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Posts posted by dovegrey

  1. Herrmann goes on vacation for a few shifts, and Brett’s Boyfriend Grainger is taken off his rig to cover for Herrmann’s rig. Casey goes to light duty for medical reasons for a few shifts, and Batt Chief Boden covers for Truck 81 instead of bringing in a floater officer and then also sends Truck into incident scenes down a person. C’mon, writers; try a little.

    It was nice to see Mouch get some hero action and recognition. Good for him.

    I liked Herrmann’s storyline with Mason. Did not like Kidd’s initial judgmental rant about Mason or the CFD policy, when she’s a recovering addict (something with needles and track marks) who got a spot at the academy. Small favors and small graces, Stella; coulda been you in prison.

    It was nice to see Boden interact with firefighters other than Casey, Severide, and Kidd. The truck conversation/bickering was fun, and Boden was loving it; it reminded me of when Boden and Mills got comfortable. Kinda loved Capp here, too (has he EVER run that fast?). I don’t at all see Boden writing a nasty note because someone parked in front of the firehouse; if that got to his superiors or to the media, it would be bad news for him. But I LOVED the sister telling Boden off - yep, that’s how that goes. 

    Kinda loved Severide giving Casey shit about shutting down and out. Kinda loved Casey showing some vulnerability there, too; this "Casey family secrets" thing has come up twice now this season, and I wonder if that's building into something for him. Anyway, Severide runs so hot and cold with people that it’s hard to tell which version of him anyone’s going to get, but I tend to like him much better when he’s this version.

    Kinda stupid Brett was stringing Grainger along, when she’s CLEARLY emotionally all-in with Casey (i.e., “we” and “us”). Good for Grainger for breaking up with her, though I think he was getting bored. 

    I loved how cool and supportive Brett was at the beginning of the episode, in contrast to all the times Gabby made Casey’s stuff all about her feelings, but…then Brett threw the “Matt Casey, you’ll do what I’ll say, or else!” tantrum and all but stomped her feet like a child. I so much want to pull for Casey and Brett getting together, but things like that make it hard. I'm over Brett interrupting people (well, Casey), shutting him down when he's trying to talk things out, and then stomping away. Act like an adult.

    No surprise that Casey’s absolutely fine. I figured that when Brett got involved last episode. IMO, they wasted Casey’s “time bomb” head injury from season 2 with a snoozer of a story arc, but I guess time will tell what the pay off will be. And, it was nice to see actual emotion from Casey again; Jesse Spencer did good work at the end when Casey nearly broke down. Safe to say Casey's not leaving with Gabby anytime soon. 

    • Love 3
  2. 8 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

    Should they hook up, I feel it will be more of the same that we currently see with Stellaride, and previously between Dawsey. And with both of these relationships in full swing, the show will simply be a parody of itself, with relationship drama and annoying PDAs every week Stellaride drama one week, then Brettsey stuff the next. Ugh. I shudder to think.

    It’s been a parody since mid season 5. The shark was jumped when the angry chief disbanded 51 and Herrmann came in histrionically screaming at Boden, while Cruz and Capp went from Squad to 911 dispatch. It never consistently got better after that.  

    I hope these writers are looking toward the end of the series (or at least the point where the originals leave), which hopefully means the original characters settle down and the relationships go more toward the Boden/Donna and Cruz/Chloe end of the spectrum. Dawsey was pretty settled from season 4 until Gabby left - I don’t miss her but I do miss that. I’m hoping against hope that Brettsey is a Boden l/Donna. (But I’d take Brettsey drama all day over Gallo/Violet and Ritter’s Insultingly Stereotypical Dating Adventures. I can at least pretend Casey and Brett have nuance and they at least have a few seasons of quality character development from the old days.)

  3. On 4/15/2021 at 11:14 PM, WinJet0819 said:

    And if Sylvie insists on going to the doctor with Matt, to the point of cancelling her plans with her man, then just have it be as a friend supporting another friend. It would be a nice change if there wasn't another storyline where one character almost dying somehow makes a previously unavailable friend realize how much they loved them all of a sudden. That storyline is played out, across multiple shows. Let her still be a friend without needing to be in love with him. And considering they're bringing up Matt's head injury now, after 7 and half years, I doubt it's going to be something that's insignificant.

    I don't know. Grainger seems to be a Casey-replacement who's not doing the trick for Brett, just like Chaplain What's-His-Name was Brett's lukewarm fallback when Casey accidentally gave Brett the wrong signal and encouraged her to get engaged in season 7 (what a stupid storyline). Beyond all that, Casey and Brett already put it all out there in 9x2 and 9x3; they both already know the other has feelings, and they both individually seem to be aware of the intensity. Gabby's been the issue, along with Matt's penchant for backing off. (If he fights, he blows.)

