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Everything posted by Mswldflwr

  1. I just wish they'd finally kill the dinner dates. They don't eat the food anyway, it's just table conversation. I'm sure they could have equally "stimulating" conversation (about what their lives would look like) in just about any setting. And I'm not missing all the hot tub dates either.
  2. Well, somebody used the phrase "Joey and I's." Every freaking season.
  3. I successfully weaned myself off of every iteration of this show this past season. I'm so proud. I'm pretty sure the next installment will be 90 Days Every Which Way. But having seen the commercials, I had to check in here to see what people thought. Now I'm even gladder I'm no longer involved. Shouldn't somebody like Chantel take a few minutes and just chill after such an epic failure? Why would anybody just want to jump back in so quickly? Most of them, for that matter, should just have a seat.
  4. Yes, they are sworn in for depositions. I am a court reporter and I swear every witness before they say a word at deposition. And they are advised that deposition testimony is the same as if they were in front of a judge and jury. If at any time their testimony differs once they get to trial, that testimony can be used to impeach them. I realize that they've "proven" she is young. But six just really seems extremely young. There was a home video that Kristine took of Natalia reading the Bible out loud and she was very articulate when reading aloud. No six-year-old had reading skills that badass. And she was supposedly 9 when they dumped her in that first apartment? She was successful at living alone whereas I wouldn't think a 9-year-old would even make it through a night or two without completely wigging.
  5. Well, from my perspective, I could not just go by what the dentist said as I still had six baby teeth in my mouth at age 18. They just never came out -- and I had one start growing in the roof of my mouth. I guess I never kept track of which ones I had or had not lost. Hence, braces from 18 to 21.
  6. I saw that follow up. That girl was named Caralee but she now goes by Sabrina Caldwell. She is now a married woman with her own children. She seems a lovely woman.
  7. No love for the dog on the beach? He's my favorite. I'd have a playdate every day with that cutie. And I'd gift him with one of Kat's shoes. Olivia has annoyed me since Day 1. Was actually surprised to hear she 's smart enough to school for PA because she comes of not terribly bright, to me.
  8. I would think a Catholic boy from Texas would just as soon raise his children in the same faith that he shares with his wife. I highly doubt Ariel would give up her faith and I can't see Zach converting to Judaism. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Trying to raise them in one or the other or in both faiths just always makes it seem incomplete. I wonder if anything like that occurred to him at any time earlier as it seems it would have been kinder to let Ariel go earlier if he realized that was a nonstarter.
  9. Just to tag on to your calling out the morons, EVERY SINGLE SEASON at least one idiot actually says "Zach and I's relationship." I heard it no less than three times this season. I do believe at least once from Zach. I am glad to hear him calling himself out for "like." Sadly, I doubt any of the 'ettes saw it in themselves enough to become annoyed by it.
  10. Sean once stated in an interview that those dinners are just props. They apparently just get room service and eat before they go on dates.
  11. WHY are we still subjected to these dinner table mind-numbingly boring go-nowhere conversations? The dinner plates are nothing but props they don't eat anyway. If you must have them sitting at a table, just drinks are fine. And for God's sake, have actual real CONVERSATONS for once.
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11753949/ABC-considering-bringing-Chris-Harrison-save-Bachelor-two-years-racism-scandal.html#comments
  13. Does Christina remind anybody else of Christine Taylor, Ben Stiller's wife?
  14. Seriously. A season with Genevieve and Jill as leads for the entire season is a very bad season. Why am I still watching?
  15. Neurotic flakes is right. I actually questioned the other day how Gabby could even be an ICU nurse. She didn't even seem close to having the emotional stability or the smarts to be a nurse, let alone in the ICU. To me, she was portrayed as a bit of a dimwit. Nice girl, I suppose, but a dimwit.
