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Posts posted by JenJenBosco

  1. 17 minutes ago, smoker said:

    I am afraid we'lI never know ;P

    "Nepotism hurting stories", I was talking about Messer, AJ and KV friendship. It's hurt characters. KV was allowed to change Garcia (I can't say what I think without being offensive) , AJ and Messer turned JJ in Alias 2.0 and JM has been allowed to change Rossi's personality from charming jerk to emo grandpa (vets and soapy plots included). Personal relationships and events should stay away from scripts.

    I figured that out after reading some interviews and statements. Season eleven was really careless in that matter.

    A whole month is hard to swallow, but I guess it's better than MGG leaving :(

    Ahh, sorry I didn't realize that you quit after Hotch left, but also, I understand what you're saying about the outside friendships causing issues, that I have noticed, and it sucks.  Personal relationships of the Actors and Creators should not affect the show.  That does bother me.  That was something I think I mentioned in the Unpopular Opinions thread.  I wish that it was straight about the writing and that none of the actors were allowed to make changes to their characters.

    • Love 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, smoker said:

    I am afraid we'lI never know ;P

    I figured that out after reading some interviews and statements. Season eleven was really careless in that matter.

    A whole month is hard to swallow, but I guess it's better than MGG leaving :(

    Absolutely.  I couldn't continue without him, but it's hard having a few episodes where he's not there.  It just feels weird.

    • Love 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, smoker said:

    I do, most of times. I mean, pregnancies or things like MGG's accident around season 5, I don't mind. Actors are human beings.

    But keeping around Will because of AJC's pregnancy;  NEPOTISM hurting stories, characters (García, JJ, Rossi and even Reid lately), soundtrack!

    I neither liked the awful writing around Hotch's absence when TG wasn't around because of his deal to work less days. Sometimes the character disappeared without any reason.

    And I really did have a problem with their personal lives, they were pure emo" or pure crap.

    hahahaha so sorry, the bottom line is: writing sucks more than usual when outside events happen.

    Ahh, I see.  I just always wonder what would be different if it was a written story, where you could do whatever you wanted and didn't have to worry.

    As to the bolded, what does that mean?  and I didn't realize that TG asked for less working days and that's why Hotch was around less, also, I wish that MGG didn't ask for a whole month off every year because the story for Reid could be better if they didn't have to write it in.  I guess it's things like that, that I wonder about.  Although, I understand that they are human, but yeah, outside factors tend to make the writing suck more.

  4. 4 minutes ago, smoker said:

    Sorry for any grammar mistake, it's being a while.

    Season 6 finale was quite open to possible absences. I think Hotch's plot is related to TG's renewal negotiations. I remember it was closed when the premiere was already being filmed. Anyway, even if I do agree with you I found it interesting enough, I would like a bit more of that Hotch instead of the crap we got about "boot camp" JJ.

    About the number of team members, I didn't get it either. I like episode 11x01 because they played with a smaller team and it worked wonderfully. I understand AJ and PB were coming back, one of those real life things we have to be understanding, but I wish it was done (written) differently, as always. I missed more leadership from Hotch here. Moreover, JJ was rude and mean and totally blinded by hubris. I didn't mind Reid being angry about it, but I disliked the childish attitude. It was a tactical decision, stop being so self-centered both of you!

    Ah, so it was more about the things happening outside of the show rather than in story reasons for doing what they did.  -> Do you ever hate when the outside effects the actual story?  Like do you wonder what would have happened if the outside was already set in stone?  I do.

    Also, I loved 11x01 because of the fewer members, so I really, really, wanted less team members.

    • Love 1
  5. The Boogeyman:

    The Hotch and Elle portion of the episode:

    I find it funny that Hotch knows something is wrong, and she tries to point out that Morgan and Reid act the same, apparently?  Hotch defends them, but she just deflects.  

    Gideon reflects that she's innocent until proven guilty, but they're concerned that she went against everything they stand for. 

    I find Hotch following Elle interesting because if he was a civilian, it'd be stalking.  I do wonder what her plan was when she threw away her phone?  At least she knew she was being followed.  

