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Posts posted by CharethCutestory

  1. Maybe Sante are the next Felicia and Mac. Stable, loving, look great together but less drama than a Hallmark couple. I'm not even sure waking Lulu up would impact anything.

    Spencer's sendoff was pretty pitiful and sad for him. They couldn't even get Kevin there with a message from Laura? 

    2 hours ago, AryasMum said:

    Having the same sexual partner in your past as your son is creepy.  But it’s his son, his brother, his best friend, his best friend’s twin, and his step-daughter’s father.  Also, his good friend’s husband and another good friend’s son. I know it’s a soap but come on. 

    I was hoping Sonny would make a comment while passing the lasagna, that he remembers when Sam first moved in all those years ago. It was shortly after she became pregnant with his child so he banished her across the hall to become Jason's problem. And now he's back in his old penthouse and Sam's dating his son who was almost their daughter's half brother! Full circle! 

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  2. I hate that it looks like they'll make Trina Curtis' and not Taggert's. HATE. I'm holding out a sliver of hope they reverse course on that like they did the Finn/Chase paternity question. Taggert is so great as her dad. 

    I felt the most chemistry between Sprina today since TA took over the role of Trina. I love a slow build, and I think their miscommunications and hesitations speak accurately to their age, we're all just trying to figure it out at that point, but something needs to happen and with some consistency. The other day Trina was comforting Spencer, telling him she was there for him, but now they can't be friends. Huh? Spencer should've at least told her how he felt if she was going to reject him. Or let her find the letter! I can't tell if the writers want to go ahead with that pairing or move on from it. Rory is sweet but he's a snooze. And my suspicion is he's a little too good to be true.

    I like BLQ doing what her mom did with the record company, it adds something new to the canvas that's also a nod to the past. But she should've been there to hear Cam sing today and realize he's her next big act, send Chase back to the force. 

    What's to say about Carly and her steamrolling into yet another scene that did not need her presence, to hypocritically lambast Nina. She's a caricature at this point. Who gets an edit like this? Erica Kane wasn't this high and mighty. 

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  3. I think a lot of Willow senselessly keeping her diagnosis a secret from Michael, who is supposed to be this incredible, supportive partner (eye roll), is in part a gross set up by the writers to mitigate Carly keeping the Nina secret and that reveal. Michael will lament over his mother and the woman he loves not telling him the truth. It was his child at stake too! He should've known what was going on! I mean, he should know, but I'm afraid the framework in how that is expressed and carried out will be in a really icky way all in an effort to soften Carly's deception and build up Saint Michael. 

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  4. They're really pushing Joss and Dex with all the subtly of a sledgehammer. Sorry, Cam. Now they're flirting while dumpster diving through hospital waste? Weird build up. Cam should transfer to school in California and never look back. The actor is recurring and barely on as it is. 

    Highlight of the show was Esme back to haunt Spencer's dreams. Those two actors play so well off each other. Esme (or rather Spencer's subconscious) really didn't hold back. It was soapy and great. 

    It was a drawn out process to get BLQ and Chase together but they were cute today! 

    Michael is just a dismal fail of a character it doesn't matter who plays him. 

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  5. Sonny mentions Dex being about the same age Stone and Jason were when he preyed on their vulnerable situations and got them into a life of criminal servitude to him. Heartwarming. 

    Brando getting heated and losing his cool a bit was real to me. He's not going to be perfect every minute. He's a recovering addict himself and its clear he's desperate to help Sasha. He knows she's making excuses right now and without a program she won't stay clean. I thought those scenes played really well. 

    Joss tells Spencer she knew he would do the right thing. Uh, when? She's been dragging him and wrote him off ages ago. I like her hating on Sonny but that kid is still Carly to her core. Michael too, who couldn't wait half a second for a, "come in." 

    Michael, Brando and Dex looked like triplets in that stairwell today.

    I could watch Ava and Esme spar all day. Loved their scenes. AP has been another diamond of a find along with NC. 

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  6. That was the lamest reveal in soap history. The only thing going for the nasty Nesme romp was that it had all the makings of a big, dramatic, soapy reveal in front of the whole town. Instead they have Nik tell Ava in a random room, just the two of them. Wow.

