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Posts posted by elocs

  1. I've enjoyed watching Blue Bloods over the years because Tom Sellick is one of my favorite actors.  One thing I've noticed is how intertwined drinking is with all that the Reagan's do.  They drink at meals, they drink just being around the house, they drink when they're happy and they drink when they're sad.  They even manage to sneak alcohol into a hospital.  The Reagans seem to casually consume more alcohol than any other family I've seen on tv.  Is this being done deliberately to make some kind of a statement?  Because the newest medical studies have found that no amount of drinking is good for your health and if a drink a day for women is moderate drinking and 2 a day for men, then the Reagans seem to exceed that amount.

  2. It was too funny when Jamie fainted when seeing it was Claire.  I wonder why Claire did not make any plans to let Brianna know through a book or some other writings how things went for her so that Brianna would know in the future since they made a discovery about Jamie through a historical writing.

  3. As a Star Trek fan who watched the original Star Trek when it aired in 1966 I must say I was so bored with this series that I stopped watching after 15 minutes and instead watched the Ken Burns Vietnam series on PBS.  It was bad, bad, bad.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Robodude said:

    Once they get to the final 2, it was 100% clear that Darci was going to win.  There's no chance they would have underage girl singers win 2 years in a row. 

    That said, I echo those who praised Simon for going directly over to Angelica once the winner was announced to talk to her while everyone was congratulating Darci.  He's a smart producer and that showed him to also be a decent human being.

    I've noticed that Darci's jaw is built for her act.  There's something....different...about how it's set that I think allows her to sing like she does without her face changing.  It is an awesome talent for sure...but will it change as she grows?  All i can say is that she absolutely held her own with Fator on stage.  She had a week to work on that act and she didn't skip a beat with her patter and back/forth with Terry.

    Lastly...  my wife and I always talk about "Is this act really Vegas-Show worthy?"  We would absolutely pay to see a show that had both Diavolo and Light Balance....doing bits back to back like we saw last night.

    Even Darci, in the end, is a one trick pony (singing ventriloquism), Sara/Hero have serious limitations beyond a 3 min bit and none of the singers were worthy of more than a side show act in a casino bar.

    "There's no chance they would have underage girl singers win 2 years in a row. "

    How would they "not have"?  Because that would imply the voting is a sham.

    "Even Darci, in the end, is a one trick pony (singing ventriloquism)"

    Is Terry Fator a one trick pony?  Jackie Evancho who was just a classical singer when she was runner up in 2010, is she a one trick pony as well?  Because it's estimated her net worth today is $2.5 million.  Even Grace Vanderwaal, the winner from last year is doing fine and she did well when she performed in Vegas.

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  5. 4 hours ago, halopub said:

    Is a one time lump sum a option for the winner? I hadn't heard that before.

    A one time payment is around $450,000--before taxes.  Also, a million dollar first prize when the series started would be about $1.25 million now.

    4 hours ago, halopub said:





  6. AGT had 2 pre-teen girls as finalists who last night alone had to go through 2 rounds of "am I going to make it?" before the final announcement of the winner.  I understand that the show wants suspense but it was pretty bad to force these young girls to endure the stretching out of the final announcement.  And yes, somebody from Angelica's family should have been right up there on stage in the same way that Darci's brothers.

    That $1 million dollar prize is really an annuity that gets paid out at a rate of $25,0000/year for 40 years or a $300,000 one time pay out, so no instant millionaire.  Besides, for a million to be the same as it was 12 years ago today it should be $1.25 million. 

    Any in the top ten will have the opportunity to have a career from their talent given the amount of publicity they received.  Plus, they will be able to pick and choose what they want to do so they are by no means "losers".

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  7. The winner of AGT will be decided by a vote by people who are motivated to vote, so it's more about popularity rather than strictly talent.  People here may not like to say it or think it, but when there is a very talented blonde haired white girl will she really be beaten by a little girl of color even if she is a great singer or a group of guys from another country which many would still associate as being Russian although they are not.  I see Mandy as the alternative to Darci.  If Evie really had talent that put her into the top 5 she would likely be a great favorite with the death of her father, but that's not the case.

    So it will be Darci this season just like it was Grace last season.

  8. With the first elimination I was sure that the singing soldiers would win out over the young dancing kids and I had hoped that some of them would have had enough empathy to console a couple of young kids who were eliminated but they just celebrated among themselves and those kids walked off alone without being consoled.  I now know who I hope gets eliminated in the next round.

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