    I liked the confrontation at the graveyard.  I found it interesting that Hotch told her if he had evidence he'd arrest her.  

    Hotch clearly planned to fire her, so seeing her resigning was a preemptive strike and not an admission of guilt.  I loved her speech about getting a phone call for a case, and her admission that she wouldn't change a thing.  Even though she killed someone.

    I wonder if Hotch thought about this when he killed Foyett with his bare hands.  If he could go back, do it all over again, would he still kill him?  Did he wonder if he was like Elle?  Or did he feel like his killing was different?  Curious, isn't?

    Goodbye Elle.

    The team portion: 

    I liked the team interactions. I liked the conversation about Elle.  "She hit was she was aiming for." "Not what I meant."  "I know." Their fears are interesting.  JJ is afraid of the woods and her small town was surrounded by them.  Reid and Morgan were afraid of the dark.  

    I liked the case, which was creepy and interesting.  Especially since the unsub was a child.  Side note, how many cases have the unsub be a child?

    Even knowing about the case the night before, the team doesn't leave until the next day, interesting.  

    The buddy system ended up making things easier for this kid.  Poor kids.  

    Loved the 'haunted house' thing, and the conversation between Garcia and Reid.  "...She may still be in the house." "Garcia, I'm siting in the house, in the dark, alone." "While you're waiting for a potential murderer to come home...kind of dangerous, kind of sexy."  "Gotta go."  "You're having creepy fun."  He hangs up.  Morgan's behind him, he freaks, and Morgan says, "You really are afraid of the dark."  "I'm working on that."  "You should work a little harder."

    "When this is all said and done, I'd like to hang his head on my wall." -Morgan

    Totally love the interactions after they find Finnigan.  "What are reading over there?" 

    "So, we're looking for a guy who really hates spinach."

    "She almost died, I'd be drinking, too."  

    Loved JJ's woods story.  "Psh, I don't know.  Why is he still afraid of the dark?" "Yeah Reid, why are you afraid of the dark?" "Because of the inherent absence of light."  "JJ, that was pretty good.  Just remember that payback's a bitch."  "OOhh, I'm so afraid."

    "Now the poor kid has to go into Child custody."  "It's the law"  "Yeah, so is Jaywalking, doesnt mean i have to like it."

    I like that they were wrong about the unsub.  I liked the interrogation.  Morgan attacks his sense of manhood, and it's funny, at least to me.  

    I did like the father trying to protect his son, but he let a killer walk free.  It's interesting how many parents are willing to protect their killer children.  He was willing to sign a confession, willing to go to prison for his son.  ->totally feel for him at the end.  That look with Morgan when his son was arrested.

    I liked that the last little girl was a fighter.  Also, the kid, "Why did you hurt those kids?"  "Because I wanted to."  

    I liked that Reid acknowledged that he felt guilty and told Morgan, and Morgan told him it wasn't his fault.  

    Overall, I liked the episode.  I thought it was well-done.  

    • Love 2
  6. Aftermath:

    The opening was funny.  

    "Don't anybody go home?" 

    "You're still here."

    "Yeah, you don't want to model your life after me."

    "If it makes you feel any better Hotch and Morgan went home."

    "Hotch is married and Morgan is Morgan." 

    Hmm-mmm, there was a mention of the mindset being different if the victims are alive.  

    I liked this case, in that they had to figure out the changes in victimology.  I also loved the detective on the case.  Her fighting and determination to stay with the team to the point that she stayed in the hotel.  I liked the focus on how rape is treated differently because the victims aren't killed.  Every one of the victims are still struggling with what happened, and I liked the focus on it.  

    I loved the focus on the victims, and I liked the unraveling of Elle, even though I'll miss her.  

    I feel like the entire case had a different feel to everything.  Just like Hotch mentioned on the plane.  It's interesting to evaluate.  Also, loved seeing the different things each of the agents did in their rooms.  It was brief, but I liked it.  

    "Elle, he's dead.  You're right here.  You won."  "Then here's to winning."

    This conversation is interesting in that, his victims are also 'winning' since they aren't killed and after have to deal with things that someone killed doesn't have to deal with.  

