obnoxious and narcissistic. Imagine how she would go on the attack of someone behaved they way she did and says the stuff she does. I actually find her hard to watch through. At least there are some episodes where ramona stays quiet and can make you laugh.

    I miss the chemistry of the s6 cast. I hate how she low key bullied kristen because she could. Heather would try to stand up. I hate how bethanny corrupted carole. Are carole, Heather and kristen still close?

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  3. I'd love it if someone stood up to georgina once and for all and told her where to stick it. I used to like a lot the first few seasons because I thought she was genuinely lovely and the nice judge. Ally to women but she's the opposite. Like I said before anti feminist and so critical of certain types of women aka non skinny/glam/made up/young. And what they can or cannot wear. 

  4. Has anyone here watched the handmaid's tale. Georgina reminds me of serena joy possibly aunt Lydia. 

    There's something deeply uncomfortable and wrong about her observations and thoughts on women/mothers and what they should wear. And then when you add in her complicity in the Harvey weinstein situation.... 

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  5. Georgina should still have been objective though. She never used to be like this on the earlier seasons. I'm going to watch the show again and see her reacting to to Stanley being safe and the others complimenting him, bet she looked pissed off. Wonder if Stanley will be the one she can't stand and unfairly criticises all the time.

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  6. I don't know whether it's just my increasing contempt for georgina clouding my opinions but I thought she was out of order criticising the simple red dress. I knew she wouldn't like it because her aesthetic is all feathers and tulle and the opposite of simplicity. She should've been objective. I wish someone would have said to her just because she makes certain kinds of dresses doesn't mean those are the ones everyone should make and they're wrong if they make simple designs. I wonder how she has at award seasons when actresses wore lbds or dresses that were classic with one colour. Did she ignore them, scoff at them. I can imagine her giving dirty looks and being disgusted at those who wear jeans and t shirts and no make up.

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  7. Been researching Georgina. When project runway all stars started I thought she was the nice, sweet judge. Boy have I thought she's been a arrogant bitch this year. She wasn't as bad in this episode but I'm wondering if now this is who she is. Sorry but I don't blame Joshua for wanting to have a go at her. She looks and treats people as if they are even worse than dirt. I was trying to find the positives and understand the Harvey business. I wonder how long she planned to get with Harvey as I found a picture of her hamming away pre plastic surgery at the premiere of cold mountain in 2003! He had a little baby at that time, has she no shame?! And there's no way she didn't know about Harvey because minka Kelly's Harvey story is basically what he offered to Georgina and she took this deal and is paying for it deservedly so. I wonder if coming from her rich upperclass background means it's ok to have no dignity, morals or a soul. I feel bad for her business partner Karen and the employees at marchesa. I think Karen should take them and start her own line. Georgina was always trying to keep her in the background (watch interviews). She benefited from Harvey's bullying and now she's being a coward hiding away not answering anything or telling the truth and taking responsibly. It's telling that no one has come out in the industry to support her. I wish her step kids would reveal all on the wicked stepmother. 

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  8. I want a definitive confirmation of Georgina's actions, not just assumptions. Like how they brought the house down on Harvey, what have they got on Georgina? The actresses are saying how Harvey made them wear marchesa but aren't saying what Georgina did to them during this time so I'm confused. There's no one in both industries who has come to her defence but haven't outright condemned her either.


    Going by social media etc, she's staying away from marchesa and Keren Craig is at the forefront which is wise. I think Georgina needs to tell her story good or bad, tell the truth and redeem yourself. Let us know who you really without the perfect Hollywood trophy wife facade. I read an article today which said marchesa should've made contributions to times up and I agree, Georgina should be actively going against Harvey and side with the victims properly sending a message.

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  9. Man I don't what to think of Georgina anymore. I hate that people are blaming her just as much they are Harvey. Remember she didn't do the raping and we don't know what she knew. She might have been on the receiving end of his bullying and threatening behaviour as well. It's not easy in relationships like that, not black and white. She's never looked happy with him. I've never believed that she knew and took part in his predatory ways. Did she know the tactics he used in getting actresses in wearing her dresses? Did she give the go ahead on the aggressive tactics? Did she encourage it? Then that is cruel. Or she thought it's ok it benefits all parties. Maybe Harvey was telling her different stories. 

    What is irritating me is that in the 2 episodes I've seen of this season, she's coming across as much more meaner and cold and superior . Earlier seasons she was always the nice one I thought and she came across as lovely and grounded in interviews. Maybe the real her is coming out in ever way now.

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