    Nik is sliiiiiime. Acting like he was a duped, innocent victim of Esme's is next level yuck. But that's Nik, he's nothing but consistent. 

    Did I miss where Diane "cracked Esme's mask?" Seemed like a pretty pointless cross examination to me. 

    They should try Willow and TJ. Millow sucks and Molly is almost never on. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

    But that's not what is happening, not to my eye. Joss' beef with Sonny is that he "chose" Nina (I seem to remember Carly making the choice, but whatever). She wasn't horrified to witness the violence against that drug dealer, all she cared about was getting something on Sonny. It doesn't feel like the scales have fallen from her eyes, it's just that now she's mad at Sonny, so everything he does is the worst.

    I know her ire for Sonny isn't motivated from the most accurate place right now, it's tied mainly to defending her mother and hating Nina, but I'll still take it. I hope it starts an aversion to Sonny that lasts forever. Maybe she continues to grow up and come around to realizing that everything her dad thought about Sonny and why was true. She's only 19 or 20, after a lifetime of being told how wonderful Sonny is, he was a beloved stepfather to her. I think it's reasonable that it'll take Joss a minute to undo the brainwashing of her youth. If the writers choose to go there. She may forgive Sonny by Christmas, but I hope not. 

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  8. 6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Spinelli having his own story while Elizabeth languishes at Stony Brook drives me nuts. He's a supporting character, not a lead. Ugh.

    So true. It also irked me when Carly asked Cam how his mom was and if he'd visited her. He says he has, a couple of times. That's something we should've seen. We should be seeing Liz while in SB working through her issues. Instead we get Chase family drama, Violet scenes, Home and Heart and the Spinelli nonsense. 

    Becky tweeted recently that she's not on vacation or leave or too busy with family because people were asking why she just disappeared after it seemed to be they were building a story up for her. It makes me wonder if she's had her minimums cut or was put on recurring. They've given her scraps for years where her main purpose it to prop whoever she's with, no matter how big of a fail that character is. It really feels like they're phasing her out which sucks.

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  9. So great to see Carly, who is nothing but a big bully with a totally skewed sense of her own intelligence get a full dose of how dumb she really is. She should've never butted her nose into the ELQ/Aurora stuff but couldn't help herself. I love seeing her hoist by her own petard, first with this and soon enough with the Willow secret. I know they'll write her doing something heroic and rebounding from it all but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy it. 

    I fully expect like most others for Nina to be revealed as Willow's mother when Willow needs something only Nina can be a donor for. I don't think she's just pregnant but sick as well. I also know that this is GH, and nobody can have sex without it resulting in conception, so in the back of my mind I'm wondering/waiting for the inevitable Nesme baby to not make it and provide something that baby Millow will need. 

    Lisel looked fabulous! Nina looked great too. I loved both of their coverups and chandelier earrings.

    I do enjoy Sonny having nothing but eye rolls for Michael every time he sees him. At least someone on screen is expressing how we're all feeling about that dope. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

    The scene this week of Carly and Drew smurfily gazing at each other while eating ice cream with their feet in the pool really grossed me out. 

    The only thing that scene made me feel, was an intense desire for an ice cream cone. It's funny because just a scene or so earlier, Vanna made me crave buttered popcorn. Love in the afternoon, y'all! 

  11. Drew went through so many poorly executed iterations over a short period of time its hard to say who he was really. Jake Doe. Jason. Drewson. Whatever that weird Franco mind mapped detour was for a minute. But whatever he was, he was never this smiley, hyper positive, motivational speaking Mr. Rogers type.  And after being kept prisoner for two or so years he really shouldn't be like this. But I think it goes to show they cared so little about Drew when BM played him, especially once SBu came back, that they are totally fine with CM turning him into Ryan Lavery and just going with that. 

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  12. The camping scene wouldn't bother me so much, and I could justify Finn and his dad wanting to do something nice to cheer up the boys, if they hadn't skipped over Liz saying goodbye to Jake and Aiden. She can't get a goodbye scene with all of her sons before heading to SB for who knows how long, but there's a multi episode camping trip with Finn, Finn's dad, Violet, Maxie, Austin and a day player. Frank's priorities are abundantly clear.

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  13. The Spencer and Laura scenes were great. I enjoyed the ones with WL the other day too. There's an obvious comfort level there between the kids and Genie, they do some of their best work with her.

