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Everything posted by CharethCutestory

  1. And after that Griffin. He is too dumb to exist. Kiki doesn't show up for the wedding or reception. He goes to her place where she's nowhere to be found, she's not picking up her phone, door is open, broken wine glass on the floor and blood on her scarf. At one point he leaves her a run of the mill voicemail without any hint of alarm. Hey babe, you forgot your scarf. Jasus Christ this is the show's neurosurgeon? Also MC has one facial expression. Constipated while trying to solve the NYT crossword. I know, of all the dumb places to leave her. For a guy that's constantly running into people all over town, he sure has no qualms about carting dead bodies from place to place. I get that and it's always where the focus should've been. I agree TB was better the past few days for it because she was able to get emotional and show some fire. And props to her for calling out the writers. Kim's desperation as a mother to save her son driving her to take extreme measures makes sense. What didn't make sense was how the whole stupid plot started where she kept it from him for two years and essentially gave up on finding any cure. So now everything they have Kim do is overshadowed by that for me. I just want the whole story over with. But then I think what is there coming up to take its place? The baby swap? Nina's daughter nobody cares about? Those make Oscar's story look downright riveting. GH is in dark times.
  2. I don't know but TB is a serious flop this go around. Her acting style always irked me but she was a decent Carly, better than LW, imo. Kim went from total dud to hated dud with this Oscar story. Is there a worse character to find yourself in? This is what happens when they cast actors instead of characters.
  3. While Ryan is thinning the herd, they need to utilize this opportunity to get rid of Kim. She is a fail fail fail on every level. She straight up sucks and she's on practically every damn day. How does FV still have a job? Oh yeah, because nobody at ABC gives a shit.
  4. Seriously. By mooby's logic that means he's the one who should take the fall for the dozens of hits Jason carried out on his orders. Yeah, I'm so sure. These writers have no clue what they're doing whatsoever. They're pathetic. Why did they retcon Sonny disposing the body? What was the point? It doesn't help what they're trying to cobble together now. If they let it stand that he just got rid of Marino but was sloppy because he was young and he left his DNA behind, then what they're trying to do now (aggression and chauvinism aside) wouldn't be that bad or ridiculous. It would just be Margaux coming around to believing Sonny that he only got rid of the body, he didn't pull the trigger. Yeah it'd be lame and kind of a cop out but it'd be better than this mess. Now, Margaux, the freakin' DA, will end up justifying, forgiving, and ultimately boning the guy who killed her father in cold blood so he could become a mafia don. Barf.
  5. I'm usually not one to get a grammartude on anyone, but damn, punctuation is your friend, & possible drunk-tweeting is not. What is the near-end saying? "Your dedication 2 GH second to none what you've done for me ThankYou". Is he saying something to the effect of "your dedication to 'General Hospital' is admirable, & I appreciate how you've allowed me to continue my path of destruction of the show. Thank you. *insert gift box, which may, or may not, be a firearm*"?? You read pages of scripts every day of your life, which have got to be far more grammatically-correct than this, pay attention to punctuation & capitalization, Moobmonster. As a former English major his tweets give me hives. I watched SBu and LW in their Facebook live thingy, (I must've been very bored at the time) and Steve said Mo uses speech-to-text and as a result his text messages are full of errors and make no sense. Sounds like he tweets the same way. Good to know Mo's laziness is not exclusive to learning lines and acting.
  6. I'm honestly shocked that this Kevin/Ryan story is happening and giving JL so much air time/attention.
  7. And he even did it this time around to save Jason. LOL. Even in an alternate universe where Sonny is supposed to be a stand up man of the law, hands on dad and to despise criminal dirtbags like Jason, he ends up shooting his own son to save the borg. Pathetic. I know. They're now repeating stories back to back without even taking a breath. Not good. Jason will also be in there to save Carly and the day in general. We'll probably be treated to talk of running away to Canada again! Goody!
  8. I love MMB's short hair. She didn't need long flowing locks of hair, certainly not the horse mane they gave her. Plus it looks nothing like how her natural hair would grow. Whoever suggested Legolas as inspiration for Carol's updated look should be fired. Unlike Daryl's mangey grease mop that he refuses to cut because it's "in keeping with his character" (aka Norman is a fifty year old man desperate to still look thirty something), the short hair really is synonymous with the Carol character and her take no bullshit persona. I really hope that god awful wig is one of the first casualties in this time jump and we go back to her stunning short look.