    I see this storyline as Brett getting over seeing Matt as some perfect fairy tale who's doing her a favor by being friends or hooking up (she told Gabby he was "perfect" in season 5...she's been crushing for a long time), and about Matt (hopefully) realizing he doesn't give a shit about Gabby. I equate it to a near-death experience that forces a person to realize it's time to get living. If, at the least, this storyline forces Matt to get living, with or without Brett in the picture, it'll be good. 

    (And, really, the sooner they hook-up, the less soap opera drama there will be, unless they're going to be a repeat of the endless, nonstop, off-and-on Stellaride drama that's devoured the show for five years.)

  4. 1 hour ago, Littlebitofcheese said:

    Since it's TV you got to give the writers some slack but yes speaking on several years in the fire service Casey wouldn't be still active with his medical.( Then again officers don't move up without taking exams etc either)

    If the show lacks one thing it's maybe too much happy ending and not enough real life in terms of the department. After thinking about it Casey could go to OFI and  or the Academy and still be part of the show since they put Severide I don't know how many times there, CFD has a special ops division that could use a Matt Casey as well. That open office next to the bullpen could be his HQ etc. I guess the show has played out a lot of these plots to the point of being lame some weeks. Two cents

    I mean, sure, but I doubt the Casey storyline is going anywhere with long-term fall out. I'd be surprised if anything more comes out of than, "Great news, Matt, your old injury is resolved and this new one wasn't a big deal. Go have a kid with Brett in season 10." This is the same show that introduced Severide as a desperate drug-seeking addict with a spinal injury, who refused to get help and pressured Shay into switching urine samples and taking drugs off ambo for him...and that resulted in some magical experimental spinal injury cure, period, full stop, nothing more to ever be said. Season 1. Any expectation for (medical) realism on this show is an exercise in frustration. 

    • Love 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Ailianna said:

    This though is in the same fantasy world where Casey just decides he will get an appointment with a specialist at a specific time on Friday without weeks to months of waiting first. And without an actual referral. So I'm sure he won't be there long. Also, every time I've got to the neurologist (a surprisingly high number), they always want scans done tried have to be approved by insurance and scheduled. Again, more waiting. He's not getting answers at this appointment except that it's magic TV medicine.

    If he makes the appointment with his GP, who then sends him to the hospital for scans, he could get that part done, get some radiology reports, and then a referral to follow-up with a neurologist. I’ve had exactly that scenario happen IRL; I went to my GP, GP sent me for same-day scans and bloodwork, it took six hours in my small town hospital to get scans/reports, a call from my GP who said “yeah, dunno,” and a referral to a GI specialist. For TV purposes, he could get a GP-ordered head x-ray and an MRI in the same day, and then he can stress out over a couple shifts until he goes to follow-up with a neurologist. Having been through too many hospital systems myself and for family, there’s no way he gets out of there for scans in under five hours. The whole day is blown; bring your phone charger; cancel the ski trip.

    I mean, if we want them to be realistic, the episode would be Casey getting bounced between neurology because it’s headaches, ophthalmology because it’s tunnel vision, neurology again because WTF it’s not an eye problem, to the ED because it’s headaches now go away, psychiatry because maybe it’s psychosomatic and he looks a little stressed and probably DRUG SEEKING, to the ED again because the neurologist is on spring break now oops, then back to neurology because oh yeah there’s another neurologist on call, and then out to brain injury rehab because everyone else is sick of him, while he has it out with his insurance carrier over the phone who decides it’s really a worker’s comp issue and he needs to submit everything through the CFD, but, uh oh, he didn’t report the injury. And then he sells Uncle Jake’s Rolex to pay for it all. 😉 

    I question more the fact that Casey apparently got away with sustaining two skull fractures (heh, I paused on the 2014 radiology report) and undergoing emergency brain surgery without being required to have follow-up appointments over the years. Nope, he just put it all in a drawer and went about his business...

    • Love 3
  6. 46 minutes ago, Ailianna said:

    I don't see why Brett can't go to the doctor's appointment and then go skiing.  So they leave an hour later.  It's not the end of the world.  It wasn't actually an either/or dilemma if one uses a little common sense.  Oh, right, that's why she was having problems with it...

    If Casey actually manages to get in to a doctor right after shift (which is when I thought Grainger wanted to leave), that could be an all day thing with multiple scans, waiting around, and getting bounced around departments. I just spent 10 hours with a family member at a major urban hospital for a scope and a CT between two specialists and an emergency room, and it was supposed to have been a 1-hour morning appointment with the first doctor. 

