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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. Yes, yes, yes. I recorded the finale so I can watch it later but I remember every other time I’ve seen it I am reduced to a big puddle at the sight of the gang hugging while the music transitions into the theme song. Despite how bad some of the plot lines were in the later seasons I think they pulled it together nicely at the end.
  2. She hasn’t commented on social media but she did give a statement to People: “My heart is broken. He meant so much to so many. Such a very special person. I share my deep sadness with his family and all who loved him. Such a terrible loss.” I’m sure that doesn’t reflect her full grief. They did seem really close. I’m watching some of the marathon. In between episodes they are showing other memorable scenes of his. They just showed Dylan and Brenda as Bonnie and Clyde. They looked so great.
  3. Such beautiful statements from Jason and Tiffani. And there is that recurring theme of him being welcoming to newcomers. Ian has been sharing some great pictures on Instagram, check them out if you haven’t seen them. Pop channel is doing a Dylan McKay marathon tomorrow (Friday). Not sure if I have the heart to watch just yet. 😞
  4. Some people open up online really easily, and others seem like it’s hard for them. Ian Z immediately posted something heartfelt and it seemed genuine. Shannen took a little longer but when she did it was really sweet. Jennie’s comment seemed a little “constructed”, like she put something out because she was expected to. But I’m sure her true grief is much deeper and harder to put into words. I imagine Jason doesn’t want to just put something out out of obligation. But what do I know; I don’t know these people, even though we all feel like we do! The Today show did a nice piece this morning about all the stories that have surfaced on social media about Luke’s kindness. It really is nice to not see a single negative thing. Even little things, like someone who used to work at his neighborhood video store said he was always the nicest customer, and a bartender at a restaurant he frequented said he always treated the staff really well.
  5. Dean Cain guest hosted with Kathie Lee and Hoda this morning and talked a bit about Luke. He said when he first came on set Luke came right over and welcomed him and said he was doing a great job on the show. Dean said he always remembered that and when he got his own show he made a point to always welcome the guest stars.
  6. I had a pervasive, lingering sadness all day yesterday. I could do whatever I needed to do but in between making dinner, picking kids up, and all the other daily stuff, I kept coming back to Luke, and Dylan, and this stupid show that we somehow love and love to hate all at the same time. I kept checking to see what other celebrities were saying on social media, and I was struck by how far reaching and varied the people were. LP wasn’t even my favorite actor, but to those of us who were teens/young adults at the time, this show and his character made an indelible impact. That, coupled with the fact that he seemed like a genuinely nice guy who somehow navigated an insane level of fame at a young age and yet remained humble and kind, makes it all the more sad.
  7. I saw statements from Christine Elise (Emily Valentine), Emma Caulfield (Susan) and Kathleen Robertson (Claire, posted above), all who said he was really welcoming to them when they joined the show. I think that says a lot about him that as a huge star of a huge show, he was so kind to the new cast members. I didn’t cry until I saw Ian Zeiring’s post, where he started it “Dearest Luke”. 😢 I think this is hitting people of a certain age (like me) pretty hard and more than expected.
  8. I’m so sad. I just posted this morning about him and hoped he would be ok. 😢
  9. I saw a snippet of Shannen Doherty responding to a reporter who asked about Luke’s stroke. She said she didn’t want to talk about it too much because she would start crying, but that she’s in touch with him and to please keep him in your prayers. She also said something about “He’s my Dylan”. So sweet. I hope he makes a full recovery.
  10. I was getting nervous watching that; I was really hoping they hadn’t hired Goran to play a child molester. Not my Luka! As an Alias fan I was thrilled to see Carl Lumbly as Beth’s dad. He was wonderful in this part.
  11. I never used to hear this phrase, like ever. But now they say it every third word and it drives me crazy. It’s like they sent a memo out instructing everyone to start saying it.
  12. Just popping in to say I was not familiar with David Giuntoli before this but wowzers, is he handsome. Also, I find Romany Malco very intriguing to watch. He just has a quality about him that draws me in, a lot like Sterling K. Brown in This Is Us. So, even though I came to this show strictly because of James Roday, I’m happy to find these other interesting actors as well.
  13. I’m sure it felt terrible to be heckled by the crowd but I don’t think Adrienne went into that situation with that intent. The producers clearly fed Tom the info that the mix was bought because why else would he just bring that up out of the blue? Adrienne bantered back and forth with him about how she saw some mix in the other team’s cart (not mentioning Sara outright) and it just seemed like some light hearted trash talking in the kitchen at the time. If anything I would blame Tom for bringing it up to the crowd and also Justin and Eric for encouraging the chants. Sad to Michelle go.
