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Posts posted by AbbyLee

  1. 16 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    Does the majority of Kourtney's money come from the show? The Dash stores? Kris? To paraphrase Cake, how does she afford her rock and roll lifestyle? 

    The show mostly, the Kardashian clothing line, their sister fragrance, their sister nail polish, their sister makeup (most of these are gone now, including the Dash stores). I think she helps somewhat with the Kids Kollection of Klothes (omg enough with the K's already we get it). But now I think they all make a decent amount on their apps. I think it's $2.99 a month. My sister said Kourtney's is the best (ironically) but when I looked at the content, it was all created by someone else - recipes, articles, pictures of decor, etc. 

    And of course their paid endorsements - if I have to see one more stupid instagram post for hair gummies... just kill me. 

    I also have to imagine Calvin Klein paid a pretty penny to get all of the sisters in a campaign. 


    On another note - does every episode have to have some ridiculously far-fetched & scripted Kris segment? The ash diamond, the tracker in grandmas shoes, the mime-for-a-day, being obnoxious with jonathan, obsessing over grandmas stupid mixer being on display - I FF through all of her scenes. I DONT GET THE POINT. Its always extremely contrived & immature... I have to remind myself - this woman is SIXTY. 

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  2. 15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Beth needs a personal day, because she seems so annoyed all of the time lately. Probably doesn't help that Randall is on another one of his kicks again, and wants to do some big huge thing, without really talking it over with her first. Well, he "talked" about it, in a way that said "I must now do this or my life is garbage". I guess when he didn't get to keep his foster kid project, he decided he wanted a whole building of projects! I know Randall means well, but...just get a cat, dude. 

    Ok is it just me or what happened to the quick cameo of the next little boy that needed to be /fostered adopted a few episodes ago after they had to bring Deja back? I thought for sure he would be making an appearance right away and now it seems like the whole fostering bit is falling off the radar? He was ADORABLE. 

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  3. Anyone else confused by the progression of these episodes? Wasnt last week or the week before the 'christmas special?' This looks like it was filmed in June/July but last weeks was from October. 

    Also noticed that Kylie was filmed full body this episode, whereas is previous episodes shes been mostly hidden, wearing baggy clothes, or only shown shoulders-up.

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  4. On 11/26/2017 at 8:02 AM, luckyroll3 said:

    Is it just me, or does Michelle look like Hazel-E's long lost sister?  Especially after the lip injections.  I don't understand how her husband deals with all the constant checking in.  I was exhausted by it and I'm not married to her.  My goodness girl, let the man breathe.

    I thought the EXACT same thing! They look identical - and by that I also mean full of themselves and overly done with plastic surgery. 


    Was anyone else blown away by the $15k-$20k per Instagram post? I know big time celebrities make a lot but damn thats a chunk of change for a picture of Natalie in a dress...

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  5. Not sure if anyone else feels this way - but I am so baffled as to why the mothers on the TM series always ask their 1, 2, 3, 4 year old kids what they should do... 'should mommy go back to school?' 'should we move to another state?' 'should mommy divorce daddy?' 'should mommy have more kids?'

    Stop asking them these questions. They have no idea what you're asking and then you justify your actions by saying 'well the girlses said they would like a new house!' or 'Jace said he wants to stay with me' - no he doesnt have the heart to tell you he hates being at your crazy house, Jennelle. He goes home to Babs and is happy to have peace and routine. Stop putting your kids on the spot. Stop having them be your life coaches and therapists. Its hard to watch them talk to their kids about very adult situations and decisions when all they want is to have some normalcy. 

    Please. Spare me. 

    • Love 24
  6. On 7/24/2017 at 1:42 PM, poeticlicensed said:

    I can just tell that there's no way Princess Loren would move out of the US. She wants Alexi to bring his family over to the US, but her moving, no way. 

    I keep thinking - not only does she want to bring his family over to the US, but she's trying to bring them to Florida and then drag Alexei to New York. How would that work?

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