    Plus, I think it would feel like a dick move to be there with someone who gets devastating bad news and then to rush away for a romantic ski trip. I wouldn’t leave him by himself if the news is bad (remember Vargas?). Even good news would warrant some level of friendly celebration. It’s his career on the line. IMO, you’re either there for someone or you’re not.

    For both those reasons, I’d cancel the trip. Or bring Casey! That’d be fun. 🥳

    • Love 1
  7. 39 minutes ago, MssdDrms said:

    I hope so! LOL.  This seems to be building up to Sylvie getting the partner she wants. 

    After the doctor visit, they’ll end up back at Brett’s place as “friends” and the terrible Veronicat will instantly warm up to Casey, in contrast to Grainger who wants to declaw and probably rehome the cat. Although Brett will instantly swoon and fall even further in love, Brett will ruin the whole thing with a new hoop to jump through, like asking why Casey still hasn’t put roots down again if he’s REALLY not holding out for Gabby. Hearing the familiar crack of a whip, he’ll finally move out of Stellaride’s creepy love den and go buy a brownstone with the Rolex money, just as Gabby rolls back into town. (I’m pulling for Brett and Casey to get together, I swear, but there’s definitely more obstacles coming because why not.)

    And if Grainger goes out and drops a thousand dollars on this ski trip, he’s seriously bad at reading the room. Brett couldn’t have seemed more disinterested. But Grainger also seems a little slow altogether. 

    • Love 2
  8. 25 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Are you sure Violet was PIC at the other house? Or are you confusing her with Mackey, who left to become PIC?

    Violet was a PIC last season: https://tv.homeofthenutty.com/displayimage.php?album=1686&pid=1204928#top_display_media (from the season 8 finale; note the bars). 

    Mackey didn't become a PIC. She's a newbie. Casey intimated last week that Mackey actually became PIC, but there is no possible way she's a PIC after 6 months on the job. The real CFD requires at least 18 months of career service as a fire paramedic to apply for a PIC position (and it's based on seniority, not being in a house when someone else leaves, but that's never been honored on this show). 

    • Love 1
  9. 7 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    I'm wondering if COVID has a lot to do with this season's stories?  Meaning, they can't film everywhere they want to film, or they can't get the crew and extras to set up elaborate fires/rescues.  Maybe this is why there are more investigations and no Squad calls, because they are easier to film with (what I'm sure are many) restrictions?  Just a thought.

    I don't think Casey was faking it that his symptoms went away, but I do think he's still an idiot for not doing anything about it right away.  Was Red-headed Halstead still playing along and giving Sylvie that info knowing that Casey could be in trouble and is too stubborn to do anything himself?  Or did he really think it was still Casey's "friend"?  I guess he got the book smarts and Cop Halstead got the common sense...

    Speaking of COVID, they need to have 2 lines about how they are all vaccinated as first responders, and then leave it alone.  It's like they make a one-off reference to it every other episode, but never show it - no one wears a mask or takes any of the other precautions.  The hostess at the coffee shop with Ritter referred to social distancing the tables, but why no masks!??  Infuriating, actually.  Either include it or don't, but don't half-ass it. 

    I would think that about COVID, too, except the investigation storylines started in season 7 (something like half the episodes were Severide or EMTs investigating, then Casey had the whole trailer arson story with Naomi, and then Severide had the whole White Whale arson storyline) and carried through season 8. They've been limping along with investigations for a while now; if Derek Haas were to blame COVID, I wouldn't buy it for a millisecond. I think it's more to do with the cast being worn out and a lot of them got hurt over the years, so nonstop fires and action scenes aren't feasible, but there is a lot more to fire and rescue than what they show. I also think the cast is much too big for the caliber of these writers.

    I think Casey's an idiot, too, but I now better understand why he didn't go to a doctor. It sounds like his symptoms were actually improving last episode and had resolved by this episode (two days later). If going to a doctor means having the 2014 injury and prognosis get dredged up and possibly communicated to Boden or HQ, while the current symptoms are significantly improving, I can see why, in TVland, he didn't go and risk his career. Dare I say it, that makes sense to me. 

    With masking up - it doesn't bother me so much on this show, because they tend to completely ignore it, but it's the absolutely worst on Med. I've been hate-watching that show when I get home from work, and they take the mask off AS THEY ENTER THE HOSPITAL and they purposefully take their masks off each time they approach someone to talk. At least these characters usually keep their masks on (I think the EMTs do), and Casey usually pulls his gaiter mask up before approaching victims. I'll take it.

  10. 7 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    I got nervous when Chief Mercer arrived and he was reveled to Jacob's father. I thought it would the recycled storyline of the daughter of a chief who couldn't cut it and then killed herself some seasons back.