  9. Wow. That episode was....well if it was a book it'd be birdcage liner. Robin died because SONNY couldn't build Stone's wing? Alexis was talking about Port Charles like it was some remote third world village after an apocalypse. Sonny's absence somehow prevents all medical advancements in HIV/AIDS research from getting to Port Charles. So ridiculous and offensive. I could feel the strain in NLG's voice as she had to rattle that nonsense off. Of course they had to shoehorn in how "fated" Carson and Jasam are. Snore. They suck in every fucking universe, show. Also the obligatory, timeline crossing AJ bashing. You'd think the guy was a murderous Holocaust denying pedophile. They cut Helena more slack than they do a guy with self-esteem issues and a drinking problem. But what won't they exploit in this show now? AIDS, Alzheimer's, alcoholism. When there's no awareness there's no floor. The editing of the episode was the clunkiest crap I've ever seen. A first year film student could do better than this shit. Sonny acted as entitled and arrogant as he does regularly, but it's ok because he's a cop here! RME. Absolutely zero effort from Mo to try and sell an altered version of Sonny. So the best parallel of the episode, unintentional and nothing to do with the script itself, came from Sonny acting exactly the same, and Mo acting exactly the same. DZ was about the best of it. He did the most he could with the garbage he was given. He always did. However if they brought him back for Mo's Its a Wonderful Life vanity project maybe he could do an episode where they put some closure to what's happening with Lulu and his children in the actual show. I guess we were supposed to conclude at the end of this poorly acted, ignorant and juvenilely written, dismally directed 40 or so minutes that teenage Sonny killing a man in cold blood and going on to amass a criminal enterprise was actually the best course of action for all involved. No. And fuck off show for suggesting such a thing. All that was confirmed is that Sonny is horrible and will always be horrible and I wish we could go back in time and put the bullet back in the gun that would be his long, exhausting and destructive tenure on this show.
  10. Or the boyfriend is a bad dude and she's trying to hide out from him and they go the route of her giving up her baby so he could be safe. Then the boyfriend comes back. Same objective, in the end Michael gets to play the hero.
  11. Not if Willow just came to town and started teaching at the start of the school year. Wiley and Jonah were born in the summer.
  12. They could've and probably should've ended it right there after the boom. But Rick lived. And I'm not even entirely upset about that. Him surviving and being taken to some unknown place does pique my interest, I can't lie. Point AMC, you shifty bastards. BUT. The way it was carried out was pretty cringe worthy and so paled in comparison to the rest of an otherwise excellent episode. (Negan scenes notwithstanding) Jadis spotting Rick flopping around like a fish out of water on the embankment and him coming to with her looming over him, talking to him like he was her newborn baby was just...WTF. Hasn't the man been through enough? Yeah, finding him caught in the branches of a nearby tree with his boots on fire would've been more appropriate physics wise. But then they couldn't include the 'blown off a bridge into the metaphorical baptism river' trope that FTWD season 3 did better. He also should've been totally knocked out when Jadis found him and needed his pulse taken to confirm he wasn't dead. Rick still awake and trying to get up after all that was so ridiculous. Is he bionic? Is that what 'B' stands for?
  13. I like that theory. Leads potentially to a more equipped group or some kind of still intact government doing experiments of some sort. After years of big bads, community hopping and herds in the woods, that's an area of the ZA I've been hoping they segue into. Now can Gimple and AMC execute this with any quality, that's another story. When Gimple said, we're going to see people that have died or left the show (I'm paraphrasing) he quickly sputtered and clarified that he meant that along the lines of backstory. And there would be other films as well as Rick's. Because my first thought was, did this chopper pick up some others we thought were dead? I mean if so, we could technically go all the way back to Jim. (Not that they should)
  14. Waxing poetic and shedding tears about AL's departure, who seems like a very nice man and consummate professional, now that we know he's just skipping over to "AMC produced films FOR TELEVISION," (yikes) to continue Rick Grimes' story is um.... what's the words I'm looking for? Oh yeah, steaming bullshit. What a deceptive and OTT emotional farewell tour for a guy who is basically not going anywhere. The videos, the testimonials. It's like AL was retiring from the whole game and moving to Costa Rica to surf and sell passion fruits. Oh but he's not coming back to TWD show. Never ever ever. *Gimple wink* Gimple (I love auto-correct for changing it to Simple every time because, obviously) spewing his typical word salad about this "expanded TWD universe." Great idea as the franchise is in decline. "The Walking Dead isn't about Rick Grimes." Oh Andy, you look fan-fucking-tastic, but save that shit. We know the show's gone to crap and you're sick of the Georgia heat and wanted to jump ship. Nobody blames you.
  15. Aaaaaand there's TWD we've all come to know and loathe the past five years. No show can shit on itself better than this one, good grief. And no Rick you're not hallucinating you poor bastard.
