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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I'm half and half on this. I miss the old days when Cas wasn't weak and yes hitting him would hurt your hand but at least he wasn't taken down by all the Happy humans and didn't turn into the damsel in distress. Won't say this is the worst ep ever, but it could have been so much more. The Jack and Dean scenes felt like filler and not really needed. I didn't mind Dean not being involved in the ep and the Brother talk at the end was pretty much a fail. I didn't think it was true to character and didn't like what they did to Dean's character. I guess that is what happens when you don't care about canon and /or characters. I got the Pleasantville vibe from the spoilers but the gross way they killed them off - wasn't a fan of. If it was supposed to fix Sam's depression why would we care? Only one hunter was ever given a name and we didn't see enough of Maggie to get attached to her, did we? I will admit that I thought it was the food at first but misdirects did seem too easy so when the reveal happened I wasn't surprised. Meghan Fitzmartin, don't quit your day job, maybe Yockey saved it somewhat...don't know. But I loved Pleasantville and this wasn't it. Again the potential is there but it is found lacking. This is the crime for me. It wasn't because it was Sam and Cas instead of Sam and Dean. I didn't have a problem with them mixing it up. I would have to think about it to put my finger on it, but not sure I care enough... Since I had zero expectations, I didn't hate it. Which is sad because it could have been an awesome idea. But that would mean the writers understood why the first 4 seasons drew people in. My biggest fear, the rest of the season can only go downhill from here...I would love to be proven wrong.
  2. Well, with the 1-5 seasons not meaning anything according to an assistant writer, not me, we don't need no stinking rules. Whenever something doesn't work, just write something new, no one's paying attention and we can do whatever we want. The fandom just loves Supernatural and nothing we do will end it. I get in the beginning the writers would go wow, that sucks we just boxed ourselves in how can we fix it. But now it just feels like throw something out there and if it sticks use it, if not replace it. Do they even remember what they have created week to week? I get that Hollywood gets stuck in a rut and a mindset, but I don't like the manipulation that I can see far too easily.
  3. Frankly, to some degree everyone is right. Dean is shown to look stupid. Then Sam takes his turn. The writing is more for the newer characters but I'm not sure it's done all that well either. So that leaves several unsatisfied with the overall product and some happy? These days I find more satisfying in fanfic than I do in the eps I watch. It feels like we will get 3 or 4 good eps out of a season. I just wish I could figure out ahead of time which ones those would be. Sometimes I look forward to an ep only to be bitterly disappointed and others dread, to find it was a good one, who knew.
  4. Dang, I hate when we spitball an idea and it's better than what's done. lol.
  5. It's why I couldn't leave this season but most likely won't be sticking like glue next season. I didn't really watch 6 & 7 seasons. I watched some, but there are eps I never watched. 8 brought me back in but I'm leaning more out than in, these days. When they do it right, they blow your mind away. But I'm finding it harder to wait for the brilliant ep, that might or not happen. It is frustrating because if they took what they had and developed it better, the whole storytelling could be so much more... It feels cheap and if they just take their fans for granted. It's not that I mind bringing in new characters. MASH did it well. So I could care about Jack. Mary could have had the issue of I want to hunt, long for my little boys and if I got to know my grown ass boys what will that do. It didn't mean major changes but if they planned Mary leaving better and even did a better management of her being gone from the ep, it wouldn't have been so abrupt and disappointing for me. I think my most bitter disappointment is the potential that was never explored but should have been.
  6. I'm looking at the reason that Jared couldn't communicate and why it happened. Jared doesn't do these types of scenes that often. It normally goes to Jensen. Before this, the scene was Dean going to hell but not an image that is strongly imagined. This one is clear, he's in a box under the ocean and unable to get out. Jensen/Dean relationship has grown leaps and bounds compared to season 3. Method acting could create the issues and Jensen saying walk it off showed that at first, they thought it was the scene. When I get a bad migraine, I can't speak or sometimes the reaction is I'm literally falling asleep. Before it would be that I got mad and couldn't figure out why I was mad. I couldn't figure out what was happening until later. So take that the scene is happening after midnight. It's late. Jared suffers from depression. Something that Jensen doesn't deal with. Jared doesn't understand why he's so upset. He doesn't get why he is reacting and neither think it has anything to do with the scene. But now he is upset and adds all the elements he isn't in control. That lack of control, unable to do his job is adding to the stress and that is creating the environment that leads to not being able to do the job. Jensen supports him, so they get something on film. Jared still can't talk about it. It's raw emotion and Jensen takes over. This is a major reason I like both actors. They have helped each other over the years and Jensen is now comfortable in front of the crowd. Personally, I don't believe in Method acting, it's is dangerous. I even warn my beginning actors that if you can't let go of the scene come talk to me. It sounds like it started out as one thing but due to being tired, emotional stress and etc...it moved into something no one knew what was happening. I think the combination is a major factor and had the scene occurred earlier in the day it might have all gone smoothly. Emotions in acting can do weird things. I know one time I freaked out so badly that I froze on stage unable to move or talk. The director wanted nothing to do with me after that. I couldn't understand why it had happened. But a fellow actor walked me through the steps. By doing so I did figure how what had happened. I created a plan to deal with it. It never happened again by the way. But it was many factors that lead to the freak out. Not sure I can really explain it but maybe the examples will help. Jared might need to talk to his doctor, but if it was a one-off, then it might not occur again because the circumstances plus etc created the situation.