    Jones killed herself after her chief father made Boden and Casey kick her out of 51 and transfer her to a desk job at HQ. Casey wanted to keep her on 81, because she was a solid, capable candidate who was doing well at 51. Casey and Boden even went to HQ to try to talk her dad out of his decision and to defend Jones’ skills and worth as a firefighter. Jones was the inverse of Mercer. 

    6 hours ago, tinderbox said:

    THIS was the final episode of the season?  Is that right?  I sure hope not.

    No, there are either 15 or 16 episodes in the season. It was originally reported at 15, then Derek Haas said there would be 16. The finale is in May.

    3 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

    I get the plot requirement of the CO infiltration into the SCBA (pretty thin likelihood, but okay), but who positioned the SCBA charger next to the idling vehicle?  Whose job was that?  And I find it hard to imagine that some brand new recruits would be tasked with recharging the bottles in the first place.  I used to do that and it takes a modicum of skill and knowledge.

    In addition to that, CFD is now on the hook for workers comp for kid Mercer.  Regardless of his ineptitude, the officers in charge of the exercise are responsible to keep the student from getting hurt. Now he's got a serious burn injury and firing him from the academy doesn't solve that.

    IMO, Severide was ultimately responsible for the SCBA tank mess-up, as the instructor. The buck falls to him for not supervising - and not supervising a kid he already knows is inept. I didn't necessarily disagree with Chief Mercer on that aspect. I really don't think this story needed so many silly mistakes and anvil-type ploys to demonstrate Candidate Mercer wasn't cut out to be a firefighter. 

  11. I can’t tell if Casey is bullshitting about feeling better or if he’s actually feeling better. In any event, good for him for finally telling someone about the first head injury and deciding to bite the bullet. I thought Jesse Spencer did good work there; Casey's scared.

    After this episode, I don’t think Casey’s leaving the show; Brettsey is endgame. Casey is going to get the all-clear, realize how much he doesn’t want to lose Chicago/the CFD (which was Brett’s question to him - if he would leave Chicago with Gabby), and, in the relief of it all, hook up with Brett. Brett already decided on Casey, which is why she’s so weird about spending the night with Grainger (they’ve already slept together!) and so quick to bail on the ski trip. 

    The investigation plots are beyond ridiculous. If this is all the writers can think to do, they need to cancel the show. (Yes, I know it’s renewed through season 11.) At least Ruzek tried to shut the stupidity down. I would have liked for Violet to be a normal EMT who freaked out at the very thought of investigating a call.

    Does the firehouse not have even one security camera? …after all the times they’ve been shot at, taken over, and hosted unexpected community brawls?

    Back in the early seasons, I thought for sure Severide said that he and Darden went through the Academy together (had known each other since kindergarten), and then Casey told the oldest Darden kid that Casey and Darden graduated together - so, all three went through at the same time. But now Casey made it sound like Severide wasn’t in their class. Huh. (Side note: the Mercer kid grabbing the scalding hot wrench was just about the happiest Casey has looked since at least season 5. 🤣)

    In season 2, when Severide taught an academy class, Severide was 100% empowered to thin the herd at the first sign of trouble, and he tried to cut Jones who was also a chief’s kid because she said one thing. There was no hemming and hawing from Severide about “well, MAYBE…? Casey, what do you think? Girlfriend Without Leadership Experience, what do you think?” And Jones was capable. (Actually, it would’ve been awesome for Jones to have actually come up in this episode.)

    Why does Squad exist on this show? Severide is shown doing Squad stuff a handful of times a season, and he’s otherwise off teaching or playing cop, while Cruz has NOTHING to do. It's so aimless.

    I still don’t understand why Violet took a demotion from being at PIC House 20 to work at 51 under Brett. Was she forced out because she told everyone what to do and gave them orders about baking bread?

    (Wow, that PD promo was straight up from a soap opera, with the music and smoky graphics and nothing but relationship troubles. #OneSoapOpera)

    • Love 1
  12. 1 hour ago, WinJet0819 said:

    Chicago Fire Anatomy seems to be jumping the shark every week now.

    Now we have the Super Hermann and Super Boden to add to Super Severide and Super Casey when it comes to investigating a strange pattern of fires. Once again, ding ding ding, not their jobs. No firehouse investigates fires. They put them out and do overhaul and move on. If they feel it's something suspicious, they report their findings to OFI, and they will be the ones to do the legwork. If the show runners want to keep having strange fires investigated, then create a new spinoff called Chicago OFI. And now, these strange fire investigations are happening more often, which is getting annoying. Put a cap on maybe 2 suspicious fires a season.

    Seriously, why haven’t they pulled the trigger and done this yet? I thought the Severide OFI story arc last year was gearing up to a backdoor pilot for Chicago OFI, but it went nowhere. (But, my God, a straight-up OFI show with these writers would be RIDICULOUS. Severide would be pursuing murder suspects and dismantling organized crime...)

