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Generation Y

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Posts posted by Generation Y

  1. On 7/3/2016 at 9:40 AM, Superpole2000 said:

    Both battles were excellent, but one major thing irritated me: The bravery and invincibility of Jon Snow was so incredibly over the top that it removed any suspense for me. Jon Snow really is the most Mary Sue of all Mary Sue characters I've seen on TV. And Ramsey was the most cartoon villainish of all cartoon villains. No subtlety in those characterizations at all.

    Agreed. I recently rewatched S6 again. Ramsay character was extremely over the top. The actor did nothing for me. I have to reiterate what another poster said about the Bolton's.

    They only exist because of the Starks. The element of surprise and mystery wasn't there for me. The character Ramsay was very predictable in terms of his next move. Roose was interesting as well. It sucks he died prematurely. I would have preferred a faceoff with a Stark rather than Ramsay finishing him off. 

    The scene with Jon Snow standing in the middle of the battlefield unharmed was Braveheartish. GoT should be well executed next season with more character development (primarily the Starks). 

  2. On 5/19/2017 at 4:35 PM, MoodyGirl said:

    I've always felt both Zach and Jeremy are not the brightest bulbs--I mean I like Zach, but he seems to say off the wall stuff sometimes or just doesn't know something I feel like he should know. And throw in that they can't finish their educational pursuits---or just can't find something to interest them. Like they are just immature. It's strange too because I know Amy has a college degree, not sure about Matt, but he certainly has had jobs and made money. And if the TLC money was good--and has been smartly invested--maybe they really don't have to worry too much about a career? I wonder if Zach gets disability too (not that that would be much)?

    Zach and Jeremy are not intelligent and don't speak eloquently. I always believed Molly was the smartest Roloff kid. Zach and Jeremy both lack motivation and they have become complacent. The TLC money have the Roloff kids living easy and comfortably. 

    On 5/20/2017 at 0:34 PM, MegD said:

    I don't think he's ashamed of being LP. I think he's more realistic about his condition than most of the family. He grew up with scary surgeries, social challenges, and health concerns as a regular part of his life. He also is aware that Jacob was born to give him a LP playmate, reemphasizing that he was different than other kids his age. When they were smaller, he was around Jacob a lot while Jeremy ran around with the average height children Zack couldn't keep up with. As he got older, he moved more to Jeremy's group, but it seems he was the tag-along and not really part of the group. Given some of the things that went on when they were teenagers, this ended up not being an awful thing, but it can be upsetting to a child.

    The reason I asked if Zach was ashamed was because he always expressed disappointment and his troubles. The convention episode opened my eyes. He described his ideal woman as an average height person. And looked uninterested in dancing with a LP female. Amy forced him to go to the convention to meet other LP young people his age. 

    I also noticed the change in the relationship between Zach and Jeremy around the teen years. In addition to Jacob growing up fast and Zach feeling like a third wheel around Jeremy's friends.

    Not trying to step on anyone's toes on this board. I see the majority here like Zach but that's what I observed. 

    • Love 2
  3. I watched LPBG since S1. 

    Zack has not grown up all that much. Based on the comments. I gather Zack is out of a job? Is he still a soccer coach?

    I'm not understanding the Audrey hate on this board. She does come off standoffish at times. But why is she hated here? Same goes for Jeremy is he not liked?

    I think viewers are over reading scenes. I don't think Jeremy is competing with Zach. There was a time Zach was jealous of Jeremy's career path moving away to college to become a photographer. While, Zach still had to figure out himself.

     Zach is now a father and has a lot of responsibilities ahead. I honestly believe Tori will be the caregiver. Zach seems clueless and dependent on her for support. 

    Does anyone remember the episode when Zach went to a LP conference? I believe it was that episode and season where he revealed he preferred average height women. 

    That was interesting reveal. Do you think Zach is ashamed of being LP? Zach always felt like the black sheep in his family despite having LP parents. 

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