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Posts posted by DamnGina

  1. On 11/1/2017 at 8:46 PM, Chalby said:

    I really like Karine, and I feel so bad for her because she clearly realizes Paul is a HUGE loser. At the same time, she looks around and knows she doesn't have many options for a good life. Although I wonder if the whole cell phone theft/ machete threat was staged, I did recognize that Karine was in an area she identified as 'dangerous' and her nerves were shot. "I don't want this. I don't want Paul." She appears to be an intelligent gal, and if her life (and her family's) will be improved by her marrying Paul the loser, then I wish her well. HOWEVER, if Paul ends up just staying there, passively not learning the language and living off of her… well, maybe Paul will simply disappear? Her dad's a retired cop, right?

    I agree, something was weird with the machete incident! First off, the guy runs up to her with a big ass machete already out in the open and no one has noticed it before he reached her? She didn’t seem that freaked out when it happened either. Plus, when the machete guy ran into the trees wasn’t there a sound like a gun being fired? Like the guy got shot by cops or something yet nothing was ever mentioned about hearing a gun shot was there? Did I miss that part? Plus she seemed to have a phone again quite quickly when Paul went to where she was staying at a friends house.

         Paul seems like a HUGE wacka doodle douche bag! 

         And remember that body suit get up he had on before he got into the water at the river or lake, whichever it was... that right there would’ve been enough for me to walk away!!

    Has anyone checked out Darcy’s clothing line? Is it just merchandise with that logo plastered on it? 

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  2. Sean is a creepy guy!! Abby needs to run and fast!! That behavior he displayed when meeting Chris and all the way up to telling her to make a choice is just a brief glimpse into the crazy man he is and the future she will experience if she stays with him!! He is possessive and insecure, and he can’t handle someone who is beautiful and has a strong personality! He would end up keeping her on lockdown like a prisoner!!

    I think the grass in my backyard has a better personality than Sean does!!

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  3. Ugh Courtney!! She’s the type of girl I would want to punch in the face just because of that look on her face that says, “I’m soooo much better than you, you’re soooo beneath me!” And that’s before any words actually are spoken!! Once that occurs it’s like a fly on a turd sand which!!


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  4. Hey TLC, I'll pretend to like someone for a month or two if you send me to some exotic location for filming! Turks & Caicos sounds like a place that could definitely convince me to act like I'm in love with some guy that is brought in to play my love interest!

        With that said....Larry Larry Larry....I REALLY hope it's just the way they're editing the show that makes you appear incredibaly desperate and insecure, and you're not really that !! You seem like a kicked puppy that just wants to come lay on the kickers lap! I want to feel sorry for the guy, but he just seems tooooo desperate! Unless you find someone as desperate as you you will never have a lasting relationship! TRUST ME!! Anyone with any confidence and independence is gonna go away quick when the other person acts like that! Act like a man! You're embarrassing yourself and most likely your boys!  You're cute enough and seem like a good catch as far as what you want, but you need to grow a pair!  Pleeeeease man up!

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  5. Courtney makes me want to scream! I hate the way she talks ( like she's dumb), I hate her personality

    ( boring ) , and I don't like her attitude! It just seems like she is turning up her nose to him like she almost was too good to be bothered with him!  She also seems very insecure, and being jealous will be her downfall! 

       I definitely love the Beavis & Butthead comparison!

    " My name is Cornholio and I need TP for my bung hole!"

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