    I loved Callahan (local detective) saying "I don't care about your practice, three women have been raped after coming here, that's a pattern."

    I love the reactions to Morgan's phone call with Garcia at the clinic.   

    I loved Gideon's reaction the phone call guy.  "So, I fill out my personal information, and you just let anyone you have working for you for minimum wage."

    I forgot that they came so close to saving a woman, but they left because they thought no one was home.  -> poor woman.  I kind of feel for the local when Elle attacked her verbally.  Also loved Hotch telling the medical guy not to tell the woman that 'she's lucky that her injuries were minor'.

    Elle says she's good to do this, but Morgan, Gideon, and Hotch should have seen that she wasn't.  Also, where was Reid?  It's said that Morgan is by himself outside of the house with Gideon and Hotch around the corner, and Reid isn't seen anywhere...for that matter, neither is JJ.   I'm still a little surprised that she killed the unsub, but at least he can't rape anyone else. -> They know it's him, but they can't do anything about it.  They couldn't get him to confess and It sucks.  

    If you listen to Gideon when he tells Elle to get some air, I have to wonder if he was hoping that she'd be capable of killing him.  "Think about this job, think about what you're capable of."  She shot him three times, how could it be ruled in her favor?  Funny that she does technically get arrested though.  

    It's interesting that the team leaves if they can pinpoint the unsub, even if they don't get to arrest him. -> like in this episode.  The team was leaving at noon the next day, even though William walked.  

    Overall, I liked this episode certainly different.  

    • Love 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    Ah, I see. I hadn't heard about that theory-if that's the case, I kinda get that (the goodbye scene between Morgan and Reid was indeed lovely and sweet and always gets to me whenever I watch that episode), but at the same time, Morgan had an emotional and touching goodbye with Garcia, too, when he left, and yet he's still made a point to see her when he's popped back in. So I don't see where it'd have to be any different with Reid, really. Especially given Morgan made a point of giving his son "Spencer" as a middle name. I would think they'd want to meet up just so Reid could hear how the kid he was partially named after is doing :D. 

    That makes sense, yeah, the repetition of the personal stories. I can go with that. I don't need them to necessarily be connected to the cases-it's interesting when they are, yeah, but it's nice to have that separation from time to time, too-but yeah, it would be nice to have a little more variety in the types of personal stories they tell. I know we've talked before about how nice it'd be to see the team doing stuff outside of work that didn't involve hanging out with each other or their families. Garcia's got her knitting group she's mentioned a time or two, it'd be fun to see a snippet of her at one of those gatherings. Or Reid at the chess park, or some other place he's found as a hangout away from the job and the team. Emily likes to go out dancing, so we could see a small scene of her there or talking to somebody she knows from there. Or other random things of that sort, that don't involve the typical relationship/family stuff we often see with them. I'd be cool with that. 

    I can see what you're saying.  Yeah, I thought I'd read it somewhere that the actors thought they wouldn't be able to top that scene -and I agree, it was a fantastic scene, however, as you pointed out, Morgan and Garcia had a nice scene, too, and yet, they still interact, and it's jarring that Morgan and Reid haven't had a scene, even when they are both in an episode.  Also, It'd be nice if we saw everyone's outside lives every once in awhile, the team as family stuff is a little old though, and a bit strange.  I would enjoy seeing Reid at the park with that kid he plays chess with, like we saw in the Uncanny Valley, and it's nice to see snippets like the beginning of the Fisher King, just in every episode, it feels a little forced.  Especially when they repeat things.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    Is that the actors' decision, or is it just more the writing and timing just hasn't worked somehow to get them to interact? 'Cause I can't imagine Moore and Gubler would not want their characters to see each other at some point.

    I was under the impression that they loved the goodbye so much that they didn't think they could do a better one, and requested that they didn't interact on screen anymore.  Though I could be wrong.  

    5 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    But I have to be invested in the characters first and foremost in order to stick with any show, and the reason these characters click with me is in large part because of what I learn about their lives outside the job. The compare/contrast between their lives outside of work and during work, and how they balance (or struggle to balance) both aspects is interesting to me, as is how their personal pasts/family lives/etc. affect how they do their job. If I wanted to simply learn how FBI agents do their jobs in and of itself, I could just go read or watch a true crime story, where I can get the accurate picture of how the whole thing works. 

