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Everything posted by Caoimhe

  1. It’s all been “catch up” and really boring. If things don’t improve I will be sleeping soon. (It’s the toast’s fault).
  2. I had rotisserie chicken for dinner! Then i ruined it by eating a slice of toast.
  3. I think it was @Pepper Mostly who dubbed him “SillyAss”. I’ve never forgotten that one!
  4. Brandon did work hard and deserves his success. He is adorable. Jeanne cried and whined her way to surgery without really trying. Not a total waste of the evening.
  5. You mean surgery leads to pain?! Jeanne should have been INFORMED!
  6. She’s been rewarded for crying, whining, and NOT doing the work she was supposed to. Not a good indication of long term success.
  7. So she gets rewarded with surgery for being a horrible, nasty, unhygienic beast! Ugh.
  8. There are some poundticipants who are just so awful that their weight is not even a factor in how hateful they are.
  9. Forget this “my body was craving” crap. Jeanne has nothing but excuses.
  10. That’s Corey and Evelin with the beach bar, his family are Mormon and his father died. Pole and Karine are the ones in Brazil with the kids. Those poor dogs would be much better off far away from the Jeanne and Barbara Horror Show.
  11. I almost bought mini cupcakes. But then I settled for a spinach and onion omelet with just a sprinkle of cheese.
  12. I forgot about Brandon’s abject terror of needles. He was a decent person and I expect he’s a success. I could do without seeing more of no-hy-Jeanne and her cockroaches though.
  13. Jeanne? Shower? Does she know what that is??
  14. We already had the park when she was “living” in it.
  15. And the cold-shoulder wardrobe is still going strong. It was hard to see past the other loathsome Angela to see that.
  16. Sure Dr Angie, the surgery gave you cancer. Now she’s malnourished too!
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