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Posts posted by 3outta5

  1. Holy boobs and tattoos! Just...wow. I would like the PS and tattoo costs (even if free, what it would have cost) and just marvel that it adds up to...that.

    Other than that, Yawnsville.

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  2. In regards to the church, Jenna's dad freaking out about her mom taking up "the whole section" was nuts. There were two empty rows behind her the whole time he was bitching, not to mention he could have sat to the right of them. I'm pretty sure the front pews were empty for the camera crew, but you know, that's totally her being a dramatic person. 🙄

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  3. So we agree there is 0% chance Tyler actually did the set up for that dinner, right?? The rose petals were too symmetrical (yes, this is what jumped out at me!)

    Maci, wtf? I've had your back this whole time but you lost me. Although Ryan is still an idiot AND terrible.


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  4. 9 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Everyone in Kayla J's life keeps acting like she is a controlling bitch to Makel.  I so don't see that at all. Makel is all about what is convenient for him and wants Kayla to do all  the work to make daddy time happen.

    Totally agree! If he wants to visit his child, he needs to make it happen. End of. Ever hear of renting a car (or going with a friend or family member who can rent a car?) Amtrak? A bus?

    There's a difference between blocking a visit and actively facilitating it. That's not on Kayla at ALL.

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  5. 3 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Didn't her brother go to a for profit school? It wasn't a traditional school...I think it was either Strayer or Phoenix? I almost spit my water out last night when she was yapping away about being a "Doctor of Psychology"...OMG!!!! Do these girls live on another planet??? And that producer just stands there enabling all of this bullshit stuff. 

    Yep, Phoenix. I have that weird Pluto/Samsung TV channel and it just showed that episode!

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  6. Jayde and Ryder stole the show. They are *adorable*!

    Question/throwback to Ryan about Kyle: "Is Josh...slow?" Or just a horrible person? I really do not like him.

    Amber acts like her one "selfless" act (gel) should bring her goodwill and parenting "points" for eternity. I'm deep in teenage years with two sons and PHEW. I literally have been here for them every day and make sure they are my actual honest priority and I still get attitude sometimes. Leah is totally correct in her feelings and good for her for advocating for herself.

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  7. I love how Tyler doesn't want to take "drugs" (I assume he means SSRIs?) but ketamine - is somehow NOT a drug??

    This episode did my head in with all the talking in circles and failed therapy on display. It's not for me to judge whether a gas station shooting would give me PTSD and for how long, but her therapist seemed like the best, and yet Maci kinda needs it the least?! At least as evidenced in her daily life. Frustrating.

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  8. 20 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

    Lawrence 's eyes scare me. Lilly is obviously a dingbat. If I were her parents, I would not allow Lilly and her children to move out with Lawrence. 

    Agreed. And yet I cracked up at how everyone was laughing at his "tough-boy" face. I know it's not funny; he seems deeply unwell.

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  9. 1 hour ago, EVS said:

    I’ve had an autoimmune disorder since I was in my teens. What Danielle is describing sounds a lot like my symptoms. I would think that would be one of the first things her dr would test for though. 

    And it can take years to get a diagnosis, even for lupus, because there is no one test and your symptoms can come and go.

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  10. I also feel like this show is better presented and a little more "honest" than Teen Mom, and especially since they won't be on multiple seasons there isn't the likelihood of them becoming celebrities/influencers so there's no chance of extreme wealth to "bail them out" later, especially since they earn so little per episode as it is...

    That being said, the main reason I watch is because to me ultimately the shows are about communication, or the lack thereof, and what NOT to do in relationships. I wish there would be a competent therapist to discuss what's happening with the new moms and dads (TO or with them), after an episode, to try and break the teen mom cycle AND give them a chance at having functional relationships in their lives, which only helps these poor babies born into these situations. Jenna's mom speaking truths about Jenna needing her own life (and self-esteem) is what I mean.

    But please start with Tyra and Alex!

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  11. 20 hours ago, qtpye said:

    One of my least favorite scenes is when Megan and Don meet for the divorce settlement and Don just casually writes her a check for a million dollars. For some reason that scene seems so gross.

    Especially when he walks in and offers her a cigarette and she says, "I don't want anything from you." On re-watch I found that funny.

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  12. 18 hours ago, suzeecat said:

    I don't see a new thread for the Foley Bulb episode but I couldn't wait to come here to rant.  I'm older than dirt and have gone through two pregnancy/deliveries and have never heard of this.  It sounds like an archaic torture device and I can't imagine what moron would think it's a good idea to use this on a teenage mom who has never given birth before.  Did she think this was going to get her through labor quicker and with less pain???  Did anyone think to explain to her that when a woman's cervix dilates that it is PAINFUL????? 

    OK, rant over.

    I had this done in 2003 with my first pregnancy/labor because I was induced (due to low fluid/being late) on pitocin and wasn't progressing. It was SO PAINFUL and didn't help, but they tried this after 24 hrs + labor and 2 doses of Cervidil with no progression. 0/10, do not recommend!

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  13. 1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

    Wow, that blew up even faster than usual! But I’m totally side-eyeing the “we had no idea about her past” excuse. Come on, it’s right on her Wikipedia page!

    Agreed. The whole reason anyone knows about Janelle at all is her litany of issues, none of which are positive.

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  14. I am mostly indifferent to Sohrob, but very whelmed at him winning with that plain-looking cake. I wanted Tati, but undercooked cake is not easily forgiven. Speaking of, on a purely superficial level, can we talk about how drop-dead gorgeous she was in her prom pictures? My goodness! I do like her sense of humor and her cake decoration was my favorite.

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  15. On 4/24/2020 at 10:57 PM, TheRealT said:

    How would some nefarious person even get her unpublished Icelandic nudes? The photographer had access to the shots, but would she really leak one months later without Kail's permission? Why?


    "Unpublished Icelandic Nudes" = new screen name 😆

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