  14. I wonder if Rahul was more rattled about the jar breaking than they showed. They mentioned a couple times that he was in a tizzy and Paul asked him if he’d calmed down yet, and was assuring him it would be ok. But in the footage we saw he didn’t seem much more upset than he usually gets when things aren’t going well. I loved seeing Terry the widower getting together with some other bakers at the end. Hopefully he has found some new friends to spend time with.
  15. Ha, me too. I think he’s cute and I’m rooting for him, but I have an irrational dislike of sideways hats. I like that Eddie mentioned galumpkis; my mom used to make those when I was a kid. (I think they have different names but that’s what we called them.) Sara’s sad little sausage looked ridiculous on that plate. I would’ve been angry being served that.
  16. A big "Amen" from a fellow quiet person! (But just know I will say it quietly.) :) I'm rooting for Michelle to come through as a good EC. My heart rate was through the roof on this one! So chaotic; seems more so than in past years. I hope Nini is ok, I really warmed up to her last week. I hate to see a good chef go home because they are not great at FOH. On the flipside, one of my favorite parts of watching RW is when when someone really excels at FOH. Joe last season comes to mind, as well as Fabio in his season. Anyone recall any other really great FOH contestants? I will join the chorus that it is ridiculous the spaces weren't ready and that the staff seemed totally inexperienced. Of course there might be some good ones hiding in there and they just highlighted the clueless ones.
  17. I'm a big Psych fan and started watching this only because of Roday. I'm impressed with him on here, even kind of proud (our little Shawn Spencer handling grown up drama!) I think he has great chemistry with everyone, especially the kids. If this show doesn't last I hope it opens more doors for him.
  18. So funny that so many of us thought the same thing. I don't remember her, like at all. How weird.
  19. I saw him on the Today show just the other day. (It might've been Friday, after you posted this.) Anyway, they were celebrating that his restaurant was named best in the world (!!!) by a fancy list. Then they asked him about Bourdain and he was lovely and said very nice things. Then he cooked a fish dish and they said it was clear why he was the best.
  20. I'm way behind, just now watching this season on Netflix. But I just wanted to say Noel cracked me up when he said he couldn't tell where Paul's finger ended and the cannoli began since they were the same color. Then later he said maybe he could request that color next time he goes in for his spray tan. Lol! I'm enjoying the new hosts.
  21. Lol, I said this EXACT thing to my husband. He added he was surprised she didn't have a little crutch like Tiny Tim. God bless us, everyone! I'm so curious to see how they handle this next week. I'm sure all the coaches have favorites from their team but it's their JOB to keep that to themselves and support all of their team members. Buried somewhere under all his stupid comments I think I can see what Adam's intent was...to try to represent for Reagan since she couldn't sing for herself. But to do it as DeAndre was standing on the stage was awful. They should've given him time to remark/encourage DeAndre, take a commercial break and get the guys off stage, then let Adam remark on Reagan. It was just handled really poorly. If DeAndre had won the save I doubt he would've even wanted to continue with Adam as his coach!
  22. I still go to YouTube every once in a while to watch Pentatonix's performance of Dog Days Are Over. Perfection!
  23. As I watched Tyke all I could think was how I wish the other long haired folkie teenager had made it through instead. (Forgot his name but he sang Jim Croce and had a nice smile.) He was way better. Sandy Red was just too much. Reagan sounded good on the group sing. I thought it was hilarious Carson commented out loud about Tyke's song choice. It reminded me of when someone sang Creep as their last chance song. "What the hell am I doing here...I don't belong here...." Lol!
  24. I'm not sure what is was but I found her unpleasant to watch. Like I can see she has some skill but it seemed like she lacked grace. It might've been the onesie style outfit, I didn't like that look.
  25. Well, I just finished my rewatch. A lot of episodes were very familiar to me but I had forgotten a lot of the last season. Overall I think the show holds up well. The last season wasn't great (I found myself really not caring about Bailey and his girlfriend) but I enjoyed watching Claudia grow up, and Victor the nanny was a nice addition. The final episode made me cry a lot, especially showing the house getting packed up and all the sweet flashbacks. The house was like another character. One funny little moment though...two movers come into the bedroom to get some furniture and one of them is Eric Stonestreet, Cam from Modern Family. It was funny seeing him play a tough guy mover.
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