    I understand what you're saying here, at first, I really liked them, and it does help to invest in the characters more if we learn about their lives, but now, the stories never the touch the cases like they did before.  They're just bookends that are random to me.  I feel like if the stories were distributed to everyone more evenly it might help, but also, there seems to be this uh, repeat situation that bothers me to no end.   -> although if the story is related to something in the case, I like it.  It's just when it feels random, like Hotch and Rossi at that Jazz club after he broke up with Beth.  Or Morgan and Savannah having another issue with their jobs, which didn't contribute to the case.  Versus say, learning about Morgan's past to get him out of prison (in season 2) or his and Reid's bullying which expanded on Reid's connection with Owen in season 3.  You know what I'm saying?  If it connects, I like it, but lately, it feels like the personal stories are completely separated from the case.

  9. I have a few unpopular opinions:

    I don't like when the actors make things happen with their characters, unless it goes against the character's normal behavior.  (Like Shemar and MGG not wanting to have Morgan and Reid interact after their goodbye on screen).  It doesn't make sense that Morgan wouldn't interact with Reid given their bond as best friends.

    I really wish that character's who have been written off, stay written off.  This means that I wouldn't want Elle, Gideon, JJ, Prentiss, Blake, Callahan, Morgan or Hotch back.  -> I wish they had moved on from all of these characters instead of bringing them back.  JJ hasn't been the same since she originally left.  Prentiss has changed far too much, and I still get angry about her expecting everyone to forgive her right away to the point that she guilt tripped Reid, when he expressed his feelings.  I haven't found that it makes any sense for Morgan to come back, and it's awkward when he does.  I like all of these characters, but I definitely wish they had let things go when they wrote them off.

    That said, given Hotch's ending, I wish that they would've written him to want to be a stay-at-home dad in season 5 (when Haley died) or season 9 (when he could have taken Strauss' job).  It would have made more sense than him suddenly giving up the job now.  

    Also, along with that, I really don't like the idea that Prentiss would give up Interpol to work for the BAU, I don't like her as Unit Chief, and I wish that they had at least ASKED Reid if he wanted the job.  

    In the first few seasons, I honestly didn't even notice Garcia or JJ, and I really would have preferred that it stayed that way.  The focus should be on the profilers, so now that JJ is one, I can understand her focus, although there is a bit too much, but I don't understand having any type of focus on Garcia.  We know far too much about her love life with Lynch, and we've seen far more in recent seasons, which brings me to another point.

    I HATE the personal stories.  This show was never meant to be about the Profilers personal lives, it's supposed to be about the case.  I feel like if they wrote the stories better, I might enjoy it, but since they repeat stories (how many times did Derek and Savannah struggle with balance?) and they don't seem to make things even for every team member, I'd rather we just didn't have them at all.

    That said, I also dislike Centric stories.  Why do we need a Hotch centric or JJ centric or Morgan centric, and as much as I love and miss Reid when he's gone, we don't need a Centric for him either.  The team screen time should be divided up equally, when they make it a centric, it's automatically tilted in that person's favor.  I feel like if they are dead set on centrics, then they should make it clear who gets what episode and it's split evenly (I.e. every character gets the same amount of episodes).  

    I also wish they'd get rid of the team being targeted, it's totally unreal, and makes zero sense.  -> note on this, if they are going to do it, it should also be even as to who gets targeted, (ie,  Reid needs a break from being the target).

    I never understood how anyone could support the Morgan/Garcia flirting where anyone else can hear them.  In private, it's okay, but when Morgan is around others on the phone, it makes me uncomfortable, so I can only imagine how it feels for everyone else.

    I never really liked JJ or Garcia, they were just kind of there for me.  So, I disliked any focus on either of them, I also dislike Garcia calling herself a 'genius', as she isn't one.

    I also don't like that the team (until recently) always called each other by last names, like even in 'the apprenticeship' Morgan is out at the baseball field with Reid, and calls him 'Reid' when it would make more sense to call him 'Spencer', like are you not friends?  Kind of doesn't seem like it.  

