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Everything posted by Chloesmom

  1. Oakville, this entire post is perfection in terms of the Scarborough's delusions. Thank you my friend!
  2. Seismic. No it was the signal flare that very rich people could buy whatever they wanted into the White House whether they wanted to actually occupy the space or not.
  3. Hee, I thought it was just me being my usual crankypants self about Joe's hair. There's a lot going on up there today. And I am so sorry I didn't realize the All Star game was on last night but more to the point that there was going to be that live interaction with the players. That's too bad as I would have watched it for sure as I enjoyed the clips that they showed.
  4. Oh that is so sweet, Joe's tie matches Meek's cardigan. I wonder if they are going to get pinned at the big dance this weekend. I am not always a fan of Evangelical Joe but I am glad they are covering the topic in regards to refugees as I have always found it astonishing the things that have been said by the high profile people versus the actual great work being done by those that live their lives more shall we say charitably. Good segment.
  5. THIS ^^^^^^^ Today's show was particularly odious with all their tsk tsk-ing and convenient history rewrites.
  6. Huh, I don't have Morning Joe listed on my cable guide for tomorrow but Tom Nichols says he's going to be on for the entire 3 hours and based on his Twitter feed this afternoon I will definitely be tuning in . . . 😄
  7. You know, I didn't expect to see them today and wasn't surprised they dragged out the old "we/re not really here" schtick because we haven't heard that one in a while but you would think after the beating Joe took on Twitter this week the Scarborough's would get a clue and a new routine. They are such stubborn little devils.
  8. At this point, anything with a pulse. I am glad folks are actively calling out bad behavior and not accepting their awful explanations anymore. The cocktail circuit just tightened up a bit. eta: He is also riding on Tom Nichols weekend coat tails where he took a pounding defending some views that may not be shared with others that watch MSNBC but Tom has never wavered from who he is or what he believes so that Joe is flouncing off into the sunset as the wounded warrior is just the height of hypocrisy.
  9. Yes but the ones that remain are glorious as is his new profile picture, WIN! Enough of this arguing about what was (you know, what I did). Let us move forward in a common goal now that I am no longer invited to Mar-a-Lago. I love Soledad, she is just so good at this without ever being gross. I hope she is able to sustain the knowledge of knowing she will never be invited to a KYV Ham-Bore-eee again.
  10. Wow. Wow wow wow. Now I know why Joe always carries her purse so at least he knows where his nuts are. And I guess we can start the countdown clock to a Halperin return to the show . . . ick.
  11. Chloesmom


    Apparently Donny Deutsche's show seems to be lacking in ratings which have spiraled downward since its debut. I at first thought it was because he kept inviting/including his Billiionaire's Boys Club friends but even when he has a relatively normal panel he still insists "branding" is key. Must come from living on the UES who probably think that that's a fabulous idea which is so removed from most mortal's every day lives. I always felt bad for him as he is always treated rather poorly by the Scarborough's but I was really hoping he would take this opportunity and run with it but not back to his protective bubble. I gave it a month, I'm out. Bummer.
  12. Boy that top doesn't get any better at the bottom does it?
  13. This is excellent, good one Oakville and thanks for the well timed laugh as I really needed one!
  14. Well looks like the Scarborough's got in late last night as Meeks looks like she got about 28 minutes of sleep and Joe is wearing John Podheretz's sweater.
  15. Chloesmom


    If anybody else had conducted this interview with the Speaker of the House it would have been blown all over MSNBC but you barely saw a blink of promotion beyond the normal spots. I didn't see her interacting with any hosts even once about what is/should be a great interview. I guess even MSNBC knew it was a vanity project and treated it as such. Poor Speaker Pelosi. What a waste of her time.
  16. She must be thrilled collecting and reveling in all the kudos that have flown around Twitter that she could scoop up and make her own 24 hours later (when she had a clear shot that morning but chose to postpone her rant): KYV . . . again, phhffffftttt.
  17. And you get a book, and you get a book and somebody better get me a Starbuck's latte and a sheet cake stat! In all honesty, I can't imagine the jostling that will take place between those two Live! shows as today it was clear Mom and Dad were having their issues.
  18. Thanks for taking one for the team my friend. I don't dare wander over there or I know my laptop will go sailing over the balcony.
  19. SNORT, good one . . . hee! Oh God she's going to send them to the border isn't she? Apparently one more time as that forehead wasn't budging a millimeter this morning.
  20. Those "Live From Miami, The Scarboroughs!" shows are gonna be lit this week . . . 😄
  21. I felt sorry for Alex and Dan. They both just looked so defeated so early in the show. Glad the Scarborough's took five minutes out of their busy self-promotion tours to read some of the comments on Twitter for the past 24 hours and parrot them back like they were their ideas.
  22. Hey, look at my man Andrew Yang moving up, doubling his support to 2%. He was on Colbert last night and while some of his positions/ideas do not appeal to me he is very funny and should be interesting at the debate this week.
  23. I hate it when Mom and Dad fight so early in the morning: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/joe-and-mika-get-tense-over-politicized-rape-allegations-im-just-trying-to-complete-a-sentence/
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