    I think the emphasis on investigations is because the nonstop fires and action scenes from the earlier seasons wore out and permanently injured most of the original cast. I can see these writers thinking nonstop investigations are a good way to give the illusion of firefighting. So, they could do a Law & Order format, where first half of the episode is Casey/Herrmann at 51 catching a weird call and the second half is Severide at OFI doing the investigating, with some TV-allowance overlap. There. 

    In all seriousness, instead of investigations, I’d like to see bullshit calls, OD calls, minor car accidents, supporting PD (not Voight's people), etc. I miss the old vibe of the show, where 51 served the “rougher” part of Chicago and knew their neighborhood, instead of now always ending up downtown. (IDK, maybe the City of Chicago requested that??) A lot of natural humor could come out of routine firefighter calls, and it’d be interesting just to see the technical aspects of routine calls; Fire does a lot wrong, but I think they do fire and rescue better than ANY of the other shows.

    • Love 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, CoyoteBlue said:

    Boden old-manning his way through that made me wonder if someone's going to have a heart attack and free up the upper management at 51. We've been grumbling about 'too many lieutenants' for a while - they need to put Captain Casey in charge of the house to make room for Lt. Stella?

    Total speculation: If Jesse Spencer stays, I think Herrmann is going to die, and Kidd will take over Engine. I think Cruz's wife will go into labor, Cruz will leave shift, 51 will catch a bad call, and Herrmann will die as Cruz's kid is born. Herrmann and Cruz have been unusually chummy and besties all of sudden, and Herrmann has been weirdly nostalgic/warm/wistful since the silly elevator episode. There are many possible avenues being laid, IMO.  (A tiny little thought I had was that this episode laid the initial ground work for Casey taking over Squad if Severide leaves. Kinney's contract is up, too.)

    Although I think it's time for Boden to go and for a shakeup at 51 - and it pains me to say this - I don't know that Casey has it in him to be the BC of 51. Severide flat-out gave Casey orders in this episode, and Casey did as told. To bust that dynamic and actually be BC, Casey would ultimately lose all of his friendships as the price of command (Boden warned him about that back in season 6, when Severide couldn't handle taking orders from Casey), and it would be outrageous for Casey to be in a relationship with Brett as her BC. If Boden left and the CFD consolidated Battalion 25 into another battalion with 51 no longer having an in-house BC...that could be cool, but it wouldn't open a spot for Kidd. (FWIW, Casey is technically already in charge of Firehouse 51. Boden oversteps as Batt Chief and micromanages Firehouse 51 instead of managing his battalion of firehouses.)

  14. 17 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    For 5 years, Cruz thought there was a fight fighter in 51 name "Baggs"!???!!!! Embarrassing. Way to know your co-workers Joe! I hope he remembers he has a child on the way.

    I think it was implied that Baggs was on another shift at 51, not on second shift with Cruz. So, not necessarily coworkers and not necessarily someone Cruz would question having never met. Back in season 7, Otis didn't realize a firefighter from another shift at 51 had transferred houses something like 6 months earlier. I can buy this one given how the show has established second shift's prior interactions with first and third shifts. (This show is really, really bad about remembering the other shifts exist, so it's weird when they mention it.)

    I questioned the locker shortage that lead to the conversation about Baggs. They started out with 7 FFs on Truck and 5 on Squad and have gradually whittled down to 4 FFs on those rigs; so, 51 across all three shifts has downsized at least 12 FF spots since 2012 but the locker room hasn't appeared to have changed. They should have more lockers than they need.

    55 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    That was such a stupid scene. "Um, I have this friend, who's a firefighter, he had a head injury once . . . what do you think it means??" I'm giving the doc the benefit of the doubt in assuming he was just playing along so Casey could save face. 

    Yeah. It was dumb. Casey didn’t need to ask the question; he looked especially dumb. He did an emergency tracheotomy with a Windex bottle tube in season 5 and then did a better emergency intubation than Manning last season on Med. He’s CLEARLY had advanced medical training, with some indication in season 2 that he picked up shifts as a Paramedic-in-Charge. But we’re supposed to believe this is all new to him as a CFD captain, and, aw shucks, he just didn’t understand that head injuries are like a big deal or something, until an incompetent doctor from Med told him so? 🙄 

    The whole thing has gotten dumb. At least in season 2, Casey seemed cognitively unable to think clearly; for instance, when he told Severide that he was losing chunks of time, it seemed like he was barely lucid. This episode, he seemed cognitively intact and able to think through the situation; I don’t buy that it’s in-character for him to chickenshit around, put his crew at risk, and lie about SCBA issues. But he’s doing it. I’d buy it more if we saw him struggling with the decision to get help or wait it out, or breaking down in private because he KNOWS he’s screwed and has no one to talk to about it…but it doesn't seem to be that. Really, I don't think the writers know where the storyline is going yet.