    I'm sure I have more, but at the moment, I can't think of them.

  10. I was just thinking about the first episode of season 7 "It takes a Village" and there are a few things that bothered me.

    -Why would they hire a NEW profiler if they needed a smaller team for budget cuts?  Wouldn't it have made more sense for JJ to be training, while Reid stays with the team?

    -Why would Reid have taken a sabbatical, when ROSSI is the one who has a second job with writing his books and would benefit far more from a sabbatical?  Also, why was Reid still around (going to the gun range) if he was on sabbatical?

    -Why would the FBI have sent HOTCH overseas when he was the leader and a single dad to his kid, when they could have sent MORGAN overseas since he was only second in command and is single with no kids?

    -Also, after all of the budget issues, does it make sense that they would then continue on with SIX profilers instead of FIVE?  

    -Also, REID didn't ask for his badge back, so why would they give it back?  Was that ever answered?


    I don't know, but for some reason, I was thinking about these questions today.  Any thoughts?

  11. 2 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

    Yet this is what the CM writers do to Reid, and I'm sick of it.

    I understand what you're saying, DanielG, and this is exactly my issue with what keeps happening with Reid.  I'm tired of them beating him up just because he uses his brain more than his brawn.  It was different in early seasons, a lot better, because there were moments of happiness...like with Lila or Austen or when he visited his mom right before being named Henry's godfather.  It's later seasons that he loses things, but doesn't have fleeting happiness, and it's just sad.  

    • Love 5
  12. @Danielg342

    I understand what you're saying with him being 'that character' that they can get away with beating up on because he has female traits, but is a male.  Which is definitely not fair to him or any other character.  He shouldn't be victimized just because they can get away with it.  

    I completely agree and love your analysis of the writers, and the differences between the Reids in those episodes.  I think that's part of the issue with his character always getting beaten up.  We need to see him come out on top against the unsubs or bad guys that are causing his pain, but lately he doesn't seem to come out on top like he did against Hankel.  I wonder when that change was made.  I'd love to see the pain if there was follow through, but generally there isn't much follow through.  

    I definitely think there should be fleeting happiness along the way to make it seem more even in the writing, and do feel he's been failed by the writers, as well.  Poor Spencer.

    • Love 2
  13. 3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    I think this is a spot on assessment, but now I'm going to echo the "I want to give Reid a hug!" sentiment from my earlier post above, because this just breaks my heart so much :(!

    Lately, I always seem to be feeling like I want to give him a hug...I keep thinking, "Oh Reid, why do these things keep happening to you?" 

    • Love 2
  14. Normasm, I think that makes sense.  I definitely agree that he's a little a lost and adrift after he accepted that he would no longer inherit the disease, and maybe that's the issue.  He's losing his mother, and she's been his whole life focus since he was ten.  She is his life, and losing her, is making him lost in a way.

    • Love 2
  15. @mefein

    I didn't realize the shippers were that crazy on this show since it's premise doesn't lead to a lot of romance.  However, I can see what you're saying about the writers not wanting to deal with it.  By keeping him single they can avoid it.  


    I agree.  I think he was fine when he felt that he had his mom for the most part, but in later seasons, he might have felt he was losing her, and the job could be part of the reason for that, and that's why he feels differently about the solitude now.

    • Love 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    Thanks :). I will say, though, that I do think, for many Reid fans, those sorts of episodes aren't their favorites specifically because he's in danger, or because they actually enjoy seeing him tortured and in pain. That may be the case for some fans, but I think for most, it's more that they like those episodes because it's a good opportunity to let us see how Reid uses his brain and cleverness to outwit whomever's putting him in danger. or see him showing that remarkable and wonderfully deep empathy of his in an attempt to connect with the unsub(s) in question. Those are certainly some of the main things I love about "Revelations", for instance. I just don't know that most writers really catch on to that fact right away, because usually, when fans watch those episodes, the first reactions I tend to see are, "Oh, Reid! Let me wrap him up in a blanket and take care of him!" and comments of that sort :p. So that's the message they're getting instead. 

