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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I thought the show implied that the other 2 Wyrd Sisters had slept with Nick, and this time it would be Dorcas' turn.
  2. The acting on this episode was horrible, like if nobody got to see their script before the day of shooting. Weller was the worst and his fanboying of Bill Nye was awful. The MI6 lady was almost just as bad. The plot and dialog was terrible, even Rich and Patterson were grating. I think the bees would choose extinction over being associated with this episode. If Jane/Remy has her memories back, why isn't she helping the FBI more. Does she remember who was the father of her child? What terrorist acts she committed? The names of terrorist cells and their members. How her terrorist group got their supplies. That kind of information might keep the show going for several seasons even without cracking another tattoo. It seems like Jane/Remy got her memories back and it didn't change her at all.
  3. I am sure Bortus had a huge grin on his face during the Moclan porno episode, but I am too lazy to check.
  4. I guess I can comfortably say that the show is slowly getting better. I forgot to pay attention was the old man who sits alone by Abby's back door in this episode?
  5. Like the first half and hated the second half. The second half was just a rehash of "All the World Is Birthday Cake", Bortus and Kelly whip out their guns and shoot down 20 armed enemies. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't just reuse that footage to save money on the episode. If I was writing the episode, I would of just had Bortus and Kelly disable or blow up the Moclan shuttles since the Moclans were not trying to harm the planets inhabitants, just round them up to take them back to Moclan for reassignment surgery. I guess a huge gun battle/fight scene is much better television than a more peaceful solution.
  6. If Amy fixes his salary error, she might have saved the company enough money to give everybody a decent raise.
  7. This is the first episode that I thought was pretty funny. That is not good news for all the child actors because they were hardly in it. Break away star, mop dog, lights up a room in every scene he is in. It was strange that the teacher that was so upset that someone saw her bare shoulder would be so ready to go "starkers" when someone points a camera at her. This is probably the first episode that they gave equal time to all the characters and let them show their comedic chops.
  8. I am really conflicted about this show. Sometimes the writing seems brilliant in one sentence and then horrible with the next sentence. Some plots are inspired, while other are asinine. Maybe duality is the underlining theme throughout the entire production process. How does Tyrone look old enough to be in a strip club? How can you give someone superpowers and then have a scientist be able to reproduce that person's superpower at will. And this research definitely shouldn't be funded by a grant from a large corporation. That is not how superpowers are supposed to portrayed, get it right, TV show writers. The one part that I really enjoyed was when Brigid threw up in the puddle and Mayhem came up behind her and pushed her in the puke water. Comedy Gold!
  9. The skinned man premise was stupid, didn't Smoothie kidnap the guy right before he is about the present. How can he skin the man and hide him in a chocolate bunny in such a short time. How long would that be from the abduction to the reveal? Every high school horror movie has somebody smushed inside the bleachers. Do better show. Why didn't we see Blue kill the prisoners, would have been more interesting than watching someone eat a butt-load of candy, then throw it back up. Musical fight scene was mildly amusing.
  10. They never mentioned why Luke broke up with his older girlfriend.
  11. But if the whole plot of this season is men vs women they shouldn't have all the characters as couples because it will be hard to pick who's side is right.
  12. If the injection removed Noah's powers maybe Isobel can alien probe Noah and find out why he is killing people and everything he knows about aliens.
  13. She wants to get as far away from her parents as possible.
  14. I was hoping that Sabrina would leave Nick where he is since the women in the show seem to have to be with a man or are defined by the men they choose to be with.
  15. 1984 slasher movie, there is no excuse for not having tons of nudity!
  16. I wasn't feeling MonsterJuila, I think it was the voice.
  17. It would not be a TV show if two people who love each other "Elliot and Quentin" were both free of romantic entanglements the moment they realize their love and have a chance to act on it. I wonder if the "Fairy Eye" working even when it is not in Margo's head will be used in other plot lines. Very "Brother From Another Planet".
  18. I laughed when Haley tried to get down on one knee to propose. Of course Manny had a few words to say at the wedding.
  19. When I heard that the "Boots" had 2 days to make the needed arrests, my first thought was they should let them sleep at the Police Station so they would be there if that particular call came in. Kind of the way Firefighters respond to calls. It would be a waste of training to let them fail their training on a technicality.
  20. I just meant turn in the name, not the actual "alien".
  21. I mean say that he is the alien and all of a sudden he can no longer be found by Manes, since he is locked away by the other aliens.
  22. Jade Roller, Wrinkle Roller, Derma Roller
  23. Maybe Cam can turn Noah in to Jesse Manes in exchange for better treatment for her sister. Noah will probably end up missing, so Manes won't have an alien to experiment on.
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