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, t7686 said:

    I love how this was considered a “crazy” shift when over on 911-Alamo they literally had lava. Lol I’ve been in and out the last few seasons with this show, why is Casey so... boring and lonely now? Nice nod to the head injury from season 2 but not sure where it’s going, are they going to blame his pissy mood on that a la Grey’s Anatomy? I like him with Slyvie and don’t get why he seems to be holding out for the actress who played his ex wife to come back, it’s unfair to Jesse Spencer. Somewhat funny episode, I agree with the poster up thread about that but also a little boring - not that I need lava, that was ridiculous - but I miss when the show was more character driven and less just plot. Casey’s sister last episode reminded me of his complicated and interesting background. I miss that stuff. 

    He’s been pissy since season 6 and lonely, flatlined, and boring since season 7. This is the most interesting and lively he’s been in a while. I miss that stuff and his original characterization, too. It’s painful.

    I’m disappointed that the Brettsey-Dawsey thing has been drawn out for the entire season, and I think that could be a sign that Jesse Spencer is still up in the air for season 10 (they’re filming only a week or two before the episode airs). Five episodes to go.

    • Love 5
  16. I’m SO TIRED of hearing about Kidd and the lieutenant’s exam. It’s just about all she talks about. Kidd, at this point, either you’ve got this or you don’t. She’s so reliant on others’ opinions and external motivations that I can’t buy her as a self-assured, solid officer.

    The Baggs locker thing was kind of funny. There were a few other funny lines and line deliveries, too, which is very unusual.  “This is a WORKPLACE. You’re interrupting my nap!” Hahahahahaha. “That’ll just make things more awkward.”/“But only for you!” and “This is going to be a disaster.” 😄 Even Kidd’s line about making out with Severide, getting giddy with Brett, and then getting all serious again was good comedic timing. That was kind of refreshing; keep this writer and director.

    Good thing that second laundromat didn’t need a roof vent or an aerial ladder or anything. Hopefully all of 81’s compartments got locked up (never know when those K12 saw thieves from last year will come back), and hopefully Casey called in a backup ladder truck. (…how did 81 get back to the house…?)

    How Casey was with Kidd about hitting a Midwest Pothole and even with Mouch about the audition is the Casey I miss. They need to show more of that side of him again and less of him bitterly ripping on people.

    Heh, I think Brett chose Casey to be her perfect partner, no compromises. In all seriousness, I don’t necessarily buy that Brett is so well-known and in-demand that PIC Violet would voluntarily take a pay cut and demotion to work with her; it’s very Mary Sue. It almost reads more like Violet wasn't doing so hot at 20.

    Gallo is a good kid. It’d be nice to see more of him; I think he could take on a leadership role in a few years (after the show is over).

    I’m pleasantly surprised and relieved that Gallo and Violet’s relationship has evolved past trying to outdo each other all the time. That was super annoying last year.

    Kinda figured Casey would end up at Med, since Redhead Halstead was in the opening credits, so that was a letdown. Casey, dude, you KNEW the answer; don’t look surprised. Do the right thing and take some leave.

    • Love 7
  17. On 3/18/2021 at 1:30 PM, jabRI said:

    For most of the episode it felt like Casey was hallucinating from his head injury, that's what I was expecting to see.  Like his sister showing up, and then the watch?  Seemed really bizarre to me.

    I rewatched the episode and just wanted to say how much I can see this angle. When Casey was talking to Severide then laid back down to sleep, the episode immediately cut to Casey walking in a quiet and seemingly abandoned firehouse, then his sister showed up out of the blue after six years to take him to a surreal-looking bank vault to find a mystery riddle watch. I totally thought of this comment.

    It’d be pretty fun if Casey actually never woke up and this week’s episode reveals he’s been in a coma. Suddenly Hallie is hanging around, Shay and Otis are back, and the watch is ticking down to something. I’m a total sucker for coma dream episodes, and I KNOW this isn’t the storyline, but it’s kinda fun to think about. 

    • Love 5
  18. Mackey was unfortunately such a non-entity, that I don’t know if I would have noticed if she was quietly replaced by Violet without any explanation. It’s cool that they gave the character and actor a positive send-off (versus the back-to-back Chili and Borelli catastrophe in season 5). If I armchair quarterbacked it, I would have had her request a transfer to get away from Cruz’s nonstop hovering and micromanaging control, and then given Cruz a bit of a storyline with that.

