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Posts posted by Chloesmom

  1. 3 hours ago, oakville said:

    Joe said Democrat leaders are asking him for advice because they don't like the current candidates.

    Are these the same people that are shouting to Giuliani on the streets of NYC to run for mayor?  Sure Jan.

    Loved Carville this morning.  Didn't realize how much I missed the little rascal until he got completely wound up and starting firing away.  I miss genuine outrage.

    Was Lemire going for the Kornacki look this morning with those turned back cuffs?  Yikes Jonathan, personally I would rethink that.

    • Love 6
  2. On 2/7/2020 at 8:08 AM, oakville said:

    She stumbled over the word recorded.

    Good grief, you mean like pretty much the last hour of their show?  She should be very familiar with that term.

    And thanks for all the thoughts about Donny's sniping at EW.  Oh yes strident is much better than shrill . . . dolt.

    • Love 4
  3. Well I see we are all in either Baptist Preacher or School Librarian mode today.  Goodness what a waste of the first hour even for them.

    And for heaven's sake Donny, if you're going to wear a formal suit put on a tie.  If you want to go sport coat/no tie no problem but you managed to edge out Joe (who appears to be wearing a blue work shirt under a plaid blazer in a totally different color scheme) for worst dressed today.

    • LOL 2
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  4. 2 hours ago, Eliot said:

    Anand comes across as very smug and sanctimonious. There are times I really like him, but more times that he annoys me.

    Agreed.  I really want to like/appreciate his views but at times his smugness can be overwhelming.

    • Love 3
  5. 9 minutes ago, oakville said:

    Joe wants to use Michigan & Florida as the two first states for the primaries.

    I doubt that would happen.

    Ahem, the great state of Illinois has already weighed in and we want a piece of being first y'all (actually this is not a bad idea as IL is only considered blue because of the voting power of Chicago.  The rest of the state is purple or pretty much bright red.  

    • Love 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

    But it doesn't mean the results are flawed, just the method of reporting them.

    Agreed, I have no issues with the eventual results as I think the paper trails are solid but you cannot blab about how great this new app is going to be and then run when clearly there were issues.  The communication plan for their rollout/implementation was severely lacking and made a bad situation much worse.  

    • Love 5
  7. Bloomberg's ad theme of All-In is genius as so many are not enjoy the fruits of the current economy.  Google employs over 100K people but less than half of them actually work for Google and get Google benefits including their 401K stock options as they are contractors.  Anybody that has worked under those conditions would be more than interested in what Bloomberg has to say.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, oakville said:

    Joe said the Democrats should have used phones & a google spreadsheet to get the results in Iowa.


    Seriously, I don't know how Joe keeps from passing out sitting way up there on his high horse as I would have thought the lack of oxygen would have taken him out by now.  Idiot.

    • LOL 4
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  9. UGH, now that I am watching the first hour replay I want to punch Willie in the face.  This isn't what the nation needs right now . . . what do you suggest Willie, Pelosi should roll over and show her belly as a sign of submission?  She understands fighting fire with fire something more Democrats should learn from.  Enjoy your comfy seat at the table, the rest of us are busy.

    And what a great image, Rush Limbaugh getting his Medal of Freedom award with his cochlear implant on full display as a result from his illegal drug abuse . . . classic.

    • Love 5
  10. 8 minutes ago, oakville said:

    Joe loves fact checking!. It would be fun if Morning Joe was fact checked on a regular basis.

    Joe's new talking point is that Carter's economy was better than Trump's. Joe is forgetting about the very high unemployment  rate , inflation rate & interest rates during that period.

    There were also shortages of gasoline.

    Mika giggled when Joe compared Trump to Carter.

    Maybe they could start fact checking themselves for starters . . . 

    Oakville my friend, it never ceases to amaze me that you know more about USA's history than most folks that lived here their entire life and I thank you for that and all the facts you share on your posts as I remember the Carter years and you are spot on.

    One of the distinct differences between the Carter and our current administration is yes there are plenty of jobs if you don't mind working two or three of them to keep your head above water.

    Ok, I slept through the initial show opening but just caught the replay now and may I say nobody lands a punch quite like Nancy Pelosi . . . hee!

    • Love 6
  11. 1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

     I just read that lack of WiFi was a lot of the problem in some rural areas, and then everyone trying to call in at the same time and jamming the phone lines at the central location for the Party. 

