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Posts posted by DFWBelle

  1. 7 minutes ago, DFWBelle said:

    Kelsey Bond and Jordan Daigle, made it the same year. Kelsey is a year older than Jordan and they were roommates for a year at TCU. Before that Emma Dutton. 

    Well hold on. All three of them danced together on the 2009 TCU Showgirls Fiesta Bowl team. Just Emma left the team that year to pursue the DCC while still in college. Kelsey and Jordan finished school and tried out after they graduated. Kelsey was cut at semis her 1st try for messing up the dance. I still would say all three were in the same time frame. 

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  2. On 6/23/2019 at 2:17 PM, Cowboysfan16 said:

    Who were the most recent TCU Showgirls to make the team?! Not going to lie, I was sad for Lindsay last year & I’m sad for Lauren this year. 

    Kelsey Bond and Jordan Daigle, made it the same year. Kelsey is a year older than Jordan and they were roommates for a year at TCU. Before that Emma Dutton. 

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  3. The rumor that Mallory Mills is not nice is absolutely correct. Her and her mother are absolutely cut throat in the dance world. This is decades old dirt a this point.... Mallory went to Rowlett High School and was captain of the JV Drill Team the Rhythmettes. Her Senior year another girl (I believe her name was Natasha) beat her for captain of the Varsity squad (the Silver Rhythm Dancers) and Mallory got 1st Lieutenant. Mallory and her mother threw the biggest fit (rumored to have threatened to sue) and she was then awarded co-captain. The only time in the school's history there were two captains. That story has been passed down at Rowlett HS for years. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, KatieC said:

    They both should do well!  I do not think Gina’s sister has the DCC look AT ALL. Cami Branson is gorgeous but can she dance?  She was a cheerleader not a Showgirl and didn’t do well the first time she auditioned for DCC. 

    I don't think Christina is as talented dance-wise as Gina. I don't see a problem with her look, I find it unique. Cami is stiff. She's beautiful, has friends in the DCC organization, and has a large social media following. If she were to try out again she would be a dance liability but it may be a risk they're willing to take. 

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  5. Of the TCU Showgirls graduating this year, I am putting my money on Sheridan Donevant and Esther Pae (two/three captains) auditioning. 

    Esther was at DCC prep classes last year. Sheridan is the former MAO Teen Texas 2013 and has done modeling shoots with DCCs. Sheridan posts a lot and has hinted in the past about wanting to earn a pair of white boots in her posts. 




    @esther_pae (private)

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  6. 2 hours ago, NotaDCCheerleader said:

    Tara's twitter is not on a glitch.

    The squad was not announced last night. 

    The first game is not until the 18th, there is still time for more cuts.

    Specific posts regarding specific individuals and whether they have been given a free ticket to the squad are wholly inaccurate and should not be believed.  

    Thank god! An account made two hours ago to tell me what’s up ? This will change my mind about Victoria. 

    • Love 9
  7. Lindsey Waldrop froze/had bad kicks, Madi (DSIG) froze, Paris froze, Erin froze. Riley from OU was in the "unpleasant faces" montage. 

  8. It amazes me every year how many women either can't kick or forget the kickline. The entire kickline can be seen in full on youtube. You have an entire year to prepare. There is no reason why you should come into semis, finals, and training without perfect kicks and splits. If you know kicks are a problem for you, you should have been working with someone specifically on that portion. There are girls onscreen who can't comfortably slide into the splits. This is a dance audition. I don't get it! 

    • Love 24
  9. Titans Bri looks great, OU Riley is cute but probably not DCC glam, Daphne has perfect kicks to the nose/love the backstory of not making the UCLA dance team and coming back to become captain. Lindsay Brady from TCU is perfect. Meredith's eyes are beautiful!!! 

    I hope Erin has more power, I know that clip was short but it was soft. It wasn't choreographed so I hope she makes it this year. Brennan looked the strongest out of the Erin/Madeline/Brennan clip. Madeline looked more mature but her technique looked shaky- her foot was flexed before she kicked it to her nose. 

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  10. Highlights before the first commercial break- 400 applications this year, not in the chairs. Shelly has been featured with Dayton, Shelly walking around with Nick checking in with people warming up. 

    "My mom struggled with her weight when she was a cheerleader so that's something I'm going to be conscious of." Cut to Victoria with Cowboys Fit, bragging about $20,000 dance scholarship from middle school. I really tried not to look anything up before the show on her but we're not even 15 minutes in and I'm done!

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