    Also a good point. 

    And I believe we've talked on here before that I think the show purposefully likes to keep Reid single because a) some fans who have a crush on him might get weirdly jealous about him being a relationship (I don't think that's a big portion of Reid fans, mind, but I don't doubt they exist), and b) if he did get into a relationship, there'd be disagreement among some fans over whether or not they were "right" for him. He and Hotch seem to have the most particularly vocal fans whenever they have any sort of romantic interest, for some reason, so I wouldn't blame the writers for being wary about stepping into that messy situation too much. 

    I like that quote :D. Well said. That's the biggest reason I want the show to know ahead of time whenever their final season will be. Not only does the show deserve a proper sendoff after doing so well for CBS for so many years, but I want the show to be able to know ahead of time when the end comes, so that they can focus on properly wrapping everything up for the characters themselves, and letting them have a good final note of some kind to end on. 

    I agree, I don't like seeing him in pain, but I do love seeing the way his brain works to get him out of those situations.  Also, I definitely feel like your quote above "Oh Reid!..." whenever I see him in pain.  

    Your reasons for the writers wanting to keep him single are interesting.  I never considered those being why they don't rush to give him a love interest.  That makes a lot of sense now.  If I recall correctly, the only reason Morgan was given one was due to Shemar.  

    I definitely feel like that's a reason I am so antsy about his happiness.  I'm worried the show will be canceled before they get the chance to give him (and everyone else) a good final note.  If he has happiness in the middle then if it ends before they tie up loose ends, then...he won't get a proper sendoff.  

    • Love 1
  17. @Annber03

    I like what you wrote about what fans say they want versus their favorite episodes being ones he's tortured in.   And like you said, tons of fanfiction writers choose to torture him as well, worse than the series.  I suppose that due to him being my favorite that I tend to focus on his trauma, and forget that this is a drama.  For the actor and writers, it's much better for them to write these dramatic moments. 

    What you said about being in his thirties and single, I think everyone forgets that Morgan, Elle, and Prentiss were single for most of the series and in their thirties (if I am not mistaken).  Rossi has spent most of series, single as well, and he deserves better than the his 2nd ex-wife, IMO.  I'd rather him be single than with her, but this is Reid's thread.  

    I think sometimes I forget that the story isn't over, as long as they don't go down the Serial Killer route, he has a chance at a happy ending.  Maybe I need to remember that when I think about the series.  

    "If you want a happy ending, it depends on where you stop the story" -Orson Welles.  

    • Love 1
  18. 3 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

    I think even for dedicated introverts, years upon years upon years of near solitude can weigh on you. I think most of the fandom has come to the agreement that Reid is not on the autism spectrum, so I don't think he is as adverse to personal relationships otherwise. 

    Yeah, he has friends, but all of those friends have lives of their own, and being friends with married people with children means you are often standing on the outside. His one family member he is actually close to is deteriorating. While solitude can be enjoyable, it can also be crushing after a while, if you feel like you don't have solid connections of your own. Whether or not it is an intentional story choice or not (I don't exactly trust this show when it comes to writing anymore), Reid really did come across as more emotionally disconnected from the people around him in the finale, even JJ. 

    I think is what it is.  He's introverted and likes to be alone, but now, he's been alone for so long that he doesn't want it anymore.  And yes, he has other friends, but all of them have their own lives, he's always on the outside observing, and I think he's reached the point where it's too much.

    • Love 1
  19. 1 minute ago, normasm said:

    Hank is a nickname for Henry, which begs the question: was Morgan's dad really Henry, or was he Hank, or was that just sloppy name research by the show?

    Ohhh, I don't know anyone named Hank or Henry, so I didn't realize that Hank was a nickname for Henry.  Side note: How do you get Hank out of Henry?  It's not like Jen from Jennifer or Chrissy from Christina or Spence from Spencer or Dave from David...like I'm genuinely confused, how did that happen?

    Does anyone else get confused by things like that?