    With Jesse Spencer/Casey leaving, it’s hard to say. I keep waffling on where this is going. Storylines don’t usually go where they realistically should, and Derek Haas writes a lot of stuff for cheap thrills. Just look at 5x22 and 6x1, when Casey, Mouch, and Herrmann realistically had absolutely no possible way to survive the warehouse fire; it was all hand-waved so Haas could hint that Jesse Spencer was leaving all summer and then do a 10-second fake funeral for Casey in 6x1. All three characters were written into a corner, and then Haas wrote it so that the corner never existed. Cheap, disappointing, superficial thrills. 

    So, Casey’s headaches could be post-concussive syndrome with intense headaches and vision issues/migraine auras; he needs a week or two to recover, his season 2 injury fully resolved over time, and he’s given the all-clear. The storyline would probably then be a way to give Kidd temporary command of Truck and probably push Casey and Brett together (total speculation). Or, Casey’s headaches could be a slow bleed/skull fracture with permanent brain damage; his career is over, and he retires to Puerto Rico where all Dawsons go to be written off.

    Whether or not Jesse Spencer renews for season 10, it won’t be because of this storyline, because this storyline probably won’t exist by 9x12, just like it stopped existing in season 2 when skull-compromised Casey was immediately knocked unconscious by the bombing at Med and then t-boned in the face by Truck 66. 

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  19. 11 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

    And in regards to the scans Casey looked at, I have to say it seems the Director and Producers think we're stupid. The year on his head scans show 2012. Casey first hurt his head in the "Not Like This" episode, which aired Dec 10, 2013. So unless they're thinking Seasons 1 and the first half of Season 2 were one whole year, the date on those scans doesn't track.

    Heh. I noticed that. The scans said January 2012....Casey was actually still Dr. Chase at that time. Fire chronologically and canonically started in September 2012 as that was Darden’s death date on the Academy wall. The scans would have been February 2014 as they were at least 6 weeks after he got hurt.  (Edited to add: Shay canonically died in May 2014 and that was the same season.) And they had his age on the radiology report as 42...so I guess Casey is 51 years old this year. 😕

    Production was bragging on Instagram about having the clock at the bank reflect that Casey was late, though. Attention to detail, second to none. 

    • LOL 5
  20. 2 hours ago, MssdDrms said:

    Continuing to drag Dawson up in the show doesn’t make sense to me.  They’re acting like she and Casey were some magical, fairytale love when actually, when she left, they appeared to be on the way out in their marriage.  She treated Casey as an afterthought - always.  I’m going to be a firefighter regardless of what you say or think.  I’m going to adopt this kid, with or without you.  I’m going to have my own baby, even tho it could kill me - deal with it.  She was a horrible person, a hot head, and everyone just fawned over her.  I liked her in the beginning, but I was glad when she left.  Brett and Casey would be good together.

    speaking of Brett, I wish she had shown more concern over Casey.  once or twice it seemed like she knew something was off, but to watch the man you’re still in love with get dragged by a car and you don’t show anymore concern than she did....maybe this Brett/Casey storyline is really dead.  

    What’s funny about the firefighter example… Casey’s first head injury wiped out his memory of Gabby getting accepted into the fire academy, talking to him about it, doing the opposite of what he suggested, and them fighting about her decision right before a ceiling fell on his head. Casey told Severide he didn’t remember the two days before the injury all the way through the injury itself, which means he didn’t remember any of that. I’ve always kinda sorta wondered what Gabby told him. Was she honest about what happened, or did she foo-foo around it?

    (And I’ve always kinda thought Dawsey was built on Casey’s grief for Hallie, Gabby being there for him when he nearly died from the TBI, and then her getting pregnant. It was all emotional momentum, until life got normal and there was no momentum left. 5x22 didn't help, but yeah. Brettsey would/should be a lot more stable and healthy than that, but the writers have done a real good job of taking all the joy and goodwill out of it.)

    • Love 1
  21. 18 minutes ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    It happens. Minor/inconsequential MVAs, ODs, accountability at minor fires (i.e. where they are not going to work, just being on standby in case Something Bad happens to a working company). Some days it's just very....there's a word to insert here that starts with the letter that comes after P and before R. I don't ever dare say it in context or else alarm bells will start sounding spontaneously, cars will crash of their own volition, piles of oily rags will combust, etc. One does not say that word. But yes, some days--weeks--can be like that. The brother of a good friend of mine was a probie in Buffalo in the 90s. Every shift he was on he was bored off his arse. The shifts before and after had worker after worker. He was stocking the fridge, mopping the floors, drilling on the rig, etc. I think it took him like 3 or 4 months before he caught a decent job.

    Turn in your bugles while you're at it. You don't have the needed analytical skills for your position. 

