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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. So they are live a whopping 10 minutes this last hour? Gee I wonder what they do for the other 50 minutes. Wouldn't you just die if they came back on camera with their shirts on inside out?
  2. Oh my God. I cannot believe MSNBC is allowing her to push her KYV complete with her personal Instagram videos of her running/working out/watching Joe on his scooter. Holy crap. This show has seriously hit a wall.
  3. Ah so they are going to be Live in Miami! for the Democratic debates eh? No wonder Meeks is so bubbly today.
  4. Landsnark Stormy and Millennium have ably summed up what Elise said but I also thought I heard her say enough with everyone chasing/dissecting everything the president says as he is what he is and isn't going to change. For those that missed the Colbert clip, here it is: https://www.mediaite.com/entertainment/colbert-cold-open-wonders-what-other-tv-shows-trump-has-called-to-vent-frustrations/
  5. He broke my heart today. I was so glad that what I did see of his interview those two didn't interfere and let him speak.
  6. And don't forget flipping through looking for her pictures . . . 😀
  7. Holy cow those NE photos. Even back in the day she looked a little too happy to be standing next to him. And that comment about Fred Thompson's wife. Working the pole, what an awful thing to say on national airwaves. Good to hear Craig Crawford's voice, I always enjoyed his commentary. I wouldn't mind if he made a return to the airwaves.
  8. I especially like the picture of Joe on the beach with that towel draped around his neck and her purse plunked in front of him. I guess that's his permanent job now, purse protector. That shot of her standing in the doorway wistfully looking out into the distance . . . hee! I honestly don't know how both of their egos can fit into one room at the same time.
  9. Oh thanks for this xoqueens, I have to go take a look as last night all she had was the celebration of her one year anniversary with her wedding dress. Seriously, I was half expecting her to wear it on the air today.
  10. Oh goodness I am so glad that they just showed that clip of Kornacki chasing around a Biden representative about his stand on different abortion issues and she flat out refused to answer. Why I have concerns about him is because historically he is very stubborn. He was very clear he wanted to keep Hyde and let one of his managers boisterously defend him on CNN only to have the rug pulled out from under him 12 hours later as suddenly he's on board with getting rid of it. Joe has always been his own worst enemy in previous campaigns and I don't see any improvement this time around. I apologize for using the Old White Dude moniker but since I am an Old White Dudette I have been around guys like this my whole life and it's very tough to get them to listen/understand how they could possibly be wrong. They don't mean any harm but they just don't understand why you have a problem with whatever the topic du jour is. I truly hope I didn't offend anyone.
  11. Uh-oh, the Scarborough's are not going to be happy that Deutsch is in their lane: I never knew he was in the shoebiz (unless it's a reference to the time he gifted Meeks with those Louboutins).
  12. Good news, the Scarboroughs are safely back on the ground in FL. Seriously, after reading the comments on this post I don't know how she stays on social media:
  13. So apparently he now agrees with Brian Williams (via Ignatius)?
  14. No they will not. He's Everyman Joe now but based on his track record on what to expect he has a limited candidate lifespan because he is also Old White Dude who doesn't see his behavior as being a problem and it is. Folks are not only weary but visceral in terms of finding someone that has true strength, intelligence and fortitude that isn't based in the 50's. I love Joe Biden but he's not the guy.
  15. Exactly. This is why I will never think this woman has any good thoughts for anybody else but herself as this was quite possibly the most selfish thing I have ever seen in public for all to see. Co-opting a terrific article about her co-workers to somehow make it be about her.
  16. Because that was what she wanted. She wanted him and what he could bring to her profile. Anybody that could admit to dropping her newborn baby down a flight of stairs would have no trouble rationalizing her relationship with Joe.
  17. They have to have the most toxic relationship I have seen a long time (and that includes mine with my ex which was pretty yucky). I do agree that Meeks has the off-air control and Joe has the on-air control. If you watch them closely and think about it, it's pretty gross but I think both of them are willing combatants in this battle and each probably blame the other for any residual fallout. This is not going to end well for either of them.
  18. And here it is. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! As always, so gross.
  19. He must have checked in with the Mrs. . . . . why on earth would he bring that up? Didn't he get the "Hey, It's D-Day" memo? Between his inane commentary and Meeks pulling on her sleeves like it was 20 below zero there, I don't know who was more distracting. Such an odd little show.
  20. Ahem . . . long delayed honeymoon . . . so gross. I didn't even watch the majority of the show and saw him just completely cut her off at least twice. Should be a fun afternoon for those two.
  21. I wish I had known this before I went shopping as they had beer on sale . . . . Weepy Joe, ugh. That's wasn't on Joe's list of talking points Mike . . . it must be a free for all off camera.
  22. Today's observations: Andrea Mitchell's outfit is tres chic. John Kerry was a good get, well done MSNBC. I cannot believe they paid to ship Barnicle over there or that Willie gushed over his "beautifully written articles" seeing as though he has that pesky plagiarism thing hanging around in the ether. I see a change of scenery has done nothing to improve Meek's verbal ticks, teleprompter reading or Joe just plowing over her mid-sentence. I enjoyed the ceremony very much although I didn't watch MSNBC's coverage all the way through. The best part of those magnificent flyovers is that they managed to time them just as Joe was going to bloviate about something and totally drowned him out. Viva la France. Seriously it was a beautiful, moving, emotional ceremony. I hope folks were able to record it to watch with their children when they have a chance as it was a great teaching moment. ❤️
  23. Agreed. It hit me the wrong way the first time but when he came back around and said it again . . . . ugh. Although points to Kasie for bringing up the infamous "my personal Viet Nam" line from Trump.
  24. I'm glad they covered it and hope it pops up every hour. That needs to have as many eyes and ears on it as possible. So gross. I am again enjoying today's show as I am actually hearing/learning things like us shipping sensitive nuclear intelligence over to of all people the Saudi's because everything about them speaks to being level headed and not over-reactionary at all. Good grief. And the best Bette Midler movie is Ruthless People. Silly, funny movie. Goofy plotline but a stellar cast. I bet they had a blast making it . . . 🤣
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