  16. I think I'm confused. So were Gabby and Rachel disgusted with Clayton because he slept with all three or because he announced that he slept with all three and each thought that she was the one? (That still skeeves me out that ANYBODY would be okay with sex with three people in three nights running. ) How can Gabby be offended about Erich having the very same thoughts/feelings she had about Clayton? I guess it's different if you get to call the shots, huh, Gabs, and Erich should just understand? And for her to feel led on by Jason is laughable. He's playing the same game you are, sweetie, and just looking for clarity. I'm still a little perplexed how she is an ICU nurse. She doesn't seem to have the emotional stamina I would think it would take and, frankly, she seems more than a little dense most of the time.
  17. You're right, he is the worst. It so, so saddens me to think he's going to be able to make a living off his "celebrity" status and not have to even work a real job. Idiots are going to buy their crap and actually hire them for appearances. Damn it. That boy has never built the kind of character you build from working and making your own way in the world, so he will forever be 16.
  18. If I were in New Orleans, I'd totally want to go to Villalobos Rescue. But being that Pitbulls & Parolees is not on ABC, I guess that wasn't going to happen.
  19. EVERY SINGLE SEASON somebody says that. Every single one. Drives me insane.
  20. Never liked Ari, so perhaps I'm already against her. But to know her parents are in bankruptcy and have been for some time, the fact that she still continues to mooch off them absolutely infuriates me. I'm sure she is even college-educated. But she's been tramping around the world for some time now. It is time to GROW THE F UP, Ari, and make your own way.
  21. Weird. I watched that four-minute clip above and I don't think Suzie said "like" even one time. And even at the final rose, she expressed herself fairly eloquently without all the likes. Where was that Suzie all season? How did she manage such a drastic, like, change?
  22. I sure would have enjoyed if Gabby and Rachel had had a moment to commiserate with each other and maybe compared notes to find out what he was telling each of them. Then said, screw this, we're out of here. Let's go get a drink. Cannot believe Clay-uh's mother decided that Rachel was a stronger woman because she decided to stick it out. No, Mom, that makes her a pathetic simpering little girl with no self-worth for not standing up for herself. His behavior was bad enough last night. But clearly, we all know what's going to happen tonight. He convinced them to stay and fight for him and it seems he'll do nothing of the sort for them. Nothing like kicking the ladies when they were already down enough. I wonder if he's going to at least have some decency and let them go before he goes to Susie or is he going to keep them on standby until he gets Susie's answer. If he does the latter, I have ZERO sympathy for either Rachel or Gabby if they still stick around after they find that out. I don't know how Clay-un is going to weather this in his personal or professional life. Whether you believe bedding multiple woman at once is in bad taste or you think it's fine, I would think the majority of people would find it a bad look and would choose not to be associated with such frat boy shenanigans.
  23. I just read that Gaby is actually Dean's ex and apparently Caelyn also has a good friend on the show (didn't say who, though). Good Lord. They sure keep it all in the family, huh?
  24. How he can think that Susie would be good with the fact that he would have successfully bedded two women literally back to back right before he was expecting her to be number three in as many days totally befuddles me. I mean, there wasn't even a whole day between dates; he barely had time to shower. Can you imagine telling your grandchildren how Grandma's such a swell gal. I slept with two women within just a couple of days of asking her to be my forever and she was totally cool with that. But I loved her the most, so Grandma won. I don't know how he is going to weather the storm on this one even in his personal or professional life. He seems completely unaware that there was anything wrong with his behavior. It would be one thing if he simply said to Susie, I'm so sorry you feel that way, but I did what I did for whatever reason. If you can't live with that, I get it. But for him to tell her it's her fault for his behavior because she didn't tell him not to behave that way is just whack. You would think common sense alone would be enough for him to simply know that his "special" girl would not care to be third in his Hat Trick.
  25. Well, I'm in Northeast PA and the people here seem completely unaware that there is a T in Scranton or Nanticoke. But they also think the trees are between the two and the four. So I've learned to keep my twitching under control when I hear people speaking like that. At this point, however, I would really like to obliterate the word LIKE from all of these dimwits' vocabularies as well as Clay-en's.
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