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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I think of it as a Higgins redemption arc where Higgins used to be a badass, but now she has locked herself up in a mansion hiding from people and the beautiful scenery because of the death of her fiance. Magnum is forcing Higgins to come out of her shell and meet the people and go to the places on the island. Higgins has a lot of talents that she wasn't putting to good use, Magnum is providing her a method to help other people. Now Higgins is feeling a lot better about herself.
  2. Don't do this, I learned my lesson when I thought that they lived in L.A. After a long debate it was determined they live in Santa Rosa. To see the debate read the later posts in this thread.
  3. Maybe it was "conform", "regulation", "professional", "looking for a promotion", "at work" attire vs. "laid back", "among friends", "dress for myself", "work from home" attire.
  4. 2nd episode is much better than the first. Edging into political and social commentary giving the show more relevance.
  5. I just realized that the title of this episode is "A Dark Closet and Therapy with Horses".
  6. It is not peaches and "poop?", it is peaches and happy chocolate ice cream (I can hear it saying "you and that girl can share one cup). Your eggplant being on "fire" just screams vegan restaurant.
  7. That's funny because the people I thought would be the main characters are not in a lot of episodes.
  8. Hope's acting really bothered me this episode, it seemed like somebody taped her eyes wide open and told her to say her lines.
  9. I know nothing about math but the show said the vault filled up with water in under 10 minutes (that is how much air they had left, so obviously if the vault was full of water in around 7 minutes the pipe had to be releasing 1064 gallons/minute, that is where you made your mistake.
  10. But Christy has always worked at a restaurant that served drinks the whole time she was in recovery and wasn't tempted to drink, so this seems reasonable.
  11. Luca could get on Pops good side by designing him an original outfit.
  12. I thought it was really irresponsible of Cheyenne not to take ownership of her bad ideas after she forced Amy to include them. Overall a pretty weak episode to return on, certainly can't say they didn't have time to write something funnier. Liked the idea that people would just throw their kids in a pen while they went off to do their shopping. Didn't like that lady sitting in the middle on the aisle answering phone calls, looked like she was right in front of the warehouse doors.
  13. Has the laugh track/audience laughing always been this noticeable. It was really distracting this episode, they laughed at everything non-stop.
  14. I don't post a lot because the episodes are getting crazier and crazier. Pretty soon the aliens will be sitting down for diner with the Hynek family. They seem to be pulling every conspiracy theory they can think of into the show. Just a matter of time before they spot a Bigfoot.
  15. If Aaron's parents didn't have a lot of money (didn't seem to be the case) or lived far away from the school (another state), they may not feel the need to stop by for a single day.
  16. Nolan shoots her a text: "Wanna or then Translation: Wanna go to a Mexican restaurant or a Vegan restaurant then get dessert.
  17. What!!!! Frankie corners a bad guy holding a knife, she has a gun. Does she ask the lady to surrender, NO!, she pumps her full of lead. How is this "the show runners are trying to avoid the appearance of careless mayhem perpetrated by the good guys"?
  18. Civilian in the subway was shot. Susan stays to help her and Will continues after Karen. Two guys in the morgue shot. I think Will might have shot one of the guys in the restaurant, shooting while the gun was in the other guy's hand. The restaurant cleared out super fast.
  19. I hope you like Chinese food, meet me at Wong's restaurant on 89th and Reed on Friday at 8 PM.
  20. I was really impressed by Will's fight scene in the restaurant and disgusted by all the damage they caused in the bank vault. Really there was nobody in the bank the could open the vault door. Hundreds of people private property was destroyed. The body bag scene looked exactly like it was, two people in a body bag. Again major destruction of public property with a grenade and flammable liquids.
  21. If Beth Behrs wears nothing but mini skirts, I would like her as much in this as in 2 Broke Girls.
  22. Really, you would ask a girl out on a first date in a "text". Going on a date is a negotiation and she is a negotiator, she would probably enjoy working out every detail of how the date should play out. I think Nolan and the rest of the precinct knew she was going to give a presentation that day. Nolan bought her book to prepare for it and laughed at West by saying West would have bought the book as well if he was still in the Academy.
  23. My favorite was the one before this one (Murder Is Never Quiet). In "Black is the Widow", I thought Katsumoto was stupid to try to arrest the suspects alone, instead of following them and waiting for back-up. Not really feeling Magnum's potential new girlfriend. Edit: Also they didn't handcuff Katsumoto even though they show that handcuffs were available when they were used on the wife.
  24. More signature moves "Snore-nado", "Dream Land-slide", "Bed Head-Butt", "Slumber Jacked" and "Snooze-Fist".
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