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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. As Chen was sitting in the hall by the vending machine having a moment with Pratt after having the gun held to her head, all I could focus on was that those looked like ridiculous shoes to wear for a 12 hour shift in the ER!
  2. Just watched the one where Pratt revives the dad after he was pronounced dead, only he ends up brain dead and the mom signs a DNR. That kid playing his son totally broke my heart. Oh my gosh, he was a good little actor.
  3. Another guest star bingo I forgot to mention....Lori Petty (Point Break, League of Their Own) as the pregnant junkie who Mark yells at.
  4. Yes! I was a big ATWT fan in the 80s and I still spot people from that show on various things. A lot of them turned up on Law and Order. Another one I saw recently on ER was the guy who played villain Gavin Krueger. He was the husband who didn't want his wife's organs harvested until she died naturally. Also, on the Third Watch crossover episode when they are looking for Chloe one of the cops was Colin from BH90210.
  5. I checked the CC on mine and it only showed what the minister was saying. Well, On the Beach didn't wreck me as much this time as it did when it first aired, but it was close! And by the way, I'm going to take a CGI class so I can digitally insert Doug and Carol into the funeral scene. I'm a little surprised more of the nurses weren't there as well, like Lydia and Chuny. I did see Haleh. I love that they incorporated Mark's surfing and mentioned that he used to have long hair, because it reminds me of Anthony's part in Fast Times. Let's have a moment to remember both Mark Greene and AE's awesome surfer hair, shall we?
  6. Just watched Orion in the Sky and have already gone through my big pile of tissues. Guess I'll need a new box for the Letter and On the Beach. I love that they brought back the older black patient Al, who I believe was in the pilot. When Mark decides he's done with treatment and tells Al he's going to help him find his cart....sob! And when Chuny looks at Mark and her face says that she knows he'll be gone soon...sob! And his scenes with Jen and with Elizabeth...sob some more. Lord, I'm a mess!
  7. Thanks for filling me in doodlebug, I do kind of remember that scene with Peter. Re: Romano, that is why he was such a great character. Just when you thought you knew him he did something surprising like sign to Reese or act like a caring human being toward Elizabeth. Paul McCrane knocked every single scene he had out of the park. (Well, let's not speak of the final helicopter scene; that wasn't his fault!)
  8. Did he appear in the episode before Secrets and Lies? My dvr messed up on that one and it cut off early in the episode. Remind me why Peter was there? Secrets and Lies was definitely a low moment, for the series and for Carter. He was really unlikable and so transparently jealous of Luka. "Luka, do you remember any of Hamlet?" Carter: "Ooh, ooh, I do, I do! Call on me!" And I'm still bothered by his remark to Luka that he doesn't want to go to Croatia because there's a good chance he'll get blown up. Did he know Luka's entire family died in a bombing? If he did it was a horrible thing to say. Romano telling Elizabeth she needs to go back to Mark is a powerful scene. And her taking care of Mark in the bathroom made me tear up.
  9. Me too. I remember they used it in the movie 50 First Dates and I started crying. My husband still loves bringing up the fact that I cried at an Adam Sandler movie. I had to explain, ONE, it's sad Drew Barrymore doesn't remember her child when she wakes up everyday, and TWO, Mark Greene died to that song, dammit!! Lol.
  10. I thought Yvonne Zima looked a lot like Anthony Edwards too so they lost that when they recast. Loved Jerry's return! I've seen these before but lost track of who comes and goes, so it was a nice surprise to see him. I'm going to have to get my pile of tissues ready for Mark's upcoming death. Sigh.
  11. Carter breaks my heart there. "Then call me, and I'll come pick you up." So sweet.
  12. I do think Abby had a place in that Luka/Nicole plot though, it was to show she was trying to look out for Luka and to plant a seed with the audience that maybe she still cares about him. It also provided a reason for Carter to put the brakes on taking their relationship to the next level, (he was concerned she was still too preoccupied with Luka) and freed him up for the Susan relationship, even though that didn't last long. I do agree though that later plotlines did filter through Abby too much, especially Gamma's death and funeral. As someone noted already, that deserved respect and should've focused on just Carter and not brought her and her family drama into it.
  13. Well to be honest I posted my comment before watching the episode that revealed Nicole actually was pregnant. I had forgotten that and thought it ended with her just leaving town. Oops! But I did enjoy Abby's appearances in these eps overall.
  14. You know I enjoy Abby when her misery isn't the focal point. There were a couple episodes there where she wasn't front and center and I liked her a lot when she did appear. She was helpful to Luka regarding the Nicole situation without rubbing it in his face. She had a few nice exchanges with Mark. The firefighter asking her out was cute. Michael Gross was such a great casting choice for Carter's dad. Agreed, Peter was a jerk not taking Roger's offer for visitation.