    For sure. It’s just that 51 has been made out to be the busiest house in Chicago, and it seemed awfully convenient that Casey got hurt and had two of those kind of shifts. It also seemed awfully convenient that Squad was called to the gruesome home gym scene instead of Truck 81; it’s been a long time since Squad caught a call like that on the show. If the writers had hung a lantern on it and had the FFs complaining about a slow couple shifts, I would have bought it. 

    I’m somewhat willing to chalk up Casey's lapse of judgment to having an injury to the frontal lobe, which houses decision making, judgment, metacognition, and self-regulation abilities. Any reasonable person with Casey's medical knowledge (like doing emergency tracheotomies with Windex bottles and performing intubations better than a pediatric ER physician last season) would have gone to the hospital at some point in the four days he was having ongoing, major neurological symptoms. He’s completely compromised. But his coworkers...what the hell? Brett and Kidd saw the accident; Kidd knew he was bullshitting about being okay, and she's an EMT. Boden clearly thought something was up. Severide lives with him. No one is noticing or saying anything? C’mon, Severide’s known Casey for something like 20 years and was the one pushing Casey to get help in season 2, and there is absolutely no way Casey getting dragged by a drunk driver through downtown Chicago and then head planting onto the street didn’t become the talk of the shift. It was probably on national news.

    There's some sloppy writing. 🙂

  22. 3 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

    And if Jesse Spencer wanted to leave, I wouldn't blame him. They basically removed the balls from his character once they put him with Gabby, and have wasted him. I truly miss the Casey from the first season and half, that was serious and didn't let personal drama drag into his work. Night and day from what we see now. I wouldn't be a surprise his very last scene was him buying a plane ticket to see Gabby in a foreign country.

    I was surprised when he signed on for two more years after being written as a minor supporting character in season 7 and most of season 8. And I’m skeptical of why he’s suddenly back to being a focus in most episodes for season 9. 

    The only reason I still watch Fire is because of the earlier seasons and because so many of those original characters are still on the show... even though it’s barely recognizable as the same show and same characters between then and now. 

    • Love 1
  23. 7 hours ago, DanaK said:
    7 hours ago, DanaK said:

    Wow, I completely missed the radiologist report was referring to a years ago injury and not the current one; I don’t even remember Casey’s Season 2 injury. The episode makes somewhat better sense now

    I was really surprised that the previouslies didn’t at least include the ceiling collapsing on him/blood all over his mask, the brain surgery hospital scene, or at least the scene with Casey being told his skull and brain were forever and permanently compromised. It’s like they tried to keep the storyline a secret…but…hardly anyone remembers. Of all the previouslies to not include. That, and everything about Christie and their father-murderer mom…no one remembers. (I binged the show two years ago and love seasons 1-3; otherwise, I wouldn’t remember, either!)

    4 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    I get the feeling that they are writing Casey off - he'll get medically discharged from the CFD and go join Gabby in Puerto Rico, or wherever she and Antonio went.  (I miss Antonio on PD; I do not miss Gabby one bit.  I don't know if I'll miss Casey...)

    I could see that and worry about that being the storyline. Very plausible. But it being so obvious probably means he’s not leaving. Derek Haas loves to play up these kind of things. (But I have noticed absolutely zero talk about this head injury storyline, which is weird.) All in all, I have to give praise to the writers on this one. They’ve set it up so that either Brettsey or Dawsey by 9x15 makes some sort of sense, regardless of what Jesse Spencer decides to do for season 10. I mean, they don’t have a choice, because they’re filming something like 1-2 episodes ahead of broadcast, but I think they’re doing some nimble writing with that possible uncertainty. (Or Casey dies and Haas sticks it to all the shippers.)

    So, I think the Rolex watch is a heavy-handed symbol. If Casey goes Dawsey, he’ll keep the watch and believe in that one-true first (..er…second) love, just like Uncle Jake, and refuse to move on. If Casey goes Brettsey, he’ll sell the watch, take his half, and buy a house to signify that he’s ready to keep his roots down in Chicago (which was Brett’s question - would you leave Chicago with Gabby). Staying with Severide is him being transient and indecisive.

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  24. 5 hours ago, preeya said:

    The entire squad saw Casey get thrown from the car. Isn't it mandatory that all head injuries get checked out by a medical professional?

    But only Kidd and Brett were “really” there; everyone else were floaters who either wouldn’t stick their nose into it, don’t know Casey enough to know he’s acting weird, or who were/are gone before it could become an issue. And if Casey got checked out by Brett or a second EMT team, he probably said he was fine....he’s bad about that. (And this is the same crew where Brett and Mackey careened off an overpass, came out bloody, and didn’t go to the hospital.)

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