    Oh good grief, this should have been vetted out months/years before this epic failure if the overall project had been run correctly.  It wasn't like the lack of Wi-Fi just cropped up . . . ugh.

    This is on Iowa Democrats.  Full stop.

    • Love 8
  12. Holy cow, if you make Robert Costa that mad you know you eff'd up.  Aside from the alleged hosts, it's been a good discussion this morning.  I guess Meeks didn't have room in her carry on for her can of whip cream.

    • LOL 4
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  13. It was tough to watch that nonsense last night and Iowa deserves all the grief they are getting right now.  As someone that used to do this for a living, the failure of that app is beyond epic.  Strike three for Iowa.

    The other top story is Joe apparently borrowed Deutsch's You Dirty Rat suit . . . 

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  14. 2 hours ago, oakville said:

    Mika was very deferential to Dr Jill Biden. I think she will join Mika's KYV talk show circuit.

    No she won't she's way too smart and classy.  She probably ran out of there like her hair was on fire with Meeks chasing after her waving a can of whip cream around.

    I am still digesting that whipping cream/cookies story . . . it's almost as if she wanted to create a distraction when Joe was having his moment alone on camera doing grown up work.

    • LOL 2
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  15. 1 hour ago, nittanycougar said:

    Mika called Trump an idiot.

    I am not saying whether I agree with this statement or not but you cannot call this a news show when the head talking heads say things like this so blatantly.

    I like Kasie's boots.  That's it for me today, back to Dr. Phil reruns.

    • Love 4
  16. 11 minutes ago, oakville said:

    Brokaw said the Iowa caucuses have changed since 1976. Brokaw said there are many more people campaigning now than in 1976.

    Brokaw said that the Gop Senators were more willing to impeaching Nixon than they are now with Trump.


    Ah a Tom Brokaw appearance . . . exactly what today needed . . . did he bring his date Peggy Noonan?

    1 hour ago, oakville said:

    Mika called Alexander pathetic.

    Good call, who'd know better than her?

    • LOL 1
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  17. File this under you can't make this shit up category, apparently the President is a fan of Joe's musical stylings:

    Olivia Nuzzi Twitter account:


    Dear diary, I’m in a Des Moines hotel lobby with roughly half of the national political press corps. Donald Trump is on the TVs while, over the speakers, “Time Rolls On” by Joe Scarborough plays.

    • LOL 2
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  18. 8 hours ago, teddysmom said:





    Jackass Rides Horse 

    Reading the hash tags under this I am terrified they're shooting a video for one of Joe's "songs".  If this doesn't get her laughed off the air, nothing will. 


    Seriously, what is the problem with calling these two out on their yucky behavior?

    • Love 3
  19. 57 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

    Of course she had to snag the polo player for her KYV cult. No one is safe. I'm waiting for the Publix bakery ladies to show up next.



































































  20. 5 minutes ago, xaxat said:

    You might be able to still catch him in theaters in the (excellent) murder mystery Knives Out. 

    His character wears a cable knit sweater in the movie, so he got his dog one as well.


    Ok, I'm not going to embarrass myself in telling you guys the last movie I saw in an actual theatre (lets just say it was a talkie and leave it at that) but oh goodness if this Chris Evans person is so kind to his furbaby to bust out that incredible sweater . . . squeeeeeeeeeeeee!  

    Oh goodness I love me a turtleneck!

    • Love 2
  21. 3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

    It's on Amazon Prime I think for free. It's worth your 2 hours. 

    Snort, you may have just talked me into taking up Amazon on their offer to try their Prime (once again) as I know I could sit still for an hour or so of Chris Evans . . . oh my goodness he is so good looking!


    Oh and ps, the reason why I don't know about Chris Evans isn't because I am an old goat it's because I am very cerebral and don't watch those trashy movies please pass the cake . . . 

    • LOL 3
  22. 1 hour ago, teddysmom said:


    Have you not seen Capt America First Avenger?  

    The Casey Affleck commercial is like a clip from Good Will Hunting. 



    Apparently (and unfortunately) no.  Seriously, I can't imagine waking up in the morning and being that gorgeous . . . wowsers.

    eta:  and just for clarification, I could spend a year on my looks and I couldn't hold a candle to his after some completely out of control bachelor party . . . 😁

    • LOL 1
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