    Spencer has the eureka moment that Esme's past holds the answers, again. I thought he figured this out when he found the shoe box letters. And then again when talking to Sam. Geez kid, grab one of those Rapunzel hairs from her brush and send it in to 23 and Me already.  

    39 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

    ( And Carly going to Martha Stewart jail for insider trading would be so great) I'd still prefer Carly leveraging the hotel to buy in to this and losing the hotel in the process.

    That's where I hope its headed. And I want Nina to be the one to buy her out and replace her. 

    1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    Still loving Carly's dress. It's Zara (per wornontv.com), so very affordable! I don't think it's mumsy at all.

    I like it too. But those shoes they gave her, tragic. The shoes on this show are always wrong and it drives me nuts!!! 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Daisy said:

    Esme should not be Felicia's kid. it's just dumbo. there's no reason for it at all. just be.... a kid who lost their parents and there is no super seecret actual mom that woman died in the car. 

    If they're going to twist up history to make that happen, I hope they at least make her Felicia and Mac's child together. Giving Felicia a child with Ryan is too gross. Retcon Ryan stealing an embryo they made years ago but thought wasn't viable. 

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  15. PI Sam calling Spencer her "source" LOL How long has it been since they spoke? She hasn't gained any other leads? Too busy dress shopping?

    I don't have much of an opinion on Cody yet besides the character wasn’t needed. It's pretty obvious he's for Britt but I'm not seeing the chemistry there. Maybe he’ll do something useful eventually, like break up Millow. 

    Nik/Spencer/Esme WTD story incoming. And I'm not even sure that whole thing is a one off. Nik is every bit enough of a dog and a dolt to go there again, let's be real. 

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  16. Today was Zzzzzzz. Even the horse they're keeping in the living room looked bored. 

    Why is Finn acting like a stage five clinger? You've been on like, three dates. Liz's husband was murdered a year ago. She just had herself committed. CHILL.

    I didn't enjoy Drew the first time around and I like him even less as Ryan Lavery. 

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  17. So JK is yet another brand new character and he has some way back tie to Dante. OMG, WHO CARES?! He should've been Lucky, it's the perfect time for him to come back between what's going on with Liz, Nik, and Laura. What a waste.

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  18. 9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Oh, Nik. Always thinking with your penis. He's a weak man fundamentally.

    Yeah, the scene definitely deserves a YIKES! but this has always been Nik's MO. He's not smarter than this. He's always let the wrong brain make the decisions for him. 

    2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

    How did Willow manage to get her hair cut when it’s the same day in the courtroom? I don’t like it either.

    I'm getting later seasons Rachel vibes from Friends. When JA had those extreme face framing angles goin' on. And yes, I went to my stylist in the early 00s and asked for the exact same thing. 

    Animated GIF

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  19. 30 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

    Was anyone else hoping beyond hope that as soon as Sonny got off the stand, he’d walk over to Diane and say ‘you’re fired’? 

    If only. And I don't care how new and improved Sonny is, no mob boss is going to let the lawyer he's had on retainer for years represent his opposing interests in court, let alone go for his jugular while he's on the stand. And no lawyer would ever even fathom doing so. Ridiculous. 

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  20. Does mighty mouse Willow want to throw hands now? She's unbearable. Nina need to tell Willow she better hope she never falls out of favor with Michael and Carly, (she will) because they'll turn all their nasty on her in a second. She'll be right back in that courtroom fighting to be in Wiley's life as they seek to destroy her. 

    Spencer's plan of convincing Esme he's still into her is goin' great. Is he even trying to catch her in anything? What's his strategy here? He's opened one shoebox.  And easy slamming doors NC, those walls ain't real concrete! The whole set shook hahaha

    I like Rory and Rory and Trina already. They have immediate chemistry that I just don't see between she and Spencer. NC is great but I haven't seen him spark with any of the actresses in his age group yet. They should bring back an aged up Emma. She can go to PCU and live with Anna. 

    Ava and Victor have all my support. I want to see those two characters and those two actors thrive together. Free Ava from Nik who is too stupid for words. 

    No surprise, Scotty blows it. Poor Nina, she should've gotten Martin to represent her. 

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