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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Shannon's band party was certainly not my idea of fun. But I do have to say she gives better parties than Heather...like the cruise to dinner. Heather seems to kick everyone out or make it a marriage counseling hit job when she give a party....and Nobu, Nobu, Nobu...or adding onion rings.
  2. Thing is little Jack and grown up little Jack had light brown hair...chubby little Jack had quite dark brown if not black hair like Hailey, iirc.
  3. My favorite Dr Phil shows are the ones that bring back on the "patients" he helped. Especially the intervention ones. Oh, wait.
  4. Whoever heard of a meal of just seafood? Where were the sides... a variety of salads, and breads (including gluten free). Oh, and desserts, snacks.... Amd have 2 specials fo breakfast so any other requests can be met. I think this version of Below Deck is so poorly done, fake guests, fake chef, too forgiving of mess-ups by all. And who calls their captain by just their first name and not Captain ____.
  5. I am so sick of the BIG 3...whatever generation. Make your kids feel special in their own right...and not as a unit. Most will feel siblings feelings anyway. They, without their own real friends for the most part, are not better for being a unit.
  6. For me, Ina can do no wrong. And I would kill to hang out at her house.
  7. Very often the key to to diner style breakfast is one or two daily specials....and the fruit, bacon, croissants.
  8. It looked like a nice restaurant in Aspen but all of them (except Jen with her stupid wth expression) were screaming, flaunting away. Some left coatless, others had theirs when entering the vans. OTOH - notice how other diners never seem to notice this? IMO, it is somewhat scripted with extras as diners.
  9. I am so over the "I need to talk to you privately one on one" and then pleased to see Shannon and Emily doing so quickly and intelligently...then dressing up in the bear costumes and having fun together.
  10. Little Jack is incredible. Independent and motivated and smart. Little kids get out of their cribs...even over the door gate was left unlatched he could have scaled it. Whatever - I love who he became - an independent man with a beloved woman that adores him. And I doubt it was all due to St Kate. Plus PBM said last year or so that he did not like kids. Who would marry one that said that when you have 2? Young ones, to boot.
  11. Heather bothers me so much with her pretentions, and I am a mother and have a family!
  12. Immersing Eddie's daughter in French only is not going to go over well.
  13. Seemed to me Eddie could complain to the Cap about crap but not major crap. After Cap told him to handle things. Too much pop-pop. Rachel did not get the accolades she deserved. Basically ignored. Heather was safe too and I thought she was toxic. Vague and not nice. She went to the Captain about the Maki Maki. When in a restaurant one orders Maki Maki. Not Maki. Heather's dinner order taken was for Maki Maki for the first kid - he wanted 2, TWO. Her other written shorthand were... Maki Maki Maki. If I were Rachel I would have taken the order as 4, not 5. And certainly not double for the first. Heather blew it off. Like the condiments for the beach. Hope never to see Heather again. Certainly not a leader or team player.
  14. So GZ's new show starts next week, I think. He has not been MIA. Sunny is MIA...her Easter show is even running now...after editing...
  15. I loved it....I find Ina so inspirational, fun, charming, talented and love her cookbooks. I would love to be in her presence and the 2 shows so far so do her guests.
  16. Thing is Toby took her to a college of some sort to get her 8 credits. She couldn't do it herself. Poor, pitiful, spoiled and neglected Kate.
  17. Have to say Toby's wardrobe and apartment were very upscale. $$$ And somehow their Jack managed to have his own home and tour on his own. Doubt it was because Kate could not imagine Jack not being able to manage new environments...even a home. Kate does Kate regardless of anyone...except her darling daddy that coddled her. This great love for the Big Three was so unhealthy.
  18. Don't forget Rebecca called Randall SO WONDERFUL and Jack said he would be a GREAT MAN. Never even close terms for Kevin and Kate.
  19. I am so tired of Whoopi...especially on the Will Smith debacle. All week, every day, they have discussed it. Even Whoopi that has said since she is a Board Member with the Academy she can't discuss it...then does. She says, like she knows Smith was not asked to leave, yet now turns out he was. Sigh
  20. It does make me laugh when Heather gets offended and says you do realize I have kids and a family.... LOL - they all do. ETA - the reunion should be interesting with Andy there.
  21. I wish it would not take half the segment for Tara to ask a guest a question or give her opinion in hot topics.
  22. I think it is very odd the Saint and very Special Pearson's have so few friends. Miguel was touchy for a very long time when a decade later after Jack he came back into Rebecca's life....there was Maddison for Kate, I guess. Randall, in his lifelong angst had none other than Beth. Even Kevin did not have a BFF except for Sophia. Even the parties for Kevin and Maddison's wedding were family only. Toby was looking forward to Kevin and Randall to be at his party and they bailed after an hour or so and he was left with the 3 nerdy friends he had flown into Vegas. But now Toby does have friends at work.... I have been watching old seasons...Jack and Rebecca's Huge Romance and Jack's Grand Gestures and the family, combined with making their kids think they were so incredibly special and destined for being GREAT is somewhat disturbing.
  23. If there is anyone other than Noella or Heather I would be happy.
  24. I find nothing likable about Kate. She wants to be taken care of but .... And why is Toby living in a fabulous apartment away from his family? Perhaps it is a company owned apartment.
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