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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. Also don't post too much but I have missed @Arwen Evenstar too. Many prayers and positive thoughts to you and Mr. E, you both sound like strong people.
  2. I thought last week's episode would have been fine as the finale, this episode seemed like nothing, blah, boring, pointless.
  3. Lots of women these days have their first baby at 38 or 39! I giggled at Kendra's response of looking forward to side hugs, didn't think that was something I would ever hear. She seems quite sweet but very young. Hopefully a long courtship. I wonder if Boob will make Joe flip 5 houses before he marries like Austin's dad.
  4. Rock n Roll Jeopardy was on in the late 90's for maybe 4 seasons, so pre Survivor. Maybe demo given to Burnett in 1999 was made before. Demo really looked like early 80's. One thing I noticed in the clip was how much plastic surgery it seems Jeff had had. His hair doesn't look real either.
  5. Giant White Baby has a bigger crowd around him than Triple D
  6. Seems to be a hand or at least fingers in Joy's hair too. Very odd photoshop it seems. Joe at the end looks like he was plucked from another universe. I can only imagine what Boob thinks when he sees Derick's flowing locks.
  7. Maybe only married or engaged men are allowed to play golf? I'm sure TLC paid for the golf outing but Boob probably wants us to think the Duggar boys are way too busy working to attend the bachelor party events. JD was the only Duggar boy in the wedding party so Jeremy may have wanted to limit the number of real Duggars involved in the wedding
  8. I think Derick miscounted at golf. We saw all kinds of wild shots, yet he claimed a 9 on the hole Ben shot 21. Then he made 5 on another hole, hmmm, that is either beginners luck or he took a few mulligans. And did anyone believe Jilly when she claimed her father told them they could go to college if they wanted to? She really is very dumb acting.
  9. The father said something like it would be like a death in the family if the daughter moved out. Creepy. This must have been a test run for a series and seems like it even TLC was creeped out.
  10. Boy did Michelle really look orange at the fitting. The whole ice cream scene was bizarre, there must be absolutely nothing else they could have those useless men do with 2 babies. Who was in charge of the littles back at TTH? Anna? Hannie? All in all a very boring episode, even by Duggar standards.
  11. They just love each other soooooo much! The word blessings was used, there are lots of kids under the age of 9, I'm guessing fundy
  12. If you look closely, someone wrote Israel on the post it, are we supposed to think he can already print his name?
  13. Yeah it is sometimes hard to believe he is watching the same people we see.
  14. My feelings about Tyson too. I love listening to him on RHAP, he is pretty funny. It seems like most of his fellow players like him ok too. So I was surprised when I rewatched Tocantins that he was even more annoying than I remembered.
  15. Very strange shower indeed. No Jinger, no Meechelle, no Famy, no Anna. At least not in the pictures. I think this is Sierra's new "gig" - I took a look at her blog and she has cut back on the chocolate covered strawberries business, hence none at this shower. Well you know the Duggars, they do things a little different.
  16. Amazing, glad to see this. Maybe there is hope for the Seewalds after all.
  17. Looks like gifts in the pictures, maybe Jessa's friends just can't help showering her with presents
  18. ozziemom

    S17: Gabon

    Just rewatching Gabon, I have seen some seasons 3 or 4 times but this is not one. I remembered Corinne and Randy as obnoxious especially once they were in the minority but had forgotten how Sugar really controlled the end game. Also Marcus was a pompous ass, loved it when Kenny and Chrystal played him. Then the shocked response of Charlie and Corinne that they dared to vote him off was priceless. So all and all, a better season than I recalled.
  19. In most states you can work as an accountant without being a CPA, either self employed or for a company. Just can't hold yourself out (use CPA after your name) or advertise that you are a CPA without proper licensing. Derick probably doesn't meet all the requirements to even take the CPA exam but he could still work as an accountant for the rest of his life, but sure doesn't seem likely that is his plan.
  20. What the heck is this? Nativity scene? Is Izzy baby Jesus? Yikes
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