  20. 10 minutes ago, JMO said:

    How ever did I forget Morgan!  He, Blake, Gideon, Elle and Hotch all left because of tragedy.  Apart from Morgan, who has seemed happy enough on his returns to the show, we don't really know how life has gone for those who've departed the team.  Except Gideon, of course.

    But I get your point, and I don't disagree that we could use more happy Reid.  I'm just not averse to being with him when he goes through what he goes through. 

    There was a conversation on another board about whether Reid needs someone else in his life, in order to be happy.  I come down on the side of 'no'.  I don't think he would turn away from a relationship, should the possibility arise, but I don't think he needs one.  He and Maeve found one another through the serendipity of a professional consultation.  That took him by pleasant surprise, and I think it opened him up to thinking about his future in a different way (including wanting a child of his own).  But I'm not sure that vision of his future survived Maeve, and I don't think he is either actively looking for, or pining for, a relationship. 

    Could he use some more friends?  Does he already have them?  I'm not sure.  We know he's got the chess kids, and we know he frequents film series, so maybe he's at least got some acquaintances.  But he's an introvert, and would tend to have a smaller social circle.  I think his important friendships are the ones we see on screen.  It would be nice to see them in a different setting, perhaps.  I would pay extra money to have a Reid/Henry outing.  

    Here's the thing: I tend to look at Reid prior to Maeve differently than Reid after Maeve.

    Prior to Maeve:

    I completely agree that he didn't need anyone else.  He seemed perfectly with his life exactly how it was.  He didn't care for relationships, he didn't try to find someone to be with.  I always thought he was celibate willingly, like he didn't feel the end to pursue one-night stands like Morgan.  He had the kids in the park, he had his lectures, he had his schooling, he clearly had other friends (wasn't he friends with Blake before she joined the team? and what about Ethan?).  He seemed happy and content with his life and he didn't need someone else to make him happy.

    I never even noticed the times between Lila and Austen.  I didn't realize that it had been years since a love interest was mentioned for him when season started because he wasn't pining for someone else in his life.

    After Maeve:

    He seems to want what everyone else has.  He wants kids, and a family.  He seems sad whenever ever the topic comes up because he does want it.  I think the show kept showing that he was missing something after he lost Maeve, and that's why after season 8, I feel like he needs someone else to be happy.  

    I think part of this has to do with the fact that the writers have given everyone else someone on the outside of the team besides him.

    I do find it interesting though, that maybe he's different after Maeve because she made him realize that he wanted that future and it was taken from him.  Maybe that's why my point of view changed regarding his need or lack thereof for someone else in his life.  


    Also, side note, I would love to see more Reid and Henry or even Reid and Hank.  It would be adorable.

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  21. That's an interesting perspective, @JMO.  I think that if I knew he'd get a happy ending at the end, I wouldn't mind the journey.  I liked seeing the journey before Maeve, and even after I liked watching him in seasons 9, 10, 11 because I believed he'd get something happy...I think if they showed nuggets of happiness, like a mention of an off-screen friend or something similar, I'd be okay, but it seems like lately, he has nothing except the team.  

    • Hotch lost Haley, but we got to see him be happy with Jack and later, Beth.
    • Rossi lost a lot in Vietnam, but we see that he has friends, and later connected with his daughter and grandson.
    • JJ went through a lot as well, but she has her husband and sons, and we often see her happiness.  
    • Prentiss went through a lot, but again, she had friends and later moved onto lead interpol and genuinely seems to have people in her life (some guy, right?)
    • Garcia was shot and dealt with PTSD, but had Kevin for most of the series and her flirty banter with Morgan.
    • Morgan went the stuff with Buford, was also accused of murder, and tortured, yet, he moved on with his wife and son in order to deal with it.
    • Blake couldn't take it anymore at the reminder of losing her son, and went off with her husband happily.
    • Kate almost lost her niece, and did lose her sister, but also went off happily with her new baby and family.
    • As for Gideon and Elle, we don't know how their lives went on, but it appears they found peace, did they not?
    • As for the newbies, I don't know anything about them, but don't they also have people in their lives?

    I think I would be okay watching him go through these trials and turbulations if he had someone other than the team.  Someone he can lean on rather than the team.  That's all I really care about.  

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