  16. This show deserves a lot of snark. I have none for the bridge scene. From start to finish it was perfect. Well done.
  17. Was the walker Rick shot then plopped on top of him supposed to make us think of Lori? The hairdo and how he unceremoniously tossed her off of him makes me think yes.
  18. Oof that green screen. Its nice to see Sasha impart these wise and comforting words to Rick as he crosses over because they were so close. Oh wait...
  19. All they had to do this episode was focus on Rick. Real simple. They couldn't save Maggie nonsensically sparing Negan for next week?
  20. Oh for crying out loud! One conversation with Michonne and Maggie catches her stupid. Kill the bastard!
  21. I hope Danai runs like the wind when her contract is up. She's got an awesome career taking off right now and she should take full advantage of it. She's not Reedus who knows he struck gold here and will cling to it for dear life because this is it other than bit parts here and there playing the random weirdo. No amount of money is worth it to stay on a floundering decade old tv show when you can be booking A list gigs. And if somehow it doesn't work out for Danai, well according to AMC they're looking at TWD as if its Days of Our Lives with zombies, and want it to go one forever, so they'll be a show to come back to. I agree. They struggle writing the grief that comes after a death so they usually just skip it. Damn fine storytelling. They used to be better at it. The last episode that showed anyone having any difficulty following a loss that I can remember was "Them" in season 5. Before that, off the top of my head, we watched Hershel and Beth struggle after the walker's came out of the barn. Carol with Sophia through her disappearance and then death. Rick lost his mind for half a season following Lori. When they all thought each other died after the prison fell, they showed some real emotion then. When they got to Alexandria everything went to total shit. Oy vey. If they wanted to fast forward and depict "the next generation" of Grimes or I guess its "Grimes" now, why not just keep Carl alive? You know, the character whose arc we've been following for years and who was set up to lead the future. If you didn't want to pay Chandler, hire an older actor and newbie to play 20 something Carl who would be so eager to get on the show he'd agree to compensation in Arby's coupons.
  22. I forgot about the passes getting caught in their hair! The focus on it was so odd I thought the dang things really did get stuck on their hair/earrings and they just left it in because of the one and done take policy lol But yes, that makes a lot of sense. Good catch. As for why he put the body in Ava's gallery I'm guessing its because he wants Carly to look like she's terrorizing Ava and ergo Ava, who he likes, becomes the sympathetic one of the two in public view and Carly is the perceived villain. He'll say he saw Carly antagonizing Ava, she even grabbed her arm at The Floating Rib. Which I also thought at the time was too much even for Carly, now I see it was probably to lay groundwork for later. Are the writers actually putting in a little effort? I don't know what to make of this. It's been so long.
  23. I liked today! A lot happened, the episode flowed well. If only they moved things along like this all the time. When Ava came in and found MP's body that was only half way through the episode. MW was great in those scenes. Ava is as terrible as Carly, on paper probably worse, but I continue to want to see her and root for her over others because Maura is so good. They also give Ava some knocks and humility. Carly storms around town like a raging bitch without an off switch. Carly is forever that playground bully on a power trip. The one that pushes you down or yanks you off the monkey bars just because. And when you're sitting there with a bloody lip and demand why she did that, she snickers and says, "Did what? You slipped. I barely touched you." Then runs away cackling. We also just got done with one Carly didn't do it trial followed by Jason to the rescue and we're already gearing up for another. That's not great. But at least this one involves Ryan and not nobody cares nutty Nelle. The way Ryan set her up during the questioning was fantastic. I didn't think the writers had it in them. The blonde hairs I'm sure are going to belong to Carly. Did I miss how Ryan got his hands on those? Not that it'd be all that hard. I mean, Carly's hair is everywhere. It literally fills up the entire frame. I'm a fine haired gal forever jealous of LW's super mane. I like Sasha more every time she's on and today sealed it. The show needs a character like her to stir the poo and look gorgeous doing it. I'm so here for her giving Valentin his daily dose of indigestion. I guess that makes Willow the likely bio daughter. Meh. I think I'd have preferred Nina having a son to add to the mix.
  24. Exactly. Sonny, Carly, Jason, Sam, and now Michael, these are supposed to be our "heroes" but they're repulsive. They do horrible shit with no accountability. Beyond that they're praised for it by other characters that are always dumbed down and bussed over to keep them at the forefront. This is what FV and his team think is normal and likable and that makes me question what kind of people they are. They think they're writing root worthy antiheroes but they're really just a bunch of garbage people getting all the screen time.
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