  7. This sounds like Jared got too method and crossed the line between reality and acting. In order to do emotional scenes, you do have to connect to real emotions and your body doesn't know the difference, but as an actor, you have to stay in control of the emotions. Something about the scene got to Jared to the point he lost control of his emotions. Since he does deal with depression and such, it isn't totally surprising but it sounds like a combination got to him. It could have been he was too tired along with...But hopefully it's in check now and he can deal with it. Just looking at the scene, Dean is asking him to put him somewhere that he'll be tortured forever and if Jared got too involved with the emotions, I'm not surprised that at a late hour he couldn't deliver it. Being too tired and emotional isn't a good combination for acting a really emotional scene. Shows why it felt a little weird, they almost couldn't get it done.
  8. Jensen's name is in the top comments but unless they are looking for it, they won't know about it. I voted but there are others that some want to win just as well. I think Aeryn makes a valid point. The fan base doesn't feel as rabid as it once was...if that makes any sense.
  9. I've been involved in several fanfiction genres where the fans felt they needed to course correct and did virtual seasons. However, I had never heard this term before. So thanks for the education. I know it did cross my mind that none of the people were killed and that Michael had trapped them in Dean's mind or someone's mind until he could figure out what to do next. Then Jack killing Michael wouldn't matter but then reality hit. That would mean, that they are actually planning the season and I just don't see the evidence for that. So something out of nowhere most likely is the best bet. I know some fans will love it, I'm just not invested anymore. So soon I won't have to worry because the season will be over. I've been underwhelmed too long. It feels like work to like the ep. Sure there were moments I liked. Otherwise, I would have already been gone. Dean came as close as he will ever be allowed to say I told you so. I almost liked the first half. Jack's solution did look cool but it felt cheap and almost so what? I'm trying to stay on topic, so I'll quit now. It's been said and some said it better. I do believe when you can't spin the positive anymore it is time to go. I'm afraid I'm almost there.
  10. I guess I'm alone, but it just feels like let's just throw this out there and see what sticks. If the fans love it, we might go there but only if it further's our agenda... (How the TPTB/Writers might think??) If we think the fans love it and it isn't the direction we want, we'll deny it so that way we won't offend anyone, but wait they wind up offending everyone except for the few that wanted X to begin with. I use to love spoilers because I enjoyed trying to figure out if I could guess what they would do...but now it's just to see if I watch the show on Thursday or when I get around to it. For some reason, the scene with Cas and Sam reminds me of the movie "Pleasantville". No clue why but maybe it will be good for a few laughs???
  11. With the empty threat still hanging over Cas, I suspect that the cliffhanger will be all will be so happy and poof Cas is taken to the empty. Fan favorite, well that is open to interpretation and for now, I doubt it will be someone I'm longing to see. My trust factor is missing...
  12. Oh, I can see all of the bolded points. I'm afraid it will fail more than it will succeed except for those that love Jack and Nick, I can't speak for all the fans I can only speak for me. When you only really enjoy 3 or 4 eps and most you can leave then it's time to walk. I can't promise to finish. I'm not even upset enough to cry over what they have done to Dean. I have always agreed with the idea that there will be 3 to 4 great eps and an about the same that are so so and then the yuck ones. But this season has failed more than it's burned bright. So since I haven't gotten rid of cable yet, I'll continue to record. I didn't feel surprised. So, I'll watch this next one limp to the end but I don't plan on watching on pass 14. It doesn't mean I won't check in if there is something that grabs my attention, but I don't think I'll make it to the finish line. It's not my first show I've done this with. I just miss the excitement I had. It has sparked an AU fanfic idea but who knows if I'll do it or not. I think I'll miss the folks that I had connected with on this site more, but Dean's story won't be more than it is. The twists aren't working for me. So if you're excited continue to watch and comment on. I may be lurking more than I use to...
