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Posts posted by Babyfoot

  1. Her life is really sad, and yet, I find it hard to be be sympathetic toward her. It makes me uncomfortable to watch her. I think Bravo is really being unkind to her by keeping her on tv. I just don’t think this is going to end well for her, and as much as I don’t like her as a cast member, I don’t want her to keep going from one tragedy to the next. 

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  2. Yes, I have a hard time believing anyone would hook up with Austen for free. 

    Random thoughts:

    • It looks like Pringle wasn’t asked back as a full cast member.
    • I like anyone who calls KD out on her crap. Chleb, here’s your Emmy/Gold Star/Blue Ribbon for actually living with her during filming. I’m surprised he was made a full cast member, though. 
    • Renob is back.
    • No Danni. Not surprised. She actually became more uncomfortable on camera as the years rolled on. Probably a lovely person among real humans.
    • Do we really think that’s a real wedding for any of that crowd? I think it’s more likely a pet wedding from Patricia’s menagerie. They’re smarter and probably more fully realize the consequences of their actions.
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  3. Well, I watched the first episode free on Peacock. Ramona. Ramona. Ramona. In this episode alone she called Kenya a bitch, did the I-get-the-best-room fight, showed anyone with eyeballs her naked body, did some awkward bra less flirting, and just generally was the crown princess of crap behavior.  I’ve never been a Ramona fan but watching everyone call her out on her atrocious behavior was fun to watch. I refuse to pay for this shitshow but if they ever drop another free episode, I’m in.

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  4. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    Are they filming already?

    Thomas couldn't quit Kathryn though eventually he did.

    Too bad the same can't be said for Bravo.



    I’m not sure why Bravo is so convinced of her appeal. Without Thomas to ricochet crazy off of each other, she really has no watchable story line. All the drama with her losing custody of her kids should remain off camera, for the sake of those poor kids’ little souls. She has wreaked havoc on her natural beauty and is unrecognizable from even the last season. Her complete lack of fashion sense and unskilled hand with makeup, while hilarious and sad at the same time, don’t replace her total lack of charm. She’s not sympathetic. She’s not engaging. She’s not amusing. Slapping on fake tanner, gluing on fake eyelashes, and squeezing into designer labels two sizes too small, do not a personality make. Let her go, Bravo.

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  5. Instagram lurking for Season 8 clues:

    So Kathryn just posted a picture of her boyfriend marking 12 months together, so as of that moment, they are/were together. I am convinced, noting her past emotional stability and healthy relationships, that they’ve had at least 12 breakups/makeups in the same time frame.

    Shep is still dating Taylor. I don’t know if he’s matured, if she’s crazy, or if she’s being held hostage. She seems normal and very pretty, even after a year of Shep. 

    Craig’s store for his pillow business looks darling. He’s a lying dumbass but even I can recognize that he’s done well with his business. I expect that they will film ad nauseum there. Ditto for Leva’s bars. 

    Danni was so uncomfortable to watch last year. Her discomfort with filming is palpable. Bravo constantly trying to spin the friendship between Kathryn and Danni as the gosh darn bestest friends is unwatchable horseshit. Danni is probably a decent human in real life so she has no business on reality tv.

    I still continue to give not one shit about Austin. 

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  6. I keep saying that I am going to quit these goofy bastards, but here I am, scouring the internet for any gossip I can find. According to the Instagram account, bravoduckingbravo, Season 8 will start shooting soon. Venita Aspen is supposed to be a new cast member. The rest of the main cast all appear to be back.


    Madison and Austin are supposedly back together. Just in time for filming. Of course.

    Kathryn and her boyfriend broke up.  

    Craig is dating Paige from Summer House.

    I’m wondering if any of the off season antics of past and present cast members will make the show, such as Naomie’s breakup, Kathryn losing custody, Michael the Butler’s stroke.



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  7. I read Cam’s book, too, but read it knowing that it was much more of a parenting book than a biography. I expected it to be terrible but it was fine for a what it is. I also got it free, so probably wouldn’t be so sanguine about it if I had shelled out my own money for it. 

    I agree that a biography, or a reality tv tell all, would be much, much, much, much interesting. She really does have an interesting backstory. Plus, because I am a truly terrible person, I want to know all the dirt on the SC cast mates. 

    Has anyone read Shep’s book? 



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  8. This is brutal. Make it stop. And yet I am watching this shit show. Kathryn must be beside herself that there is an arguably better looking, attention seeking female cast mate who has monopolized the tabloids for weeks with her celebrity hookups, both real and imaginary. Kathryn’s pregnancies, both real and imaginary, just don’t generate the same tabloid fervor. 

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  9. Did I hear this right: Kathryn thought she might be pregnant because she missed THREE periods/or had THREE messed up cycles? So, as a woman of nearly 30 years, who has been pregnant at least TWICE before, why didn’t she go to the doctor/seek prenatal care earlier? 

    Because bitch knew she wasn’t pregnant, that’s why. 

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  10. I like Leva. I think she’s getting far too much hate for trying to knock some sense into this cast, specifically Kathryn. Leva isn’t tedious; Kathryn is, and therefore the storyline is. As an immigrant with a mixed race family in the Deep South, she adds much needed perspective to this menagerie of miscreants. I want more of her and far less of Kathryn.

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