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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Good grief - I can get into cute food things for kids but cute food things for adults.....just no. And she is endless in her embellishments. Obviously never learned about actual flavor and balance.
  2. Good grief - Whoopi was happy (and obviously in on the lasagne and what would happen by her awkward introduction). Doubt Abby cared or even eats. Sunny thrilled! Meghan - but they (forget all about Sunny MM) got more than me!!!!
  3. I was majorly disappointed to hear both MM and AH say they would have voted "present." I suppose if they were d's, and they are not. IIRC no R voted "present." I'm especially disappointed in tough chick MM .....you know, she is a political analysis. LOL
  4. According to some sites Shannon is worth $20M in her own right. As was her ex in his own right. Cut it by half and we still have Shannon frolicking around causing damage and saying - "who me?"
  5. Yes lusinia -MM is very easily distracted, and needed to comment on everything going on. The others carry on and don't drag the audience and viewers into her distress. MM likes to think she is in control of the show.
  6. My takeaway today (other than the ridiculous explanation and lecture and being told to calm down over and over about yesterday) was the interview with Charlize. IMO she very nicely explained the importance of Bombshell and the point of the movie to FOX ex's Abby and Meghan. Imagine Abby is still niaeve about not the happy ending with women in power at FOX now as excutives that love Pirro and Ingraham etc. And that was not the point of the movie - at all.
  7. Thinking MM won't come on smiling tomorrow after the lessions she should have learned after today. Imagine MM will be coddled nevertheless - with TPTB.
  8. Plus Nicolle was well liked by the panel.
  9. Ana is so quick and so much fun!
  10. Not a good comment from Joy. OTOH I think Joy is sick and tired of protecting fragile MM. MM won't discuss or even admit having a miscarriage. And discusses not even sure she wants kids on the show. But cries about it to news sources, and on twitter. Like when she also accussed Sunny of something and Sunny shunned her for a long time. I admire the team for putting up with MeAlways and stuff happens as a result.
  11. It really is Meghan's Great Pity Party on MM's twitter today. She wishes "for more compassion and responsibility...." To my knowledge, and I watch daily live or on demand - she has never mentioned miscarrying on the show. Actually, never heard her say she wants to be a mother. No mention of her Greta comments on her twitter. I think Greta deserved the cover and would have appoved of a photo of a whistle as well if she wasn't. But her's is a global issue.....but whistle blowers is as well to deal with democracy world wide. MM was like a tween going on and on about Brian today and she completely messed up the show, imo.
  12. It is women sitting around having coffee and an opinion type of show. Like friends do. OTOH MM and WG making it more than it is is ridiculous. It is not called "The View" for nothing.
  13. Good grief......MM going OMG over and over with Joy and CC's banter about sex - and then shrieking he was a governor!!!!!!!!!! Yet MM has no problem trashing D politicians. But a R one - OMG!!!!
  14. Good grief - Emily and Tamra wearing glasses to look serious? ROTFLMAO.
  15. Good grief - where were the the 3 Amigos educated to not know who Hemingway was? At the least they evidently don't watch classic movies.
  16. We should probably discuss the length and style of her long hair. Which I think about because I am overdue for a haircut.
  17. After a certain age, and especially earlier for those with light skin and light colored hair (or red) - tone the makeup down.....brown shades, blended. Not black! And a better foundation and makeup tone. And yes Charlize...some bronzer and blush.
  18. I always see Joy as self assured but not twitchy. But I do get a kick out of MM's jerking around and ending up crossing her arms.
  19. Personally - I think Abby being confused or struggleing is too late.
  20. I'm a little disappointed Kelly has made it from my Mom had anger issues and was vicious - and I do too. But not that she has realized she is teaching the exact same thing to her 12 year old daughter. So sick of the screeching. And find it hard to believe Emily has RA. Oh to be able to afford the good drugs and carry on and be fine carrying on.
  21. IMO JJ has gone to the dark side. She is certainly not RBG in her "bun (and collar) and 2 carat diamond earrings. Haven't watched in a year or 2 but she is still mean. I get she has to get her show in a 20 ish time frame. But she is mean.
  22. I have no idea why they had a thing about coming out to Abba and MM. Like she has never gone home in her close to 500 counting days. For anything.
  23. What is richer2 is what the show cannot talk about because of MM.
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