  15. I thought that was him! That was a cute scene.
  16. I know we are supposed to root for Peter but I feel bad for Roger. He attempted to work out a schedule and prevent a trial but Peter wasn't having any of it. He wouldn't have sued for custody if Peter had been reasonable and not told him to stay away from him and Reese. Roger lived with the kid every day (when he wasn't with Peter), of course he would have a hard time just walking away from him and never contacting him again. I mean I still think Peter should have primary custody but I feel for Roger too. I liked Gallant, he was sweet.
  17. Yes, I think that would've helped. It's not that her reactions and complaints about being a new mother weren't valid, it's just that's all they showed! And she was very cold to Susan when they first met, for no particular reason. It's too bad because I think the version of Elizabeth who first came to the show would've gotten along pretty well with Susan.
  18. I think I remember someone posting once that he signed "Take care of your dad".
  19. Phew! I just binged my recorded episodes and caught up a bit. (Temporarily, I know I will fall behind again.) Various thoughts...and I know these will be all over the place, I've just watched a whole lotta ER!! Why did they further impugn Carla's character right before killing her off? I mean I know they kind of did it before when she told Peter he might not have been the father. But I forgot she came on to Peter then lied to Roger about it. I wonder if she was lying to Peter when she said Roger moved out and said he never loved her? Because when she died he seemed pretty torn up. I also forgot they recast Roger. The other actor must've gotten his gig on King of Queens by then. I too am curious how they handled that scene telling Reese his mom died. I noticed it didn't look like Peter actually signed "Mommy died", he just said it. So maybe they stopped short of signing that to him as that might've been more upsetting than the other things they said? Anyway it was a sad scene. Nice to see Pablo the drunk, a face from the early seasons. Y'all, I can't handle crying Ella and screaming Elizabeth. I feel her pain but it's still rough to watch. Why on earth wouldn't Lizzie ask a nurse to hold Ella before telling the lady her son died?? I remember how powerful that scene was of Mark and the rampage shooter in the elevator when it first aired, and it still packs a punch. I forgot that was the season finale. Ouch! Luka's "you're not that pretty" comment was harsh but he was pretty much on point with all the other stuff he said. Especially how when she's not depressed she's angry, and she seems incapable of being happy. Obscure guest part alert: the girl who played Molly Ringwald's best friend in Sixteen Candles! She was the rampage shooter's neighbor who originally brought his kid in to the ER , then was later killed.
  20. Random guest star bingo....one of the lawyers at Maggie's hearing was Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. Haha! Of course veteran actors Tom Bosley and Tom Poston were in that same episode but they are more obvious. I like spotting the obscure ones! I'm not looking forward to the Malucci/Chen/Weaver thing either. It was kind of interesting to see Weaver discover she did screw up and forget her pager but writing Malucci out like that was crappy. I actually liked him. He could be an arrogant ass for sure but he was at least interesting, and I liked when he had his moments of competency, like treating the Chinese girl whose grandma was using the folk remedy. His nasty insult to Kerry as his last scene was out of character, I think. He could be brash and rude but that just seemed extreme.
  21. I just watched the wedding episode today and I too hated all the shenanigans that made Mark late. It's not dramatic or suspenseful, it's just stressful! And I know Mark's phone died but surely Peter would've had a cell phone, wouldn't he? Anyway, Elizabeth did look gorgeous, I loved her dress. I like her dad too. Her parents were perfectly cast; Alex Kingston looks like a mix of both of them. Switching gears, I agree with the sentiment upthread that Secrets and Lies was one of the worst episodes ever. It's one of the few times I really disliked Carter. His remark to Luka about getting blown up if you visit Croatia was such a crappy thing to say.
  22. Spotted Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the guy who has his legs amputated in the train episode. I don't watch Walking Dead but I know he plays a bad guy on there. I'm glad they moved on to show the later seasons but I don't know how long I can keep up the three a day schedule!
  23. Seriously, the total absence of even a mere mention of Agnes has gotten distracting. I don't want the show all about the baby but throw in a passing line here and there to let us know how she's doing. They never even explained who watches her. And Red never mentions her either. I do enjoy Red rebuilding and gathering new cohorts. Spader's charms totally carry this show.
  24. It was a very brief role. They make Julia and the other waitresses at the club wear skimpy outfits and Malucci hits on her. It was funny to see him with long rocker hair.
  25. It's funny, I posted about seeing Laura Innes on an old Party of Five, and then today I was watching it and Erik Palladino/Malucci showed up in a bit part as a rocker with long hair at a club. I'm going to keep track and see how many more ER people show up. I'm up to three, since Scott Grimes/Morris has a recurring role too.
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