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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Nevertheless - Tess would look odd compared to the other bridesmaids. It was the bride's day. Not Tess's day to look special and out of place.
  2. But Joy did not walk away...MM did.
  3. A wedding is about the bride. And she chooses her bridesmaids and matron of honor if one. The groom as well. I doubt either one wants their chosen friends to make their statement at their wedding.
  4. I don't think MM has many options - for going back to the studio (NYC) or having a voice by not doing so. She grew up with parents separated by jobs and home...she lived in AZ...her dad in DC and traveling extensively. The flight from NY to DC is not long. She, imo, is going to stay. If her mental health allows her to. She crossed the bridge today.
  5. MM worked at Fox on Outnumbered from 11/16 - 9/17 when hired for The View. She was also hired by FOX 7/15 as a news contributor. rotflmao.
  6. Despite the technical problems I found the interview with Greta fascinating today. And I like how she is not intimidated by leaders. I thought her response to John Kerry's tweet was fine, perhaps tongue in cheek, but respectful. Meghan immediately says her instinct to reply to JK was "Ok Boomer!" I'm still po'd about that. As if Climate Change is even on Meghan's radar.
  7. Thing is when MM goes wild Whoopi just cuts to commercial. I always feel short changed, lol. Especially when MM often answers the question Whoopi asks her (in 3 ways) is not even on topic.
  8. I don't think they do the monthly causes so well even though, of course, they are important. Here are a (very) few causes just May - AAPI, ALS, Brain tumors, Celiac Awareness, Haitian Heritage, International Masturbation Month (lol), Bike month etc. See Wiki.
  9. OMG - Sunny talks so loud I am always adjusting my sound on the remote - but when she screams? Not a fan. Plus she should own who she is - a home cook, and not get defensive.
  10. They need to get back into the studio and not have endless 2 minute comments....opps commercial time - we'll come back whoever. Then MM throws a fit - another commercial!!! Yes, The View is about views - but views with statements. Not 2 minute comments from each of them. Oh - and Whoopi asking each of them the same 3 ways each time. IMO The View should be a show with discussion...not comments.
  11. Gee - MM tries to get her vaccine early and pulls in her brother who was also not eligible. Why not her husband? LOL And thinks Biden is her friend when she bashes his admin practically daily. But will grant her this favor to what? Encourage R's to get vacced? Wonder why she didn't call Hannity for this opportunity.
  12. I have never seen chemistry between Kevin and Madison. Kevin needs to step up and not marry her but co-parent and help support her. Never a good idea to get married and hope for the best. It is ignorant and damaging, I know.
  13. I am so tired of these people....and even more Joelle and Anna. I love NCIS and the humor...especially in the earlier seasons. But this series is incredibly tiresome. The only one I like a little is Sam.
  14. I can understand being down after the second shot...of either RX. But then I would not tweet endlessly all day long. Would probably rest when not taking care of my baby, with a little help from nanny. Hey - even watch endless Real Housewives. sigh
  15. Gotta say MM's panic of the gas shortage now is not remotely compared to that under Carter's admin. She is spreading crap imho.
  16. I think the little girl's mothers message to her was pre-recorded. Not live. And the guy had her favorite stuffed animal to convince her he was real. I like Bull. But I so miss the Tony DiNozzle in Bull.
  17. There is no way I can ever compare MM to Liz... and am appalled Meghan thinks she can. LC has only said about the election MM never could. Not that I am a fan of LC but need to give her kudos for her integrity for truth in this matter.
  18. I am confused why MM reached out for child care reform rather than to her her "bastard uncle" Lindsey. I'm also sick and tired of her endless friends. She has millions. Oops - meant to reach out to Liz rather than Lindsey.
  19. Soooo - nothing about Marucio's family in the article in People with photos. All about Ree. Thinking I won't even give her a click on her show again. She does not deserve it.
  20. I've never been fond of Joelle or Anna.
  21. So MM was so upset about the Chauvin trial she didn't know or watch about it - but endlessly posts daily about Navalny? Wears a tee shirt with his name on the show? Expects Biden to do something!!! What???
  22. Sophie went into the kitchen to get some water and Maggie told Regina in the dining room to get in there as well. Hence Regina's cough. The worst part of the epi is when Peter told Sophie "I am in control of my instrument and into the zone..." Sophie is still young and innocent and here was this jerk telling her about being a poster on a boy's wall, a little girl, and a powerful woman. And btw...her voice is not that great for all this support. IMO.
  23. Kevin was an athlete until oops. Randall got the education. Kate got being daddy's girl. sigh Why not bring this up show?
  24. Good grief - Kevin has new twins and HE needs to travel across country?
  25. MM on what went on with the video released this weekend - all about the military... sorry but he was foremost a human and not certainly did not have her privilege. Like - DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!! Love Joy...she and Boehner call each other by first names. Think of the fun photo at the restaurant in the Hamptons. But Joy can still ask the questions needed for her. MM - Speaker Boehner...hit's out at Biden. John does not necessarily agree. My family...Daddy took me everywhere! They duked it out! Went out for drinks! (I imagine she thinks he is her friend...and fool around in the Hamptons like the night he ran into Joy). Sarah's question about Cruz was great! Lucifer in the flesh. Sunny's questions about Obama and Clinton were great as well.
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