  13. Although I did enjoy part of it, my reaction was, yep another fake out. So it was true that Michael wasn't the Big Bad. Jensen didn't need any direction for how to play Michael, as it wasn't going to be that long of story-arch, so they were sure he could do it without any direction. Maybe on rewatch, I'll feel differently, but for now it at least ends the bad acting of poor Jack dying by coughing up blood. Shame Michael really doesn't amount to anything. At one point I thought maybe they were doing Dean stuck in his mind and unable to get out...but for now the resolution wasn't that difficult. If you just watch the parts you like, it isn't all bad. And par for the course.
  14. But we can't have that. Because that's not on the written page. Now maybe they will surprise us, but it's been rare and as far as Dean handing off his story to someone else it's the tried and true formula, so why would they move away from what works. If they did the fans might stop watching. Oh, I get it...but I'm afraid they are scared of the risks and most likely never planned for Dean to do more than he has. Hence the leak that Michael wasn't the big bad that they course corrected. Has Michael really done anything other than talk and kill some monsters? Abbadon may have done more than Michael but she wasn't the real villain either... So I look for the show since the tell well it's become boring. IMO.
  15. His pause, looking away speaks volumes. I know the drill but I'm not committed to feeling the guilt. I had a solution but was outvoted...so just how will Cas and Sam help? Not sleeping not good, but I didn't see the expression match his words. It was as if, I'm going through the motions you expect but I can't say I blame me other than I should have just done it without you too. Now it may be too late. I'm sure there will be some fist pounding during the ep. lol
  16. Well, I'm not young either, just try to pretend I'm young, lol. But I never cared what cassette tapes I used, it was the cheapest I could buy because I only got a dollar for an allowance. So, I get it...lol The sad part I remember when I thought if I could just make 25,000.00 a year, I would be making it. lol
  17. The biggest issue with the drop plots, that it would have balanced out Sam's character and not created drama for Sam because of - you fill in the blank reason. (Not trying to offend Sam fans) I think it is also another reason that Supernatural is the top tv show for fanfiction net. With all the issues that someone didn't tell the story in a satisfying way, it allows fanfiction to shine as they try to fix what is broken. It allows for creative juices to flow and tell the story they felt was missing. Some good and some not so good. I understand there is a limited amount of time but so many times as it was pointed out, a few added lines could have fixed it. I'm still exhausted, but hopefully, I'm making sense. Not trying to start a war or offend anyone.
  18. I have no clue how they form, found or made up the list. Bobby Bones is country music and they will report on all kinds of things but I would expect it was a list they found and wanted to know why these guys. So I was tickled to hear Jensen since they didn't have a clue who he was other than the guy on supernatural. I know I would put Jensen #1 but then I might be biased. Lol.
  19. Thanks all, I could say it but couldn't spell it.
  20. I had an idea for a story and it's been a while for me to even try writing. So I'm trying to figure out how to spell what someone experiences in Supernatural heaven. So would this be correct-- memorx heaven Or is there something else that would make sense. Of course, I'm tired since I just finished our play contest, but I thought the show had a nickname for heaven's experiences...any suggestions or ideas?
  21. I've been dealing with one act but this list was on Bobby Bones show and they didn't have a clue who Jensen was, but he is number #4. I don't know how they found or created this list but I did think it was cool. Perhaps someone has posted it before??? or knows more. #4 Jensen The list of the hottest male celebs: #1: Zac Efron #2: Chris Hemsworth #3: Channing Tatum #4: Jensen Ackles #5: James Franco #6: Chris Evans #7: Liam Hemsworth #8: Ian Somerhalder #9: Brad Pitt #10: Johnny Depp
  22. By today's standards, many of the things that occurred before the '90s wouldn't be tolerated by today's standards. Dean's need for his father in Faith, told me that his relationship with his father wasn't all bad. Did his Dad give Dean what he really needed of course not, but he wanted a relationship with his Dad. If John was ONLY abusive, Dean would have found it easy to walk away when John had left him alone so often. But he couldn't, so it was a mixed-up relationship that had some positives. My relationship with my mother wasn't good as a child and it was easy to walk away. Then because I didn't want it to end that way, I started working to heal the issues. We now have a much better relationship. I still have the moments where she hurt me deeply, emotionally but never felt she did it physically. If I were to tell the stories now, others might believe I had both. I learned to forgive and move on. But I wasn't fighting monsters or having a parent afraid that the bad guys might kill someone I love. I think Kripke planned on John being a messed up dad but I don't think he saw what others took from his choices, he created for John.
  23. From the article, it looks like both brother's get something. So Jared may be allowed to say more so we get a surprise with Dean...at least I'm hoping this is true. FanFiction made many of the fans happy so I'm hoping they will do this too this time around. So for now, I'll hold my complaints.
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